Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"He didn't seem bad. How do I know if people are bad, Luce?" She asked as she went inside the restaurant, keeping close to her. Well..she had never truly been to any restaurant like this. It was definitely..different. And a bit dirty looking but...she wasn't going to say anything.
"...Picture me, but not wanting to like you," Luce muttered. If she didn't get it then, she had no idea. "Or Aernir, without his charm." The place was a dirty hole, to be completely honest. The people there were working class guys and people of questionable talent, much like Luce. It was something of an old west tavern, so long as you didn't start shit, no shit happened. And most didn't want any shit to start. "Welcome to the real world, princess."
As they took a seat, Rayna was really making a lot of eye contact with the women and men here. They looked..rough. Some were returning her glance with a smile...though she questioned whether or not their smiles were friendly or if they meant something else. But then there were some peoples eyes she met, where they were unfriendly and piercing...probably from paranoia of being watched.
"Stop staring," Luce said with a dismissive wave. "Nobody likes that shit, Rayna...and you don't want the ones that do," she muttered. "You look as new to the world as you are, that's not good down here, act you know this place."
Rayna's eyes looked towards Luce and she sighed softly. "So the people staring at you and me...I wouldn't like them. Okay. I'll look at..something else. Like maybe a menu." She didn't feel afraid really of any of these people. She felt like, perhaps, she could defend herself quite well against anyone who tried her.

She reached over to one of the menu's that were propped up on the side of the table. Her eyes scanned it but finally she saw her favorite item. There were so many variations of an omelette. She never realized that.
"...See something you like?" Luce asked idly, elbows resting on the table. She knew what she got every time she came here, really. Some things just never changed, food was one of them..even if the ingredients changed, the flavors were generally the same...ish.
"Yes. I like omelettes but there are so many kinds they serve here. I actually..don't know what kind of omelette I like. Maybe I should stick with a plain one." Rayna looked up at Luce. "Have you ever had one from here before?"
"All of them are good, Rayna," Luce said dryly. "You tellin' me that you've never had an omelette with any choices? In that big rich mansion you used to live in?"
" Nothing like this. There's a lot of things I didn't know could go into an omlette. Like ham and chicken and bacon. All in one. I don't know. Maybe I should try something different."

As they spoke, a plump looking waitress with a sour face came up to their table. "What can I do you fer?" She asked lazily as she looked down at the two. She recognized the brunette, and she knew she'd more than likely want the same thing. The blonde was new though. New to town from the looks of her.
"Sausage gravy and biscuits with bacon, and toast...with jam on the side." Whatever it actually was made of, who knows? It tasted sort of like that, people liked to cling to the old ways of food...made them feel like they weren't poor as dirt, so they ignored what it was made of, how it was made. And they were just glad to have it.

"She'll have an omelette with ham, bacon, greens and reds...and cheese." Rayna murmured.
The black haired woman scribbled down the order and then looked back up at Luce. It was clear the other one wasn't ordering, so there was no point in even looking at that pretty face. "OJ with that?" She asked as Rayna admired the woman. Her eyes moved freely, looking at the girls large backside. She wasn't supposed to stare but...well it was interesting to her. The different shapes and sizes of people. Everyone and everything here was interesting.
"...Never seen a butt before?" Luce said coyly, smirking. "Let me guess, no big people in the rich world?"
The waitress was confused at her words, and then looked at Rayna. She narrowed her eyes when Luce called her big, but she didn't say anything. It's not like it didn't come with the territory. "Anything to drink?" She repeated.

"I'll take tea." Rayna answered as she looked at Luce. "There are big people, but they aren't as shapely. They are usually round everywhere." The waitress was big, but she just had a lot of bulk in her thighs and was the first time she had seen a body type like that.
"Tea," she said, waving her off. She'd deal with it, there were worse things to be called out here.

Whore. Slut. Abandoned little whore, how cheap is she? Cheap enough to break, cheap enough to get another one when she breaks.
The waitress was fuming by the time she left. Maybe if she spat in their food, she'd so those skinny fucking bitches. But she'd risk her job doing that sort of thing...

"...Luce. You're beautiful and irreplaceable." Rayna said out of the blue.
"...Huh?" Luce blinked faintly a moment. "...I'm paying for your food already, you know, you don't need to butter me up," she smirked. "Do you swing that way? It's probably better than the other option." It was kind of creepy when she did that...
"I just feel like any pleasures are better than no pleasures. I have always been an hedonist. Whatever makes me happy, I do it." She admitted, though it wasn't really a direct answer. Rayna herself didn't know what she was attracted to. She like Aernir but she liked Luce more.
"Hedonist, huh?" Luce mused thoughtfully. "Interesting...didn't figure you the type, you look way too stuck up....what exactly have you explored that makes you a hedonist, exactly?"
"Nothing really. Just a few books." Rayna said with a giggle. "I just feel like I want to experience everything the world has to offer. Because...we're all going to die at some point, so...I don't want to deny any of lifes pleasures, no matter where they come from."
"Huh," Luce mumbled. "Sure, why not? We'll do something like that." Honestly, she was so fucking tired of being in her own head, it sounded like something worth doing.
"Do what? Enjoy life's pleasures? Because that's definitely a good idea. We can do it together, in fact, sharing this meal together is considered a "pleasure". I can't wait to taste something new, that wasn't prepared by a chef with the "freshest" ingredients. I've always wanted to know what "garbage" tastes like. That's what my parents called anything that wasn't considered fresh."
"Garbage is...a term I wouldn't use down here," Luce reminded dryly. The stares they were getting from the cooks was enough, but a neutral glance in their direction made them reconsider whatever it was they think they were going to do to their food. "It's not 'garbage' here,'s food. People eat this stuff regularly. And you're not going to be getting the top grade shit anymore either, so you better start calling it what it is: food."
"Then I look forward to trying this "food". I don't mind it though. I drank water last night that didn't taste good at all, made me appreciate the water I used to drink." She explained as the waitress came back and then placed two glasses of sweet tea and a couple of straws in front of them, leaving before she could hear anymore insults.

"Like this....isn't tea. But it is brown like tea." She moved her hand over and brought the glass closer, sipping on it a little. "It...tastes a bit like tea. But it's very sweet. I like it."
"That's probably because whatever you got is real tea, with leaves and whatnot," Luce explained, fist resting against her cheek. "We don't get that kind of luxury down here."
Rayna moved her hand over to her straw and sighed softly. "Why not? Is it too expensive to have real tea? It's just a plant, with water." Rayna pointed out, looking off to the side. "I mean, I don't mind this. It's different. But I find it hard to believe that tea is a luxury..."
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