The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Naturally..." Robin said with a small laugh, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly. He'd be able to feel her...or rather what had happened to her. She was certain it was his..but there was that small amount of doubt that it might have belonged to Ike. It would not be hard to tell after the baby was born, as the royal family all shared that same strange birthmark. It was strange to think about, but this baby should be Lucina, which was why she wasn't too worried. "But Chrom..I don't want to talk about that right now. I just..." Damn, there were the tears. She couldn't hold them back.
"Shh," Chrom murmured, fingers brushing across her cheeks. "I know," he assured. "Right's good that both of you are alive," he murmured, forehead resting against hers. "That's all that matters to me right now, Robin...we can talk things out later." he assured. There was a lot to talk about...but was it so wrong for a man to just want to enjoy the company of his wife?
"Right.." Robin missed this. She missed her husband a lot. It was good to be back in his arms again. She didn't think she would ever see him again, and they left on such bad terms. "I'm sorry for everything..I just missed you so much, Chrom." She pressed her lips against his. She didn't care who was watching. She just needed her husband right now.
He returned it with a faint smile. "I missed you too, Robin...I'm glad you and Lucina are safe," he said, fingers linking with hers. "...But...Ylisse is no more," he mumbled. "...I don't even know if anyone is left."
"..I heard." All of her friends..they were gone. She just leaned her head against his chest, savoring the feeling of his hand against hers. "I..maybe if I was there, I could have done something. If only I was there...our army wouldn't have been slaughtered." There was so much guilt she held...

"Mother..if you were there, you would have died. Ike...Ike was the knight that commanded that monsters army. It took the four of us to bring him down. No doubt he would have had you assassinated to make things easier for them. Don't blame yourself." Lucina told her as she walked over. She didn't want to ruin the moment, but her mother had been blaming herself since she heard what had happened.

"...Really? Ike...?" Robin was..very shocked. She couldn't see him being the one responsible.
"It's hard to believe, but we fought him at the river," Link interjected, arms crossing as Zelda's healers tended to Sona, and Alondite circled them like a mother hen.

"I don't get it, though." Link frowned. "...There was nothing different about him, not one bit. I find it hard to believe that Ganondorf is working on Ike's loyalty alone to a paycheck...if he's even getting paid."
"I doubt he's doing it for the reward." Zelda joined them after she had checked on Sona and Impa. She was relieved to see that she was alive and well. Mainly because she herself wasn't sure what Ike was planning. "I have hired mercenaries before..if he only did things for money, he would have turned on us long before Ganondorf took the last piece of the triforce. It's very possible he might be trying to do something from the inside. The question is..what is he trying to do?"
"Lord Chrom, Queen Zelda," Link introduced in passing as Chrom nodded.

"...With all due respect, my lady," Chrom mumbled. "He has committed much in the name of the Black Knight, I don't know if it's even worth it is right now, he is a threat. I doubt Ylisstol is the first atrocity he has committed...just the largest."
"I know, Lord Chrom. I am sorry for you and Lady Robin's loss. I truly am. But..." Zelda sighed softly as she took Link's hand. This was all..very confusing..and it pained her to know what Ike was doing. "Even so, if there is an opportunity where we can gain more knowledge or power to defeat Ganondorf...we should take it. Ike will pay for his crimes, but only after we take back this world from the darkness. If he is ever willing to lend his services to us again..then we should let him. We need every chance we can get. And if he gets in our way again, we should take him alive and interrogate him. He probably knows more than Lady Palutena does."
"I am not working with that monster," Chrom said, arms crossed. "I don't care what you know of him, or what you think he is...I know what I saw, and what I saw was an entire town dead before I knew it, what I heard was Ike's armies trampling my retreating men and cutting them down like dogs," he muttered. "You would let that man walk in here and offer to help, after everything he has done!?"
"You don't have to. Ike works well alone." Zelda pointed out with a shrug. "I'm just speculating here. I won't ignore the fact that we need all the help we can get. If we were a threat, then Ganondorf or Medusa would have stepped in, not let you all get away. We have two Goddesses, but as it currently stands..neither one of them can stand up to Medusa yet. She has too many believers..people who think they'll be murdered in their sleep if they don't worship her."
Chrom crossed his arms with a frown. "Wait...are you saying-"

"That Medusa and Ganondorf don't think we're worth the trouble? Essentially, yes," Link murmured. "And they'd be right, for every two that Zelda mentioned being afraid of her...there are more believers of her that are real. She is a goddess in every sense of the word."
"A simple solution to this hypothetical problem is letting Ike work alone. Cooperating with him would be one thing. Trusting him is something completely different. If he parts ways with our enemy and tries to help, let him. From what I know of Ike..he would want to repent for his actions alone. Assuming he hasn't been corrupted by those monsters." Robin commented as she nuzzled against Chrom. She would never forgive him, but if they could somehow use him to their advantage, they should take that opportunity.
"...You're all serious," Chrom mumbled, hand on Robin's head. "You truly believe he is not on their side?"

