Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Yeah, yeah." Aernir said casually before looking towards Rayna who seemed excited to go clothes shopping once more with Luce. She huh? With his luck lately with women, he could bet this wasn't going to be a good experience. Maybe he should go to a bar tonight to relax with a girl who'd be nice to him. "Where am I supposed to be meeting this Kali?"
"Brooklyn," Wizard murmured. "I'll send the address over, she deals in weapons and gunsmithing...don't mess this up, the fact that she was interested is a little concerning, Kali's a big name. Her shop is always open." And quite frankly, he was tired of Aernir being grumpy about how Rayna wasn't someone he could stick his dick into. Wizard wanted him out of the place for his own goddamn sanity.
"What are we paying her for, exactly?" Rayna asked as Aernir went back into his room to get himself ready to meet this big name dealer. And by ready, he needed to grab a few knives just in case. Why was a big name interested in their small ragtag team?
"Services rendered," Wizard murmured. "Supplying what we need, when we need questions asked. Guess us having a Mage really made us something important?" he shrugged. "I don't know, but arms dealers like her are worth having on our list, you never know what might happen."
"Word really got out that fast that I was on your team?" Rayna asked, her eyebrows arched with surprised. She hadn't even gone a mission yet, and she was helping them get more allies or contacts or whatever? That made her really happy...

Aernir walked out of his room and then down the steps. Brooklyn wasn't too far away but he might as well be as timely as possible to make a good impression.
"Word travels fast when you're in our line of work," Luce mumbled. "...Come on, let's whatever it is you want to do," Luce grumbled. Why couldn't Wizard get off his fat ass and do something for once? Ugh...

It wasn't really marked anywhere that the place was around, or even open. But Wizard's directions brought him right to it. It was a dignified place, classy...or as classy as a place could be, selling unregistered guns. There were a few items on the racks, most of them were hidden behind the Matrix. They'd see holograms, pictures...even get to hold and feel the look of something before they actually got the physical product. All in all, it looked more like a pawnshop, guns were just a minor thing...there was all kinds of items, from interesting knicknacks to utter shit. The woman behind the counter was a beautiful woman, a high priced cigar dangling from her full lips. Her grey eyes took in the tall man coming in, elbow resting on the bulletproof glass. She was wearing a suit vest, and a pair of slacks. Her ears glittering faintly with a myriad of piercings.

"Well, hello there, tall, dark and Asian." Kali purred, her voice husky and low. "I didn't ask for any sushi, but I'm starting to get hungry." she smirked, blowing out a puff of smoke. "What can I do for you?"
Aernir had his own way of getting around. He hated cars, but he loved motorcycles. They felt much more comfortable to control, because he could actually feel what he was doing. And he felt..alive when he rode them. She never did like it when he rode because she knew how fast he liked to go to feel that rush. But she wasn't here anymore and if a motorcycle crash would kill him, he deserved it.

