The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

This was why she loved this man. He was so good to her. Sometimes he was even better than what she thought she deserved. "I...won't let him win. I won't let him haunt me anymore.." She whispered before she moved closer to him and pressed her lips against.
Link kissed her back with a smile. "Good...don't worry, Zelda...Impa and I are here for you, no matter what, alright? You need to stay strong, for everyone." Because if Link had no pillar, he wasn't quite sure where he'd stand either...
She looked into his eyes for a moment, moving her hand up to caress his cheek. "I will, I promise. Don't forget, Link. I'm here for you too." Nightmares were usually a sign of stress...and she knew all too well what it was like to be that person everyone turned to when they wanted a savior. Link had it even worse than she did....
"Yeah, well...not much you can do about bad sleep, I don't think," he grinned a little. "I'll be okay, maybe if we found somewhere to settle, I'd do better. But none of this looks familiar." Probably none of it ever would, it was a morale killer to find something familiar...only for it to be surrounded by everything that isn't. There wasn't much to do about it other than hope they found something, anything that would give them a chance to relax.
"You're probably right." Zelda began as she closed her eyes, resting her head back on his chest. "Once we find some place to settle, things will be better." Maybe they could even try to figure out what to do about all this. One thing at a time, though...surviving was important.
"I hope so," Link admitted. "Everyone is starting to look exhausted, we might just have to make somewhere our own...but we can't give up hope." The goddesses were not dead, Link was sure of that. So long as they believed, they would never be gone. "Get some sleep, Zelda...we have a lot to do tomorrow." Even if Link tried to sleep, he knew he wouldn't. Every time he did, he felt it...eyes, on him. Similar, yet so wrong.

They were either being watched, or Link was losing his mind. He wasn't quite sure what the positive side of either one was.
Zelda hesitated to fall asleep, but she couldn't fight it anymore. She made sure to cling to Link in attempts to comfort him in her unconsciousness. Also so she could wake up if he started having those bad dreams and attempt to snap him out of it. She hoped he could at least have one night of rest soon..
So much potential, yet so much goodness in his beating little heart. But yet...there was more, ooh yes...more more more. He would stay with this one, learn his ways...a proper shape had to be taken, and soon. Soon soon soon, he would be alive, free from his prison, free from everything. Nothing could stop him.
The world would spin, regardless of who had command of it's pantheon and it's earth. People would try to live, and truth be told...there was little economy in reducing everything to ruin. No, there was plenty of bittersweet taste for everyone. Ganondorf had the only sense of infrastructure, he had the only way to assuage fears. There was more than a little amusement in giving Ike the command of overseeing the reconstruction of Ylisse into something more...suitable.

Ike knew why he did it, but he didn't say anything...truth be told, they probably found amusement in him slaughtering an entire city of it's people and then reshaping it to a much more suitable ascetic for the Lady Medusa and Ganondorf. The air was heavy with incense, female acolytes wearing dark purple robes, similar to their lady trotted around the city, singing their praises of her. Concubines were trailed by their children, Hylians with burning eyes and ruddy skin tones. It was a depressing revelation when Ike had recognized some of them, soldiers of hyrule, holding the hands of children and their stomach swollen with more.

But today, it was a good Ganondorf said. He and his Lady Medusa would be making a personal trip to oversee the construction, and would be bringing Palutena and Chrom with them to show what resistance meant. This was the only opportunity they would get, Ike wouldn't waste it. He was standing over the battlements with Samus when he glanced up a fraction, and saw a familiar winged form soar lower. Chi. Medusa's little messenger girl. Odd, why would she send someone ahead?

