The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

They were changing positions again..? She didn't have much time to complain, or any reason to for that matter. She wailed as her wings stretched out slightly, fluttering in satisfaction. With her head now on the blankets, she started to drool without even realizing it. It felt so good...and it was starting to feel better and better as time went by. She..was sure she was about to have an 'orgasm'. Something she had dreamed about. She saw it all the time...Chi liked watching people, especially when they had sex.

It really did feel as good as it looked.
He slid behind her, hands slipping along the joints of her wings to rub the base with a hungry smirk, hips smacking firmly against her cute butt. "Mm...what do you think, Chi?" he purred. "Do you like it...?"
" I allowed to talk now, Pet?" She groaned sarcastically in response, her wings twitching even more at his touch. That felt..better than she would ever imagine. She had no idea it was sensitive there. Maybe he'd like that too. "Of course...I really like it...a feels very nice." Was hard to talk when he was ramming her from behind like this. She could feel her juices sliding down her thighs now. Was she supposed to be this wet..? It didn't matter...she felt like she was going to explode soon. Which was a good thing.
"Mm, good..." Pit growled, gripping the base of her wings, not roughly...but rough enough to give the erogenous zone work to his advantage as he started to pick up his pace. "Because we're going to do it again..."
Another wanton moan left Chi's lips when he grabbed her. He would be able to feel them twitching as she became more flustered, and she was starting to squirm. She shut her eyes tightly. "Mnnn...really? We can do this again? That makes very happy!" She grunted as she finally felt her release at her last word. She got..really really loud, and her hands grabbed the blankets desperately as the most wonderful thing she had ever felt came over her, and she covered him in a fresh, hot coat of fluid. Hmm..messy but worth it.
Pit let out a pleased hiss of pleasure as he rocked into her, his entire body shivering with his long, drawn out orgasm as he nuzzled against her neck, his hips slowing down after a while before they stopped. "Mm..." he panted faintly. "Not bad...for a chatty brat."
Chi let her body relax on the covers underneath her, her legs spreading out and her toes uncurling as she relaxed. "Mnnn, I'm too happy to respond to your rudeness." She grumbled as she stretched her limbs and wings out and flipped herself up to face him. "That felt greater than I could have ever imagine. Thanks, Pet." The smile on her face was much different. Much more genuine, instead of that usual snarky smirk she had plastered to her face. She couldn't be any more grateful that he gave her a real reason to smile.
"...You're welcome," Pit mumbled, face slightly red as he reclined back with a faint sigh, hands behind his head. "...Guess I'll be staying for a little while longer," he said passively. "...If you don't mind someone to bother."
"Oh yeah? Didn't Medusa give you freedom?" Chi asked as she moved over to pull a blanket over herself and him, nuzzling against his chest in the process. "I mean...even if you just took off, I'd still find you and bother you." Especially after he made her feel so good. She wanted to feel it again..really soon.
"...Yeah, so...that means I can stay here if I want," Pit murmured. "So I think I're...welcome to stay in the tower, if you'd like, Chi."
Chi looked up at him, her red eyes staring at him for a moment. Was he serious? "...that would be nice." She told him after a while. So her plan really did work? Now he liked her? She wasn't complaining. Even if it hadn't, she still felt good about doing him a favor. She just didn't think he'd get this affectionate towards her. "You know, I don't think I ever had a place I could stay before. You keep giving me things..that I can't thank you enough for."
"...I know what it feels like," he admitted, hand running through her hair, almost absently. "...To feel like nothing matters, maybe it doesn't, I don't know. But...I owe you for Sona, and for keeping me company, at least."
Chi got a little uncomfortable again...but it wasn't as bad as before. She nuzzled her head against him a little, sighing softly. "I know this moment was worth all the nothingness. This...matters. At least to me."
"Me too," Pit mumbled. "Someone remembers you, Chi. So don't do anything stupid out there, alright?"
Chi...was really starting to feel uncomfortable. There was a stinging in her nose...and her eyes got a little teary. She..never had anyone. No one who cared about her, any way. She ignored the tears, laughing a bit. "I won't...Same goes for you, okay?" She moved her arm over him and hugged him tightly to her body. This felt so good it hurt.
Pit blinked a little in surprise, glancing at her a moment as he settled his hand on her head. "...Sure," he said quietly. "...Did I say something wrong?"
"No...stupid." She nuzzled into his hand, smiling a little as she looked up at him. "You just keep making me happy and my stupid brain thought it was a good idea to cry." All of this...was worth her miserable existence. He was worth it.
"...Well, I'm glad," Pit mumbled, somewhat awkwardly. Maybe...this wouldn't be so bad?

The world was forever changed, the day Ganondorf obtained the Triforce and made his wish. The sky darkened that day, and stars rained down around the world. Landmasses shifted, storms and tidal waves were common for the first few weeks until the dust finally settled. All of it formed into a massive swirl of continents, with Death Mountain at it's center. Work had begun almost immediately for the tower, one that shot into the owned by Medusa.

