The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Sona!" Alondite growled, yanking her away. She didn't have a mortal body, all of her strength was still well within the bounds of magical. It was not an easy process, but it was made easier by the fact that she didn't have to fight her own stamina to keep Sona against her to retreat as Ike casually advanced, the magic simply rolling off his armor and his cursed blade dragged across the ground.

"This isn't the time for that! We need to go!"
"Why?!" Sona demanded as she focused on breaking free from Alondite's iron grip. It was hard...she was naturally stronger anyway since Sona had less physical strength and more magic power. "Why are you stopping me from getting my revenge?!" She was still glaring at the man in black armor who was approaching, her gaze filled with murderous intent. She never felt this way until now, and she didn't want to stop feeling the anger until one of them was dead.
"You won't get anything like that," Ike said, perhaps for Alondite, but it was enough to make the older pause and glance at him as he stopped. "No matter how many times you come at me, you will fail." he said, stabbing the blade into the dirt to rest his hands on the crossguard. "Because you are weak, like he was. Too concerned with how everything should feel, and not how it should be. This is how you intend to honor his memory? To lash out at me like an immature child?"
"Stop talking like you knew anything about him! Just shut up!" If Alondite wouldn't let go of her, then she'd just attack him from afar. A beam of white magic shot up into the sky, disappearing into the clouds above them. Though it soon reappeared right above him, striking down like a meteor. She didn't care if she was being a child..she just wanted to avenge Ike..she'd start with him...then Ganondorf..then Medusa...she'd kill all of them! They were the reason why Ike wasn't here anymore!
Ike glanced up at the sky in surprise, taking a sharp step back as the beam slammed down into the ground, his cape billowing behind him. She was obviously training in some form or another, that was impressive. He had never seen her do anything like that before.

"Sona!" Alondite growled, yanking her back further. "Stop it!" That brought attention, because immediately...those clouds darkened, and the sky started to rumble as the rain poured down. Medusa was not pleased, for that light lingered...and where that light lingered, hope remained. It was going faster than he had planned, mostly because he didn't expect Sona to do anything like that, but in the prisons of Ylisstol...Chrom had made his move.

Ike knew Palutena would grab that light for everything she had, and it gave him ample reason to retreat. Samus was there, that he knew...this would have to be believable. He knew what was happening the moment there was a second pillar of light, this time...from the ground. There was screaming and shouting, the rattle of weapons. For a brief few seconds, Palutena was the Goddess of Light...and that was all she needed to send the entire castle to chaos.

Chrom didn't know what had happened, all he heard was a thunderous boom hit the ground and everything felt...cleaner. Energy came back, his spirit joined his body in a willingness to move...and he took to the bars with a force he didn't know he had. His shoulder probably regretted the action as he plowed through the iron and the bars connected with a guard, slamming him against the wall. The winged boy in the next cell was already breaking down his door with an almost excited, but focused glee.

"C'mon!" Pit said quickly. "Lady Palutena needs our help!"

With no other alternative, Chrom had to agree as they set out together, after Chrom picked up a sword. They were waiting, but Chrom wasn't expecting anything less. What did surprise him was when the winged boy focused his hands in front of him, and a bow appeared...a bow that had blades...? What, not important. They had to keep moving. Whoever the boy was, he was a lithe, agile warrior that danced through the enemy and struck at their weakpoints.

Chrom knew this castle well, but something was calling to him...unfortunately, that was the only direction they could go.

"This way, to the courtyard"! Chrom growled, parrying a blow and slamming the pommel against one of the zealot's skulls to send him sprawling. Yes, as they ran...he could see it. His blessed sword, stabbed on the ground of the courtyard like some trophy of his defeat. Chrom could feel her, too...the withering pressure of Medusa's influence...and those shadows. Sinking along the walls like an illness ready to be unleashed.

"Hurry, hurry!" Pit urged as they ran, and Chrom cast off the blade. The shadows went to stop him, but the ground surrounding his Falchion hissed away at their darkness with light, The moment Chrom picked up his shining blade, the light faded...and the darkness came like a horrible torrent of fury. Chrom didn't know how fast he ran to the golden aura of the naked, green haired woman...but he ran fast enough.

