The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Yes," Ike murmured. "Which is why I know that 'nothing interesting' can usually mean the opposite...traveling to entirely different worlds sounds like nothing I can even understand, and it's similar here, too." he mused. "I tell people I come from Tellius, they look at me with wide eyes and wonder how a man could travel so far away from home, that I must have slayed dragons, saved princesses...that sort of thing. Even if they have no idea where I came from."
Samus slipped herself into the heated water and then sighed softly. "There are things here that even I can't comprehend. Goddesses...the Triforce..all of this is very strange to me. A magical relic able to let a man mold the world however he sees fit? I would have never believed it had I not been standing right there. I didn't would be that bad." Samus admitted.
"Don't," Ike mumbled, staring at his worn helmet. Even though his armor was not old, it felt like it was a prison. A cage... "You did what you thought was best for yourself, I can't honestly say I'd know what I'd do in the same situation." he said.
Another moment of silence. Samus sunk deeper into the bath, and sighed. "I did do what was best for myself. Because I felt like no matter what part I played, the end result would have been the same." She told him, her eyes narrowing just a little. "I was fine until I faced you. Then I started to doubt myself. I actually enjoyed spending time with you and Sona. I just didn't realize it until that moment."
"Doubt is a poison, guilt is an illness." Ike murmured. "Don't grow sick, Samus. There is...much I regret, but I know that with every regret, I have only myself to blame. The only thing you can do is press forward, and try not to repeat the mistakes of the past." he murmured, rubbing down a bracer a moment.

"...I miss her, too." He hadn't thought about her much, to be honest. He hadn't used Ragnell since he had taken King Ashnard's blade. He found it fitting; the blade of the Mad King, slaughtering the 'weak'. He wouldn't sully the memories of Ragnell with the heartless actions he was causing. He wasn't fit to wield the blade. When Sona first came into his life, he felt like she was just an immature hang-on. But he wondered if that was just his jaded lifestyle, and her open honesty was simply something to adjust to. It was infectious, and now? He didn't even know if she lived.

Truthfully, he was glad. If she was gone...then she wouldn't see him, a broken and battered warrior. Who had to do so many wrong things, simply to do one right thing.
"I thought so." Samus responded as she looked up at the ceiling. "Out of everyone you spoke to, she seemed to be closer to you than anyone. In just more than a physical sense." Samus had heard that Pit had killed Sona..she could tell him but she wasn't sure if he wanted to know.
"...It's hard to explain," Ike murmured. "...Sona is...she is more to me than anything I can say," he admitted. "She has been a traveling companion, when all I had to talk to was her. She was my greatest ally when I thought I was going to die. She was there during the revenge of my father. She has always been in my life when I needed her." Now? He didn't know what it meant to feel without her around. But hiding Ragnell away was enough...shame.

Shame that he had done something that he knew Sona wouldn't like, shame that he would never see her again. Shame that if he did see her, she would hate him. Because Ike would never let her know that he was the Dark Knight.
"..If you want, you can come into the bath with me." Samus wasn't sure why she offered it. Maybe it was because she could hear the pain in his voice. Maybe she needed to be close to someone herself right now. She had been alone for a long time, but she never forgot what it was like to have friends, allies...and then the pain of losing them.

She just wanted to comfort him.
Ike glanced a little to her direction, but said nothing before he sat the helmet down and headed toward the bathroom. He didn't say much, not that there was much to say. His time with Ganondorf and Medusa had added a few new scars here and there, but his body hadn't changed much as he stripped out. Seeing her nude for the first time, even just the hints of her breasts and her shoulders was different. It was arousing in a bizarre way. He was used to seeing her so stoic and well protected, here...she was naked and vulnerable.

"...Thank you," he finally said, moving to join her.
She kept her eyes to herself, not that she didn't want to see him or anything. The bath was still plenty warm, so maybe that was why she felt a trace of heat to her cheeks. "It's the least I can do.." Samus muttered as she continued to gaze at the ceiling. She didn't move to sit up, she was fine this way, with her hands folded on her bare stomach. She wasn't ashamed of her body in the very least. "I can't give you any comforting words. Perhaps the comfort is in me simply being next to you."
Ike had no such reservations to admire what little he could see, toned shoulders and a graceful neck that settled into an almost unearthly beauty. He sunk down into the bath with a faint breath, arms draped across the length of the bathtub.

