The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...My father talked to you?" Ike asked, almost caught off guard as he settled his pack on his shoulders as he examined the sheath a moment, before starting to unwrap the leather. It was good leather, so he wasn't going to waste it...but it was clear that she wanted to breathe a little. "Really? What about?"
"Hmm..well he would talk about your mom, and you, and Mist, and well other things. Like...well you know. Stuff." Ragnell watched as he unwrapped the leather on his sheath. "Are you doing that for me, Master? Thank you!"
He was apparently a fool for thinking an old, ancient sword would possess a vast intellect...but he mentally kicked himself for being so rude, why? Again, who knows. He stopped trying to figure it out. There, the blade would be exposed on his back, but the leather would be on his back side to protect him from the edge. He took Ragnell and slid her into the sheath. Not as nice looking as the leather he had before, but it did contrast nicely with the black on the gold blade.

"Better?" he asked, settling it on his shoulder.
"Yes, that's much better!" She exclaimed and then fell silent for a moment. "..But I still wanna walk around with you."

Zelda actually ended up in front of the gates before Ike and Ragnell. She had brought a pack filled with traveling supplies, and of course her rapier. Also, a pair of extra clothes for Ragnell. She doubted she needed armor because..well she was a sword. Though she wondered what new powers other than form changing Ragnell had. Palutena was a very powerful Goddess and there was a reason why she had blessed her. Did it have something to do with the Dark Goddess Ike had warned her about?
"If you wear something, you can walk around...but not yet," Ike said, wondering...even though he said he shouldn't...why he was even feeling so relaxed around her. Why it bothered him so much that she wanted to spend more time with him, why he wanted that. "When we're out of eyeshot from the castle, alright?" he said, moving down the steps. He didn't particularly care if Zelda's servants thought he was crazy.

...Mostly because he felt like he was already there.
Ike would hear a quiet sigh as Ragnell settled down. She waited and waited, keeping her ears out for when when they were out of "eyeshot" from the castle. "Zelda is already outside at the gates." She whispered to Ike, and sure enough Zelda came into view.

"I trust you are ready for this journey, Ike?" Zelda asked once he was close enough. She then gave him a short red dress and a pair of tan trousers. "I'm sorry, I don't know what a sword likes to wear...but I figured this would suit her nicely. It should be her size too."
Something told Ike she wouldn't wear those clothes, well, maybe she could. He was trying very hard to embrace how much he already knew about Ragnell despite actually not...knowing her.

...His headache was coming on again, but he nodded faintly and took the clothes. It was worth a shot, if she wanted to run around with them. She had to wear something that covered...things that needed to be covered. He didn't quite understand how this was going to work, but he supposed it didn't matter.

"Alright, Ragnell...try these on," he said, holding his hand out to the side for her.
Ragnell once again reappeared, though this time she was on his back. He would feel a pair of long, tone legs wrapped around his waist. "Those...look icky." She told him and then gave Zelda a tired gaze. "I'm not just wearing these because of her, right? If you want me to, I will Master. But this was her suggestion, not yours." Ragnell seemed to be pouting, but Zelda just giggled a bit. She wasn't offended in the least, it seemed.
The feeling of her against his back made him grunt just a little, and he was thankful he was slightly hunched over. His reflex was to put his hands on her toned thighs with a faint sigh. Why wasn't this annoying him more? Why did he seem okay with it? No matter how much he said it, he couldn't just ignore how comfortable he felt about a sword spirit treating him boyfriend. That's what it was. A boyfriend.

"...Could you at least put on the dress?" Ike said with a sigh. "People will stare if you're walking around without clothes on, Ragnell." And he didn't like that thought, at all.
"Okay, okay." Ragnell slipped off his back and then took the dress. She looked at it at first, as if trying to figure out how to put it on. But she figured it out eventually. It did fit well, but Ragnell seemed to not enjoy it. At all. A scowl was on her face as she moved around, trying to get used to the fabric clinging on her. "I feel like I'm in the sheath again..."
"What's wrong with it?" Ike said, arms crossing. "You look fine, very..." ugh. "...very...attractive." Well, she did look attractive. She looked really attractive, beautiful, honestly. "People don't just walk around naked, you know. It's either that or back in the sheath."
What was wrong with it? It was something she didn't need, that was what was wrong with it. "Fine, you're such a big meanie!" She crossed her arms and walked ahead of the two. Zelda was doing her very best not to laugh. It was obvious that clothes really did bother Ragnell, but it was even funnier hearing and watching Ike.

"She is quite a looker, isn't she? Well, I'm sure Goddess Palutena enjoys creating beautiful things. Or maybe she's always looked like that, because she's always been a beautiful sword."
"...She has," Ike admitted, following after her. "And incredibly reliable, there's no other sword like her...perhaps quite literally now," he sighed, rubbing his head. "...I feel like I know her, that how she's acting isn't really...who she is." he mumbled. "I never did like dealing with higher powers, I always have trouble understanding their reasons." What he didn't know was...did Palutena do this to Ragnell, or was this simply something that Ragnell already had?
"Of course you know look like you've been fighting with her for years." Zelda told him as she watched Ragnell pull at her clothes and hem of the skirt while she stalked ahead of the two. "And as for the Goddess who aided you, well there is one thing I understand about her. She wants to help. Often times they know something we don't, but you should trust that her reasoning was good."

