The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"No, not very many. I have heard though, that our form of currency is different than most. I'm not sure what the value of it is when it's converted to whatever currency most of the world uses...but that is the roughly equivalent to half a years rent in Hyrule...since you don't seem to be familiar with the value of the currency." Zelda was a it worried about whether or not Ike would take the money, but if he was a traveler, he would definitely do so. "Now, let me show you to your room for tonight..."
"Please," Ike said, following her out. He was certainly standing out in this crowd, he got the idea that they weren't incredibly content with the thought of an outsider protecting their queen. It was just a hunch, but about all of the castle guard seemed to be sizing him up.

It couldn't be helped, really.

"Is this the only kingdom in Hyrule?" he asked.
"No, there are two others. One is deep in the mountains, the other is underwater." Zelda told him as she led him out of the treasury room and to the east wing of the castle. She seemed to not mind escorting him around even though she had plenty of people to help her with that. Zelda wasn't that helpless though, that she needed others to take on simple tasks such as these. Plus,s he wanted to talk to him a bit more. "So, do you deal with royalty very often, Ike? The way you talk to me implies that you do. You are very proper."
"Far more often than I'd like to admit," Ike said. "Royalty is often the worst target of unsuspecting attack, your maj-...Zelda," he corrected after a moment. "Loyalty is good, but a promise of pay can give far better loyalty than people expect." he murmured. "But it ultimately depends on who you are hiring, I am here until my services are no longer needed. From the looks of it, you could use the help."
Zelda looked around, seeing that Impa had probably left to pout somewhere. She looked at Ike and then shook her head. "Around here that is not so. Mercenaries are often seen as cutthroats that can be bought out by the highest bidder. But you are not from around here, and that is why I believe in your honor that you will not betray us if my enemy promises you a greater reward. At least, that's how I feel about you.."
"You just met me," Ike stated idly, glancing at her. "What makes you so sure about that, Zelda? I could have just went into the battle knowing someone would hire me, regardless of what side."
"Because of your sword." Zelda admitted, looked over to him as they walked. It was a big castle but they'd eventually get to their destination. "It spoke to me. It's a truly radiant sword..I don't think it would lend it's power to a person I wouldn't be able to trust. Plus, you could have helped the monsters, but instead, you started defeating them long before you spoke to me. So it seemed like you already chose in that moment."
"I suppose that's true," Ike smiled after a moment. She didn't miss much, did she? He glanced back to the sword now in it's worn leather sheath. "...It's name is Ragnell," he murmured. "...It used to belong to my father. It's meaning is...far more than just is a sword of great renown in my homeland. It was gifted to me, once I took it to a proper place of rest. It seems that we are bound together...I would have no other traveling companion with me."
"Ragnell? She's beautiful. We have a sword like her in our parts here. The Master Sword. It can only be wielded by the hero of time." Zelda started taking him up a flight of stairs. "So, you just pass the sword down for generations? So does that mean you come from a long line of heroes, Ike?"
"Nothing like that..." Ike murmured. "My father had the blade...and when he passed on, I took it for safe keeping. It is far more than a family heirloom...but it was gifted to me when I returned it regardless." he said. A 'Master Sword'? A bold claim for any weapon, he supposed. Glancing up made him realize that he was catching the graceful sway of Zelda's hips, the sway was...lovely, yes. But that's not what grabbed his attention, really. She had the poised walk of a Queen, but also the movements of a warrior. Controlled and refined out of habit.

Interesting...he supposed being what appeared to be the most influential kingdom meant she had to do things the hard way.
Zelda finally stopped outside of a room, however before she let him go inside of it, she leaned herself against the door and smiled at Ike. It was a bit of a mischievous smile, but nothing too nefarious. She looked the man up and down, before one of her gloved fingers began to play with a strand of her dirty blonde hair. "I feel like there is a secret you are hiding, but I won't push...much. Still...If there is anything you want to know about me, or Hyrule, feel free to ask. I am an open book." Was he royalty? A wanted criminal? Some sort of sage? Whoever Ike was, Zelda was determined to find out.
Ike grimaced just a little, but his face didn't show it very well. Perhaps because his face always seemed to be set to an emotionally neutral look. There was nothing more terrifying than curious nobility. Nonetheless, he gave a respectful bow. "...As you wish, your majesty." he murmured. "I'm sure we will have much to discuss in the coming days."
"Yes, we do have a long journey ahead of us." Zelda looped her hand around the door knob and opened it for him. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Though it is a bit of a walk if you want to ask me directly. My room is on the other side of the castle. I'll send one of my chefs to bring you must be hungry." Zelda was quite famished herself, and she wanted to have a bath drawn. If it wasn't for that, she would have offered to eat with him.
"Starving," he admitted. "I appreciate your generosity, your won't be misplaced." he said. He was used to this kind of treatment before...but Zelda's desire to press for more information made him wary. Was she trying to relax him to find out more? Or was it an innocent curiosity? You could never tell with nobles.
"Zelda," She quickly corrected before giving him a smile and a wink. "I'll make sure you get plenty. I will see you tomorrow, then." Zelda turned her back away from him and left him to his temporary quarters for the night. For now, she'd leave him alone...
Ike swallowed just a little as she headed off, rubbing his head. Did she really...better not think too much on it, he decided. He was grateful for the dinner when it had arrived, thankful that the food smelled like something similar to what he had normally eaten. A quick wash did him well, as well as making sure Ragnell was properly polished and retained it's edge, a curious thing...he rarely had to sharpen it. It held an edge like nothing else, even if Ike had to use his blade like a club to crush armor. It had enough weight to do it, at least.

