The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Don't remind me," Pit sighed in exasperation. If he remembered correctly, Medusa said she still had plenty of room to grow, probably tall like her father...ugh, or as tall as Medusa. WHy the hell didn't he get taller?
"Awwww. You're sad because you're short, aren't you?" Ganessa asked as she nuzzled into his neck some more. "But your mate is shorter, so it's okay, right?" She saw Chi before, and them together. But no one had ever really explained the concept of "mating" to her. She just knew what she read in books.
"...I suppose," Pit sighed, trying to ignore that his face was probably getting slightly red. "C'mon, Ganessa, cut it're getting too old for that, you know." he said, hand on her mane of wild red hair. Not that it would stop her, of course. "You're supposed to be a little more intimidating around Medusa's followers, right?"
"Really?" Ganessa looked around and then scoffed. "I don't have to do anything for them to be afraid of me. They know who I am. And besides...I missed you!" She whined as her skinny legs wrapped around his waist. "If I let you go you might run off and leave me, and then I'll have to start my game all over again."
What was it with girls and...wanting to be all over him!?

"I know, I know..." Pit sighed. "I have to see my friend now, Ganessa...once I know she's okay, we can play again, alright?" Better than just doing nothing, he supposed...
"You said that I could come with you! Chi likes me! She'll play with me!" She never saw him with anyone else, so she just assumed he was talking about Chi. She always wanted to play with her anyway, she seemed fun to be around too. "Wait..what do you mean? Did she catch a cold?"
"No, nothing like that," he said, shrugging as he moved toward his makeshift home. Always a tower, it seemed. "She just got hurt, that's all. Cost of the kind of work we do."
"The kind of work you do?" Ganessa seemed confused for a moment, but she didn't dwell on it for too long. "Well, I hope she feels better. She's funny. Plus she's got wings like you. Oh, you know who else has wings? There's this boy who looks exactly like you! I saw him twice. He likes to play with me, but he's always locked away so it's not very fun. Do you know him, Pit?"
"...Yes," Pit said, his expression darkening a little. "...Don't talk to him, Ganessa. All he'll do is put a bunch of stupid thoughts in your head, what are you doing down there anyway? You know you're not supposed to." Which was the exact reason she did anything, because she wasn't supposed to. Ganondorf seemed to find it amusing, Medusa just let her do whatever she wanted that made her happy.
"Yeah, I know..." Ganessa began with a slight pout on her face. She found the prisoners more exciting than Althea and Sieg. Even though some didn't like her at all. "I'm just lonely all the time, Sieg is too scared to do anything fun. He won't come with me to explore or anything so I thought the prisoners would play with me. As long as I don't free them, it's fine, right? At least that's what I think, and I don't think mommy or daddy cares, really.." She did a lot of stuff she wasn't supposed to do just so they'd notice her more. It didn't seem to be working.
"...You could always try talking to them, you know," Pit said absently. " know, actually tell them what you want?" Ugh, why was he helping her about this? Because he actually...was okay with Medusa now? "...Your Mom is...not bad at listening."
"That's stupid." Ganessa growled in response. How could it just be that simple? If it was really that easy then why hadn't she done it already? Ugh..what if he was right though? She'd feel a little silly. "...Do you think that would really work though?" She asked hopefully as she stared down at him with her yellow eyes that were outlined in blue.
"For Medusa, at least," Pit murmured. "I...don't talk with your father much, Ganessa...that's up to you to do." Ganondorf...intimidated him, and it made him angry. He always seemed to know everything, and it made him paranoid.
"How come? Mommy says you're my brother, like Sieg, so aren't they your parents too?" She asked as her eyes moved to the tower they were going to. Is this where he stayed? Another place for her to explore! It went so high too, she couldn't wait.
"Not exactly," Pit murmured. "I...suppose Medusa is my...mother, and Ganondorf is my...step-father." If he would call Medusa his mother, anyway...
"Ohhhh." Ganessa exclaimed as if that really made sense to her. She dropped off his back all of a sudden, since they were pretty close to the tower now. As soon as she was on the ground she started running for the door. The moment she reached it she slipped inside and started to giggle. So much exploring to do!
Pit shook his head with a faint sigh, heading up the stairs too. "Hey, be quiet! Chi might be resting!" Ugh, damned girl...
Ganessa pretended like she didn't hear him at all. She opened every door just to peek inside, and when she found nothing of interest she just left the door wide open. Then she discovered his room, seeing Chi blinking at her in slight confusion. "Chi!" Ganessa exclaimed before she ran over to her and jumped on the bed at her side.

"Ganessa...?" That was curious...why did Pit bring her along? Either way, it made Chi smile. She placed her hand on her head and looked up at Pit when he came in. She looked better, the color to her skin slowly returning. "Where did you manage to find this little one?"
"Hiding, like usual," Pit murmured, heading over to check her forehead with a faint frown of concern. "How're you doing, Chi? Are you feeling better?"
"Ah...yeah. That stuff you gave me did the trick. Thanks Pet." She gave him a smile. She really did feel much better, just a little exhausted.

"His name is Pit, not Pet!" Ganessa corrected. Chi just smiled and then rubbed her head, which Ganessa didn't seem to mind the attention.
Pit snorted at that, sitting down next to her. "Good..." he said, rubbing the bite mark. "Looks like it's healing up nicely, too. Guess I got you in time."
Chi blinked as her gaze went to his hand. "Yeah? That's great..." She held his hand and nuzzled into it. "Thank you. It was painful but you made it all better. Where did you go when I was asleep?" Well...she knew where he went. Ganessa was proof...but it was what he did that interested her.
"...Nowhere important," Pit asssured, face settled into minor annoyance as Ganessa was pawing all of his things like a squirrel looking for a nut. "Just making sure everything was okay."
"Is that right?" Chi asked with a slight frown. She knew when he wanted to keep something quiet. "Well, now that I had a near death experience.." She moved closer to him, gently nibbling at his ear. "I really want to remind myself why I enjoy living." She purred. Too bad Ganessa was here, otherwise she would have jumped on him.
His wing rubbed against her shoulder in agreement, hand slipping along her leg with a faint nod.

"...Later," he promised easily. Great, last thing he needed was an erection....
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