The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Right," Ike nodded, lowering his blade. "...Will I be able to contact you, Lady Palutena?" Well, nothing he hadn't experienced before, admittedly. But this was certainly a different level of involvement.
"I will be watching you, Ike. So if you need me, I will be there. Maybe not physically, but...I will still be able to communicate with you if you need me." She answered with a wink, her large scepter appearing in her hand. His dream would soon be coming to an end...
A typical thing for a god to say, he supposed. But before he was going to say something, his eyes opened...again. That alone was a very odd, and strange feeling. But he noted the sunlight hitting his face as his eyes fluttered open. And he felt the weight of something pleasant against his body, warm...shapely-wait.

Wait. Warm and shapely?!

Ike was awake almost immediately as he tugged off the covers to glance down, and...sure enough...

"...What in the world...?" he muttered.
Underneath his covers was a tan skinned woman with golden hair. She was completely naked, and seemingly asleep. Though hearing his words, she opened her eyes revealing two ruby colored pupils. She smiled at him, seemingly not noticing that she was completely stark naked. "Master!" She said happily before climbing on top of him and giving him a big hug. Her head rested against his broad chest, and she squeezed him tightly...much tighter than a woman should have been able to squeeze.
Ike's eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise when he felt a tight, very feminine body mash against him, and his own body reacted in kind with a firm erection. For some reason, he knew her. He was definitely surprised to see her, but something in the back of his head was acting like this was completely expected of her. To say nothing of her grip...which was like iron, literal iron. It was hard and unrelenting and made Ike grunt.

...Was he dreaming now? Or was the dream before the actual dream? Master? What?

"...R...Ragnell?" Ike finally uttered out in raw bewilderment, staring at the beautiful woman practically attached to his body. couldn't be, but...everything was telling him it was.
"Yes?" She answered as she got closer to his face, her lower body rubbing right against that erection of his. ...And it kept rubbing. She was shamelessly grinding herself against him, though she was staring right up at him like she was doing nothing wrong. She knew Ike, but nothing about this strange place, or even how she got this form. She didn't want to let him go, being used to always being at his side. Always. Seriously, he never went anywhere without her.
"Wh...what...?" Ike said, hands gripping her hips a moment to stop them. "...Quit that," he said, even if the throb against his dick settled comfortably against the lips of her-...wait, how was this even...?

"How are you...a woman?" he said, trying to stop his skin from going flush, and ignoring the fact that it felt perfectly normal to do this with her. Ugh! What was going on!? These weren't things he should be used to!
"I'm not a woman, I'm a sword." Seraphina told him, immediately seizing the movement in her hips because he had told her. Oh right, she remembered being held by that strange lady last night. Maybe that's how she got this form? She didn't mind it though, now Ike would be able to hear her. He looked surprised, flustered and was funny because he was normally so calm. Nothing usually shook him up like this. She giggled and then slowly softened her grip against him. "What's wrong, master? What's with that silly face?"
"...You are my sword," Ike mumbled, fingers brushing across her cheek curiously. He didn't know how, or could really explain why...but it was Ragnell. It was definitely his sword. "...But I don't understand, why are you like...this?" Ike said, glancing down to her wonderfully fit and toned body.
"Yes, your sword." She corrected herself as she felt his hand caress her cheek. She placed her palm on the back of that familiar, rough hand. "I think that green haired lady did this. But I'm so much stronger now! I don't know if it's just because I've got this new form, but...she did something and I feel great! This form has many new's really weird, but fun!"
"...No kidding," Ike said, shifting a little...he probably shouldn't have, because the friction against her body gave off a pleasurable little twitch that made Ike grunt in satisfaction. But he liked it, it was hard not liking it. Just looking at her felt like they had done this for years, even though he knew they hadn't. So Palutena wasn't a dream...which left him with a very complicated, confused state of mind.

This was casual, far too casual for him to understand.
Ragnell cocked her head to the side and then suddenly she looked at the door. For a moment she just stared at it, and then a knocked was heard. "Sir Ike? Are you awake?" It was Zelda's voice. Seems like she had no qualms in fetching the guest for breakfast.

"Master, it's that lady from yesterday. With the light magic. I can't remember her name." Ragnell seemed a bit...dense. But considering she was formerly an object..well that was to be expected.
"Zelda," he said, giving her an affectionate rub on her head. Why...he didn't know, it just felt like something he did all the time. That was weird, he didn't want to think about that any more as he slid out of bed.

"Just a second," he said, then stopped and glanced to Ragnell in confusion. ...How did she...ugh...nevermind. Not important. "Think you could...uh..." Ike said, waving toward the sheath. " know?"
"I think I can..." Ragnell said, and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her body began to glow the same light that Ike had seen in his "dream" and she slowly changed back to her original form.

