The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ike slid his cock out slowly, letting out a faint grunt. "...I'll manage," he mumbled, even half was an impressive size as he watched the dirty mess drip out of Palutena. "...I am honored by your gift, my lady," he said, bowing in respect. "I trust I have satisfied you?"
The expression on her face was neutral as she contemplated her words. "You did," Medusa began as her eyes studied Palutena, still panting and recovering from her climax. "Still, I was serious when I said you would owe me for this. As rough as you were, Palutena enjoyed that...and she didn't deserve it. So I'm annoyed now."
"Then I should make amends," Ike said faintly. "If you will allow me the pleasure?" he said, tilting his head. "People should be made aware that Palutena is no longer the goddess that they foolishly worship," he murmured. "This should also serve to remind that fool girl righting wrongs in the name of Ashunera is nothing more than an unworthy pretender to you."
"Ashunera, ah yes. No one has ever seen her. Except for more than likely...that girl." Medusa mused as her clothes began to materialize around her body. It would be easy enough to get the information out of that little nuisance. Right now though, she was more interested and what he was thinking. "What do you have planned?"
"Despite our gains, there is still much uncharted territory...but our scouts have confirmed a city a few days away," Ike murmured. "A forward party lead by myself could ensure that Palutena arrives as intended, a slave to your power. It would also make it far easier for us to find our resistances...a target such as myself and Palutena would make people consider taking foolish risks." He was outing himself as a target, but for his plan to work...they had to do just that.
Medusa didn't know how she felt about allowing Palutena out of her sight. Though that seemed like a good idea. The only hope left was in Palutena and Ashunera...Palutena would make excellent bait. "Fine. That seems like a reasonable idea. Palutena, you should know what will happen if you try to escape. Your little angel will die."

Palutena narrowed her eyes as she glared down at the floor. If only she could free Pit...
"She'll behave," Ike said, fingers gripping her hair to yank her head up. "Won't you?" He had gotten so used to playing the part, he wondered if the actor was different from the character anymore.
A pained squeak came from the chained up Goddess. She was still convinced it was all an act..she felt it. She felt the goodness in him still. "Yes.." Palutena answered as she shifted her eyes away from the woman. Medusa grinned.

"Good. Ike, that girl...I know you have some sort of attachment to her. She used to belong to you, if I recall. I need you to bring her back alive. She knows where Ashunera is, and Pit is fond of her. I haven't decided if I wanted to kill her or not. Keeping prisoners is far more fun than I realized, anyway." They were like pets, really. Toys. And Medusa could break them whenever she got bored of them.
"If I find her, she will be brought here," Ike said, hiding the minor burst of disgust as she let Palutena's head go. "Samus should be helpful in finding anything out about her whereabouts," he murmured. To fight a monster, sometimes you had to become one.
"Excellent. Then I think we are done here.." Medusa told him as she rose from the throne and walked over to him slowly. "We must do this again was fun seeing you on the brink of losing your humanity." She purred as her clawed hand reached out to caress his cheek. Were the lines becoming blurred? She had to wonder..
"...I would be honored, my lady," Ike murmured, not outright ignoring her caress, but a faint lean to show he was respectful. Stoic as ever, no matter what raged behind those blue eyes, his face was a mask. This would be worth it, all he needed to do was set the proper seeds...
Medusa smiled, and just around that time the door opened. Chi stood in the door way, and she hurried in. "My lady," She respectfully began, though she nearly was throne off seeing a very naked and very muscular Ike. Oh, wowie. What a fucking hottie! Damn, she missed everything good around here! "Oh...was..did I interrupt something?"

"..Chi. What are you doing here? I don't recall summoning you." Medusa began, her eyes slightly narrowing in annoyance.

"S..sorry, My Lady. It's just that...well another report of those two idiots on their empty conquest. Their course changed, they're heading over here apparently. Before it seemed like they were going towards Death Mountain..." Chi explained. "I don't think they are just aimlessly wandering..Maybe they heard something about the reconstruction of this city?"
"I know what they're looking for," Ike murmured, glancing at Medusa. "Allow me to take care of it personally, before I leave, my lady."
Medusa looked at Chi, who was acting incredibly suspicious..just like the last time they chatted about this Sona girl. She had seen that mortal wound on Sona, there was no way anyone would have found her with all the commotion. Pit was with her the entire time of the attack. So the only reason why that woman was alive was standing right before her, and her guilty body language said it all.

"...I don't see why not. Go ahead. As for you, are nervous. Why?" Medusa demanded, a smirk growing on her face. Oh, this little weasel would lie.

"Nervous? I am not nervous, My Lady. I am merely...annoyed by what I hear." Chi insisted, though her heart was beating louder and Medusa could hear it. The grey skinned Goddess began to circle her for a moment, only further letting Chi give her more signals of her lies. Once Medusa stopped behind her, Chi slowly started to turn her head just before she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, making her yelp in pain. She could see one of the snakes from Medusa's hair sinking it's fangs into her skin..deep into her skin.

