Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"You would," Luce grimaced, nudging the door open. Wizard tilted his head up, and his eyes went a little higher.

"...Not a word," Luce warned violently as Wizard cleared his throat.

"...Not a word," he repeated innocently. "Got a present for you, either way, Luce. Everything is style for the rich folks, so I figured you'd need some appropriately stylish back-up." Wow, she looked...completely different. More like an angry girlfriend than...Luce.
Rayna knew that Wizard also saw how beautiful Luce's hair was. Even if he didn't say anything she could tell. She wished Luce would take compliments better, but it was okay. As long as she knew what others were thinking. Though she was definitely interested in whatever gift that Wizard had gotten her. A quick scan around the room and she saw Aernir wasn't around. Was he still out?
"Yeah yeah..." Luce mumbled. "Where is our favorite rice paddy?"

"Resting," Wizard said dryly. "Kali apparently took a personal liking to him,"

"Tch," Luce muttered, opening up the suitcase. "Fucking pig is what he is, fucks anything that even looks like they want to touch his dick." she said, holding up the long barreled pistol. Hm, a Mauser...complete with a nine inch barrel and a red dot. She had heard that the rich fucks liked carrying guns of function and practicality, but eh. It'd work, she liked the look of it.
Aernir had been asleep, but hearing the door open made him wake up. He wasn't initially going to say hi, but he did have to go to the bathroom like it was no ones business. And the moment he opened his door, he heard Luce's comment and he sighed. Fuck Wizard for telling Luce about him and Kali. Fucking traitor.

He attempted to sneak passed them, but he heard Rayna's voice calling out to him. "Aernir! We were just talking about you!" She said with a smirk, stopping him in his tracks.

"You don't say..." He grumbled, but he forced himself to move before he had to hear more of Luce's insults towards him.
"She did say," Luce mused, checking the chamber of the gun in satisfaction before sitting back on the case. "You got everything you need, Aernir?" They had a lot to plan for, and a lot to dress up for too. Ugh.
"Yep." Aernir called out before going into the bathroom and shutting the door. A nice suit, some special knives that wouldn't be detected. He was glad for once that he knew how to use something other than a katana, though with enough effort even those could be concealed...

"I'm..getting kind of hungry. And while fast food is okay, I was thinking maybe I could actually..cook. I learned a little bit from the chef at my house.." Rayna told Luce and Wizard. She was a little shy in her suggestion because she wasn't very good. Or at least she wasn't chef good but..she wanted to make things a little easier for them.
"...Sure," Wizard murmured. "That'd be great, Rayna. Saves us the trouble of going out again." A home cooked meal sounded really nice, none of them could cook and...well, he didn't trust Luce around anything with fire.

"Whatever," Luce replied. "Do what you want, Rayna."
Rayna smiled and then went into their kitchen. Truth be told they didn't really have much. She could tell they normally didn't cook, but it was enough. She managed to find some rice, and chicken that seemed to have been in the freezer for a long time. A can of peas and some seasonings. It wasn't much, but it was something.

Aernir came out of the bathroom only to smell the gas stove on. He could only assume Rayna was using it...Wizard and Luce never really cooked. Ever from what he had seen. Anything they had really came from Aernir, and he was just...bad at cooking anything other than rice. And he used their rice cooker for that. He joined Rayna in the kitchen and he raised an eyebrow. A rich girl like her was more capable than all of them?

Though she seemed to be focusing hard, so he just grabbed a can of soda out of the fridge and left her alone.
"Little miss stove top," Rayna commented as Aernir walked into the living room. Wizard was working on the details of the job, while Luce was loading up magazines for her rich girl gun. "She was all kinds of excited to start cooking."

