The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...What are you doing here?" Pit muttered in annoyance. "I'm taking care of it, buzz off." What, did Medusa not trust him now? After that line of crap she gave him?
Chi's laughter echoed in the forest..Sona couldn't tell where it was coming from. "Take care of it then or I'll do it for you!" She called out. She wasn't here on orders, actually. She was just following around Pit, who was following around that girl. And she recognized who Sona was since she had seen her a few times.

"What's going on, Pit?" Sona asked carefully, training her ears and eyes around every direction. Whoever was here, they could try to hurt her from afar. She had to be on guard..she had no choice.
"Last chance, Sona," Pit muttered. "Either give up, or die...your choice." Chi, that bitch. This wasn't over with her, he was sure of that. Disgusting little girl boy thought she could just stick her nose in everything...ugh.
"I can't do either, I'm sorry." Sona told him as she moved into a defensive stance. "It doesn't have to be this way, Pit. Don't make me fight you..." She couldn't..make the first move even knowing there was another person out there that wanted her dead. "Why fight when we shared such a wonderful thing together the last time we met?" The way they made love together, she couldn't help but think there was something meaningful in it...
"Because the world isn't so simple," Pit muttered. "Maybe if you got that through your thick skull and understood how the real world worked, this would make sense. It doesn't matter what I want, Sona. What matters is that I was given orders, and I will follow them to be free."
She took a deep breath and then exhaled. Sona had no other choice. Maybe she could outrun him...or not considering he had wings. So she'd just have to defeat him and be done with it. And probably whoever was watching them right now. "Fine..." She told him, thinking about drawing out the magical power that had been brewing deep inside of her...power she hadn't let out until now. There was something though..that told her to wait. She wouldn't want to accidentally hurt him too much and she had no idea how to control it yet. "Then hurry up and try to kill me already so I can knock some sense into you."
"You really don't get it, do you?" Pit muttered, moving forward with a spin of his blades. His pace was slightly quick, but still more of a walk. "You don't understand anything that's going on, because you don't want to."
Sona watched him advanced, raising her blade a fraction of an inch, her face growing more serious and focused as she prepared for his attack. She ignored the sense of despair deep in her wasn't the time to feel sorry for him or herself. "I understand enough."
"If you did, you wouldn't be so stupid," Pit growled. "The world isn't so easy as fixing problems, Sona. You fix one problem, you cause another, nothing is ever perfect, and no matter what you think you can do, all it will do is cause more problems. That's all the world is, filled with problems."
Sona sighed heavily and then lowered her sword. "You have such a negative view about everything. So when you kill me, and then free'd just have another problem to face, right? That doesn't keep you from wanting to be what's wrong with me wanting to fix your problem? I'll deal with the next one head on. It's all worth it in the least to me..." She muttered.
"Because that's how the world works," Pit said dryly. "I don't get a choice, so I do what I have to. I want freedom, and this is what I have to do to get it. Do you think your little mercenary buddy doesn't see it, every single time he does his job?"
Sona's eyelids dropped a little before she sheathed her sword. She wasn't going to do this. It wasn't worth it to her. He didn't even want to fight her, which was why all he was doing was talking. "You're trying so hard to convince yourself." She said with a dull expression. "Do you really believe that this is the only way? That there is no other choice?"
"No, but it's the way that keeps me alive to enjoy it," he said, connecting his blades together to form his bow and letting an arrow of darkness. Didn't matter what he wanted, or didn't want...he was promised freedom for this, and freedom is what he'd get.
Sona didn't move as the arrow came at her. Though her clothes began to move as if wind were flowing around her, and her flame like magic acted as a barrier, protecting her from the arrow of dark magic. She narrowed her eyes a little, seeing the determination he had. Did he finally collect to resolve to hurt her? "If I met you first, I'd gladly give myself away for your freedom. But I have others to protect, Pit."
"Then you'd better get past me," Pit said, disconnecting his blades again. "Or you won't have anything left to protect." The gears were slowly turning, in a few days time...there would be no stopping it. Even now, there was nothing that could stop Ganondorf. All he had to do was keep her out of the way. Better to die free than live a slave.
Sona started to walk towards him cautiously, staring into his eyes. "What do you mean by that?" She asked him as her hand went to her blade again. That was a warning...was an attack going to happen soon? A real one..not like those monster skirmishes. "Tell me, Pit.." She demanded.
"You want to know?" Pit muttered, launching forward with a burst of flight, swinging his blades right for his head. "Then you better get back and find out!"
She drew her sword just in time to block his blade, her expression changing from concerned to angry. She didn't have time for this...the others weren't going to be prepared for whatever was going to go on. With a snarl, Pit would feel her magic pushing him back as a burst of magic energy came from her sword.
Pit shifted his footwork to the side, fast enough that the light magic shot past him in a harmless shockwave, the tips of his wings hissing white as he spun low to strike at her legs. Good, she was learning!
Sona blocked and parried his attack with sword, jumping back a few feet before a shock wave of light came from her blade. She didn't bother to wait for him to dodge it, she followed up straight behind it to lash her sword out go his shoulder.
Airhead she might be, but her skills were...impressive. Pit was caught off guard by the shockwave, moving to avoid it put him right in the middle of her swing. His first blade caught the sword in a shower of sparks before the second came low to swipe at her stomach. That Mercenary hadn't let her rest on his protection at all, she knew exactly what she was doing to neutralize his advantages. It...made him feel a little better, admittedly.

Maybe she'd be strong enough to see how the world really was.
Sona barely managed to move herself out of the way when his second blade came slashing at her stomach. In fact, she felt a slight stinging as a red line appeared on her dark skin. She ignored it though, not stopping in her assault. Since he had a little bit of advantage up close over her with that second blade, she started sending barrages of thin blades made from pure, blue light from afar. She was no longer holding back. She had no choice..she had to get back as soon as she could!
"You've learned a few tricks," Pit mumbled, weaving in and out of the assault as her wristlets started to glow, forming into a shield that sent the light bouncing every which way as he advanced. He just had to keep her busy, nothing said he had to kill her...he just had to make sure she didn't get in the way.
Sona had to dodge her own attacks...which was hard considering how fast they had reflected back to her. She felt one slice into the skin of her leg and she hissed in pain. It didn't go very deep, but it still hurt. "Shut up!" She charged forward and then reached in between the shield, grabbing him by his shirt. The look on her face was furious as she pointed she went for the kill, though her blade stopped short at his neck as she breathed heavily, tears coming to her eyes. She missed her shot, he was probably going to retaliate, but damn it! She just couldn't bring herself to kill him...!
Pit slammed his forehead against hers without hesitation, shifting forward with his hand on her neck. "Your last mistake," Pit said, red eyes narrowed heartlessly as his blade plunged deep into her stomach, the blade jutting out on the other side. It was a mess...but it was a safe one, it'd hurt...she'd bleed, but if she was anything like Pit had...grown to appreciate, she'd survive, just not in time to do anything. He felt his blade scrape against bone, but nothing else. He had hit nothing but meat.

That'd satisfy Medusa, and then he'd find Chi and fix that problem...
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