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Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Right," Luce mumbled, bristling somewhat before relaxing. "...Just...come on, let's go before they start asking a bunch of retarded questions." she muttered. Shopping. Ugh, when was the last time they had done that? Never?
Rayna followed Luce out, though she noticed Aernir's door was open. He was on his bed still, laying down. Didn't seem like he was really awake. She decided to keep quiet since it would be rude to wake him up. Though as soon as she stepped closer to his door, he suddenly started stirring and sat up, looking lazily at the door. "...Rayna?"
"We're going out, Aernir," Luce answered for her. "Call me if something happens, alright?" Faster she got out of there, the more comfortable she'd be.
"..Okay?" Aernir answered but lazily went back to bed. Long night it must have been for him.

Rayna and Luce got out of the apartment without too much interruption. They got into the car together again, and Rayna this time could buckle herself up, jimmying the fastener just right. "What kind of things do you like for breakfast, Luce?" She asked as the other woman slid in the vehicle.
"A lot," Luce admitted. "...But I kind of enjoy eating anyway. I like eggs, bacon...pancakes, you know, the normal stuff. It' know, nice."

Hunger. Hungry. I've got something for you. The same thing he always had, nothing else but the salty taste on her tongue. Hungry. So she wanted more. The laughter kept her stomach filled with shame she wished she could ignore.

She started the car and pulled onto the road. "I got a place we can go," she murmured. "What about you, Rayna? I'm sure rich people eat something fancy?"
Rayna heard the words but ignored them. Luce didn't want her in her mind, so she couldn't let her know that she was. Even Rayna didn't know how to not hear these thoughts. She hesitated for a moment before laughing a bit. "W-well, I umm...I really like omelettes and crepes and normal stuff too." She told her, stuttering a bit over her words.
"...Okay," Luce mumbled, glancing at her. Luce considered herself perceptive, so she sighed a little as she slumped back. "...Hearing things again?" she muttered. "You can't switch them off, can you?" Ugh, she really couldn't just...ignore it, could she?
"No. I can't." Rayna said, frowning and looking out the window. "'s alright. I am tuning it out more and more. I don't want to listen to things that you don't want me to hear." That part...was a half truth. Tuning them out was hard, she wasn't sure if it would get any better than this.
"...You're just going to drag me all out, aren't you?" Luce muttered. She knew she wanted to talk about it, Luce didn't know if...she knew how much she wanted to talk about it. But it was almost freeing in a way, someone who could...actually relate. But it was a frightening concept.

"...Look, just...if you want to ask, ask." Luce muttered. "...fucking hell if I want to actually answer, but...I can't seem to stop that bullcrap from going into your head anyway."
"How...long has this been happening to you? Or how long did it go on before you escaped?" Rayna didn't know why she was asking questions when it would probably just hurt Luce. But she felt like..she hadn't seen all of it. Just bits and pieces, that could run on for months...she felt like if she had been in a coma for a year, she could relive each experience she had in those days of unconsciousness.
"Long as I remember," Luce murmured. "Never knew anything else. Been...I don't know, ten years since then?"

No Mom, No Dad. Sad. Sad. Sad. Little Girl. Always alone. Always miserable. Smiling men in a car, are you hungry? Yes. Starving. All you need to do is make us feel good.
"So you've never really seen the good side of people. Just those disgusting men who offered you kindness only to do those terrible things to you...and then you see people like my parents who have everything they want. So much that they can hire people like you to do their dirty work and get back the things they can't buy with money directly. Aernir and Wizard are the closest you've ever been with people, and even still they keep their distance with you. That's..." Rayna trailed off and squinted her eyes. Sad. It was sad.
"...What the hell are you seeing, my life story?" Luce frowned, glancing at her. "How do you know that?" Creepier and creepier...
"I hear it sometimes, but also I'm just..putting together the pieces. Just thought about being a lonely, hungry girl and...." No. Rayna didn't have to go into detail about this. "I promise I'm not doing this on purpose. It's...possible that I'm hearing your thoughts through him." She glanced up at the evil spirit constricting itself around Luce, trying to make it's victim angrier and angrier just so he could stay attached to this earth longer to torture her more.
"...Him?" Luce muttered. "Who the fuck is 'him'?" she said faintly. Him was...vague, like a boogeyman, her words made Luce's skin crawl.

