The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Alright, alright." She could be quiet for a little while. She did feel a little bad for him after his confession. She moved to her side and just stared at him with a big smile on her face. Yeah, being quiet wasn't so bad after all if she could stare at him this close instead of far away like usual.
"...You're creepy, you know that?" Pit grimaced in annoyance. "What? What are you staring at?" Did this girl get hit in the head or something?
"I thought you told me to be quiet." Chi couldn't help herself, he was just so damned cute. She agreed to be quiet, but that didn't mean she was going to keep to herself. "I'm staring at you, idiot."
"Why?" Pit groused, glancing at her. "Do you want something?" Anything to stop her from being so damned creepy.
Chi smirked and then moved forward, pressing her lips against his for a moment before pulling away and then getting up. "In case I die, I at least want to know what it was like to kiss someone." Her wings spread out and she winked at him. "Wasn't too bad, Pet. I'll leave you alone now that I got what I wanted."
Pit blinked a little in surprise at that, watching her go before he stared out at the Hyrulian sky. He rose up at that, wings unfurling. He needed to talk to Medusa, but later...the clouds were darkening...he could hear the songs below picking up their pace. It was time...
"I have waited generations for this," Ganondorf mused, overlooking the Hyrule fields. Their light had dimmed, Pit had done his job...there was no annoyance to be had here. "Centuries of losses, of planning and defeat..." he said, stroking his chin with a wide smirk. "All for this...and without you, my Lady Medusa...I would not be here, but all of what I have offered you has not been my promise," he said, turning to face her with a grin. "That I would make you a Goddess, that I would rend the Skyworld open, and watch it burn, so that you may take your I have that chance to prove to you my word...all I need is your blessing of power," he smirked. "And within the will be where you belong."

Link and that mercenary...they would be a problem, but they had their own ace up their sleeve. A woman from the stars, who had been granted a being of shadow. A terrifying woman on all accounts, and a usable tool.
Finally...finally they would make their move on the Queen. She was the last missing puzzle piece...and it was type to capture her. Let those fools gather what meager forces they could. Nothing would stop them...nothing at all. She grinned at Ganondorf, her eyes beginning to glow. "The blessing is yours, Ganondorf." She told him, hand tightening on her scepter as it lit up briefly and then flickered out. He would feel something welling deep inside of him. Something to get him excited. "Today is a wondrous day, for it marks the beginning of their end, and our beginning as rightful rulers of the land and sky." She couldn't wait...she couldn't wait to send Palutena to her doom. She would make it just as humiliating as the day she was cast out of Skyworld too, if not more...
His eyes glowed red as he grinned wider, fingers flexing as a dark aura of power overtook him. The air above started to twist and crackle, and the ground began to rumble. Yes...that was the power he needed. His feet lifted from his place.

"I will return," Ganondorf purred. "And we will celebrate our victory...properly..." After all, they would have all the time in the world to do so...
Medusa only smiled widely at that. "I look forward to it..." She whispered just under her breath after he departed. Yes...a proper celebration was in order.

Zelda had very much enjoyed her "bath" at the hot springs with her comrades, and she most certainly felt relaxed. Well, there was a small worry on where Sona was when they returned and she was no where to be found. It had been a few hours since they left, and normally when Ike returned from anywhere without her, she was on top of him. But she couldn't see anything happening to the woman, she should have been back soon.

So she was preparing for bed, disrobing from her elegant dress and then preparing a nightgown to wear to bed. Soon Link would join her, they had agreed to actually sleep in her room tonight since for once they wouldn't be making love.
It happened as soon as they saw it when the clouds rolled in, but a plan was in motion and it wouldn't be stopped. The ground rumbled, lightning slammed into the battlements of Hyrule castle...and the battle was set before they knew it. Demons rained down from the sky, the rain and the lightning only making it worse as Bublins cleared the destroyed battlements as if they were nothing. Samus had one simple task: disrupt everything, slow it all down...because Ganondorf wanted time...plenty of time.

He appeared with a flash of lightning, his body burning red with energy. He wasted no time, he simply moved forward, his hand grasping the back of the naked Queen's neck to yank her back.

"Your majesty..." Ganondorf purred, his voice echoing with power. "It's time I took back what was mine..."
Samus wasn't all too pleased of turning on the very people that had shown her kindness her first days on this planet but..she had little choice. She was stone faced as she led a platoon of monsters through the castle..not that anyone would notice simply because she was too quick for mostly everyone she came in contact with.

Zelda felt it but she didn't even have time to turn around. She cried out as she felt his strong grip on the back of her neck. How did he..when did he..?!

