The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Right," Link mumbled. "All at once," he instructed, giving his Master Sword a faint twirl as Ike shifted his stance to his normal one. Link was first, his shield a feint that Ike almost took, but it was enough to give Lucina an opening as Chrom moved a step behind Link.
Lucina felt an odd rush. Sona's magic was channeling straight into her blade. She wasn't as fast, but it didn't matter. She knew what Sona was up to. A diversion for her father...the moment her blade would strike, Sona's magic would release in that one blow.
Ike saw Lucina coming, and immediately went to block. His pommel connected, and then there was a flash of light. It was almost painful, so painful that Ike didn't even register when Chrom's blade sunk into his ribcage from the side. When the light faded, the pain rushed in.

"This is for Ylisse, you monster!" Chrom growled, ripping the blade out in an arc of blood. Ike staggered back with a pained grunt as Link advanced. He spat blood in Link's face, who blocked it...but gave Ike time to bring his massive blade to bear and swing in a huge gust of energy and dark magic before he stabbed it into the ground with a grunt. So...this was it? This was how he died? The cold waters behind him, his former friends ahead of him...this is how he ended his life?

So be it.

"Give up, Ike." Link frowned. "You can't keep this up."

"I can't," Ike said, taking a step back. "But I'm not going to give you the victory you need, Link...nor the one you want."

"This is it!?" Link spat. "This is what you want!? To be a butcher? A traitor to everything you fought for!?"

"A mercenary has no allegiance," Ike muttered. "I'm no hero, Link. Not like you, I'm just a hired sword...I always have been. Samus." he called. "Retreat, immediately."
"Not without you." Samus seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind him. She had to create a diversion so that they would let them leave in peace. And she had a good target now that she wasn't putting off that troublesome aura. "Perhaps one day you all will get your revenge, but not today. There are things we still need to do." Samus muttered before Sona screamed in pain.

Lucina whirled around, seeing Sona surrounded by shadow creatures all lashing out at her. She was too tired to defend herself properly!
"Dammit!" Chrom said, turning immediately to rush over and attack, Ike slumped back against Samus. His breath starting to weaken as the trio moved to fend off the shadows. They had barely harmed Sona, but it was the breath they needed to make their escape.
The shadows weren't very strong, it was just that Sona was weak. By the time they destroyed them, Samus and Ike were gone. Tch..figured. "Sona..are you alright?" Lucina asked as she moved to support the woman. The shadows got her good from behind..damn backstabbing woman.

"..No. He got he can do more bad things..." This wasn't Ike...She knew that better than any of them. Lucina sighed and then looked up at Link and Chrom.

"We should go, father." They had defeated their main pursuer..they needed to find some place safe to recover now.
"Agreed," Chrom murmured, sheathing his sword.

"We have a place," Link promised, sheathing his sword as well. "Let's hurry, we might not have much time."

"It's good to see you well, Lucina," Chrom smiled. "...Is...your mother doing well, too?"
"More than well," Lucina began as she helped Sona along. "She's carrying your child, father. We...were worried that we wouldn't see you tell you the good news." It was..interesting to say the least. Having two women who were pregnant on this journey to find safety. Zelda couldn't hide it anymore, but everyone knew weeks before she started showing.
"...Wh...what?" Chrom blinked in surprise. "She..she's pregnant?"

"Now isn't the time to be struck over it," Link said, even if there was a faint, somewhat strained smile on his face. "Let's hurry, Lucina...lead the way."
"Ah, sure. It's just..Sona is getting harder to-." Lucina heard something drop to the ground, and she stopped. Sona had passed out and dropped Ragnell. "Can one of you carry her? She needs medical attention..." She hadn't lost that much blood, had she?
Link moved over to her, sheathing his sword and slipping his shield on his back as he checked her heartbeat. "She's fine," he assured, much to the relief of them all as he scooped her up. "Just tired, I think..."

"...I take it you know her?" Chrom murmured curiously.
Lucina picked up Ragnell. was kind of heavy. How did Ike swing it around so casually? How did she swing it around so casually? "Yes...she's..well she was Ike's friend. Back when Ike was fighting against Ganondorf and not for him...she knew him longer than any of us. I really feel bad for her." Lucina started leading them to where they had decided to settle for now. It wasn't too far, and she could only hope that everyone had returned safely. They did something stupid today, but..seeing her father again was worth it. Sona too.
"...Wait," Chrom murmured. "That...that monster was on your side?"

