The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Oh you know, places..." She started as she followed him. Oh yeah, she remembered that kiss. She really, really liked it, and she wanted him to like her. Which was why she risked her neck doing what she did. "When I left, I was flying around...saw Sona's body and checked it. She was still alive, barely. There was a lot of blood. She's okay now though." She winked at him.

Honestly, even though her intentions were to get on his good side..she felt slightly...sorry for him. He really liked Sona, and she knew he didn't want her to die. She felt like..doing the right thing. For him, anyway.
His wings bristled in surprise and he whipped around at that, hands on her shoulders. "What?!" he hissed faintly. Less in an angry tone, and more like confused incredulity. "She is? how?" he said quietly. Medusa was too high on her victory to peek into his personal affairs right now, he could always just feel when she was snooping. "...Wait," he muttered. "...Why are you helping her?"
"Well, her having big tits helped." Chi was very amused by his reaction, but at least she knew she had done something right for once. "But mainly..I saw the opportunity and took it. Because I know you'd feel bad if she died at your hand. I mean you were already really torn up at stabbing her in the first place. So I patched her up, flew her to a nearby village and left her where someone could find her. She'll probably hate you forever, but she'll be fine." The way she was kinda conceited and obnoxious. But only because she for once felt good about something she did.
Pit didn't know what to say to that, to be honest. He knew Sona wouldn't ever...they wouldn't be friends again, he accepted that. No matter what he did, that couldn't change. But Chi did that for...him? It brought the same feeling that Sona did, he wasn't sure what to think of that. But...he wasn't one to leave something like that alone. His expression was distant a moment before he glanced back at her.

"...I have to see Lady Medusa first," Pit mumbled. "...But you're welcome to stay in my tower until I get back, Chi." He would have to burn that bridge when it got there, but...for now. She was alive.

That was something.
Chi smiled widely when he told her that. It was probably the first time that he had actually...wanted her to be around. "I'll see you when you get back then." She moved his hands off her shoulders and then spread her wings, taking off. She couldn't get there fast enough. She wanted to roll around in his bed and enjoy his scent.

Palutena woke up completely bound and naked on the floor. Though she was in somewhat of a throne room. She felt something pressing down on her back, and when she looked up she released Medusa was using her as a foot rest. "Finally come too, Palutena? Good. You said you'd do anything for me, and I intend to have you keep your word. You're going to submit to me in front of everyone, and hand me your status as a ruler. That way everyone knows."

"Pit" Palutena asked weakly, still feeling numbness in her limbs. Medusa pushed her foot down painfully into her side, and she winced.

"Of course, I give you my word." She wanted him alive anyway. She wanted him to live in this world, where evil reigned the sky and the land.
Pit came to quite the scene, although one that he should have expected to see. Still, with his new found...realization of female figures, it was not a bad one. But he was here on business. He bowed respectfully, mostly because he knew that Medusa would not have her moment spoiled, and he wasn't bold enough to test it. "The idiot has been imprisoned, in one of the nicer cells, my lady." Nicer in this place just meant he had some space. Hard to make luxury out of rock.
"Excellent. Good job, Pit...Hear that, Palutena? Pit's do we have a deal?" She asked as she peered down at the green haired Goddess. Palutena narrowed her eyes, but since they still had him...she couldn't say no. Either way...Medusa would claim Skyworld. She just wanted to to solidify the victory and force more people to worship her.

"Yes..I'll do it..." Palutena answered after a while. All she wanted was to see him make it out of all this alive, at least. Medusa would..certainly get bored of her and kill her.

"Good," Medusa purred before rising up, putting her full weight on Palutena before she stepped off her. "And as for you..." Medusa was in a good mood. She would give Pit whatever he wanted, starting with words of gratitude. "You were helped us get the second piece of the triforce, and you made sure Palutena's weapon stayed out of the way when Ganon retrieved the third. I couldn't be any more proud of you." She told him as she placed her hand on his cheek.
Despite himself, Pit blinked a little in surprise at her honest praise, wings fluttering a moment as if a son had been praised by his mother. "I...yes, t...thank you, Lady Medusa." Her hand felt far too soothing and relaxing to his agitated mind. What was with moment, he wanted to be away from her, and be as far from her grip as possible. Now? He was happy to see her happy, happy that he could help. "I..I am glad to be of service, my lady."
"You don't have to anymore," She whispered to him as she knelt down and pecked him on the forehead and looked him into his eyes. "You don't have to be of service to me if you don't want to. You're free. But..that doesn't mean I don't want you around anymore. I'd be happier to see you still at my side, but it's your choice. You don't have to make the decision right away, either."

Palutena was a little shocked to see Medusa this way, but...considering the circumstances she had every right to be in a good mood and actually be somewhat compassionate.
Pit blinked, glancing up at her almost in surprise. "I..." he mumbled. "...I would...I would like to stay, but...I would like the choice go if I want," Pit said, almost quietly. Almost unsure. Was...she being honest? Was she just trying to placate him so he could stick around? He didn't know. He was so desperate to be recognized, and Medusa was giving him exactly what he wanted. It had to just be her victory, in a few months or something...she'd be back to her normal self.