"I won't let you!" She shouted, collecting her magic around her in order to repel him away. She couldn't hope to fight him one on one..she would definitely lose. She needed to find Ike or Link...if she could get away.
Ganondorf ducked with a vicious grin, his hand burning with dark energy as he slammed it into her gut. Amazing, Medusa's power gave him more than an edge that he needed. If Samus did her job right...he would have plenty of time to take the Triforce from her.

Link had already took to the front, leading what he could to keep the first rush of monsters at bay. As Samus moved into the throne room, her makeshift army spread out as Ike stood in the middle, hands resting on Ragnell, the blade pointed downward. His face was impassive as Impa and her Shiekah warriors dropped down from the shadows.

"Get to the Queen," Ike mumbled. Impa didn't hesitate, she merely nodded as her warriors faded away, leaving them alone again.

"Found a better offer?" He asked casually. "Something more promising?"
Zelda's eyes went wide, feeling the wind being painfully knocked out of her body. After crying out in pain, she dropped to her knees and hunched over, still coughing and gasping for air. She had never been good at taking a hit, but she knew he could have punched her much harder than that. She tried to force herself to crawl away, but she felt the futility of it all. And yet she didn't want to give up, because she knew what would happen if she did.

Samus looked at Ike for a moment, her gaze piercing and determined. He was answered with one quick nod, but she didn't advance. Only the monsters around her. Those people who just left would be an issue, one she could only fix by following them. She didn't have time to stay here. She pulled a small, black orb from behind her back and threw it down, causing a thick, black mist filling the throne room. She was gone as fast as she came, speeding down the corridor that led to Zelda's chambers. She remembered perfectly the layout of the castle. Her guess was the Queen was where she normally her room, and she would stop Impa before she could interfere.
Ganondorf grinned, stalking after her as he gripped her hair and yanked back, sinking his weight over top it. A shift of some magic, and his clothes were gone...and a fat, eager cock was mashing against her cheeks. " long have I wanted to see this?" he purred hungrily, long, wide tongue trailing up her neck. "So many generations of your fetid people...stopping me, over and over...but is my turn."

Typical, Ike grimaced in annoyance but slid Ragnell out of it's sheath. There was nothing more ear popping than the thunderous roar of the monsters as they rushed him all at once.

It wasn't long before Shiekah began to stand in her way, Impa was already sprinting down the corridor and her warriors stood behind her, spreading out in the hallway and attacking one by one. The first surged forward to strike at Samus with a twin flurry of daggers, while another was chanting something in a confusing tongue.
Ganondorf was a very large man..Zelda could tell that when she felt his cock against her backside. She could only yelp helplessly and struggle against him. Feeling his tongue against the skin and sending shudders through her body. For once, it wasn't the good kind. She didn't want this at all, but she wasn't surprise that this was what he would resort to. "Let go of me! You'll never win, even if you take my piece of the triforce! We'll stop you, like we always have!"

Samus stopped and then leaned back, catching the daggers and redirecting them to the first soldiers that dared to stand in her way. Both of them managed to dodge, however Samus wasn't done yet. With an inhuman burst of speed, she pulled out her own short blade and slashed upwards, catching their chest, neck and face. She let them writhe helplessly in pain as she moved towards the second one that was chanting. She had to be quick about this.
"That is where you're wrong," Ganondorf purred, his cock hardening against her struggles as he slipped his hips down. "You are all that stands between me and victory..." he said, mashing his lips against hers as he slammed his massive cock into her tight, inviting pussy. Mm...he loved Hylian pussy, there was something so perfect about violating it with his darkness.
The second let out a shout as arcs of fire roared out of the hallway, and two more appeared with sickle and chain to disable her legs and arms. Impa was halfway there, and Ike was emerging from the castle, blood soaked into his armor from every inch down as he rushed in behind Samus. "Is going home worth this!?" Ike finally said. "Destroying everything that is good!?"
Zelda gasped loudly into the kiss as his fat cock invaded her in one motion. She had never been stretched so far, and it hurt. Badly. was more so her pride. That a man so evil was inside of her mouth and pussy and she could do nothing to stop him. Even if she couldn't, she would never give in..she couldn't. She bit his tongue in retaliation, and she wasn't gentle either. She had to last until someone came to help her..she was sure Ike, Link, or Impa would come save her.

Samus had easily jumped out of the way, though she was caught up by a chain. Even with her legs disabled she landed far gracefully than she should have, struggling against the chains. She heard Ike behind her, and she turned to face him. "Not everything." Samus muttered as she looked back at the two that had caught her. "There will always be good in the world, in the universe."
Ganondorf growled hungrily in reply, the taste of blood filling his mouth...and hers as he chuckled, his cock throbbing in response as he started to rock into her hard. His handful sized balls slamming loudly against her pussy as his hands squeezed her breasts together, pawing them roughly. Mm, she had fire...he loved fucking that fire out...