"...Does my lady request something?" Ike said idly.
"Ah, yeah I guess," Chi began as she landed in front of Ike and Samus, her wings retracting to her back as she looked to him and then his "Shadow". She had gotten the reports of someone that was definitely going to be a pain. It made her nervous, though hopefully not visibly so. Considering she was directly at fault for this. "There have been reports of something that Medusa thought you'd be best at handling," She began as folded her arms. "Sona, that rings a bell right?"
The only real reaction was a twitch of his finger against his sword. "...Really," Ike murmured. Alive? Sona was alive!? "Tell me what you've got, Chi." If Sona was alive...then there was a chance, a small one. But he had to take it, there was no other time more than now. Hope. He almost forgotten what that felt like. Now to make sure everything would be in play.
"..Right. Well apparently she's traveling around with some other woman. They're helping out villages, slaying problematic monsters and basically being some sort of heroic duo dedicated to ending tyranny and blah blah blah. Anyways, they're both doing this in the name of some Goddess...Ashunera I think? It's pissing Lady Medusa off because people are starting to believe in someone else besides her. And word spreads fast of their acts of heroism..not to mention rumors of certain areas being directly under her protection." Those rumors were true, Chi had seen one of those areas covered by some unique barrier.
"I see," Ike murmured. "Thank you, Chi. I will have my men deployed to see if we can find her, and end her." Ashunera...she survived? Perhaps it was not as hopeless as he thought, but it was out of his hands...all he could do was nudge things into a proper direction. Thankfully, his position gave him that power. He just had to be careful.
"Sure." Chi said as she studied his expression, and once again her eyes went to Samus. That woman always had an unnerving stare. One that told you she wasn't stupid...she was really staring at her. Gods, she was nervous. "Well, Ser Knight...Lady Shadow...I have nothing else to report, so if you'll excuse me..." The longer she stayed around, the more suspicious she looked.
"Of course," Ike said, tilting his head respectfully, glancing at Samus a moment before moving closer. He felt disgusted with himself, but it was...needed. He would be lying if he wasn't against the feeling of pressing her against him like she was property, but that didn't make it any easier for him to do in public as he tilted her down, lips brushing across her ear.

"I need you to do something for me," he murmured, hands slipping along her back in an artful display of ownership. "Chrom's blade...put it in the courtyard of the castle." They had left it here, as some obscene trophy. He had a plan, but he needed to do this one step at a time. "Make sure it's in plain sight...stab it into the ground if you must."
Samus couldn't help but tense at his touch, but she didn't pull away. No, she was doing a good job of pretending to be some object, his property. She listened to his words and silently gave him a nod. Though a slight tilt of her head and she saw Chi still hovering somewhat above them as she watched in perverted curiosity. Though the moment her eyes narrowed Chi flew off. That girl was always so nosy...

"It will be done." Samus told him as she waited for him to release her. After all, only he could tell her when she could go.
"Good," he said, shifting her hands away. "Now do as you're told, I will see to the protection of Lord Ganondorf and Lady Medusa." he murmured. One chance, that was all they had...and Ike would take it.
Samus disappeared to do as he commanded. She wasn't sure what he was up to, but she wouldn't question him. The task was fairly simple, it wasn't hard to see a sword sticking from the ground. Once she was finished, she returned to his side. Soon, they would be here..
It was quite a concession that was coming, but Medusa was certainly savoring her power high. Ganondorf seemed to enjoy all the pomp and praise. Ike's eyes narrowed a fraction inside his helmet when the massive palanquin, carried by at least a hundred men trotted along the road in an almost tireless pace. A massive throne held Medusa, with Palutena as her ever constant footrest. Her pale skin an exotic contrast to the lady above her, her breasts swaying gently to the movement.

The acolytes lined up, followed by the concubines and then the 'common' people. Ike and Samus headed off the battlements to the front gates, Gurugant resting in front of him as he tilted his head to the both of them.

"My Lord, My is an honor to have you here at last, construction as been proceeding nicely...I hope what we have currently is to your liking."
Medusa was smiling of course. It was almost as if she never stopped ever since she had come into power. Well, except of course when she caught wind of that woman who Pit supposedly killed spreading her useless 'hope' of some other third rate Goddess who was attempting to garner the faith of these weak and pathetic mortals. She wasn't too concerned about it, and instead of punishing Pit, she was content with slapping Palutena around for being the reason why Sona existed in the first place.

