The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

For everything that Sona was, Alondite wasn' least physically. The woman that walked in was pale skinned, with dark hair that seemed to be neat and tidy, cascading down her toned back. Her blue eyes were sharp and...less than excited to see her other half. Her 'sister'. She frowned a fraction, but kept it polite for the Lady as she walked in. Most obviously, she was least a foot, if a little less as she joined the two of them to sit down.

"...Ragnell," she said politely, her voice husky and demure. "...Nice to see you."
"That's not my name anymore. It's Sona..Ike gave me that name. I was looking for him and thought I was sensing him..but instead I came here." Sona mumbled as she looked at the food in front of her. It's not like she was surprised at her sisters appearance. They were connected and always saw each other that way, whenever they were together. "But...good to see you too, I guess."
She sighed faintly, glancing to the Ashunera. "My's clear that she doesn't wish to help us," she muttered. "Why did you bring her here? She seems more concerned with finding her master than anything else."
"Ike's not my Master, he is my friend.." Sona growled before she began stuffing her face. Anything to get her mind off the pain, plus she hadn't had a proper meal in weeks.

"I actually didn't lead her here...Ragnell..Sona found me on her own, through the connection we have together. Her connection to this "Ike" has been severed, meaning two things...he chose another weapon to use, or he's no longer of this world." Ashurena explained, and that caused Sona to freeze.

"..Ike is alive. And he would never abandon Ragnell. I'm probably just too far away from him." She muttered before she began to eat again. She didn't even taste the food...
"The world is complicated, Sona," Alondite murmured, feeling a faint tinge of envy and jealousy. She never had the chance to get a name...because she was the reason her master was dead, who cared if Ike died? Now she could understand what it felt like to be a sword without a warrior to wield it, discarded and little used. Even when Ike used her, it felt wrong. "So much happened, so's impossible to say one way or another."
"I'm going to find him." Sona responded, however Ashunera got up and moved over towards her. The woman pulled her into a loving embrace, a frown on her face. Sona just froze. It had been a long time since she was hugged...she didn't know why but the tears started spilling. She comforting Ashunera was.

"Shhh," Ashunera whispered as she rubbed the back of Sona's head. "If he is alive, I am certain that you will find him. You said he'd never abandon the he must still have it, right? Can you focus on your old form, Sona? Can you feel it?" Sona..never actually thought about trying to find the sword. But it made sense now...there was a faint connection there...she could..she knew where to go now.

"Yeah...yeah, I can feel it. I have to go..I have to find him..It's my fault he's my fault that the world is this way!" Words that she had been thinking..since she woke up. The guilt was unbearable...
"We can't just rush in, Sona," Alondite reminded dryly. "He could be anywhere, just because you can sense where it is, doesn't mean it's a safe place to go!"
"I don't care if it's safe, I'm going." Sona insisted, though Ashunera pulled back and squeezed her shoulders so that she would silence herself.

"Alondite, you said we..just now. Do you want to help your sister?" The woman asked as she looked at the slender brunette. "..and also me?"
"I..." Alondite froze a moment, before glancing away at the wall to glare at it with a sigh. "...She is still my sister, even if she murdered my Master," she muttered. "...and we can't do anything if she dies, now can we?"
Sona shot her a glare. "You murdered my master, the one before Ike." She hissed. Well, maybe that wasn't completely true. Greil had abandoned her for a different weapon after choosing to become a mercenary...but it still hurt to watch him be killed. She couldn't do anything..

"Both of you need to settle your differences. I have an important task for the both of you, one that requires you both to work together." Ashunera spoke, her tone absolute and a little scary. Sona just looked away from Alondite, folding her arms.
"...Forgive me, my lady," Alondite murmured. "Of course, I will assist you in whatever you need. I shame myself with such selfish displays." she said, tilting her head.
Ashunera smiled at Alondite and then moved back to her seat. "I heard the Goddess of Darkness, Medusa is partially responsible for what has happened to this world. She has many followers..because she has struck fear in everyones hearts. Just recently, a kingdom was destroyed in her name...and she has gotten even stronger from it. I want to help stop her..and this Lord Ganondorf that has obtained the power of a God but is still mortal...but I can't hope to even try with just my followers in Tellius." She looked at Sona, who seemed to be quietly steaming at the mention of the people responsible for this.

"..Anyways, right now I'm too weak. To do anything...but if people started to believe in me, then I could possibly gain the strength to help. I can't do it alone, but with help..there is hope. Alondite...Sona...I need you both to help people believe. While you track Ragnell, Sona...could you please help everyone you come across with the assistance of Alondite? And once you find Ragnell, please continue to spread my name across this land..."

Sona's eyes moved up to meet Ashunera's. She didn't...see any harm in it. Anything that would give her a chance to get her revenge on Medusa, Ganondorf, and all those that followed them. "...Sure. I suppose there is no harm in it."
"We will do our best," Alondite said firmly. "Anything we do will give you faith, my lady...I will have this land sing of your virtue."
"Excellent..I believe and trust in you two. I would do this myself, but if I should fall..Tellius would remain unprotected." Ashunera began and then smiled at Alondite. "Take care of your sister, Alondite. She has a mortal she'll need your help."

"I can take care of myself..." Sona muttered, though as she said that, she felt pain in her stomach. She ate too much, too fast..after not eating much for the last few weeks.
"Be that as it may, you are essentially mortal." Alondite murmured. "For a reason I cannot fathom, but that means you are vulnerable to things I am not, so we must be careful, Sona." Ugh, Sona. Why did that bother her so much?
Sona narrowed her eyes a little. She was still bitter at her sister, however she did need help...and she was a little lonely being by herself. Alondite probably wasn't the best company, but she would be her only company until she found Ike. "Alright...then let's go."