"No," Link murmured. "I personally don't believe that Ike has done this just because, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to accept it. Zelda and Robin are right, we should just let that play out. As it stands, anyway...we can't do anything."
"That's can't do anything about Ike. So...we should all get some rest." Palutena interjected from where she was sitting. She was loud enough so they could hear. She stayed out of that entire conversation...she didn't know what Ike was doing, all she knew was that he had good intentions. But perhaps he simply wanted them to be against him, and if that was the case, she'd leave it alone. "Also, we should enjoy each other. It's been a long time since I saw my Pit. I can only imagine how it must feel to see your wife and child again after so long, Chrom." The goddess gave him a smile. They just needed to relax...stressing about things they couldn't change wouldn't help.
"I...yes," Chrom flushed, glancing away from her a moment in embarrassment. "...Forgive me for asking, my lady...but...who are you?" he murmured. "You have powers I have never seen...until recently, at any rate."
"My name is Palutena. I was once the Goddess of Light, but right now I am no Goddess. Not with Skyworld being ruled by Medusa. My believers were killed or converted...The angels and the centurions obey her now. But...I have no intention of getting them back. At least not yet." After all, where she had next to no one to believe in her...Ashunera had the entire country of Tellius behind her. Especially when they were all protected by her holy light. It was better just to help her instead.
"...I see," Chrom mumbled, in a voice that sounded diplomatically polite. He honestly had no idea what she was talking about, but the basics were easy enough to follow. "Then...that explains what we saw before the world changed." The raining of stars...he had thought it was odd, almost omnious. He didn't know if mobilizing everyone was the smart choice or not, but he supposed it would have happened one way or another.

"Yes," Link murmured. "Skyworld torn open, for Medusa to take residence."
"It still doesn't make sense. Ganondorf...I can see why he wouldn't interfere. He thinks he's unstoppable. But Medusa...why would she let Palutena-." Zelda began before Palutena interrupted her with the clearing of her throat.

"It doesn't matter," She began as she stood up. "It doesn't matter why or how. The important thing is, we're together. And asking questions we may never know the answer to will stress us out. Why don't we something together?" She asked them as she clasped her hands together. "It's been a long time since I've eaten anything, vegetable soup sounds amazing!"
The group blinked at her a moment in surprise, and Chrom's stomach rebelliously let out a thunderous little rumble, hand on his stomach with a faint grin of embarassment.

"...They uh...don't feed you very well," he mumbled slightly. "Anything would be good at this point."

"...Well," Link laughed. "I guess Palutena is right, we can't do anything right there's no sense in worrying."
"I am right, and Chrom's rumbling tummy confirms it. The reason why I say vegetable soup, is because these underground pixies grow lots of fresh and delightful vegetables. The best kind, because they use their own light to nurture their crops. It makes a difference, trust me. I'll go see if they're willing to share some food with us right all should just relax! I mean it! Pit..come help me out, I need you to carry some things...wait, where is he? Pit?!"

Zelda, Lucina and Robin watched as Palutena wandered off in search for some food..and for a missing Angel. They all couldn't help but laugh a bit. It was...oddly comforting to have the Goddess there with them, even if she claimed to be one no more. "Well..I suppose we should do what she says." Zelda told them.
Samus had retreated with her loyal little general, and Ganondorf too returned to Ylisstol for now. In truth, everything went more or less as he expected...he didn't think that Ike would nearly get himself killed, but he knew that his love was displeased. What interested him, however...was why she did not consider assisting? It was something that he went to investigate as he appeared the throne room. It was empty, completely. Ganessa was there, looking...surprisingly happy.

"My love," Ganondorf grinned. "My two loves, rather." So...was this why? She forgoed the defeat of her hated enemy because of their daughter?
Medusa was fuming, though her expression was neutral since Ganessa was there. "Daddy!" Ganessa ran to him almost immediately for a hug, completely oblivious to what had been going on. Medusa was quiet, mainly because she didn't understand how they managed to get away. If you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself. But her daughter was much more important to her. It wasn't like any of those curs were a threat. But...still. She was annoyed that she had lost her foot stool.
"And what are you doing, my little devil?" Ganondorf smirked, scooping her up to rest her on her shoulder. "Bugging your mother, are you?" he asked, moving up to her. She was angry, furious even...but composed. Only the occasional twitch of her snakes gave it away.
"No," Ganesssa growled, but she wasn't annoyed for very much longer when he placed her on his shoulder. It might as well have been flying to her...her dad was huge, and she loved high places! "Mommy was playing with me! She cheered me up because I was sad. She even promised to spend more time with me, you should too!" She told him as she played in his wild mane of hair.

"You should," Medusa passively agreed as she stood up. She wasn't as angry with him as she was with their underlings. He shouldn't have had to lift a finger in the first place. Those people were flies to him...but still. He couldn't have done..something? He was close enough to wipe them out. "Ganessa said she's been feeling lonely. So I promised she'd have my undivided attention for few hours a day."
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