Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Rayna looked at Luce and then back to the car. "If you insist." She said before a gust of wind pushed the two men away from the car, causing them to immediately draw their guns after they hit the ground and looked around. It wasn't long before the cause was spotted. They didn't even try to talk, they just pointed and shot.
Luce blinked a little in surprise before she grabbed Rayna by the arm and moved to cover with her, drawing her revolver. "...You really are a crazy bitch, aren't you?" she chuckled, cocking the hammer back with a smirk as bullets clipped off the building. People scattered, but nobody'd come. Cops didn't come down here, they'd just wait. "Nice trick, though...guess it doesn't hurt being a mage."
"I didn't want them taking our car. So I figured I'd get their attention." Rayna told her with a smirk. Though she could hear the foot steps steadily coming closer to them. She got herself ready, but she was sure that Luce would have some tricks herself.
"You're a devious little bitch, you know that?" Luce sighed. She heard the car door open, and Luce knew what that meant. Luce waited a moment, before moving out and low. The man was a fraction too slow as a .357 slammed into his groin and he let out a yelp of pain, gun clattering to the ground. The man in the car had shut the door, and was starting it.

"Rayna?" she asked curiously. Otherwise, they'd be walking. She moved closer regardless as the sedan started to pull off to the road.
Rayna thought about it for a moment before looking around and seeing what she could do..without destroying the car. She suddenly jumped out of cover, and the first thing the man did when he saw her was shoot at her. Whether it was by pure luck..she didn't get hit once. With one hand thrown out, she sent a zap of electricity through his body, stunning him just enough for her to grab the door open and then jump inside with him. She wrestled the gun out of his hand, and it dropped on the floor.
...Luce wasn't expecting her to do that. She was a mage, and yet she...right. Corporate Mage, it was hard to imagine her doing shit like this on a daily basis considering she seemed so ignorant about everything. Luce moved forward regardless as they struggled.

"You can cast lightning bolts and shit, so you just jump the bastard?" Luce snorted, grabbing the man by his ankles to drag him out of the seat.
"It was a weaker spell, meant to paralyze and not to kill. It was the only thing I had that wouldn't damage the car." Rayna explained as she let Luce drag the man out the car who was kicking and screaming and trying to get away.
"I suppose I don't really know what it is a Corporate Mage does," Luce admitted, stomping on his chest to make him stop squirming like a fish out of water. "Like...what, were you a cop?"
"I was station as a security officer at one of the larger facilities in the city. I didn't see much action, but they trained me a little for combat situations. I'm much better with spells though." Rayna explained as she watched Luce finish the guy off. "Wonder what that was about...why were they looking at the car?"
"Because it's nice, hacked and easy to steal," Luce shrugged. "We'll probably be scrapping it for money. Most people just have crappy little rides that get them from point A to point B. It's rough down here, you know?"

Hey, guys still out and about? Wizard said faintly. We've an interesting job.

Luce's brow furrowed a moment before motioning for Rayna to get in. Guess their shopping trip would be a quick one.
"What's wrong?" Rayna asked, not being able to hear Wizard's communication. She could see the look on Luce's face though. No thoughts invaded her head this time, though.

Call it what it is, a shitty job. Aernir didn't like it. Aernir thought they shouldn't accept it. He hated mage shit, and just because they had a mage, they didn't need to use her. Especially when she needed to just...lay low.
"Work," Luce murmured. "Come on...we need to get you wired before we start this," she said, shutting the car door. "If you're going to be part of the team, you need to be able to communicate with us."

Hold that thought, Wizard...I'm going to get Rayna set up. A shitty job, huh? Great, just what they needed.
Rayna hadn't even known if they were still planning on letting her join the team but..she was glad to hear it. "I can't wait..." She said softly before she put on her seat belt. Her foot brushed against the gun that had been knocked out of that mans hand earlier. She picked it up, carefully and placed it in the glove compartment. She didn't know anything about guns yet. She didn't want to fire it on accident or something.
Shopping was brisk, mostly because they were in a hurry. She forgot how expensive inner ear comms were, but it'd be worth it. Rayna was dressed in clothing of her choice instead of old hand-me downs. She'd hopefully fit right in, Luce pretty much just had to accept that she'd be stuck with way or another as they got out of the car to their wonderful apartment building, stuffing her hands in her pockets as they headed up the stairs.

