The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Mm, I'm going to cum..." Ganon grinned hungrily, squeezing her perfect little ass as he bucked into it, giving it a sharp slap. "I'm going to cum in that nice little pussy, your you want it? Tell the truth!" he laughed, rolling his hips as he yanked her head back viciously, giving her face a firm smack.
"You think so?" Ike said, his posture still sturdy and strong despite the expression in his face. "What you're doing right changing everything," he mumbled. "Because of you...we won't make it..."
She cried out when he smacked her in the face, her back arching painfully from him pulling her hair so hard. The thought of child inside of her made her shake her head. "No, I don't want it! Don't cum inside of me!" She begged, though the sounds her slutty pussy made told a different story as it tightly and hungrily attempted to milk his cock for all the semen he could give it. She was starting to pant, her skin was flushing...she was getting close too. Why..?

"Blame me if you want, but eventually you will understand what I'm talking about." After her last word, she dashed forward and attempted to knee him in the gut. She...knew he probably hated her, but she resolved. She needed to do this, it was quite possibly the only thing that would get her off this planet, regardless of what state it was in when she left.
"Mm, you don't want me to do it?" Ganondorf growled hungrily, tongue running over her tear streaked cheeks as he slowed his hips, bucking hard and slow into her messy cunt. "Then give me what I desire, girl...give me your Triforce. I am destined to birth entire generations of will be swollen with my child, one way or another." he smirked hungrily. "Mm, your baby or your Triforce...maybe...I should do both..."

Ike allowed it, because she hit hard. His sword dropped, but he wrapped his legs around her thigh with a heavy growl of pain and shoved forward, pressing the leg against his chest as he scrambled to get on top of her, dagger quick in his hands. His vision was blurry, and he felt like he was going to vomit...but he didn't need to see well this close.
Zelda..could never doom her entire race or very possibly the world because she didn't want to get pregnant. "I'll..never give you." She said through her heaving panting. She had to resist as long as she could. She had to believe that someone would help her. Though it was hard to resist...when she could barely ignore that creeping sensation deep within her.

Samus wasn't expecting him to be so reactive after being poisoned. She grunted as she hit the ground, momentarily disoriented. However, she saw him moving on top of her and she grabbed his wrist to avoid being assaulted with the dagger.
"Mm...really?" Ganondorf growled, hips rolling slowly. The barrier on her door started to weaken, sigils of light flittered through. "Then you will be the whore Queen, the one who submitted body and soul to the demon king...and bared him a child," he purred eagerly. "Mm, you will make a fine concubine...with many children...and that bastard hero will suffer, every waking moment..."
Ike reached down and slammed his forehead against hers, hand moving to her throat.

"Impa!" Ike growled, trying to press the dagger down.

"I'm working on it!" Impa insisted heavily, hands a weave of hard to follow patterns as she and her warriors chanted to break the seal of darkness.
Zelda noticed the light..she could feel Impa and the others just faintly..she knew she was going to be saved..she had to hold on. Though she started squealing as her body finally gave out, and her orgasm overtook her. She could feel mind going blank as her body clenched around him, and like a fountain, her pussy began to overflow with a plethora of fluids...all for him. And it felt...really good.

Samus was glad that she had a hard skull, she was only disoriented for a moment before her hand found her own blade and she slashed at the arm she was holding back. She used the distraction to push him off her with everything she had, sending him to his side as she got up quickly and ran over to Impa and the others, her other hand going behind her back as she drew the same needles she had used against Ike. This time they did not leave her hand.
Ganondorf growled hungrily in pleasure, hips bucking into her one last time as he flooded her eager cunt with his seed. His hand settled over hers, and he felt it...yes...he felt her mind go empty, he felt the resistance finally giving way as he pulled off of her, his long, heavy spurts of cum oozing out of her discarded body when Impa and the others finally tore in. He grinned widely, the last piece of the golden triforce settling on his palm as he started to laugh...more like, he started to roar with jubilant laughter.

Impa's eyes widened in shock., no...

"Impa!" Ike growled, his legs carrying him on willpower alone, Ragnell back in his hands as he chased after Samus. "GO! Get out of here! Take her and go!" he said, as Impa's warriors stood in front of Samus. They didn't even try to stop her, they simply blocked her with their bodies. Ganondorf was too busy laughing at his victory, too busy laughing at Zelda's weakness of being some mindless whore to abuse to his pleasure. She was a non-issue, he had no care or concern that Impa scooped the naked and abused Queen up.
Samus could tell that Ganondorf succeeded...there was no need for her to cut anymore people down. She let Impa retrieve Zelda without stopping her...and she slunk back into the shadows to wait, completely disappearing from Ike's view. She was sure she wouldn't be needed any longer, however.