All the same. All of them were all the same. Eyes blank, staring at a mirror. Panting, groaning. Shame, the flush of pleasure she didn't want, or need. A promise and a kiss on the cheek that tomorrow would be better. Liar. All of them were liars. All of them would die. They would bleed, screams were music, she the conductor.

...She knew, Luce almost broke the steering wheel from her grip when she realized. She wouldn't even say his name, she wouldn't give him the pleasure.

"...Let's get breakfast," Luce decided, picking up speed.
Rayna didn't answer right away. Even when she was about to, more words filled her her head that caused her to stop. She was silent for a moment, and then she decided to ask one more question. "Did you kill them all?" It would have been better for her to drop it, but she just couldn't help but be curious.
"...Yes," Luce murmured. Her voice wasn't angry, it was even. Calm. Like talking about the weather. She didn't know why it was so easy to talk to her about it, maybe because...she believed her when she said that she saw it. "Slowly." she said, her lips spreading into a wide, predatory grin. She knew where to cut, she knew every corner to cut to make it hurt, and make it last.

Sobbing, crying...a bloody knife. Stab. Stab. Gagging, coughing, hacking...falling over. Wishing for a faster death, eyes wide with terror. The bloody face of a girl whose heart was shattered into a million pieces, spreading into a feral grin. Stab. Stab. Stab. Places that didn't matter, places where the blood would flow slowly. Stab. Stab. Stab. Pleasure, pleasure that didn't make her feel like less of a person, pleasure that didn't make her cry afterward. Pleasure that only felt good, and kept staying good. They were begging, the grin never left. Stab, stab, stab.
Rayna looked at the smile on Luce's face. It was probably the first time they had talked about this and she felt good about it. That smile said everything, she didn't have to hear her thoughts. Killing was what made her feel good, but it still never set her free. No...she still was being held down, and she just used killing as a way to distract herself.

"I'm those people can't hurt you or anyone else again." Rayna commented, her voice soft and low. She didn't have anymore questions.
"...Yeah," Luce murmured, although that grin never left for a while. It eventually lingered away as they pulled into a greasy spoon, a place stuck on a street corner that looked more dangerous than a warzone. Greasy spoons were places of the people, where the food was better than the locale. You'd never have finer food in Seaboard City than the food of the unwashed masses.
Rayna didn't really seem to be bothered by the dangerous area. She was more intrigued about the appearance, and the type of people. There were sirens off into the distance, far, far away. She wondered what those meant. She started to walk towards the restaurant, but a beggar reached out and grabbed her by the arm.

"Hey pretty girl. Got any money on ya? It's for a good cause." The older man said. He was wearing a very long trenchcoat, with bulges here and there. One could only wonder what he was hiding.
Luce was already on him in an instant, her hand grabbing his and twisting viciously. There was a pop of a dislocation and a revolver against his chin, Luce cocked the hammer back with a faint growl.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" she said casually. "I've got bad hearing, you see. But it sounded like something that I wasn't going to like."
Rayna looked at his hand for a moment, but before she could tell him that she had no money..Luce grabbed him by the arm and was making his scream. Once he felt the cool metal of the gun against his face, he started panicking. "N-nothing! I d-din't say a-anything!" He cried out as he stood perfectly still, even though the pain in his arm was excruciating. "Please let me go and I won't bother anyone again!"
Luce lowered the hammer on her revolver, holstered it...then gripped his other shoulder. "Hold still, you shit," Luce muttered, before she twisted and pushed...and as painful as it was, the joint slammed back into the socket.

...She was getting soft. Either that, or she was too hungry to indiscriminately murder.
The man howled in pain, feeling his joint pop back into place thanks to the person who pulled it out at the beginning. He wasn't sure whether to be thankful or extremely angry but..he ran as soon as she let him go.

"Who was that? A bad man?" Rayna asked Luce as she watched him scurry out of sight.
"A scumbag," Luce muttered, arms crossing. "Stay close to me, Rayna, alright? There's all kinds of people around here that will take advantage of you, don't you dare let them."
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