...But he kind of wanted to stick around and see if that was true.
"Then the choice is yours." Medusa told him as she brought him into a tight embrace. "And if there is anything else you need, I will give it to you." She was definitely in a generous, triumphant mood. But she had no other man to spoil. Except Ganon..but she had her own present for him. Even if the whore was pregnant, she'd make a good sheath for his fat cock.
He nuzzled into her bosom almost...desperately, but his eyes were wary as he glanced up at her. "...You mean this?" he said, too honest to be anything else. "...I can...go whenever I want, and you won't be mad? Or punish me? I can be my own person?"
"Yes. When you put it like that, I don't have a problem with it. Before you just said you wanted to be away from me, and I got upset. But I mean it, Pit. I would still like to have you at my side, whenever you're willing to be." At this point, Medusa was being mostly truthful. Something about rejection never went to well with her. If he started acting up again, she'd probably say the same things to him just to hurt him out of spite. But..there was a bond there. And she felt in when he rushed in and tried to take on Palutena.

Perhaps Ganesssa was making her a little soft.
He nodded softly at that, shifting away from her somewhat awkwardly. "...Then, I...would like that, Lady Medusa." he mumbled. "...If I may be excused?" He didn't... know how to handle this. Was...she being affectionate with him? Why? It felt good, it just...he didn't know. He didn't know what he was feeling, it scared him and made him feel stronger all at once. This had to be a lie, but he knew that it wasn't. He knew that she was being honest.

He didn't know how, but he did.
He definitely looked confused, but that was to be expected. She was being far more genuine than he'd be used to. "You may." She told him as she ran her fingers through his hair and then turned back to her throne. She was still waiting for Ganondorf, and she knew Pit probably wouldn't care to see what she had in store. Stepping back on Palutena's body, she sat down and then enjoyed he foot rest. Her eyes watched him until the moment he left. She would wait here, maybe play with her prisoner a little before the main course could begin.
Pit made his way back to his tower, his expression never changing much as he continued up the steps. He felt...good, and he wasn't sure why. Medusa was...was proud of him? He liked that feeling, it made him feel like he mattered. Coming up to the top, where Chi seemed to be bundled up...he caught sight of the new world. It looked nothing like Hyrule, things were still shifting and rumbling around them, but Death Mountain seemed immune to it all. Storms were blowing in the distance, lightning and tidal waves and everything inbetween.

Ganondorf was shaping the world how he saw fit, and Medusa was living her revenge.

"...You really saved her, Chi?" Pit asked after a moment, glancing at her.
Chi sat up, the blankets falling from her as she pulled her knees towards her body. "Oh yeah, you don't believe me?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. She had fallen asleep, adoring that amazing scent that belong to him. "I wouldn't lie about that. Why would I lie about something that could get me killed?" He seemed...different. In a better mood, maybe?
He was thoughtful for a moment, wings twitching as he looked out of the tower. "...I see," he said, moving to sit next to her. So, she was serious then? He wasn't exactly an expert, but he got the basic idea of what she was hinting at. "Then I suppose I should thank you." How? Well, he didn't know much about that, either...but he decided he'd just go with his gut feeling.
She rubbed her wing against his when he sat down next to her, giving him a huge smile. "Maybe. You didn't ask me to do it, so you don't technically have to." She said thoughtfully as she leaned back on her elbows and yawned a bit, though the smile never left her face. "I figured it was better that way in case I got caught."
"...Yeah," Pit said, leaning over to kiss her. Not a small, chaste kiss either. But a long, hungry, powerful one. He didn't know what she wanted, but he knew what he Sona taught him. And what he felt right now was...genuine need, affection maybe. He didn't know, he just knew that kissing her was what he wanted to do.
Chi wasn't really expecting him to kiss all. Especially not like this. Her cheeks grew red as their lips stayed locked together for a full minute. This wasn't like the peck she did earlier..that was a real kiss. She...actually really liked it. She hadn't expected him to do be so passionate about it.

"I..." For once she had no words, she looked away, her hair falling into her face as she waited for her heart to stop drumming in her ears. "Thank you...for that."
"We're not done," Pit said, hand running through her hair before he kissed her cheek, then undid the clasp of his robe as he shifted closer, deciding to kiss the flush on her neck, and then work on the clasp of her own robes. They had lots of blankets and lots of pillows, they'd be plenty comfortable and warm. He wanted to do this, for her...for him? Maybe for the both of them.
Chi was...very surprised at his sudden interest in her. Was he really that grateful? Did he actually like her? The attention he was giving her with his lips made her not care as much. When he undid the claps of her robes, she felt her small breasts and her tight stomach be exposed to the air. She didn't cover them though. Chi had accepted them and she somehow knew that Pit would like she didn't feel the need to.

Though there was something..incredibly awkward about this. She had no idea what to do..maybe she was thinking about it too much. One of her hands moved to caress his chest. He was warm and he smelled so good being close to her like this. Better than the blankets she had wrapped herself in.
"All of it," Pit said, his tone needy and slightly demanding as he discarded his own robes and slid out of his breeches, his erection was thick and long...and eager. Somehow, her inaction aroused him further. Was she just...not sure what to do?
She found his tone quite arousing, actually. So she pulled off her clothes and set them to the side. She even let down her hair since she was sure she'd be going to sleep for real after this. She only tied it back when she wanted to fly. Her legs shared the same tone as her stomach, if not slightly more muscular. She had her curves, here and there. Her eyes trailed to his cock, and she licked her lips. She just figured out what she needed to do.

She crawled over to him on all fours and reached out to touch it..running her fingers across it curiously. It felt..really nice, and his scent was even stronger on his cock. She loved it...
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