Ragnell suddenly stopped and ran back to Ike, clinging to his arm. She moved much faster than a normal person could. Zelda nearly jumped out of her skin when she was suddenly in between them. "I missed you. I don't think we've ever been apart for that long.." She mumbled. A whole two minutes..yeah, that was way too long for them to be apart.
Ike was about to say something in reply, but he barely saw the blur of skin and hair that so accurately nestled between he and Zelda. There was only the comforting feeling of her arms around one of his. Zelda was right about one thing...they had fought together for years, through thick and thin. He found her presense to be a comfort, even if her personality was something of a child...but...was that fair? Maybe this was the first time she actually had a way to vocalize her thoughts. Maybe she was a child because she was new to being...human?

"...That's because you're usually in my sheath," Ike said, hand on her head with a faint sigh. "...You're going to have to get used to what having a body actually means, Ragnell." This was going to be such a long trip. "Zelda and I aren't exactly attached to the hip, you know."
Ragnell looked at Zelda and then stuck her tongue out when she thought Ike wasn't looking. It seemed like Ragnell might have been just a tad jealous of her? Or maybe she was just upset because of the clothes thing. Either way, she'd get over it. She was a good sword. "I know what having a body means. It means I get to do this." Ragnell jumped on top of Ike's back and clung around him once more, like she had earlier. At least this time she was wearing clothes. She nuzzled her face into his neck and sighed happily. "I like this form."
Ike grunted in surprise, shifting his foot a little. "H-Hey!" he protested, his face slightly tinting. Just because she was wearing clothes didn't mean he couldn't feel everything. He...liked it, somehow, someway. He really wasn't going to get used to this. But he had a feeling she'd do it regardless. "...Ugh, let's just...get going, alright?" he said to Zelda grumpily, hands resting on Ragnell's legs. He shouldn't like this, or be okay with it...or be so easy to rationalize it...

But what was he supposed to do?
"..Right." Zelda was a bit bemused. Well, who was she to get in the way of a man and his sword? She pulled out a map from her pack and then looked at it. "Maybe we should start our search in the most obvious place Ganondorf might be...his own little "kingdom" as it were." She mused to herself, and then began walking Northwest. She didn't think they'd find him there, but they might find some sort of clue. "I'd imagine Goddess Palutena doesn't know where that dark goddess is, right?"
"Not that she told me," Ike murmured, following after. "...You think it's wise to just walk right into where Ganondorf might be?" he said. "There's only tw-...three of us." he corrected after a moment. Thankfully they did at least have a road of some sort, although...there was a lot of nature in Hyrule, and a vast plain in the center. But then again, he was just supposed to follow her, wasn't he? Keep his mouth shut.

"I'm curious, Ike. What do you think we should do?" Zelda asked, looking over to him as he seemed to walk so effortlessly with Ragnell on his back. "Because, we could just turn around, go back to the castle and sip some tea while we wait for Ganon and his Goddess to join us for lunch. That seems like a much nicer and safer plan. Or," She put away the map and then looped a strand of hair over her finger. "We can find out where his hideout is, call for reinforcements and attack him. I think that sounds much more efficient."
"...If that is what you wish to do, your majesty," Ike said idly. "I suppose now would be the best time, considering that his forces are still in the northern part of the field." Even though the fighting has calmed down considerably, which worried Ike to no end. "But doing so is a considerable risk for morale, and your own well being."
"It'll be fine," Zelda dismissed, clearly stubborn in her own way. Besides, her people were used to her doing things like this. "The army needs to stay behind and protect my people. This is the least I can do as their Queen. Ganon and his forces can't be allowed to do as they please. I won't allow it. Besides, learning about this newest move of power has made me uneasy...I feel the longer we leave them to their own devices, the more we put ourselves at risk. Who knows what they are plotting. One of those dark clouds spawned off so many enemies..what if we face two or more next time? I don't know of anyone else who can disperse light magic the way I can..." Although she wished she did...
"Understood," Ike said, even if he wasn't entirely happy with it. A faint little gesture by his fingers tightening just an inch around Ragnell's legs. She made good sense, but...tactically...this was suicide. He would know, he had done stupid things before. "Perhaps Ragnell can help, she was blessed by the Goddess Palutena, after all? Ragnell was already blessed by one Goddess, she mentioned bringing out her true potential."
Zelda looked at Ragnell..who had been oddly quiet for the passed few minutes. She noticed that her eyes were she had fallen asleep. Well, that was...interesting. She had no idea swords could get tired. "More than definitely...Actually, that might be exactly it! I remember seeing you do a technique that released a shockwave of energy. Ragnell can be used long range, too. Correct?"
"Yes," Ike murmured. "Ragnell has...many hidden talents, perhaps more than even I know. I suppose we'll find out." he said. "Where are we heading first, Zelda?"
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