Things had changed...for the worse, but life still moved on. Medusa needed live people to keep her power, to maintain her worshipers. Ganondorf needed armies, loyal people who submitted for fear or a desire for their own power. There would always be people against a regime, good or bad. The first problem was Ylisse, ruled by Lord Chrom. A benevolent man, one that could be respected for his modesty and kind heart, and his desire to fight injustice.

It had been months since everything had happened, and in that time, Ganondorf had a leader of his armies. A Black Knight, settled in form fitting black armor, and a blood red cape. His blade was none other than the wicked sword Gurgurant. And his shadow, a woman said to be as peerlessly beautiful as she was deadly. Together, they were the fear and terror of Ganondorf and Medusa's armies, both of them stood in front of Medusa and Ganondorf, the knight's hands resting on the pommel of his weapon. Her temple at the very top of the tower had become a testament to her beauty and radiance, and Palutena still stood as a naked footrest to her power.

Truth be told, Ganondorf was impressed...both of them had carried out their orders to letter, if not to the very word. But this time was different, here...they would crush an entire army. Their plan was a bold one, but one that Ganondorf liked. "So, you wish to first kidnap Chrom, and then you will use him as bait?"

"Yes," The Knight murmured. "While I attack the main head of the army, Samus and her shadows can find him and sow confusion. Then we will catch them in a pincer attack." A bold strategy, one that Ganondorf could enjoy. "And I trust the Lady Medusa approves of his plan, to use her shadow?"
"She did..I have already consulted with her." Samus answered for the Knight, as she had been the one who had went to Lady Medusa earlier about this. Their...partnership had been forced to continue, as she could not find her ship...perhaps with all the change in landscape, it had ended up somewhere entirely different. So for now, she had to continue working with the Goddess, and the ruler of this world. It left her bitter, as she suspected foul play on their behalf. But there wasn't much she could do, except for what she had to. For now, anyway.

Honestly, she wouldn't have stayed if it wasn't for the identity of the knight in black armor. His decision to join had hardened her resolve to stick with her goal. Their reasons differed, but were still quite similar. They just did what they had to do.
"Then I expect good news, Sir Knight, Lady Shadow." Ganondorf smirked faintly. "...I trust you know that your intentions will be seen on this battle, Sir Knight."

"My only intentions are as I promised," He assured. "Nothing more, you will have Ylisee within the week, Lord Ganondorf, and a temple to your majesty will be done shortly thereafter, Lady Medusa." he said, tilting his armored head. "If you will excuse us, I would like to see to my men." People had flocked to them out of fear, truly. He couldn't blame them, there was nothing left but rumor to the Hero of Time and the Radiant Hero and the merry band. It was said that the Queen and Princess of Ylisee had escaped Hyrule with the others before it was torn asunder by this new world.

"Of course," Ganondorf smirked, as the Black Knight turned to leave with a flourish of his cape. What they were about to would change everything, but he had no choice. Should they need a target of hatred to keep them going, he would be that target. But he couldn't falter, not for a second. Either they died by his hand, or he died. There was nothing in-between. The Lady Palutena was captured, the faith of the good was lost...but someone like Chrom, he was a beacon of hope when all of their heroes were missing.

And he would snuff that hope out.
Samus turned on her heel and followed him, though she stared at him curiously. What was going on in his head? This plan would result in many deaths, and also crush the hope of those who still hoped to be saved from the merciless iron fist that was Lord Ganondorf. But yet, he seemed absolutely resolute in doing this. Why would he go this far?

"Are you really okay with this?" She asked quietly after they were far enough away from prying ears.
"No," he said, his voice firm and unwavering regardless. "But they need a reason to hate, they have hope. I must remind them what it means to have none." That was the only way they would decide their fates. "If I must do it, then so be it. Ylsse shall run red. And Lord Chrom will bear witness to all of it."
Those were..very cruel words for a man like him. However, she found respect in them and even reason. Revenge was a good motivator...she knew that better than anyone. Hatred, while not the best feeling..was the most driving feeling she had ever felt. "Then I support you." She put emphasis on that last word. Loyalty was something she never gave, but watching him...she wanted to help him.
He glanced at her a moment, then back to the path that they were walking. "...Then I want you to kidnap Chrom, and I want you to make sure everyone knows what it means to hate." he mumbled. "Spare no one, they must understand that we support them, or everything we do will be pointless." They needed time, and opportunity...they couldn't have the latter if they didn't prove their loyalty. "Chrom is all we need to remain alive, everyone else is expendable, no one must see you. Do you understand?"
"...Yes." Samus answered as she continued to follow him. His tone was absolute, it actually sent chills down her spine. He was...adapting to this rather well, even if he wasn't okay with this. "No one will be spared. I will have the priestess dip all of my weapons in poison, so death is guaranteed." Hopefully she wouldn't too busy. But Medusa's daughter was...a handful sometimes. Not so much for Palutena's son, however.
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