"Once," Link grunted. "...I considered him a friend, yet I don't know what he's doing with Ganondorf...he is...was, one of the bravest, most resolute men I have ever met. Why he would do this is beyond me."
"It doesn't matter why. He was the black knight..he was the man who slaughtered our people." Lucina muttered as she led them through the dead forest. A huge tree was in view now..that was there destination. Or rather, underneath the tree itself. It was a good hiding spot.
"...He doesn't seem evil," Chrom murmured. "...Gods forgive me for saying so,"

"...No, he didn't." Link agreed...and that's what bothered him the most. He knew that Ike's morality was not so...defined as his own, but even think he'd just...turn over like this? Without any hesitation?
"He kept saying we wouldn't understand. And why should we? Even if he isn't evil...why should we forgive him for what he's done?" Lucina just felt hurt. Ike..was her first crush. The first man she had ever had sex with. She just couldn't believe that he turned like that..just because they had lost to Ganondorf.
"Good men often do bad things for the good of everyone," Chrom murmured, hand on her daughter's shoulder. "...I do not know this Ike very well, but his eyes are resolute. Whatever path he has chosen, he believes it is the right one. I just wish that I knew what that meant, or what the end result would be...or even if he knows."

"...Perhaps," Link mumbled. "...But Ike is still a threat that must be stopped, Lord Chrom."

"I am no Lord," Chrom mumbled. "The only ones who remember that are my daughter and wife...what good is a Lord who couldn't save his people?"
"It's not your fault father...No one could have stopped what they did. I heard the rumors...everyone was was like a cloud of death descended upon the city in everyones sleep. Mother took it much worse than I did...she couldn't eat for a few days. We didn't know if you were alive or not.." The more Lucina thought about it, the angrier she got. Even if this wasn't her time..that was still the place she grew up in. It was all so horrible.
"...Well, perhaps I can make your mother a little happier," Chrom sighed, hand running through her hair. He looked like hell, if he could be polite...and while they left on...somewhat passionate terms, they hadn't exactly left on good ones in a relationship sense. But looking at the large tree that had found, it was soothing...peaceful. It almost felt like they weren't under the haze of Medusa here.
Lucina led them towards the back of the giant tree, finding a large opening between the roots. She whistled softly, and for a moment, there was nothing. Though the dark hole illuminated with a strange, pink light. And then a small pixie came to greet them. "Glad you're back Lucina! Link!" The pink haired miniature girl said before she began to descend a little. "Follow me, or you'll get lost!"

"Try not to go too fast this time, Rose. We've got someone unconscious you know!" Lucina called before she slipped down into the dark crevice. The pixies were responsible for this underground base. Seemed like they were similar to the ones that came from Hyrule, but not quite.
"...What in the world?" Chrom muttered, perhaps the only reason he didn't draw his sword was because everyone else seemed to think it completely normal.

"You're in a whole different world now, your majesty," Link smiled faintly, shifting his shoulders that held the burden of Sona. "Or did you not notice my pointy ears."

"Far easier to handle than...this," he mumbled.
"I think they're cute." Lucina said as they were led down the dark corridors with only Rose's light to lead them. If they had tried to use any type of flames or light, they would have gotten lost forever. These pixies were tricksters..and if they didn't want you in their world they would torture you until they felt like leading you back out from where you came.

It was a good thing they liked Zelda and Link.
"...They certainly are," Chrom mumbled faintly as they followed the little pixie until they came into...something that sort of seemed like an inside of a tree, but...not? It looked like a beautiful forest, glancing behind him confirmed that...they did indeed go through a giant tree but...

...oh, he was too exhausted to wonder about this...he just wanted to see his wife and sleep...
"Thanks Rose." Lucina waved to the pixie before she wandered off. Lucina could find their way from there...and the moment they got back to camp, she saw her mother talking to the green haired woman they had passed on their way to help Sona and her father.

The two looked over to them, and Robin immediately got up when she saw Chrom. She almost couldn't believe her eyes. Her husband was alive..? It was enough to almost bring tears to her eyes as she moved forward with a smile. "'re safe..." And Lucina was unharmed too.
"For the most part," Chrom smiled, moving forward to embrace her. "Gods bless me...I thought I had lost the both of you," he mumbled, nuzzling into her hair. "A lot has happened...but I wager you know more than I do?"
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