He slid out of his clothes and promptly collapsed in a bed that felt like he was sleeping on a cloud...a literal cloud.

...When he actually opened his eyes, he noticed he was on a cloud. He shot up like a crossbow bolt, glancing around a moment as he rubbed his face. Where...was he? Clouds were everywhere, and structures rested on top of them. The one that he was currently in front of seemed to be a majestic palace. He glanced down at himself, still devoid everything but his breeches. Was...he dreaming? Or was he awake? He did open his eyes, after all...he settled on the large building in front of him, and rose up.

Something was calling to him, like a gentle song...or a faint urging. Wishing he had Ragnell, and having no real reason to not go...Ike gave another swallow and headed up towards the marble steps. Hyrule just got weirder and weirder...
Palutena had been keeping her eye on Ike for quite sometime. She knew that he would eventually find Zelda and join forces with her to stop Ganondorf. Normally she never interfered with any world other than her own, but...Ganondorf had joined forces with Medusa, her own arch enemy. Unfortunately Palutena did not want to leave Skyeworld. If she did, it's greatest defense would be gone and it would become vulnerable. This was why she had Pit..but right now he was recovering. He was the one who discovered that Medusa was working with that man, and he had barely escaped. He came back to Palutena on the brink of death, and it had upset her greatly. She needed to rely on Zelda and this man right now.

Though what she had in mind for "payment" was slightly different than Zelda's. Palutena planned to give Ike an increase on his attack force...and then some. So of course, she had taken the spirit of his sword, just as she had spirited him up to Skyeworld while his physical body slept, and it appeared like she had it in her lap. It was a very...powerful blade. Definitely forged from a Goddess such as she.

"Ike, you made it." Palutena gave him a warm smile when he made it up the steps. She was sitting in her throne as she held his sword in her lap. Of course he found her...she had summoned him.
Ike was admiring the architecture when he came in, glancing around in mild surprise. He had never seen anything like this...and the beautiful woman settling on the throne with a very familiar weapon? If he was dreaming, he was being very...detailed. She was gorgeous to look at. He couldn't quite place why, but she just...was.

"...I suppose I have," Ike mumbled curiously. "...Am heaven?" he asked. "Have I died?"
"No, you have not. Though I did borrow you from your physical body for a little while. I hope you don't mind too much." Palutena continued to give him that warm smile. He was quite...well he didn't seem bothered that he was pretty much naked in front of her. She probably could have given his spirit form some more clothes to wear, but she liked what she saw now, so...

"I just wanted to talk to you. About the mission you are doing with Queen Zelda."
Ike crossed his arms a moment, regarding her and the area around them. "...What about it?" he finally said, finger tapping against his bicep. "I didn't think higher powers had a personal interest in mercenaries." It was starting to come together, but...this really wasn't his first run-in with gods in the first place, but ti was the first one he could think of that wanted to contact him so directly.
"But you're not just a mercenary. You are a hero of Tellius, and perhaps even the entire surface world. My interest is not in a mercenary, but rather you..." She got up from her throne and started walking closer to him with Ragnell in both her hands, laid flat out horizontally. "My name is Palutena," She began as she looked down at the magnificent sword. "I am the Goddess of this world, Skyeworld. The man you are going after, Ganondorf, has joined forces with one of my greatest enemies...she is a very powerful entity. And so is Ganondorf..."
"...And what does Ragnell have to do with all this?" Ike asked curiously. "What I did was what anyone would have done, Lady Palutena...if I failed, someone else would have succeeded. What is so important about this fight?" Another goddess who refused to leave things alone, it seemed. Except this time, someone as bad as a Goddess was causing problems? Ugh...Ike knew he had a bad feeling about this place...
Palutena simply laughed a bit. He really was an interesting one. "What anyone would have done? I'm not so sure about that. Facing Ashera is not something the common man would do. Your allies fought bravely, but you...well you're different. Still..if Medusa and Ganondorf are not stopped before it's too late, it's not only the end for Hyrule, but the entire Surface world and Skyeworld, too. Zelda hasn't told you about the I won't go too much into detail. However," She looked down at Ragnell and then the sword began to glow softly. The glow grew brighter for a moment but dulled, then it continued doing that an a slight vibration could be heard. It was almost like a heart beat.

"I wanted to simply aid you in this quest with Zelda. Ragnell is a beautiful sword, but she had power that Ashera bestowed that was never unlocked. I unlocked it for you as payment for helping Zelda with not only her enemy, but mine as well." She walked closer to him and then handed him the sword. He would be able to feel it hum and vibrate in his hand. It was very warm, and would feel different to him somehow. Though it's form was still the same.
Ike settled it comfortably into his hands again, brows furrowed. It greeting an old friend that you hadn't seen in so long, there was a faint sense of joy and confusion in the feeling...but his heart was pounding like he had missed them for so long.

"...I understand," Ike murmured. "...Most of it, anyway." If left alone, there would be more problems in other places...Ike guessed he either had the best timing...or the worst timing, depending on how you looked at it.
"Good," Palutena purred, wondering if there was anything else she needed to do before sending him back. Maybe a few more words of advice. "Make sure you protect Queen Zelda first and foremost. Ganondorf always has his eyes set on her, for she has a power that he needs...and if her power falls into his hands...well you'll have a much more difficult time with him."
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