"...Hey, Rayna?" Luce mumbled. "...You're alright." Sure, she was ignorant to just about everything, she had stupid ideas on how Fixing worked...but...well, she was a good person. Luce didn't mind good people, she just didn't know what to do with them.
Rayna had refrained from getting an inner ear comm because of an old superstition that went on between mages. Any alteration done, even the smallest ones had the chance of interfering with their magic. While it had been proven true for things like cyberware and even bioware, little things like chips and commlinks didn't have much of an effect on a mage if any. She didn't mind getting it since it was for a good cause.

Rayna had chose something especially flashy and ominous looking for her clothes. The corset really accentuated her curves, and her skirt and stockings really did complimented her long legs. The ominous part was the hooded cape she chose to compliment it all. Maybe she went a bit overboard one would forget her look at least. She also bought some stuff to wear around the house, more underwear, things of that nature. She thanked Luce even though she didn't seem all too happy about the end cost of it all.

At the end of the day, she was happy. All she needed was to prove to everyone she could pull her weight. When Luce called her name she looked to her. "Thanks...Luce. That means a lot." She said with a smile. "...Can I hug you?"
Luce glanced at her a moment, her expression taking a neutral look before sighing. "...If you want," she muttered. She'd never stop doing that, would she? Luce wouldn't admit how nice it felt to...feel like someone wanted to do that with her, but there was still that lingering paranoia that'd never leave.
Rayna giggled and just when they got up the stairs she hugged Luce tightly. For a long time to. She just..enjoyed the physical contact and she felt in a way that this was very comforting. "..Thank you so much." She told her as she nuzzled into her neck.
"Y...Your welcome," Luce muttered, her hands awkwardly at her sides. "Okay, okay...that's enough..." she mumbled, not that she...really tried to push her away, or anything like that. She felt vulnerable, but she supposed anyone would. Ugh, she couldn't wait for this job...she really, really wanted to kill something and get paid for it. All of these feelings were starting to make her a little nauseous. All this ghost talking and...mind reading, and...pah. Enough of it was enough.
Rayna immediately released her, wanting to respect her wishes. But at least this time she didn't get threatened. They made their way to where Wizard and Aernir were. Aernir looked at Rayna and he had to double take. She looked really, really good in that new outfit.

"Who paid for that...?" He asked. He could already tell that had an expensive price tag, and Luce was more of a practical spender...
"Your fucking mother, who else?" Luce said by way of greeting. Ah...that felt great. She already felt better as she sat down, propping her feet up on the table. Wizard glanced at Aernir, scratching his neck. Ignorance was bliss, he supposed...

"Um...alright then...our job, Aernir?"
Well, he walked right into that one. Whatever secret relationship those to had together..he'd never find out. Ever. Because Luce was bitcy, and Rayna was her little puppy dog. If she hung around Luce too long she'd probably take on the same insufferable attitude. "Oh, you mean the job that I said we shouldn't take since it has to do with magic bullshit?" Aernir asked him, definitely not in the best of moods.
"Hey, we have a Mage, that opens up opportunity...anyway, Rayna...this is perfect for you," Wizard grinned. "You said you wanted to be part of the team, right? Well, we're set up for a good one. You know a guy named Maxwell Brandt?"
Rayna was instantly familiar with the name, and she nodded. A broad smile was on her lips because not only were they going to go on their first mission so soon, she was helpful. "I know him, yes. I used to play with his son Matthew when I was a child."
"Well, we've got a report from a 'concerned party' " Wizard airqouted a moment. "That Maxwell is starting to get into some...creepy shit. He's been inviting a lot of mages lately, regardless of their social status...assuming there are poor mages out there. And they just...vanish."

"What do you mean, 'vanish'?" Luce muttered. "How do Mages vanish?"

"Nobody knows," Wizard shrugged. "He hosts these parties all the time, and the names keep coming up the same...but some of the people on his RSVP list have been missing for months."
Rayna thought about it for a moment, narrowing her eyes. Mages disappearing didn't sound good. One of them alone was powerful enough to take care of multiples. There was a number of things she could think of as to why someone would kidnap a mage but...speculation was ueselss. "I doubt that Mr. Brandt remembers what I look like. Perhaps I can go to one of his parties under cover and find out what might be happening. If he's killing them, maybe I can find a spirit to tell me what happened."
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