The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Zelda had seen something similar with the master sword, though not quite like this. Ragnell was physical...and looked normal for the most part. Aside from her lack of clothes which was rather uncomfortable. Still, she kept her eyes on her face. "Are you the spirit of Ragnell?" Zelda asked.

"No, I am Ragnell. See?" She lifted her hand and it shifted into a blade, stopping at her elbow. Zelda looked at it and then tilted her head for a moment.

" said...Goddess Palutena, right? I have heard of her, but have never spoke to her. At least, not directly."
"Yes, that's who it was," Ike murmured. "...Zelda, I know nothing of what transpires here...but from what it sounds like, Ganondorf is a problem all on it's own. But there is another," he said. "Medusa, she is aiding Ganondorf...perhaps that is why you faced such a massive army. She is a Goddess too."
Zelda's face darkened when she heard that Ganondorf was being helped by someone. A Goddess no less. "..Yes. That would make sense. I have never seen such large forces before...I just thought he found another power somehow. Like a relic or something." Zelda wasn't sure why Palutena didn't speak directly to her, but this was all the more reason to believe in Ike. She looked at Ragnell, who moved over to Ike and clung to his arm, pressing it between her breasts. Zelda blushed a little.

"..Perhaps Ragnell needs clothes?"
"...Perhaps," Ike agreed with a faint blush of his own. "Something practical?" And...modest? Something that didn't immediately make his mind rush with thoughts that seemed so familiar, he didn't even know why he tried resisting them?
"Clothes?" Ragnell frowned and then looked up at Ike. "You mean this stuff that you wear? Do I have toooo?" She whined, and Zelda laughed a bit.

"Perhaps she should go back into her original form while I go fetch her something appropriate after breakfast. Or before? Ragnell, are you hungry?" The tan skinned woman looked at Zelda and shrugged.

"I don't know what hungry is."
"...Of course you don't," Ike sighed, rubbing his palm against his eye. He felt a headache coming. "And yes, have to wear something. Or you stay in the sheath." Why did this all feel too familiar? He was getting real sick of that feeling...
"...well hungry is when your stomach feels uncomfortable, like it's empty. It can get really painful. Do you feel that way?" Zelda asked her, and Ragnell shook her head. " probably don't get hungry then. But yes, if you could just...turn back into a sword so we don't scare anyone?" Ragnell looked at Ike, waiting for him to ask her to. She didn't listen to anyone else.
"...Please," Ike said faintly. "We'll talk about what you are or aren't wearing later, alright? For now, it's just easier if everyone thinks you're just a sword."
"...Okaaaay." Ragnell sighed and then held Ike's hand. She didn't want to clatter on the ground after changing back. Zelda watched in awe as she reverted back. "I shouldn't talk while I'm in this form, huh?" A disembodied voice asked.
"...At least not while other people are around," Ike murmured. "...We'll talk later, alright?" He had to admit, he was...immensely curious what a sword as old as it...she was had to say about things, anything really.
Zelda brought Ike to the dining hall and had him sit next to her. They were the only ones there, but yet the table was covered in food. "Help yourself." She told Ike while she herself already had a plate made and ready for her. It was perfectly portioned the way she liked it.
"...Thank you," Ike said idly, moving to grab a plate for himself. Soren had drilled into him endless amounts of proper ways to eat at the table, not that he had poor manners.

"What exactly are you planning to do, Zelda?" he finally asked. "Where are we going, and for what purpose?"
Zelda shrugged as she ate, definitely the proper way. She didn't talk with her mouth full, so she waited until she swallowed before answering. "I don't know where Ganondorf is. So, I don't know where we are going. The purpose is to uncover where he is hiding this this an aimless adventure."
Ike tilted her head to regard her a moment, taking a bite out of a wonderfully well cooked...well, he assumed it was an egg. Of some kind.

"...I see," he said dryly. "...You wouldn't happen to be using me as an excuse to see the damage personally, and without your entire kingdom worrying about you, would it?"
"You're a mercenary, aren't you? What do you care what my intentions are when I'm paying you?" Zelda shot back with a smirk. Even though she knew Ike had morals, well he did enjoy throwing that fact around. So she felt like throwing it back at his face, but in a rather playful manner. "But no...I was planning on doing this even without an escort. I don't think you just came here by accident, Ike. This was fate, and Goddess Palutena blessing Ragnell to aid you in my fight...well that's all the proof I need."
"...Touche," Ike sighed. "And I suppose I would have went anyway, capable or no, are still a Queen, and that attracts all kinds of people. No matter how nice your subjects are." Dammit, he was painfully used to getting played. But that was the life of a mercenary, too.
"What do you mean? I know that, Ike. It's fine. I am a good judge of character." Zelda wasn't really sure what he was getting at...but it didn't matter. They were leaving as soon as they were done here..and well, Ragnell needed some clothes too. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Ike. So don't worry about me." She gave him a wink.
"It's my job to worry about you, remember?" Ike said idly. "Since I am accompanying you, don't you think it'd be wise to at least take what I'm saying to heart?" This all sounded so painfully familiar...
"Your job is to watch my back, Ike. Not worry over every little decision I make. what you did yesterday. Follow my lead and make sure nothing gets to me." Zelda finished her food and then rose up from her chair. "I'll be getting ready to leave. Meet me at the castle gates?"
She would learn sooner or later that they were one in the same. "...As you wish, your majesty." Ike said, rising up. "Allow me to grab my things."
Zelda just waved to him and then walked off, leaving him alone...or rather alone with Ragnell. "Master," Ragnell whispered to him now that no one was really around. "..Can I come out's super cramped in here. It never bothered me before...but seriously. I don't like it in here."
Ike sighed a little at that as he headed up to his room, drawing the sword. "There, is that better?" he asked, sitting it on the bed. This was going to be complicated...more complicated than he really wanted to deal with. Zelda just wanted a quiet lackey, and his sword talked and...

Ugh...he knew he should have stayed somewhere else...
"Yeah, much better! If I'm gonna be a sword, you should just carry me like this!" Ragnell told him excitedly. "I can walk around more once I get those...clothes right? I don't really want to wear them, but I kinda like my other form. It's nice. You look at me more, too."
"...Well, that's because it's a little less crazy to talk to a woman instead of a sword." Ike said. "But you need to wear something if you're going to be...actually appearing as a woman, Ragnell. Especially around other people." he murmured. Why...did he feel slightly guilty for not looking at her more?
"Well I suppose. But honestly, your father used to talk to me all the time. So..maybe you're just self conscious." Ragnell did enjoy her master before this master. But both of them were very unique in their own ways. It was interesting.
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