"Sona, wait...before you is important that you find and keep Ragnell. That is your original body, and should your mortal one perish, the sword might be the only thing that can save you." Ashunera told her as Sona turned her back. She thought about it for a moment, and she really couldn't care any less about that. She didn't care about her life...she just wanted to find Ike, and get her revenge.

"...Come on, Alondite."
They were surviving, and really...that was enough. It was hard to tell that the Hero of Time, the Queen of Hyrule and the Princess and Queen of Ylisse were amongst a ragged army of tired people. Some had simply come along because it was a purpose, others had died along the way or simply...gave up. Link had to admire Impa's dedication to her goal, no matter the situation. She seemed almost infallible, nobody expected her to be...but everyone expected him to.

So he kept on a brave face, acted like everything was well...but it was hard to believe that, admittedly. Zelda wasn't...she was different. Link knew why, he just respected her enough not to say anything. It didn't help the nightmares, though...every morning, he'd wake up in a cold sweat. He never remembered what they were, he just...remembered hearing things, smelling unnerved him. He usually woke to the taste of blood, but he never actually had it in his mouth.

It was starting to wear on him, just a little. Just like traveling the hellish countryside. A mash of forests and plains...and whatever else. There was no real logic to it, and the world was simply adapting around that minor problem. It was another night laying beside Zelda, staring up into the starry sky. He didn't want to sleep, but he knew he had to. Ike was...dead, or at least...that's about as much as anyone could guess, nobody could survive what happened to the castle.

He rubbed his face with a faint sigh, hand running through his hair. He sort of wished for a simpler time...or maybe not to be the Hero of Time right now.
Zelda was also trying to keep a brave face on. She wasn't sure what would return the world to normal. She didn't even know if it was even possible to reverse this, even if they somehow defeated Ganondorf and Medusa. She had another problem too, one that she desperately tried to ignore. She had never been pregnant, but there were signs that she just couldn't ignore..and the only thing she could do was hope that it didn't belong to that monster Ganon who had raped her. Then there was the fact that she just...couldn't believe she had lost the Triforce the way she did. She could only wonder if death would have been better than what he did to humiliate her.

Lucina and Robin seemed like they were used to these types of marches..but they were quite worried about Ylisse. They didn't even know if they'd see it again, but still...they didn't lose hope. Right now they knew that in order to see the King of Ylisse again, they had to survive.

Ike was probably dead..Sona was missing but also assumed dead...nothing would have stopped her from getting to Ike during that attack unless she wasn't able to. Who knew. Zelda hoped she could see her again. Or maybe not...She wasn't exactly sure what was worse..this world or the afterlife. But deep down, she just hoped they could find a way to save it..after they figured out exactly where they were going, anyway.

Zelda was worried about Link too. He wasn't sleeping so well...she would wake up sometimes hearing him groaning in his sleep. She couldn't wake him up matter how hard she tried. She felt..guilty. She didn't know why. Maybe it was because she couldn't help him, or maybe the nightmares had to do with her. As they laid close to each other, she sighed and then moved her arm across his chest and nuzzled into his shoulder. "I love you, Link." Those were really..the only comforting words she could think of in a time like this.
Link nuzzled into her hair, arm slipping around her. "I love you too," he murmured. There was one good thing about all this, really...and that was...well, it was hard to be a Queen of anything. People still looked up to her as their leader, but she had no royal dress anymore, she had no royal duties. She was just...Zelda to most people these days. It was nice, Link wouldn't have sacrificed the entire world to get it, but he'd admit to having a hard time going back.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked. It was the secret nobody wanted to talk about, but everyone knew. Whatever the case, Link was going to stand by her no matter what.
Zelda's heart began to beat faster, because she knew exactly why he was asking her that. "Of...course. I'm alright, really. I'm more worried about you," She began as she changed the subject. She...didn't want to think about it. Not until she had to. "You're still having those nightmares..I think they are getting worse."
"They are," Link murmured. " don't have to hide it," he murmured. "...I'm going to be here for you, no matter what, alright?" You couldn't just make nightmares go away, he'd rather focus more on something he could help. Like her.
Zelda was silent for a moment, but she squeezed him even closer to her. She still didn't want to think about it, but hearing that was somewhat of a relief. was a big relief. She loved him, was nice to hear that even if her first child didn't belong to him, he would still be there. "...You'll love me no matter what?" She whispered as tears came to her eyes.
"Zelda, of course," Link murmured, as if it was a foolish question no matter what. "...You can't help what happened, it's not your fault." he said, hand running through her hair. "...and don't you dare blame everything else on yourself, too." He knew she would put everything on her shoulders, just out of habit.
It was strange how he seemed to know of the guilt she felt. But it made sense..they had known each other for so long. "It's hard not to..." She began as she felt the tears escaping her eyes. "I just...can't believe I let him break me like that. In such a humiliating way, too. I..really hate it." His touch was comforting, and she just couldn't keep hiding it anymore. At least not from him, knowing that he knew anyway.
"We all have our limits," Link murmured, brushing away tears with her thumb. "...Whatever that child is, I know you'll be a good mother, and I'll be around to watch him grow up. Don't let him win, Zelda." he said firmly. "This is what he wanted to happen, but I know you're stronger than you think. You used to be a Queen, this is nothing."
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