"Might be a good thing," Wizard sighed. "Be nice to stop eating take-out every day, you know?"
"Or rice. Even I get tired of rice." Aernir said as he collapsed on the couch and put his feet up, crossing his legs. "Best to leave her alone. Hopefully she doesn't burn the place down if she gets distracted." She was being a lot more quiet than she had been since they brought her here. He kind of appreciated the quiet. Hopefully what she made tasted good, because it was already smelling good.
"I think it'll be fine," Luce mumbled, pointing the gun the wall as she tested the hammer, the trigger pull and the slide. Wizard watched her for a moment, head tilted before sliding a curious look to Aernir. Luce seemed...much less murderous than normal, today.
She did seem..not as nasty. So Aernir thought he would return the favor and compliment her. He had noticed her hair, and it looked nice. A harmless compliment, right? "You're hair looks good that way, Luce." He said casually as he took out a cigarette.
"Yeah," Luce muttered. "So what?" Okay, now Wizard was definitely concerned. He furrowed his brow in thought, licking his lips a moment. "...You uh, find something to wear?"

"Yep," she said, finishing loading up her magazines. "Why?"

"Just...curious." No sharp, snarky reply? No anger? No violent threat that she would undoutably act out on? What in the...was he high? Was she high?
What the..who the hell was this woman? Because Luce not insulting him after he just complimented her was a damn...miracle. She just took the compliment. "You're not...getting sick, are you Luce?" He asked carefully. What did Rayna do? What if they were actually like...doing it?
"No," Luce said, glancing at her with a more familiar expression of barely restrained annoyance. "...Why? Did I not answer your question to your standards, you fucking halfwit?"

"Oh thank god," Wizard sighed in relief, hand running through his hair. He was getting worried for a minute there...Luce glanced at both of them a moment, brow furrowing.

"...Alright," Luce muttered. "What? What the fuck are you two eyeballing me for?"
"You're different, Luce." Aernir said with a shrug as he lit up his cigarette. Well..she was still Luce but she wasn't being that way a hundred percent of the time now. That was...he wasn't sure how to feel about it at all. "Rayna's positive attitude must be making you a little less negative."
"..." Luce didn't say anything about that, finger tapping on the desk. "...And?"

"...And it' know, not bad?" Wizard tried. "I mean...that you're more...approachable?"
"Yeah. For once I don't feel like you're going to cut my dick off in your sleep." Aernir said with a smirk before he started hearing sizzling. Oh, Rayna was frying something? Interesting.
"Keep talking," Luce muttered. "I might wake you up before I do it, ass." Well, couldn't have everything at steps, right?

"Okay, okay..." Wizard chuckled. "We'll drop it."

"Appreciate it," Luce muttered. "Because I'm getting tired of hearing you two girls bleed on your tampons about feelings."
Aernir should have just left it alone. Now she was being as vulgar as ever. The sound of plates clattering eventually filled the room, and Rayna came out to set the table. He glanced over and she still seemed quite focused. What was with her?

Wasn't too long before she called out to all of them to tell theme everything was ready. "There wasn't much to make, but I made Cajun chicken and fried rice." She said with a smile.
"Oh boy," Wizard grinned, heading out to the kitchen. "It smells incredible, Rayna! This is just what we need before a big job."

Luce said nothing-as per usual, lately- and followed Wizard into the kitchen. It...did smell really good, actually.
"You did that with my rice?" Shit was that even onion and bean sprouts? They had that shit in their fridge? Whatever, he'd take it. The minute he sat down he started to go at it. It actually was super good. "Wow. Yeah, definitely what we needed it. Very good, Rayna." He told her as she handed them all cups and poured them iced water.

"I'm glad. First time I made something like that. I wasn't sure if it was going to come out well."
Rayna dug in herself, surprised by the flavor before ripping into it like a wild animal. Wizard blinked a little in surprise, halfway into his second fork full.

Tasty food, a treat. A treat for a good girl. Bland garbage for bad girls. Eat it fast, before the other girls see.
"You don't have to eat it so fast, Luce. I made plenty." Rayna's smiled dropped a bit as she looked at Luce with a worried expression. Aernir also had paused as he watched her eat. She had never really...eaten like that. At least not in front of them, and it had honestly been a good while since they all sat together.
"...So?" Luce muttered, almost defensively. Like a rabid dog who had found it first. "What about it? Fucking eat yours and stop staring at mine, Aernir."
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