The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

When she heard Pit's voice, she immediately looked up and saw him. She...probably should have been much more wary seeing him. Especially when Palutena warned her. But she couldn't help but be happy, enough to the point where she ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "Pit, I'm glad to see you again!" She told him as she squeezed him...much harder than she probably should have.
Pit wasn't expecting her to bolt towards him, and he was halfway to drawing his weapons before she connected solidly with her and grunted, barely able to squirm his arms out of her iron grip. "It...yeah..." he wheezed. "Sona! Let go!" Ugh...she always was so clingy!
Sona immediately moved back and just smiled at him. She wanted to keep hugging him but he was her friend so she'd respect his wishes..for now anyway. "Sorry, I just got really excited because it had been a while and I've been worried about you...really worried." She told him honestly, her smile dropping just a little. She had to remember Ike's advice..she couldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to do. As long as he was here in peace, that was enough for her, she supposed.
"Yeah, rest for the wicked, right?" Pit mumbled, arms crossing. "What are you doing out here? Trying to run away?"
"Why would I try to run away?" She asked as she put a hand on her hip. What did he mean by that? "I just got lost..I walked to far out and I can't sense Ike or Zelda anymore..."
"...You do realize that you're entirely south of Castle Town?" Pit said, almost exasperated in his bewilderment. "Can't say I could think of another reason why you'd be down here. Figured you got fed up."
"Well you figured wrong. How the heck did I get south? I swear I went north..." Sona scratched the back of her head, but at least she knew where she was and knew what direction to go. Then again, she didn't know direction, now that she thought about. "Say Pit, which way do I go to get back?" She smiled sheepishly at him.
Pit blinked at her a moment, rubbing his forehead with a heavy sigh. "For the love of...come on," he muttered. "If I don't show you out, chances are you'll never get back...ugh."
"Thank you, friend." She hugged him again..this time it was brief and not constricting. "Wait, what are you doing out here, then? You're really close to Castle Town, you're not doing anything bad are you?" She asked as her eyes narrowed. "Like trying to kidnap Zelda?"
"...Down here?" Pit said dryly, starting to walk out of the forest. "I completely passed Hyrule Castle to get here, I followed you. Figured you were coming out here for a reason, but imagine my surprise..." he sighed.
"Well why didn't you say hi to me earlier? I was bored to death most of my trip here...and lonely!" She told him as she folded her arms as she followed him. "You better not be watching me and not saying anything to me..that's mean...I can't ever sense you, don't know why. I can sense Ike and Zelda, but not you..."
"It's better off if you don't," Pit muttered. "Last thing you need to deal with is being able to point me out, I'd get hounded night and day by your heroes in shining armor."
"But I'd see you in secret...I'm not stupid, Pit. I know're not on my side. But I don't think you're on their side either...I think you're on your own side, doing what you think is best. But I promise, I'll set you free somehow, okay?" Sona took his hand gently and smiled at him.
"...It's not that easy, Sona," Pit muttered. "Trust me, you're better off not worrying about it." Because then he wouldn't feel so miserable about what happened when it did.
"Of course it's not easy! You always talk to me like I'm stupid. I'm not going to do it because it's easy, but because I want to help you. Like you're helping me get back home." She sighed and then hugged his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. "You still don't know what friends do, huh?"
"...No, I suppose I don't," Pit admitted, stiffening a little once she got all....'her' on him, but he didn't react much more than that. "You can't help me,'d be better off helping yourself, for your sake, and your...friends. Like that blue haired guy. It's not worth it." Once this was done, he would be a sense, and something in his dark little heart didn't want Sona to bear the brunt of it, if only because he...didn't know what to do about her. He could have killed her, easily...but he had a hard time convincing himself to do so.

Why, he didn't know. Maybe because she was the only other person who thought he deserved freedom.
"Yeah, yeah...I can help everyone. You can try and stop me, but I'll just kick your butt unconscious and then I'll help Ike defeat that monster and the dark goddess that's making you do all this dumb stuff. Then you'll be free. I promise." She told him as her fingers linked between his.
"...Yeah," Pit muttered. "...Look, Sona. I can't allow that." he said, squirming out of her grip to step away from her. "...No matter the case, I have what I'm supposed to do...if I do it, I'll be free."
Sona stopped walking and then looked at him. "I know that. And I respect that. But...I'll stop you, and I'll free you myself." She told him with a smile. That's what she had decided to do. Maybe she was being foolish, but there was still a small glimmer of hope that he would realize the right thing to do when the moment came. Even if he didn't...she would personally stop him from doing anything bad. But she wouldn't kill him.
"Then you better start right now," Pit said resolutely, hand appearing in front of him as it formed into his twin blades, breaking them apart. "You're the only thing stopping me from freedom, Sona."
Sona's eyebrows furrowed as he took out his blades. He wanted to fight now? But why? "Me?" She asked with a frown before she placed her hand on the hilt of her blade. "That's not true, Pit...please don't make me fight you."
"It is true," Pit muttered, eyes narrowed. "You're the only thing between all of this being over, Sona. So either you just turn your back and leave, or I have to stop you from going back."
Sona stood there for a moment, and she..could tell he was serious. Her hand fell from her blade and she just looked at the ground for a moment before she turned away from him. "I..still believe in you." She told him, biting her lip. "If you wanted me dead, you wouldn't let me go like this..."
"It doesn't matter what you believe," Pit muttered in annoyance. "You either go back in, or you go through me. Your choice." It was her fault for being so stupid and...being his friend, that was her fault. She wasn't going to feel sorry about something like that, he warned her. She didn't believe him.
"I'm not choosing to fight you. I refuse if you're giving me the option to leave in peace." She told him as she looked into his eyes seriously. Maybe..maybe she really should have tried to stop him here but..she couldn't bring herself to.

When she turned away, she saw a glimmer of light, and she immediately move her head to the side as an arrow of dark blue light whizzed passed her head. What was..that?

"Just kill her already," Chi's voice called out, somewhere in the forest. Sona immediately drew her weapon in response. There was someone else here..had they been watching?
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