Ike's words lingered...she felt bad for this. But not too bad...because Medusa had shown her the powers she possessed, and from what she saw this would have happened regardless of whether or not she helped them.

That was what convinced her to join their side in the first place.
Ganondorf's power was generating heat, fear, terror...everything was shifting, rumbling...changing. The storm never slowed down, it only seemed to get worse. Impa didn't look back from Ike, she knew what he was doing. His aura alone was breaking away Zelda's room, exposing the sky. He let out a thunderous roar that seemed to carry across the entire world, his arm raised up as his Triforce flashed in his hands.

"Triforce! Hear my wish! I will command it all! The Sky will be torn asunder! The ground shall be split into my image! I will be a god among mortals!" A bright, burning flash of light shot into the very sky, and Ike's heart slammed into his gut as that pure beam of light twisted and shifted into darkness. It stabbed high into the sky like a deadly plague, soon...stars began to fall. Horrible wails began to fill the sky, one by one...the sky began to blink out of it's light. The brightest star held strong, but even it began to plummet to the land.

Palutena Ike mumbled, shifting the grip on his sword as he rushed forward with a wide swing. Ganondorf blocked it with a simple hand, grinning in amusement.

"I must admit, remind me far too much of Link," he purred, even as Ike's eyes remained resolute. "A brave, horrible fool until the very end...but there is something different in your eyes...something that reminds me of that woman from the stars." Ike's eyes narrowed at that before he reared his sword back and swung it down, he moved back, but Ike persisted. Truth be told, Ganondorf was impressed. Lesser men and women would quake in terror at his pretense, his very aura was one of unnatural power...he had given the sky to Medusa, the land was his. And yet still, Ike fought.

Ganondorf weaved through his swings before he stopped his blade and slammed his fist across his face, Ike jerked back with a pained grunt, holding his sword in front of him for defense. Now that was an interesting felt like...Medusa, but different. Oh, she would like him...then...another gift to give her to prove he was a man of his word. Paultena had chosen a champion, had she?

"What is your name, boy?" He rumbled.

"...Ike," he muttered, taking long, heavy breaths. He couldn't do this, but that wasn't the point...he was buying time, and Ganondorf knew that. Ike knew that Ganondorf knew that, as well...which is why he was wary. What was he thinking?

"This fighting is pointless," he smirked. "You are a mercenary, are you not? Your services would be far more useful under me. Your loyalty is commendable, especially for a lost cause...but I admit, I cannot always amuse my Lady Medusa, I think she would like someone to be an instrument of her will. A Black Knight, if you would." Ike lowered his sword after a moment, expression neutral.

"...I accept," he mumbled. Perhaps Samus had a point, after all...but from the inside, he would know more. He could save more, he could do so much more...if that meant that he would be a target of hatred, of be it.
Lady Palutena! Lady Palutena!

Palutena opened her eyes as she gained consciousness, hearing the sound of Pit's voice as he clung onto her. Immediately, she realized they were falling. She remembered resisting as hard as she could, but even her power was no match for the Triforce's strength. It completely tore through her defenses and she could hear the sound of her people screaming in terror as they were sent flying towards the surface. She immediately grabbed Pit and then used her power of flight to stop them from falling, but a hideous cackle filled the air and as they descended through a layer of clouds, that's when Palutena saw her. Medusa, large enough to grasp at the heavens stood there with a grin on her face, her hand flying out and threatening to grab both her and Pit.

Palutena evaded, gripping Pit close to her bosom as she skillfully evaded Medusa. Her large size meant that she was extremely slow, and more than likely she was just playing with them. Probably to display her power towards everyone let everyone know that she was still alive and very well. A display to intimidate and make people worship her out of fear. "What's the matter, Palutena!? Don't you have the strength to face me head on?" Medusa's voice echoed through the skies, and her eyes began to glow as she shot a large laser at the two of them. Though still Palutena managed to evade. There was no point fighting her like this. She'd meet her on the ground.

Though suddenly Medusa disappeared with a single burst of dark magic. Palutena was suddenly on guard, waiting for her to reappear at any moment, at any angle. "Behind you, Lady Palutena!" Pit shouted, and she turned just in time to see Medusa grinning as another burst of hot, white light shot towards her. Palutena raised her staff to create a barrier, but it pierced through...completely and utterly shattering it.

"What?!" Was all Palutena could say before it hit her in her chest. She screamed as she lost the concentration to fly, her white, radiant wings disappearing, and both her and Pit were sent crashing to the ground. Palutena held Pit protectively so that she took the majority of the force, and a crater formed underneath them as she groaned in pain.