"Lady Palutena!" Pit said, catching flying down. "C'mon! We have to hurry!" Dark Pit was coming, Samus was stalking across the battlements, and the Black Knight was returning. Better to die a warrior than in prison! Gods, was this it!? WHo was this radiant woman and this winged boy?
Seeing Pit with Chrom was a huge relief to Palutena, but she knew that she had no time to celebrate. They had to escape..they were outnumbered and she needed to recover her strength. Maybe if they could regroup with Sona, they'd have a better chance to escape. "Pit, We have to run this way!" She felt Sona from the west it was in the opposite direction of where Samus and Dark Pit were arriving. Palutena didn't seem to mind the fact that she had no clothes on..mostly because she had spent a few months like this. But they had more important things to worry about.
What he was doing was extremely reckless and foolish, even by his own standards...but this had to be done. Ike lunged at Palutena with his dark blade roaring it's accursed magic. Interestingly enough, Ganondorf was present...but he didn't do anything...he simply watched from the battlements with a faint smirk, arms crossing. Oh ho...what was this now? An opportunity taken? Medusa seemed displeased...yet not enough to intervene personally? Pit, Samus and Ike seemed to be well in hand...

Hm, fascinating...
Palutena summoned her staff just in time to stop his blade. The tip of the scepter flashed a bright light as a burst of light magic pushed him back. She knew why he was going after them..he had little choice if he wanted them to trust her. Just a little more...they'd have reinforcements soon. The question was..why wasn't Medusa or Ganondorf there yet to crush them?
Ike recoiled back in surprise, sliding back on his heels. Pit was on him in an instant, his twin blades flashing as Ike weaved and blocked what he could...but it was an oppertune moment. Chrom grabbed Palutena by the arm.

"Come on!" Chrom urged. Behind them, there were shadows...right now, the Black Knight was the only thing in front of them. But troops were being mustered, men in armor were arriving. They couldn't wait. Even as the other half of Pit was moving in to intercept to help.
"But.." Palutena looked back at Pit and grimaced. No, he'd be fine. He wasn't stupid...or weak. He could hold them off until Sona came. And just as they passed the Black Knight, she saw her. Charging in with absolutely no hesitation. There was another woman trailing after her she hadn't seen before. She felt just like Sona did, back when she was still Ragnell.

There were so many targets Sona could go for, but she was focused on only one. Even as Samus appeared to help Ike deal with Pit, she was ignored. Ragnell was glowing a holy white now that it was completely in tune with Sona again. She was aiming for his back while he was distracted. Before she got close, however, Samus was there. She blocked Ragnell with her short sword, only to be on the recieving end of Sona's magic bursting in her face. It hissed at her suit and blinded her, and Samus was completely overwhelmed and knocked away. What strong magic..she didn't realize Sona was capable of such things...
Ike turned on Sona in an instant, his dark blade coming down in a powerful two-handed swing. Dark Pit took the initative to rush forward, blades flashing against his other half. Chrom wasn't waiting, he kept his arm on Palutena and ran like the demons themselves were after them. Alondite had let go of Sona and summoned her blade yet again. Calvary was thundering past, and she could only stop so many of them from giving chase. Ganondorf walked across the battlements, seeing the fight from every angle.

Curious indeed...his love refused to budge, and yet the two people that he had expected to lax in their duties were fighting for their very lives...
Sona felt her heels sink into the dirt beneath her as she blocked the knight's two handed swing. It seemed like Ragnell had absorbed the force of his attack instantly, as the blade started glowing the moment the momentum of his swing ended. "Idiot.." She mumbled before her sword once again exploded with the same, blinding white magic. It was hard for any evil creatures to get close while she was around...she was driving back the shadows and whatever other creatures followed these monsters..

Samus...Pit...they weren't her friends. They were her enemies, and as far as she was concerned they had a hand in Ike's death too.
Ike grunted in surprise as he dug his heels in, sliding back as his cape billowed, and his helmet tore off his head, and with it came a rush of blue hair, and his sharp blue eyes settled on Sona. Ganondorf grinned widely in amusement. Oh, now it would get good.

"You've gotten better, Sona," Ike complimented, settling into his stance again. "But you're still too sloppy."
The moment her red eyes settled on the true identity of the knight, Sona could feel all the killing intent she had leave her body. She was..confused. It was him, but he...what? Wasn't he dead? No..he was right here. So why was he..fighting her? The faint glow on Ragnell dulled as Sona just stood there.

