The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Medusa knew the words were empty but she was still very appreciative of the praise. "Samus, dear." Samus flinched at the sound of her name. Normally it was rarely said. She had been called by titles more often than not. "You seem to enjoy this Knights company, do you not? So you would not be opposed if I gave you to him."

"...No." Samus answered, very hesitantly. Was that how Medusa viewed her? As some..object to give away? She couldn't say she was surprised.

"Very good, she is yours, Black Knight. You don't need my permission to use her anymore. Do whatever you wish." Medusa smirked at the thought.
He glanced at Samus a moment, then nodded. "...Thank you, my lady," he murmured. "If you would excuse me, I would like to take advantage of the gift you have given me." He hoped that Samus trusted him, because there was no other real way to act earnest than to slip his arm around her and pull her against him, if she looked displeased or resisted, all the better. At the very least, Ganondorf seemed amused. Hm, he would give the Knight credit...more and more, it was hard to tell if it was simply orders or a genuine honesty to his loyalty.
Medusa watched them leave, seeing Samus attempt to pull away just a little. She had to wonder what he really planned to do.

Samus really wasn't pleased at being so close, but..for some reason she felt like he was not the type of person to 'take advantage'. Then again, he wasn't the type of person to murder hundreds of innocents, either. Still, there had to be a line...somewhere. Once they had been far enough away from the throne room, Samus felt the need to speak. "What..exactly are you planning?"
"I'm planning to take you to my quarters," he said, almost as if it was a casual question. They couldn't talk here, too many eyes...hard to tell if even his quarters were safe from her gaze. He supposed in the end, it didn't matter. No matter his intentions, he didn't act on them...which was enough. He supposed it was a stupid need, or a stupid desire. But maybe spending time with someone would make him feel less like he was a monster, and more like he had made the right choice.

Anymore, it was hard to tell what any of this meant.
Samus was quiet the rest of the way. For some reason, she felt her heart racing being this close. It didn't help that she couldn't see his face to read his intentions. But once she found herself in his room, she couldn't help but awkwardly stand there as her eyes scanned the room. Looked just about as dull as hers did. Now she would find out what he was really planning.
He walked over to his dresser and slid his helmet off with a faint sigh, sitting it down. His blue hair was distinctive, devoid of the normal headband as Ike ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes were weary, empty...maybe a little bit hollow and devoid of genuine feeling. He stared at himself a moment in the mirror, before some flicker of life went to his eyes. Not like it used to be, not like a proud warrior who knew where he stood. Now he was more like a defeated animal, mangy and circling what little he could to keep it safe.

Even then, he felt like a failure.

"...You doing okay?" Ike finally asked, glancing back at her.
Samus saw that in his was like he flipped a switch. He almost seemed like an entirely different person now. "..I'll be fine. What about you?" She didn't know why she asked that, when she was sure she already knew the answer. He had lost his friends, possibly for good now that he had caused such a tragedy. Assuming they were still alive.
"..." Ike didn't really know how to answer that, so he didn't, not really. "Enough to sleep," he said without much faith in that. "They will know, eventually." he said. He couldn't hide it forever, he wouldn't. They needed a reason to hate, something that would drive them forward. Maybe it would end in his death, maybe it would end in the death of Medusa. Whatever the case, they needed a reason to be galvanized. "I will be a traitor, a monster...and they will try to kill me for revenge, and then they will go after Ganondorf and Medusa. I am a target they could successfully harm, I want them to believe that."
Samus listened to his words, her eyes narrowing slightly. The way he spoke, he had resigned himself to his fate. He was alone, just like she was. She moved closer to him as she tried to figure out something she could say. Something that probably wouldn't make him feel any better. But she didn't want him to give up hope, not yet. "What we did was unforgivable, that much is true. I..I didn't want to, but I had nothing to lose. You, you sacrificed a great deal just to be the reason they press on. I can't imagine how you feel, and I know there is no words that I can say to comfort you. Other than, I'm here for you...and I believe in you."
"I wouldn't," Ike said, sitting down with a sigh as he took of his gauntlets, discarding them as if they were diseased. "They no doubt know my loyalty is...nonexistent, at best." He was simply a realist, he would be able to help...somehow, if he was this important, and influential. He just had to be patient, to wait...and to make it real. He would be setting up his own attempts to die, simply so others could have a chance.