"I don't like liars." Medusa began with a twisted grin on her face. "Or people who betray me." She was glad Ike was here. She wanted to show him just how much she hated when the people closest to her plotted against her and lied to her face. She knew he was doing the same thing, but he was just more useful than this one. "If you were anyone else, Chi...or rather if you were anyone elses would be stone right now. You must think I'm stupid if you're lying to me."

"N-no! I do not think My Lady is stupid..." Chi felt sick all of a probably had something to do with the fucking snake in her shoulder.

"Then tell me the truth." Medusa continued as she moved over to the front of the girl, though she didn't bother to remove the snake. "Be quick about it..or else you might die from the venom slowly dripping into your body." Chi's eyes widened when she heard that.

"O..okay, I stopped Sona from bleeding out. But My Lady, Pit was hurting because he thought he had killed her! I did it for him, even though he never asked me to. Not to disrespect you..or for good or anything...just for him!" She confessed. Medusa looked into her eyes before laughing a little. Was this silly girl so obsessed with that boy that she would risk her own life to make him happy? She could respect that. It was admirable albeit completely stupid.

"I suppose I'll forgive you. Again, only because Pit took a liking to you, foolish girl. Though next time you betray me, I will make you a decoration." Medusa let her shoulder go, leaving two bright puncture marks that began leaking blood that was stained by a darkish purple substance. Chi could feel her body getting hot...she still didn't feel better even now that she had been released. "Now..get out of my sight...before I change my mind." There wasn't enough poison to kill her, but she'd be in for some misery unless she found a way to get it out of her system.
Ike watched Chi stumble off as he glanced back at Medusa, the point was made...but it was hard to tell if it made any impact whatsoever. Still, he would keep it in mind. Not that it mattered, he knew what he was doing, and the risks that came with it. Either way, he was surprised that Medusa had let her go. Perhaps she was changing, nothing for the better...but he never would have imagined forgiveness coming from her.
He should have known that Medusa would do something, eventually. But that didn't mean he was expecting what he saw.

"Chi!" Pit said, moving quickly to her side. Ugh...he knew he couldn't say anything either, he knew what that would do. Even with their...nicer relationship.
"..Hey, Pet." Chi smiled weakly, ignoring the fact that she felt like her blood was on fire. Despite how hot she felt she was as white as a ghost, and the only place that had color was the dark circles under her eyes. "Coulda been worse, I'll take this over death any day." Didn't make her any less sick. She could talk big but it was clear that she was suffering and could barely stand, let alone fly anymore.
Pit frowned in annoyance, moving to support her. Ugh, he should have went with her...ugh. This is what he got, wasn't it?

"Hold still," he muttered, hoisting her up without much complaint. Anti-venom was a plentiful source, even if snake bites were a common religious theme for Medusa, it was a stupid thing indeed to ignore the threat of venom. He'd tend to her in his room.
"Got it, boss." Didn't have to tell her twice..she was glad that she didn't have to move anymore. Also being against him felt nice. His smell was just as wonderful as usual. "You know, you saved my life? Medusa said she only spared me because of you. She seems to care a lot about what you think...well enough to the point where she didn't turn me into stone."
"...Just relax, alright?" Pit mumbled, he didn't know what to say to that...but he supposed he'd have to her later. He nudged the door open with his hip, sitting her down on their bed as he moved over to his small collection of anti-venom to grab the proper bottle. He didn't answer people on asking how he had anti-venom to Medusa's poison, but judging by the size, it wasn't a lot. Just enough.
Chi laid down on the bed...or more like collapsed. She didn't even watch what he was doing, because she was too busy attempting to stay conscious. Though she opened her eyes when he returned to her side, looking at the small vial in his hand.

...If anyone had an antidote to Medusa's particular signature of poison, it would be him. She wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but she wasn't going to ask questions. "..Thank you."
"Yeah," Pit mumbled, rubbing her arm that had the bite on the shoulder before sinking the needle into it and depressing the plunger. "Just relax, Chi..I got you, everything is going to be fine. Just get some rest, okay?"
She winced when she felt the needle sink into her arm. The skin around the bite had bruised and looked rather nasty, but it was no longer bleeding. "Rest? How can I rest when I just got here?" She asked softly as she looked into his eyes. "You're not going to confront her about this, are you? Because it's fine...I did disobey her..."
"Rest," he repeated, kissing her forehead. "I'll get you some water, alright?" he said, turning to leave. "You should be okay in a few hours, Chi. So just relax."
Chi hated when he didn't answer her, but she didn't have the strength to argue. "That's good. I really..don't like being being poisoned." She told him as she closed her eyes. The moment she did, she couldn't even stay conscious any longer.
He didn't quite know what he was going to tell Medusa, or why he was going to her. Like she really cared, but Chi was alive...purely because of him. Did that mean she actually cared? Or was he just being paranoid? Either way, he found himself stalking her through the castle, a puzzled frown on his face. Ever since everything had changed, she had been...different. Not too different, just...different enough.

He didn't know what to do about it, or what to do with what it made him feel.
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