..And Samus felt the need to take advantage of that. Ganondorf was watching...she couldn't just sit around. She darted behind Sona, her short sword in hand. Sona didn't react..she didn't even know anyone was there. All she could see was the man she had been searching so long and hard for...and now she didn't know what to do.
"Sona!" Alondite growled, rushing forward in a flash of light as her blade connected in a shower of sparks against Samus. If she was a mortal woman, she doubted she could have reacted in time. One hand blocking Samus, and the other grabbing Sona's shoulder. She once again pushed them to follow as Pit started to backpedal toward the opening.

"My lord!" one of Ike's soldiers said.

"Follow them," Ike murmured. "Get me my horse." They had to finish this...
Without Sona and that aura of hers, Samus could finally create more shadows to pursue them. She didn't know who that black haired woman was, but it didn't matter. She seemed to have her hands tied up in protecting Sona. "Ike...I'm going on ahead. I'll wait for you before I engage." They couldn't lose their trail...that would be a horrible way to fail.
"Be careful," Ike said, moving to slide onto his horse. "Bait them north, Samus...towards the river. We'll pin them between us and the tide."
Samus gave a single nod before she disappeared. She conjured even more shadows to press them north. The foot soldiers were behind her, so she needed to do this by herself until they caught up. It wasn't long before the shadows engaged the runaways, and without Sona's aura they could get close enough to harass them.
Ganondorf followed in his own way, which was subtle and hardly easy to follow as he joined Samus in her advance. He had to wonder...what was Ike planing with this? Kill them all in one fell swoop? or simply by the grace of luck? When Chrom and the others made their way to the river, the water itself took form. In the center was Impa, her eyes shining with mystical power as she battered away the first of the shadows.

Go! Quickly! Impa hissed, her voice echoing through the water. Chrom blinked faintly in surprise, but nodded, taking safety in the path that the humanoid shape of water had formed.

Impa didn't know what was going on, but she recognized Sona...that was enough, and that man looked familiar...out of the trees came more Shekiah warriors, casting their magics to scatter Samus' shadows.
Palutena knew who Impa was, but she wouldn't recognize her. It was...nice to have even more help. Though she was worried still. She felt that evil presence following them. Not Samus..but Ganondorf. She would never forget it since she had been..personal with it. Why was he just watching, and where was Medusa?

"Wait...Alondite..." Sona finally regained some sense as they got to the river. "I can't...I can't leave...I have to..I have to know why. I'll stay back and hold them don't have to, but I need to face him again!"
"Sona! Are you crazy!?" Alondite growled. "He's coming with an army! Right now, it doesn't matter!"

"We can't just let them woman fight alone!" Chrom insisted. "Sona, I'm with you," he assured.

"Ugh, you mortals!" she hissed. "You don't understand! Lady Palutena is more important that some petty reason like his traitorous ways!"
Deep down she knew Alondite was right. She didn't expect Chrom to stand by her..she didn't even really know who he was. "They're just going to chase us down unless we defeat them here anyway, Alondite. Please...I can't believe Ike is a traitor..he wouldn't. He couldn't...Ganondorf must have done something to him, I have to know!" A platoon of shadows formed once again, and not too far off into the distance Sona could see the army chasing them. They weren't evil demons, she couldn't use her aura to drive them away. But still...she had to fight!
Alondite stared at her a moment, then sighed, glancing away. "...I will help Pit guide Lady Palutena to safety," Alondite mumbled. "...You will return safely, Sona." It wasn't a hope, it was a statement. She would.
Sona nodded to her. "I promise. Make sure you don't get into trouble...I won't be there to bail you out." She gave her a small grin before she looked at Chrom. "They're coming...are you ready?" Sona's aura came back in full force, the wind blowing through her clothes as it destroyed whatever shadows Samus was trying to send after them. She couldn't lose focus..she had to be strong. No matter what...
"As long as you are," Chrom said in determination as the army arrived in full force, with Ike at the front. He didn't hesitate. The moment he saw Sona, he leapt from his horse and moved to attack. Impa tried to deflect, but the water simply parted for his accursed sword and she jerked to the right to avoid being cut as he landed on the opposite side of the river. Whoever this man was, he was strong...powerful. And it wasn't the sword that gave him that impression.

"I want to see you focused, Sona," Ike instructed, taking his pose. "Or you will lose your head."
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