"I am the butcher of Medusa, and I will play that role until I am killed."
Samus stared down at him as he sat, listening to him speak. "If your loyalty is non existent, who says you have to stay here longer than you need to?" She asked quietly, folding her arms together. She was slightly annoyed at herself for letting him get under her skin this much. Everyone she had ever been close to died and it seemed like this time would be no different.
"Because a purpose in death is better than none," Ike said, glancing up at her. "Those men fought and died for a cause, Samus...something they believed in. If I simply left when my purpose isn't done, I disgrace them even more than I did today. I can't escape what I have done, and I will do everything I can to make those deaths mean something, and make the ones that I will cause have meaning, too. I will never forget the look of their faces when they realized that they failed to protect everything they held dear."
"But what about when your purpose is done, Ike?" Or would it ever be? His thoughts and reasoning were lost to her, mostly. She couldn't figure him out, even though she really wanted to. Even now, after he committed such horrible acts, he still had...feelings. He wasn't numb like she was..he let himself feel the pain.
"Then I will either be dead, or I will have to find some way to live," Ike stated with a shrug. "I am still a mercenary, at heart...there are no doubt some horrible people who would hire me on reputation alone, now."
Samus didn't have much more to say to that. Nothing could really justify what they had done, no matter what their intentions were. She just leaned against the wall and looked at the floor. "..I think I'm going to give up on getting off this planet." She told him after a while.
"...You're welcome to be with me, however long you want." Ike said. "...For all that you've done to help me, I refuse to let you think that you are alone in this world. You will always have me, Samus."
Samus was quiet. She wasn't really sure how to say it. She didn't believe him, but she wanted to. She lifted up her gaze after a moment to him and nodded. "That's...very nice of you. It's nice to be considered something other than a tool to be given away at a moments notice." Her voice was slightly bitter. It was clear she was very unhappy being 'given' to him. But..she knew Ike wouldn't force her to do anything she didn't want to do, nor would he consider her his property.
"Heh, well..." Ike said, scratching his cheek a little as the vestiges of a smile traced on his face. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the closeness...not that I deserve anything of the sort. Especially now."
"...I don't either. We undeserving together I suppose." She moved closer to him, sitting on the bed. She'd probably be here for a while...and it's not like they had never been in the same room before. It reminded her of when she first crash landed here...when things weren't like this. She remembered how Sona would be constantly around Ike. The bond they had was deep. He must have missed her.
"I suppose so," Ike murmured. "...You can stay tonight, if you'd like. I have the room, at least." Medusa was nothing if not lavish with her accouterments. He just wondered where she had gotten the large bed.
Samus could feel her heart rate slowly pick up at the offer. Without his helm, she couldn't ignore how attractive she was. And she knew he found her attractive. The mutual feelings between them was why she had tried to pull away when he held her close. She was a little scared of those feelings and what they meant. "I..suppose. If you don't mind." She didn't know why she said yes..maybe it was because the comfort she had found in his company.
"I don't, if you don't," Ike said. "The bath is the door over there, help yourself," he murmured. "I'm sure you'd like the time to relax." He kind of had a feeling where this was going, and...for once. He didn't mind. He was almost looking forward to it.
Samus wanted a bath, badly actually. She knew that she would still feel dirty afterwards. Even though there wasn't any scent now, she remembered how Althea's poisoned smelled like. It would still be in her suit for another two days, too. Maybe she should take it off, and leave it off until it went away.

She moved up from the bed and then went to the room. She probably could have invited him if she wanted, but she really wasn't sure what she wanted. "..We can still talk if you want. I know I'm not good at saying things, but I can listen." She said as she moved into the room, leaving the door open.
"...I appreciate that, thank you," Ike said, keeping his back turned to the bathroom. Not that he knew what to talk about, but it was...nicer than being alone, nice to have that area of communication as he began to polish off his bloody armor. It was just a habit he kept, maybe to keep his mind off of things. "...So what did you do before you came here, anyway?"
Samus slowly started to peel off her suit as she though about how to answer his question. "..I was a bounty hunter. Traveled from planet to planet..nothing really interesting." She answered as she began to run the water now that her skin tight suit was taken off. She let her hair down and stared at the bath as it filled up. She should probably..follow up with something. "Have you always been a mercenary?"
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