Pit grunted and then slowly got up, looking down at the green haired Goddess as she struggled to keep conscious. "..Lady Palutena." He began, his face twisting in despair..and he felt slightly..scared. But...he wouldn't give up. He felt Medusa's presence behind him and he immediately drew his blades, hunching over Palutena protectively.

"I don't have time to deal with you, you little fly." Medusa smirked, the snakes in her hair hissing at Pit. She remembered...she remembered this little snot but not even he could stop her. Especially with that crippled wing. "So how about you fight someone more on your level? That way I can punish Palutena some more..."
The moment that beam of light sunk into Skyworld, Medusa had changed. Whatever issues that she and Pit had to work out were put on hold, in some small way...they shared a common fear. They were both cast-offs for their own reason. She didn't need to ask him, he went when she did. He landed in front of Medusa, spinning his blades with a vicious smirk.

"Time for round two, Pit stain." he growled.
Pit glared at his copy, his wings twitching in agitation as Palutena slowly got up, using her staff as somewhat of a support. She was in pain, but she'd manage...for now. "...Why did you go this far, Medusa? Do you truly care nothing for mortals-."

"Don't you dare ask me why, you insufferable bitch! You remember what you did to me! You're the reason I look like this!" As Medusa screamed those words, her face shifted into something..monstrous. She only had one eye, her skin became gray, all her beauty was lost...though just as quickly as her face changed, it went back to "normal". Though that was really her true form..which was why Medusa was so angry with her.

"...Pit. Don't can play with Pittoo all you want, but even if I fall. Do not charge in to your death. If you can't fight anymore..just run away." She had made Pit do so much for her, and that's why he had gotten hurt so bad in the first place. She had nearly lost him once...she couldn't see him like that..ever again. It hurt her.

"No way! I won't leave you, Lady Palutena! No matter what, I will fight along your side! I'm sorry, but after all this...I can't run away!" Pit could see the surprise in Palutena's eyes. Normally he did whatever she said without hesitation. But this was different. This was the end of the world, and he had nothing to lose. His blue eyes turned towards Dark Pit and Medusa. He could defeat "Pittoo", and then he'd help Palutena with Medusa. If they both worked together, then it wouldn't be like last time!

"Tch. Pointless. Deal with him, Pit." Medusa disappeared, and so did Palutena in a single burst of energy. Pit didn't hesitate to charge in, his blades ready in hand.
"Time to show you who the real Pit is," Dark Pit growled, shifting forward to meet him blade for blade. For every movement that Dark Pit was aggressive, Pit was conservative. It was like watching a literal mirror fight itself. It was to be expected, but no less annoying anyway. Pit hadn't gotten any weaker, no matter how much Dark Pit improved, it was even. It was infuriating, but that was fine. As much as he wanted to crush the idiot with his bare hands, all he needed to do was buy time for Medusa.
"You seem to have something to prove." Pit commented after a while with a confident smile. Even if they were pretty much even, he was determined to win this fight. Because Palutena needed him, and he defeated Medusa once. He was strong enough to do it again. Sounds of the two Goddess's clashing together shook the sky above them, but he didn't let that break his distraction. To defeat his adversary he'd need to fight differently. After all they're strategies would be the it was time to get a little unpredictable. With a rush of magic, he charged forward as a shield appeared from his anklet in attempts to shield bash Dark Pit.

Palutena raised her scepter and shot beams of light towards Medusa, who easily evaded and countered with her own eye beams. Palutena raised up her shield to block the attack, but she could feel herself being thrown back from the sheer force of it.

"It used to be about even, but it looks like you've weakened..or maybe I just got stronger with the cult of followers I have. But don't think I didn't notice, Palutena. You're carrying a doubt you got the idea from me...." Medusa smirked. She picked a horrible time to conceive. Now it would be the end of her.
Two could play that game, he shifted to the side and grit his teeth. The bracelet on his wrist glimmering with power before a massive gauntlet, crackling with thunder appeared. "So do you!" he roared, swinging it in a powerful uppercut. "You can't help your precious little goddess now, Pit! It's MY turn to be the real deal!" He wouldn't fail Medusa, not for this...not for anything.
When their blows met, the shock wave forced them apart. Pit gasped as he was sent flying back, but he quickly shoved his blades together, forming his bow. Before he hit the ground, he sent an arrow of light straight towards him.

Palutena landed on the ground, frowning at the Goddess of Darkness as she slowly descended from the air. Medusa's feet never touched the dirt, as if she was too good to stand on the land now. She had an entire sky to rule, but not yet. Not until she made an example out of Palutena. "Ignoring me? Are you too scared to talk, Palutena? How does it feel, knowing that your time as ruler of Angel Land is over?!"

