The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

He would find Medusa in her throne room, surrounded by handsome men of various origins. Medusa knew that Pit would see her after what she did with Chi. She just wasn't sure how he would react to it. That boy was an enigma. "Pit, nice to see you. Is there something you need?" She asked passively as she rested her cheek on her hand.
Pit hesitated a moment before coming out of his hiding spot, wasn't really a hiding spot. He was just used to keeping himself out of sight as he stepped out, wings ruffled almost defensively.

"...You found out about Chi," he mumbled.
"She's a terrible liar." Medusa responded as she looked him up and down. "What about it, Pit? I'm not upset with you. You did your part and would had succeeded had she not interfered." Did he come to defend her? She was interested in what he had to say.
"...I wanted to thank you," Pit mumbled, not that it looked like he was trying. Mostly because he didn't care what Medusa thought, he knew his time with Sona was over...but that didn't mean she deserved to die because she actually wanted him to be something more than he deserved. "...For giving Chi the chance to live."
Medusa looked faintly surprised when he thanked her. "...You're welcome dear. Is that really what you came here for?" He really was a mystery...She wasn't sure how to feel about him being so unpredictable.
"...Yes," Pit mumbled. "...I know you don't like Sona being alive, but what Chi did had nothing to do with her, the only reason she bothered is because I said something. It was just bad luck that it was someone like Sona. Chi is...something that I want to keep around, so...thank you for letting me have that." He wasn't good at this, he already wanted to leave since he had said what he wanted to say. Nothing would replace Sona's words, or what he felt when she seemed to believe in him. But he wouldn't let people die because of something stupid they did because of him, out of loyalty or...feelings, or whatever it was.
Medusa stared at him, her expression blank as she tried to figure out what to say. She wasn't..really sure how to react to it. This was something genuine, something that she couldn't quite comprehend. "Just keep her in line. I won't harm her as long as she doesn't betray me again, Pit. I told you before, didn't I? I'll give you anything you want. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't keep my promises?"
"I...I know," Pit mumbled. "...I won't, I promise. I um...I better get back to her, she's still recovering." he said, giving a faint bow.
"Alright..One more thing though...could you keep an eye out for Ganessa? She's gone missing. Again." Medusa didn't really seemed to worried, just annoyed. She could be anywhere, really. Last time this happened she just found a very inconspicuous crevice in the castle to shove herself in.
"Yeah, sure," Pit sighed, rubbing his head. "I'll take a look around, she seems to like me anyway." or liked ambushing him, she was a quiet girl. It kind of scared him...
"Which is why I asked you to look..she seems to only make herself known when someone she wants to see is around." She was just doing it for attention, more than likely. She should really spend more time with her, but she was busy most of the time.
"...Yeah, I'll take a look," Pit grumbled. At least, as thanks for Chi. "...But I won't look too long, I need to make sure Chi is alright."
She didn't feel the least bit sorry for Chi. After all, she could have done much worse. She was convinced the girl would be okay though, knowing Pit. "Very well. Until next time."

Ganessa wasn't really too far away. In fact she was still in the castle, scaling the ceiling while people frantically looked for her. Though she found her way into the kitchen and found food. She made a terrible mess of things that she didn't bother to clean up, but it wasn't like anyone ever made her clean up after herself. Once she was finished though, she decided to climb up again to the bressummer beam and then take a nap up there. No one had found her..not that she wanted to be found really. If she had to spend one more second around that blind old bat she'd run away from home.
Pit had gained an unfortunate knack for knowing how Ganessa thought, because usually...she took great joy in ambushing him. She knew every nook and cranny of almost anywhere, it seemed...because she would stalk off before that blind witch could find her. Pit, however...just had a sixth sense about it, maybe because she felt faintly of Medusa.

"You know," Pit said dryly, floating up with his arms crossed. "Medusa's looking for you," Oddest thing in the world was the...actual affection that she had for her kid, nothing that Pit ever saw beforehand would make him believe it.
Ganessa popped an eye open and stared at him for a moment. She purposely pretended to be uninterested as she yawned and sat up a little. Then, she suddenly launched herself at him, grabbing him by the neck as she clung onto him tightly. "Yay! Pit, you came to play hide and go seek with me!" She nuzzled into his neck. She always loved it when he did play with her. Or maybe he wasn't actually playing, but still.
"Ugh, no! I didn't!" Pit grumbled, going back about half a foot when she jumped on him. "I have someone important to take care of, Ganessa! I can't babysit you!" Honestly, why did Althea let her go?
"But you never ever come see me!" Ganessa whined as she looked up at him. "Sieg is so boring and the dumb snake woman is always making me read or whatever. I'm bored. Let me come with you, Pit!" She was sure if he took her back to Medusa, she'd only end up with Althea again. She'd love to be with her mother or father, but they were always doing some she couldn't be apart of. Pit was like that, too.
He glanced down at her a moment, hand on her head with an exasperated sigh. "...Fine, but only if you promise to go to your mother when it's time, alright?"
A large grin spread across her face when he agreed. She then nodded and squeezed him tighter. "Okay! I promise! You're the best! I love you so much!" Like a monkey, she managed to swing around him so that she was on his back between his wings. She wasn't very heavy, but she did have a bit of a death grip on his neck. "Fly! I wanna know what it's like to have wings!"
"Ugh," Pit grumbled, spreading his wings out to take a graceful glide down. "...One lap around the castle, alright?" How someone so cheerful be Medusa and Ganondorf's child?
"And then I get to go with you to do whatever you said you had to do right!?" She asked him as she kept nuzzling against his neck. He was so much fun! She didn't care how annoyed he was, at least he actually was willing to play with her.
"Yes, yes..." Pit sighed. How did he always get stuck watching her? "Hold on tight, alright?" he mumbled, floating down a little. "Don't cry to me if you fall."
"I'm not going to cry!" She protested, though she remembered the last time she fell from a high distance..and even though she was perfectly fine she did end up bawling until her mother finally came to comfort her. "Let's go! One lap around the castle!"
It was probably a bizarre thing to hear, in a place filled with worshipers and construction over a slaughtered city, Chrom glanced up almost quizzically. Was...that a girl, screaming? Not the kind of scream he was expecting, In this horrible place?

Sure enough, Pit was good on his word of going fast as he could around the castle, looping through the towers, dipping below the courtyard to scare the crap out of wandering acolytes. He supposed it wasn't so bad to have the giggling girl with him, if anything...he did know that Medusa liked hearing her daughter happy, even if she'd never admit it to anyone unworthy.
"That was so amazing!" Ganessa exclaimed once they landed. It was like nothing she ever experienced before, but she liked high places and staring down at the people below. "One day I'm going to fly! I want to grow up to be just like you! Even though you get smaller every time I see you." She giggled.
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