She looked down at Ike, an amused expression on her face. "'s a good start." She responded with an almost apathetic tone. Now that something much more important had come to her attention, she was more concerned with his talents being used to destroy that last bit of hope that was going by the name of Sona. She wouldn't make Pit do it..for whatever reason that boy liked her and so she wouldn't ask him to go after her a second time.
"...I am glad to hear it," he said as Ganondorf stood next to Medusa, shoving a shackled Chrom forward on the palanquin to settle him next to the naked Palutena. He narrowed his eyes at Samus, but he knew the knight clad in black, as well.

"Take a good look at your would be murderers, Prince Chrom," Ganondorf smirked. "All it took was two of them to clear out your entire city, a lax king you make."

"What!?" Chrom hissed. "What do you mean, my city was 'cleared' out?"

"They were murdered," Ike said, his voice hollow and indifferent. "I was simply the distraction, when your men retreated into the city, we killed them." Such horrible deaths offered a font of arcane power for Medusa's followers. A nice touch, if you were a believer in her dark ways.
Samus saw the hatred in Chrom's eyes, but her face remained as stoic as ever. If he looked at her, she would return his gaze. She did not have a right to look away..she had done something horrible and deserved every ounce of hatred that was given to her.

"Killed..them?" Palutena squeaked softly, as she could hardly believe it. She heard that they crushed Ylisse but...this? She didn't...she couldn't believe they would go so far...

"Foot rests do not speak." Medusa reminded Palutena. "Unless they'd like to see their precious little minions die in front of their eyes." Oh yes, Medusa was still threatening Palutena with the "original" Pit..she even had him brought along too just in case she tried to misbehave.
Ike had to swallow down the disgust, and the shame. They had chosen this path, and they deserved all of it. They had done this willingly, remorse was an excuse for the weak who could not accept what they had done. He had done so of his own free will, because he had known there would be a chance...a hope. Until then, he was their reaper, and Samus their shadow.

"...If you would like, Lady Medusa...the Acolytes have been working on a suitable statue of you and Lord Ganondorf. I would be honored to show you the improvements they have made to the city so far."
"Sure. Then afterwards, I'd like to see the castle. It looks very exquisite from here. Such nice tastes you have, Chrom..." Medusa moved her hand over to his his hair and then rubbed it patronizingly. It was so nice to see him squirm and writhe in pain. He probably had friends and family in Ylisse...and they were dead now thanks to her knight. It was getting her..quite excited. She wanted to see more pain..she wanted to cause Palutena more pain. And she knew just how to do it, too..
"Witch," Chrom muttered. "You and your followers will pay for all of this, my people will be avenged."

"Your anger means nothing, Lord Chrom," Ike said dispassionately. "Save it for when it is worth something, and not at the foot of a Goddess." A harsh lesson in reality, but one that did not dampen Chrom's spirit. Yes, this one...he was perfect. He had a fire in his eyes that Ike saw would only grow larger the more he saw. Good. He hoped the tour around his former capital of Ylisstol would give him all he needed. All he had to do was make sure he was nudged in the proper direction.

"I see your champion has embraced life well, Lady Medusa," Ganondorf smirked. "Have you been spoiling him, lately?"
"No, but I do intend to spoil him..very soon." Medusa answered, taking great amusement in Chroms spirit. Perhaps she'd break that soon enough, but she was interested in something much better at the moment. "I do enjoy what he's become...and he can make even a shadow wail in pleasure from his touch. I'm curious...and I'm sure he doesn't remember what it's like to feel the embrace of a Goddess...I cannot think of a better reward." Medusa grinned, watching Samus slightly twitch in embarrassment.
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