Going into the shop, he looked around. Interesting place...probably made enough money being a supplier and all, but...this was a good hobby to have, he guessed. He brought his red eyes towards the counter, seeing a pretty gorgeous, mature looking woman behind it. He remembered Wizard's words. To be careful and make sure that he had the right person. How was he supposed to do that again? Never the less, he found her colorful manner of flirting cute. He was wearing his leather jacket to protect himself from the cold, but his under shirt didn't cover up his tats all the way. "You can do a lot of things for me, but first...why don't you tell me your name?" He asked with a charming grin as he approached her.
"Kali," she said casually, tapping ashes off her cigar. "Business or pleasure, handsome?" Ooh, had he spirit...she liked spirit. That made working all the better for her.
"Business first." Aernir responded as he casually leaned against the counter to look into her pretty eyes. "My name is Aernir. I am here to deliver a payment to you. Didn't expect such a pretty lady." He was laying it in thick today, but his recent interactions with two certain females were pretty bad. With Luce around, he had to censor himself a lot, too. But he was free now.
"Didn't expect someone trying so hard to get my pants down," Kali smirked in turn, blowing a puff of smoke in his face. "Consider my pants halfway down, pretty boy. Whatcha got for me?" she said, opening up her security link. Mm, from Wizard? Well, if she had known he had such a handsome little daredevil...were those Yakuza tattoos she saw peeking out? Not many japanese would walk around with them otherwise. "And you brought it to me personally, I'm touched."
He kept that grin on his face as he started to initiate the transfer. But while that was happening, he wanted to flirt some more. "I'm a gentlemen. A woman like you, I'd take on a date before I asked you to drop your pants for me." Aernir didn't mind the smoke at all, though it did make him want one of those fancy cigars she had. " smoke the best. All I got are these crappy gas station cigarettes."
"That right?" she smirked, tapping the ashes off her end again. "You a fan of cigars? These are Red Dragons, six hundred for five. I got a few in the back if your interested...Wizard wanted me to deliver something anyway," she murmured, nudging her head to move into the back. "C'mon, follow me...keep your eyes on my back, not my ass."
"I told you, Kali..I'm a gentlemen." Aernir insisted with a chuckle before following her to the back. He didn't listen to her, and it wasn't his fault. Those pants made her ass look great, and Aernir wasn't even a fan of women in pants.
"Gentleman means dick all when a woman's back is turned, pretty boy," she said, taking a another drag before blowing out the smoke after a moment. The back room was much more utilitarian, but still rather devoid of incriminating merchandise, she was a professional, after all. "Take a seat, I'll get your delivery."
Aernir took a seat and crossed his long legs as he watched her with a smirk. Right, the delivery. Did Wizard mention that to him? He honestly didn't remember...this Kali was pretty sexy and he was distracted. He hoped it wasn't anything too would be a bitch to bring back on his bike.
She returned with a click of her heeled boots, sitting down a bulletproof case. "Special present," she explained with a smirk, before handing him a Red Dragon. "The flavor is smooth, but there's a lot of it, don't choke on me over a six hundred cred smoke. Consider agreement of a business arrangement, hm?"
"Sounds good to me." Aernir agreed as he reached out with a thin hand and took the cigar. The sleeve of his leather jacket rode up just enough to where she would notice the end of the tattoo sleeve on his arm."Got a light, sweet heart?" He asked her, looking into her eyes directly. That case..must have been what Wizard needed. Normally he would have bitched about being an errand boy but...if he was going to keep sending him to hot chicks like Kali, he didn't mind.
"Naturally," she said, flicking out a gold lighter to light his smoke. "Savor the flavor, pretty boy...don't make me regret wasting a good cigar on you." she said, sitting down with another drag of hers and a exhale of smoke.
He inhaled deeply to get the cigar to burn, and he breathed in. Fuck, that was some good shit. It almost did make him cough...almost. Only because he held it in a little too long. But he gracefully exhaled, letting the smoke leave through both his mouth an nostrils. It burned good.

"I appreciate the gift. Best thing I've ever smoked." He told her as his eyes settled back to her. "I'm enjoying this...but there is something else I would have enjoyed more from you..."
"I bet," Kali smirked. "You got ten minutes?" she said, sitting her cigar down on her ashtray with a playful lick of her lips. "Cause I can have something else in my mouth for a little while...maybe when you're not on a schedule, we can talk about our second date, mm?"
"I've got more than ten minutes.." Aernir told her with a grin as his cock started to grow in his pants upon her implication. Pfft he didn't have anywhere to be right now.
"Oh really?" Kali laughed. "And what about your package, buddy? You just leave your people hanging over some pussy?" Dedicated, wasn't he? He wasn't the first, he was just one of the few who were actually good looking.
"Is it a time sensitive bomb or something? If not, it can wait. If he couldn't come here to pick it up himself, then he can wait a little while." Aernir was probably being selfish but damn it, it had been a long time since a woman who actually made him feel good about himself. "And you're not just some pussy..." He said as he took his third drag of the cigar and placed it besides hers. "You're a beautiful woman, Kali." He told her as he leaned in to caress her face.
"Uh huh," Kali said dryly, smirking. "How often do you piss that line into the bucket?" Ah, he was adorable. Trying to make a fling special? Eh, fuck it. She didn't have much going on today, nothing she couldn't do in an afterglow. Still, she wasn't moving away from his touch. "How about I unzip your pants and see if there's something worth choking on?"
"I think you'll be okay." Aernir said as he leaned back in his chair and took off his jacket, showing off his sleeves. He was proud of what he had..wasn't the biggest...but there were certain things you couldn't do with a big fuck a woman senseless. Seven and a half inches was more than enough, with plenty of thickness too.
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