The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Pit's wings twitched, and he glared at her. "...Fine," he muttered. "Do whatever you want, I don't care." He couldn't even get the peace and quiet to brood, could he? He just stabbed the only person who ever wanted to be his real and honest friend in the back, because he had no other choice. But if Chi thought that he'd say any words worth anything to her, he was dead wrong. He knew how to be quiet, and how to ignore everything. He was just going to go to his personal quarters, which was a tower that either the Gorons had already carved out, or Ganon's many slaves had and he would just sulk.

He wouldn't be needed until the attack, anyway.
"Of course you don't..." Chi told him, her eyes narrowing at him mischievously. She got a much better response when she just grazed against him. She knew she didn't have to talk to get a rise out of him, and she found him so delicious. He even guessed her gender right! She wasn't sure why but she felt like being a huge tease to him, but not here. She'd wait until they were alone..which was happening real soon since he seemed to be heading out of death mountain. "Goodbye, hot pregnant women!" Ah, every time she was here she really, really loved seeing the museum of knocked up whores.
Pit snorted in annoyance, but said nothing as he stalked out of Death Mountain. It was becoming less of a mountain and more of a natural castle. Much of the outside was being carved out by exhausted, but mindlessly eager people, and some soldiers who worked slave labor. Hymns of Medusa's great beauty, strength and wisdom were always in the doubt to the woman's immense sense of pride. Regardless, he hated being in that stuffy, crappy place. for his loyal service, or perhaps Ganondorf simply knew how to manipulate people properly. He was given one of the first structures from the stone. A simple tower, but with an unobstructed view of Hyrule. As someone who craved freedom, it...made him feel a little less caged in. Except now he had a deranged harpy with her claws in his back. Feh.

He should have just let Sona gut him, death was freedom. Knowing Medusa, it wouldn't be.
"I'm so jealous. You get your own personal tower." Chi exclaimed as she looked around. He could pretend like she wasn't there if he wanted, but she would still talk.. "How come you don't have girls coming up here, Pet? Do you like...not like women or something? I bet you could pick one of those pathetic humans, tell them who you were and they'd fall all over you. What's the deal? Maybe men are more of your preference?" She grinned.
"Pit," he corrected, moving up the winding steps in annoyance. "I don't know, Chi. Is there a reason you look more like a flat chested boy than an actual girl? Do you like acting like a boy because nobody even looks at you?" Two could play that game, and he had to deal with Medusa's venom, her words meant less than nothing.
"Oooouch." Chi whined, pretending to be hurt. Okay, maybe she was a little hurt. There was once a time where she was sensitive about her breasts, but not so much anymore. She didn't need anyone to look at her like that. Not when she could annoy the shit out of them for attention instead. "How are you so sure I'm a girl, any way? You seemed pretty clueless when you first saw me."
"...Call it a lucky guess," Pit muttered. Or maybe he just paid attention to the subtle way she moved, or how her hips and chest were slightly wider and positioned differently. Or how her voice, while neutral...had tones of something feminine. "You might actually be nice to look at if you shut up once in a while." Medusa give him patience, literally...for dealing with her. Was she just desperate for attention, or just some lonely fool like him?

He almost wanted to just say she was just an annoying rat in his ear, but then he was curious. Just why was she stalking him like this? Purely annoyance? Nothing better to do?
A slight blush came across her cheeks, but her smile remained. "Oh, was that a backhanded compliment? Since you called me a flat chested boy, I am still a little confused on what you're attracted to. But I won't pry, we like what we like after all." She purred as she moved closer to him with her hands behind her back, her eyes half lidded in a seductive gaze. He showed a fraction of interest, it was time to relentlessly tease him now.
His expression dropped off when she did that, and he said nothing as they reached the top. It was quite the view, and he had nothing more than a bed in the center. What else did he need? It wasn't even really a bed either, more like a large collection of blankets and pillows. Nothing but the best for him, no doubt. He liked just...sitting and admiring the view, but that would be ruined with her.