"How does it feel knowing that no matter what, you're still just as monstrous as your true form is?" Palutena asked with a bit of a smirk. Just like she wanted, Medusa roared in anger and then charged forward, the snakes in her hair hissing and extending out. Palutena waited for the right moment..before lifting up her staff and summoning a pillar of light that completely consumed Medusa. She shrieked loudly..a sound that Palutena expected.
Dark Pit blinked in surprise, and immediately, he took off. Avoiding the arrow as he shot into the sky. He didn't know why he felt so gripped with panic, but he didn't like it. He almost wondered if Medusa had made that a part of him, or a more terrifying thought was he was doing it on his own.

"Get away from her!" he growled, his crackling gauntlet swinging to strike Palutena in the face.
Palutena lifted up her shield, stopping his attack easily. She then used her magic to send him flying back. "Lady Palutena!" Pit shouted as he ran over to aid her.. Suddenly she heard cackling as the pillar of light Palutena created dispersed. Medusa was still there, and she wasn't harmed in the least. She had to commend her Pit for trying to take on Palutena, but that could wait. She grabbed Palutena by the throat, her snakes extending and biting into her pale flesh. Palutena cried out, suddenly being unable to move. Her scepter dropped.

"LADY PALUTENA!" Pit cried out hysterically. He growled at Medusa and blindly charged in. "Let go of her!" He screamed. Medusa just grinned at him, making no move to dodge. After all, with her Pit around..this one was not much of a threat.
Dark Pit recovered soon enough, his power of flight was so much faster, easier to control...getting to Pit was child's play as he tackled into him, tumbling in the air before a blade reached Pit's throat.

"If you want to die, make a move," he growled furiously, body still twitching from Palutena's impact. "I am in no mood for your hero crap right now, Pit Stain. You lost, we won. Be a good little dog and bow your head."
"Don't hurt him..." Palutena called out to Dark Pit weakly. Her vision was going blurry..but she refused to lose consciousness. Not when Pit was in danger. "Pit, just surrender. Please..." Pit glared at Dark Pit, but hearing her words...and then knowing the situation. He couldn't...disobey her. Though he wanted to know one thing first.

"What are you going to do with lady Palutena?" He demanded. Medusa started to giggle, and then laugh hysterically. This was oh so sweet. Killing Pit would definitely cause Palutena pain. However, if there was anything Medusa learned from Ganondorf, it was that even the smallest of flies had their purposes...

"I'm going to punish her. And I'll start off with you. I know she casted you aside for that Mercenary..but it seems she still cares about you. It's rather sweet..." Palutena's eyes widened as she looked at Medusa.

"Medusa, no. I will do whatever you want. Anything. Just let Pit go..." She begged. That made Medusa lick her lips in pleasure.

"Anything, you say?"
"Not every day you get a Goddess begging at your feet," Dark Pit supplied with a faint smirk. Not that his opinion mattered much, but here...they were kindred spirits. People who wanted to be the ones they were making suffer right now. Maybe that was why he stuck around. "Not every day I get to gut an ugly impostor of myself, either." Oh, which one was more worth it...?
Medusa looked into Palutena's eyes. She knew that she would keep her word. "Fine. We'll let him go. He's no threat to us now. What can a flightless angel do against me?" She asked before smirking to Dark Pit. "Knock him out. However way you wish..." With that, Medusa disappeared in a burst of magic, her laughter still filling the air. She wouldn't kill Palutena just yet. She'd take everything she could until she was just an empty shell...and what better way to start than by having her violated by the King of Demons?
"Night night, jerk," Dark Pit said, slamming the pommel of his blade against his neck before scooping him up. He felt...good, better than he ever had. Even better, now...he had a choice. Maybe Medusa would use him on occasion. But now he didn't have to be here, and somehow...that made him want to stick around a little, maybe he was...hoping that Medusa had some kind of bond with him like Palutena did with her useless Pit.

Maybe he was just crazy. But that wasn't going to stop him from seeing her to get his just rewards.
"Lady..Palutena..." Pit wanted to stay conscious but he couldn't. The air was silent for a few moments before clapping could be heard. Chi was watching..had been watching since giant Lady Medusa popped up.

"Hey, Pet!" She greeted when she landed in front of him, grinning widely. She had good news for him. All this distraction made it easy for her to do something she'd probably get killed for, but hey. It didn't matter in the end now that they won. "Nice job with Pit."
"...Thanks," Pit muttered, shifting him on her shoulder as they made their way towards Death Mountain. Palutena was...already on her way, being dragged there by loyal thralls of Medusa. They didn't touch her, that was not their place. Their place was to simply move her. For once, he was grateful for those mindless idiots as he handed pit over, regarding Chi almost curiously. She was in a...extremely good mood. The last thing he recalled was the taste of her lips on his. it wasn't...bad, not at all.

"Where have you been, Chi?"
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