The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Sona's eyes went wide as she felt his blade go through her. It was painful..enough to make her bite her tongue so hard it bled. Her sword dropped to the ground, and she grabbed onto him as her legs started giving out. Those tears never went away...she hated herself for this....she wanted to hate him too. She wasn't sure if she was dying or not, all she knew was that she was in a lot of pain, and she could smell the irony scent of her blood. "Pit...why?" She asked desperately.
" matter how you want things to be, they never will be what you want," Pit said bitterly. "We are enemies, Sona...that's nothing I can change, no matter what I think." he said, hand on her head. "...I'm sorry," he mumbled quieter. "...But I have to do what I have to, like you did." There was no other way, but she would...recover. Secretly, he hoped so...all he could do was make sure she had a chance to live.

The only person who ever wanted him to be free, and she might die because of his hands. Freedom never came easy. He pulled her fingers away, and then punched her across the jaw.

"Now stay down," Pit growled. His voice almost desperate as his wings spread out, the tips still a bright white. "Where you deserve."
Another pain cry came from her mouth, though feeling his blade leave her body felt worse than the punch did. Her blood started to quickly pool beneath her, and she could feel herself losing consciousness. She..really messed up, all because she couldn't bring herself to kill him. Though he didn't even hesitate. She couldn't even answer him..the only thing she could do was watch him until her vision went dark.
Pit waited for a long time before he finally flicked the blood of his blade and turned, glancing up to the dark sky. He could feel when her eyes were on him. He grimaced, but he felt relieved. She seemed...satisfied. Chi's interference would be discussed later, no doubt. But for now, he had done what he had long as Medusa was pleased, then he would be given his freedom. He spread his wings, and took off in a burst of magic.

His part was done.
It wasn't long before he would notice Chi trailing behind him. She had a grin on her face, she would probably get yelled at by him but she didn't care. Honestly, all that talking was unnecessary when he could have just stuck his sword in her back and been done with it.

Eh, maybe she should be a little worried about what Medusa would say about her interference. After all, she did something that she wasn't really commanded to do.
Pit didn't say anything, or even give her the honor of him recognizing her presence. She stepped out of line, and she'd pay for it eventually. He merely wanted to ensure that he got what was promised, because he did his part. Still, he didn't seem nearly as...sour when he came into her abode above Death Mountain. He had never really thought much about the freedoms he had already had, but there were very, very few people who could simply meander as they pleased into her castle. Ganondorf and himself were the only ones he could think of at the top of his head.

He rubbed his hair regardless, sighing miserably. That's why he didn't want friends...complicated things.
Chi was fine just being there, though only because she felt like it would annoy him more. Though she completely disappeared when he entered Medusa's castle. That was because she wasn't allowed in there unless invited. She wasn't her pet, after all.

Medusa was quiet when she watched Pit come back to her. Though there was a pleased grin as she held Ganessa in her arms. She was..pleased. For the moment.
Pit crossed his arms, disgust clear on his face. Either with himself or what he did, hard to say. But he had done it, to earn some meager freedom that may not matter in the long run. He supposed it wouldn't matter, maybe if he didn't have any sort of sense of feeling for Sona, it wouldn't have mattered at all. But all he felt was his own disgust for his actions.

"Happy?" he muttered. "She's dealt with, you won't have to worry about her being in the castle."
"I suppose." Medusa said, taking great pleasure in his expression. She wasn't quite sure what he was so upset about, but either didn't matter. "Don't look so gloomy. You'll be greatly rewarded for this..." She was aware of Chi's minor interference, she had to wonder though if that mattered in the grand scheme of things.
"...Will I?" Pit muttered, almost warily. "I'll finally get my freedom, like you said?"
"Yes. After we're finished taking over this pathetic country, and Skyworld." She answered, the smirk never leaving her face. "Is that why you're so upset? You think that you stabbed that girl for nothing?"
"Do you think you raised some mindless boy who doesn't know when he's being played?" Pit said, arms crossed. "That I know you can rescind your offer at any moment? I have no choice, if I want what you offered, I have to do what you say, regardless of what it actually means. But I gutted her like a pig, she won't be a problem, is there anything else I can do for you, my lady?" Unlike some people, Pit didn't find much pleasure in spitting on loyalties, no matter what that loyalty was. Now, he had an enemy when he had someone who ignorantly thought she could make everything better.

Sometimes, ignorance really was bliss. His bliss, for a while.
He was smart, but he would need to live a thousand more years before he could even think of attempting to outsmart though. She had specific terms for his freedom, after all. She had a feeling he'd attempt to get around it. "I saw. Is she dead, though?" She supposed it didn't matter if she was or not, but she gave him two specific choices. Kill or capture. "You lingered for a little while, I assume you were watching her die?"
"Yes," Pit mumbled. "She won't be bothering you, everything you and Ganondorf planned will come about like you wished, so don't worry. I did my job."
"Alright. But if I see her again, that means you didn't hold up your end of the bargain." And if she ever wanted to use him again, she would be justified in forcing him to do what she wanted. Not that she needed any justification. "Did you come here to tell me anything else? If not, you can leave.."
"Fine," Pit muttered, turning to leave. Guess he'd better get comfortable here then, shouldn't he? He'd enjoy it while it lasted, however long that'd be. If Sona was half the woman he expected her to be, he doubted it'd be long.
Medusa didn't stop him from leaving, but he didn't get very far back into Death Mountain before Chi popped up. This time she didn't let him ignore her. "Hey, Pet. Gonna be rude and ignore me again?" She asked. She was sure that she had gotten away with her interference, otherwise Medusa would have called for her by now.
There was a quickness to Pit's hand when the blade suddenly appeared and pressed against her throat, red eyes narrowed in a very clear warning. "...Let me remind you of one thing, Chi," Pit muttered. "Your life has even less meaning than mine, a missing foot kisser will be replaced with a new one. One who knows to keep her mouth shut and her eyes ahead." Not now, not ever would he take her jibs.
Chi narrowed her eyes a bit, stepping back a little . "Yeah, you're right about that." She started, putting her hands up as if surrendering. "Sorry if you're in a bad mood. I was just looking out for you, you know. A girl with such big tits can be distracting and all. Shame you had to gut her like a pig, I would have loved to put my hands on her." Chi licked her lips a little, staring right into his eyes. "I see now you had it all under control..a weaker man might not have."
Pit spun his blade casually, glancing away from her. "Hmph," he grumbled. "Spare me your misaligned affection, Chi. I'm not in the mood for your pandering...don't you have something better to do?"
Chi smirked a little bit, getting closer to him. His threat didn't really bother her, although it was true. She could be murdered and no one would ever miss her. But she wouldn't mind dying at the hands of a cutie like him. "Nope, so I'm following you. You always look so gloomy when I see you."
"...Fine, do what you want," Pit muttered. "I don't even know why you're bugging me anyway, I'm busy." What was it with girls and annoying him all of a sudden?
"Busy with what?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "I can help if you want...I got nothing better to do." Eh, she would follow regardless of whether or not he wanted her help. She was bored after all, and Pet was plenty fun to play with even if she got threatened once or twice.
Pit glared at her in annoyance, grumbling something or another. "Busy with being alone, which requires one person. So if you want to help me, go away." He needed to get out of here, too many people singing songs of Medusa's great wonders and too many women walking around pregnant and speaking of the greatness of 'Master Ganondorf'.
"You're always alone, Pet." Chi mumbled as she kept close to him, once again nuzzling her wing against his purposely. "I leave you alone all the time, today I don't plan on it. Suppose you can always try to out fly me but..." She smirked a little. She wouldn't mind chasing him down all over Hyrule if she had to.
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