"And what is it you like, other than annoying the ever living hells out of me?" Pit groused, collapsing on his pile of comfort with a weary sigh.
"Oh Pet, I don't like annoying you. I love it." She told him with a smirk, her voice low and sultry. She looked down at him for a moment before modestly sitting down beside him on...whatever this was. He had a whole tower but absolutely nothing inside. It was just as empty and depressing as he was. "And as far as what I'm attracted to, I'd say pretty much whatever. I find attraction in everyone, I suppose. Shame I was born without a cock. If I had what you did I'd be fucking all sorts of pretty girls. Would have fucked the one you put your blade through earlier. Oh she had the tits of a Goddess." She wasn't sure why she liked breasts so much. Maybe she had an obsession with what she couldn't have after all...
Pit's expression didn't change, even if he wanted it to. Sona was....something, something that he couldn't really describe or understand yet. All he knew was that when Chi talked about her like she was little more than a sleeve for someone's manhood, it infuriated him like a burning hole in his chest. But he said nothing. "Maybe I'm just picky," he said dryly. "Ever think of that? Some people have standards."
"What? What the hell do you like? There is everything to choose from in Death Mountain." Chi could see that whenever she talked about Sona he got real quiet, or he avoided the conversation. Ah, maybe it wasn't a matter of type then? Maybe it was a matter of who? "Ohhhh, I get it. You liked her, didn't you?" She asked with an amused grin.
"So did you, apparently," Pit said dryly. "So what? It doesn't matter now, she's dead." Dead to him, whatever how she actually was...she'd never want to deal with him anymore, he needed it to be that way. Kept things simple. Ignorance was bliss, right?
"It doesn't. But it just confuses me more. There's a lot of big breasted, dark skinned woman around here. Or do you like blondes? It couldn't have been anything in her head you liked, she was as dumb as bricks." Chi began to ponder some more, genuinely curious about what he saw in her. "Come on, tell me..." She purred as she moved closer to him, now on her hands and knees.
Pit regarded her a moment, sitting up to glance at her. "...Fine, do you really want to know?" he sighed. "Really? And you won't open your big, stupid mouth to anyone who comes around?" He didn't know why he was bothering, but he supposed it was worth a shot.
She leaned back and then crossed her legs as if he was about to tell her a story, her grin widening just a little. "I promise, I won't say anything." She told him. Which was true...not like she ever talked to anyone but him anyway.
"...Fine," Pit muttered, glancing out to Hyrule a moment. "...She made me feel like I had hope, even if it was for only a little while. I felt like I could actually be free, maybe she shouldn't have. Because before, I didn't think it was as bad." he admitted. "But now, everytime I take to the air, I know I have to go back. I can't just...keep flying." he muttered. "Because I'm just a tool that she favors, no matter what she tells me, she can put her fingers around me and use me again."
Chi for once in her life was silent, not having the correct words to answer him right away. She blinked and then turned away, as if she was a little uncomfortable. It was clear that she didn't deal with actual, serious feelings. On purpose, considering her life had absolutely no meaning..and she wasn't particularly good at anything. She could be gone tomorrow, and no one would care at all. Or notice.

"Oh, well that...kinda makes sense. Well not really. You shouldn't have let her get to you that way." She tried, though her words were pretty awkward and she couldn't quite look him in the eye. Why did he actually answer her seriously..? She wasn't expecting that at all. "We're never going to be free. Not when Gods and Goddesses exist...not while evil, powerful entities like Ganondorf exist. Not while Kings and Queens rule the surface..there's always gonna be someone up there that takes away our freedom, Pit." She was not aiming to be obnoxious for the moment, so she used his real name.
"You don't understand," Pit muttered, leaning back on his piles of blankets and pillows. It reminded one of a roost, supposed it was accurate...oddly, his wing tips had never gone back to black. Maybe when he molted. "She believed that it could be fixed, Chi. She ignored everything that told her no, and she still thought that I could be free. It was so ignorant and stupid, I felt like I could believe it." he said, glancing up at the ceiling.

"And what did she get for it? A sword in the gut, because the world doesn't have hope, all it has is those two." he said, snorting. "Guess the only good thing is that I'm on the right side."
"Yeah, you are. That's why she's dead, and you're not. Eh, if that's what you like, I guess...stupid, naive women...well again, we all like what we like. Did you fuck her before you killed her, at least?" She wanted to change the subject to something less...stupid. She could understand cruelty, lust, power...but hope? That was dumb.
"You're a monster," he muttered in disgust. Yes, he did. And he liked it, a lot. "Is that all you think about? Sex?"
"What? I said before you killed her!" She said with a smirk, though she could tell by the way he reacted he did. "Oooh, I can't help it around some girls. She was one of them. Was she good? I bet she was wild, huh?" Once again she was on her hands and knees, getting even closer to him with that grin. "I bet you were good, too."
Pit grabbed her by the chin and moved her face closer, his eyes were blood. Hungry and inviting, but all together bored and annoyed with her. "If you're going to bother me all the time, at least shut up for half of it." he muttered, shoving her face away. She smelled good, not like Sona...but familiar. Guess they were sort of similar, stuck in the same hell...miserable, and trying to make the best of it.
When he grabbed her and brought her closer, she could feel her heart racing. She liked that. His eyes..Gods he had a glare that could cut through anything. It just made her even more excited. When he shoved her back, she let herself fall beside him, giggling a little. "But this is so fun! I never get to talk this much. To anyone. And I'm a messenger, so that's pretty sad." She said as her wing stretched out towards his. She liked matter how much he hated it.
"...Fine," Pit sighed, not that his wings moved. "If you're going to stay here, at least be quiet so I can enjoy the view, alright?" he mumbled. Great, this was his friend here? Her? Ugh...
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