"Not when you're part of the reason it's gone, do you have any idea what you're doing!?" Ike snapped as the shiekah warriors moved closer, and Impa finally reached the door. She moved to open it, but scrambled back with a pained scream, shaking her hands desperately to remove the flames. They had to help Impa unseal the door, Ganondorf was in there! She could feel it! Ike didn't hesitate, the moment those chains were gone, he moved forward, blade swinging one handed. He couldn't hold back, they had to get to her!
The moment he started moving, Zelda could only thrash underneath him in response. It would only feel better to him, because her pussy was squeezing him with an unbearable tightness. If she relaxed..even a little...she was scared she would like it. She was scared that she'd break. A pain cry came from her mouth as he roughly groped her breasts, her nipples hardening from the attention regardless. She wasn't going to beg him to stop...that was probably what he wanted, and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

Samus jumped high over Ike's head as soon as she was free and then immediately went for another attack, aiming for a deep slash across his back. meant nothing in this particular instance. She needed help to get off this planet, and this was the job she had to do to receive that help.
" feel even better than I hoped..." Ganondorf growled hungrily, hips bucking rapidly against her tight cunt with a pleased groan. Everything about her felt perfect...she couldn't help but plunge into her again and again.
Ike spun around, quicker than he looked as he blocked, parrying and moving through with a forward thrust. In his hands, Ragnell was as light as a one handed sword.
"You..think going to break me?!" It was hard to talk when she was constantly being impaled, and worse..she was starting to get really wet. Even when she had tried so hard to make it hurt for herself, her body was starting to betray her. Soon his cock was coated in her slutty juices, making it that much easier and pleasurable to violate her.

Samus was sent skidding back after a block, but she kept her form. A hand slid behind her back once more. Where she was getting her weapons and tools was unknown, but it probably had something to do with her different colored suit that clung tightly to every curve. It was so black it had a wet sheen to it. Before he could figure out what she was doing, there was a swift movement of that hand that moved from her back into the air, and several needles tipped in poison sedatives was sent straight at him. He was stronger than she originally anticipated, so she'd need some extra help.
"Yes," Ganondorf growled, yanking her head back viciously as he rocked into her, tongue brushing across her cheek. "Mmn...and if it doesn't...? Then I have a hungry little slut who needs her Master...your pussy aches for me, girl..." he said eagerly, his other hand giving her breast a firm smack.
Ike flicked his wrist as he moved to the side, the needles slipping past him as one nipped his arm. He grunted faintly, but did little more than that as he adjusted his posture.

"I don't understand," he admitted. "What do you gain from doing this, Samus?"
He would taste salty tears when he licked her cheek. Zelda was slowly starting to settle down, only occasionally attempting to pull away from him. Her whimpers were slowly starting to become cries that suspiciously sounded like sounds of pleasure. Though she was still doing her best to ignore it all. His smack sent one one her breasts into the other, and her flesh that was hit turned red. Another pained yelp came from her lips, but she continued to resist. "No...! It doesn't, and you aren't nor...will you ever be my master! I will never obey you, Ganon!"

"A small chance." She responded narrowing her eyes at his arm. The stuff was potent enough for even one cut to hinder his movements in due time. She raised up her short sword again as she prepared for her next attack. "If there is even a small chance I can leave this planet instead of being trapped here, I'll take it..."
"Mm, good..." Ganondorf smirked, pressing her head against the carpet as he started to buck into her in earnest with pleased growls. "Your belly swollen with my child will be victory enough, your majesty..." Shame he didn't have time to really enjoy her, but he had to break her as fast as he could. One couldn't dally when aiming to conquer the land and the, she was addicting. Not as good as Medusa, but close...very close.

"You doom an entire planet, while you flee," Ike muttered, feeling his vison go blurry as he tightened the grip on his sword. His ears were starting to ring...what in the world...? "Even as a mercenary, I feel disgusted by your actions."
The carpet was plush, but it wasn't as comfortable as she would have liked it to be as her face was pressed against it. Him getting her pregnant was a despairing thought, especially when she had been thinking on mothering Link's child. Her thoughts were starting to become unfocused as he slammed into her over and over, feeling the tip of his thick, bulbous cockhead reaching further than no other mans cock had before. Her body broke out in a thin sheet of sweat as she struggled to hold on. Someone would come, right?

"You wouldn't have won anyway." Samus muttered as she moved closer to him, her hips swaying in a sexy, natural gait as she held the sword. "My presence wouldn't have helped you." She was taking too long, but Ike's words stirred something inside of her. Guilt, perhaps? But her words were true. She was little more than a small catalyst for the inevitable.
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