"...You can look, you know," Ike said, not smugly. But a simple statement. "I don't mind."
Samus tilted her head towards him as her eyes scanned him from his handsome face all the way down to the water. There was no change of expression in her face, nothing to indicate whether or not she enjoyed what she saw. Her eyes pulled away after a few seconds of silent admiration. Not out of shyness, but she looked and she was done..for now. Maybe she should say something. Pay him a compliment. She was never entirely sure how to go about these things. "You can look at me too, if you want." That..sort of worked for what she really wanted to accomplish.
Ike glanced at her a moment, but only respectfully. "I don't need to see more to realize you're more than I can handle," he said modestly. "You're beautiful, one of the most attractive women I have ever seen, and the most fit." he chuckled. "I feel like you could break me in half."

...and that kind of made his manhood throb just a little.
Samus wasn't sure how to feel about that. It was certainly meant to be a compliment, and it made her feel good. But at the same time, she found it strange that he felt inferior to her? "That's interesting coming from the man who managed to knock and hold me down while he had a strong sedative in his body." Maybe he was just modest. Or maybe it was because she was just intimidating.
"Adrenaline does a lot of things," Ike mused. "...But I assure you, that was not an easy thing to do. Felt about ready to collapse." he admitted. "It was luck, nothing more."
"I'm sure those muscles you have aren't just for show. You're pretty fit yourself, Ike." Samus replied as she started sitting up, exposing her breasts just a little more to him. She gazed back over to him, looking into his eyes. She couldn't really figure him out. Though she knew he was attracted to her. "That's one of the things that about you." Her cheeks flushed just a little. She sounded..awkward.
Ike regarded a moment, before deciding to shift closer in the water, hands on the side of the tub as he pushed himself forward, somewhere, he met her long, toned legs...but he simply pushed past them. "I see," Ike murmured. "Then there is plenty of things I like about you, Samus."
She watched as he moved closer towards her but made no moves to pull away. Actually, she rose up even more so that she was sitting all the way up. "...Is that so?" She asked, her eyes shifting towards his lips before she looked into his eyes again. She knew what was coming next, she didn't have to wait for it. The moment he got close enough she pressed her lips against his. It had been...a long time. But she remembered how this worked.
Ike kissed her, probably with a little more eagerness than he intended as his body shifted forward, an erection brushing against her. His arms slid around her waist, pressing her close. She was taller, toned...perfect. That was the only word he could describe it as.
Samus immediately felt her skin flushing, her legs tingling...she had forgotten what it was like to be touched. She forgot how nice a kiss felt. His eagerness only excited her more as her tongue slid against his. Her arms draped around his shoulders, pressing back against him to express that same excitement he felt.

This was better. She could communicate her feelings much better though bodily contact.
He pressed her against the tub, tongue glancing along her bottom lip as he broke the kiss. This was...a different kind of Samus, someone who was hardly stoic and acerbic and more needy and hungry. He could appreciate it, so could his lips finally meeting her neck, tongue flicking over the flesh as his hands slid along her toned legs to push himself closer, his cock nuzzled against her entrance. In a way, there was a morbid sense of pleasure that...despite being considered his property, she did this willingly.
She tilted her head back a little as he kissed on her neck, her breath becoming quite ragged as her large breasts began to rise and fall quite rapidly. She could feel his thickness pressing against her, and she instinctively widened her long legs even more. She wanted to feel him...she wanted to remember what it was like to feel anything at all.
He slid his mouth lower, letting his lips and tongue adore her before he slid over the top of a breast, shifting her up just a little so he could press his cock against her and gently slip it inside. "Mm..." Ike growled against her skin. "I think I like taller women..."
Samus let out a soft, sensual moan as he slipped inside of her. He was thick, but also it had simply been a long time for her. She couldn't stop twitching and squeezing him as he rested inside of her. He didn't even have to move and she was already getting even more aroused. "...that's good." She answered softly as she moved one of her hands to the back of his head, running her fingers through his blue hair. She liked how close they warm he was.
His eyes fluttered at her touch, and he slid back up to kiss her while he started to buck firmly into her tight pussy. She was surprisingly tight, but it wasn't really about that. It was just about...feeling something that wasn't something that he had to swallow his pride to accept, or something that would make him question himself. This was real, honest...and his hips were as desperate as he felt to make her feel that way too.
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