Zelda stood at the door, wondering who exactly was in there. She did hear something right? Was a girl in there?
Satisfied for now, Ike headed to the door and opened it. To be honest, he didn't think much about his nudity...because he wasn't exactly used to sleeping in royal quarters. Interacting with nobles, yes...being greeted at the door by them? Not exactly, so Zelda got an eyeful. Every inch of him was muscle, and all of it was littered with light scars and some nastier ones that darted across his pectorals. He had an interesting stab wound around his pelvic bone, which dipped into a perfect V and into...a half erect seven inches. The exotic hairstyle was clearly not fake, either.

"Good morning, your majesty." he murmured. Before he realized just how... airy it was. Ugh...Ragnell had completely ruined his morning routine, he should be dressed by now!
"Zel..da." It was obviously that the Queen of Hyrule was eyeing the physique of her hired companion. Hyrulian's were not the most..muscular bunch. It just wasn't in their genetics, so they never got quite that big. Muscles..their muscles never got quite that big. Though a particular muscle on Ike was what really drew her attention, and for a moment she just stared right at it. "I'm sorry...did I interrupt..something?" Oh there was that voice...did one of the castle maids make their way in here? Ike was exotic but...was he really so handsome he managed to woo one of her people on his first night here?
"...No, I..." Ike said, shifting quickly behind the door after murmuring an apology. "I...didn't sleep well." he said. "Please, forgive me...that was horribly indecent. I meant no disrespect." Last thing he needed was the Queen of Hyrule staring at him and...him not at all having a problem with it. He didn't need another awkward erection this morning. "I'll be dressed in a moment, again...I'm sorry."
"It's alright..I suppose. Go ahead and get dressed, I'll be waiting out here to escort you to the dining room." Zelda felt a light blush on her cheeks, but it's not like she didn't like what she saw. Ike was very exotic, and...well the only man she saw even close to his size was Ganondorf. She couldn't check out her arch enemy..or even be remotely attracted to him. Especially when he enjoyed kidnapping her...ugh. She was thinking weird thoughts this morning...
Ike nodded, shutting the door with a faint sigh as he went to get dressed and grabbed Ragnell to settle it on his shoulder as was his usual routine. Why wasn't he more...concerned that his sword now was apparently a very beautiful woman? It was hard to really say, but...he just knew her, he supposed. He knew what she was like, even though he really didn't know and...ugh. He needed breakfast, breakfast would fix everything.

Nevertheless, he was fully dressed and his problem...contained for now. He stepped out to join her.

"...Good morning," he greeted again. "...I hope I didn't startle you."
"Good morning," Zelda said with a cheerful smile. She didn't seem too startled, in fact it was almost like nothing had ever happened. "You did a bit, you know I'm not used to seeing that type of physique. But, it wasn't a bad kind of startle. Teehee." Zelda started leading him down the hall, and for a moment she was quiet. "So..was there someone in your room?"
"...That's a complicated question," Ike said, deciding to ignore the potential implications of what she said. Ugh...this had gone from bad to humiliating. But something about Zelda, he didn't know. He felt like she knew a lot more than what she acted. She carried herself with the youth of a young woman, but out on the battlefield displayed a wisdom that took years to harden. Maybe he was underestimating her.

"...Have you ever had the gods speak to you, Zelda?"
"Maybe. Why do you ask?" She was wondering why he had suddenly change the subject. Normally that was a tactic used by people who were hiding something. Though there was something...not adding up. Ike didn't seem like a womanizer, but...well she knew what she heard.
Ike sighed a little, then relaxed his posture around his sword. "Ragnell," he called. "Come and say hello to the Queen, and be polite." If they were going to be traveling together...there was no way he could hide this. Why he knew that, he also didn't know. But he just knew that. It was starting to irritate him just a little how much he knew that he didn't know.
"Hi!" A voice came from Ike's sheath, and Zelda suddenly stopped and looked at him. She seemed confused, though once Ike's sheath started to glow, she could tell where the voice came from. Suddenly the sword unsheathed by itself, and a girl appeared right in front of them. A..naked girl. Well...a woman considering her sizable assets...

"Hello....Ragnell?" Zelda wasn't too surprised, but it was still a little unnerving. She wasn't aware that his sword could do...that.
"...This was who you heard," Ike said, a hand on her shoulder. Why? Again, he stopped trying to figure out why. It was giving him a headache just trying to figure it out. "The Goddess Palutena...she blessed Ragnell, to it's full strength...I suppose." She barely looked phased, was he the only sane one now?
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