The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Gerudo Valley. Oh, I suppose there is something you should know, since you're a foreigner. The Gerudo is a society that is entirely comprised of females. Only one male is born every hundred years, and that male. So he is their King. You'd think he'd be satisfied with that, but..." Zelda trailed off and shook her head. "Anyways, I'll have a disguise ready when we cross those borders. If they recognize me it could get back to Ganon."
"No doubt," Ike said, but followed after Zelda like the good little mercenary he was. They'd head into the Gerudo Valley jungles and hope for the best, he didn't really like this...but he supposed it wasn't his place to say.

There were dark clouds over Gerudo Desert, but they were of little concern. They moved like storm clouds, the contents within were hardly rain. Nestled in the rocky outcroppings was a fortress made generations ago, although no one really remembered who made it and when. It had simply always been there, and because of had been the main location of Gerudo. Every one hundred years, the culture takes an uptick to herald the celebration of a male child. The castle was filled with weapons and women, conducting drills in the hot baking sun with nothing more than their dark skin to protect them.

Inside were more women, dressed in little more than exposed robes and carrying spears as they patrolled the castle with a ruthless efficiency. Their king resided in his personal chambers, seven feet of Gerudo muscle with a wild mane of red hair and piercing eyes as he stared out at the harsh landscape. Sleeping in his bed were two women, as was his duty as king...of course. He sat naked on the foot of his bed, his mind awash with minor frustration. It seemed that the forces of Light always had something to bet on...

"It seems your little trick didn't plan for eventualities, Lady Medusa." Ganondorf rumbled to the third in the room. "But I suppose it is a minor setback...for now." A hero who plunges to the back of the lines, out of nowhere? The gods loved their jokes, didn't they?
In a shadow ridden corner of Ganondorf's chambers stood Medusa, Goddess of Darkness. Her blue eyes seemed to glow as she just stood there, watching him. She had been there for a while, actually. Just watching this man do his "duties". It was honestly a rather pleasant scene. Mortals and their earthly pleasures...or rather instincts. It was amusing. Even though Medusa did find her ally to be deliciously virile.

"My trick was not meant to be successful. I did not expect for those little pawns to do much damage. I just wanted to watch how the Hyrulian army likes to do battle. With their own Queen leading them...well that says a lot. She is quite the ferocious little thing, trusting some strange man to watch her back as she destroyed one of my clouds. But I wonder what would happen if she suddenly disappeared? I doubt very many people in Hyrule have enough magical energies to accomplish the same feat." She mused to herself as she traced her fingers along her staff.
"Hm, she is headstrong," Ganondorf murmured. "But I suppose she has no choice but to be, since we have pressured her again and again..." he said, rising up with a long stretch, his muscles tightening a moment as he regarded her. "Perhaps we should get a little bit more creative, my lady..." he smirked widely in thought, offering his rough hand. "If you'll indulge me? We are operating as a hammer, perhaps we need to be a nail instead."
Medusa shameless looked him up and down. Oh, he was quite the specimen and she wasn't afraid to let him know it. She reached out and took his hand, being mindful not to cut him with her sharp claws. Her lips curled upwards as she gave him a seductive smile. "That doesn't sound like you, dear. Do share...what did you have in mind?"
Ganondorf slid closer, and didn't hesitate to mash his lips against his worthwhile partner. She was a beautiful woman, the corruption in her skin lent itself well to her snake like eyes...and the small outcropping of actual snakes that darted along her black mane. But there was a more valid reason for his...rudeness, he needed more than just his magic...and what better way to take it? A shared power would be far more effective than just one.
Medusa allowed him to feed from her power. Why not? Whatever he took would be replaced. She was curious to see what he'd do with it, but more importantly...well she'd take advantage of this moment to feel his muscular chest and Abdomen. As she trailed her fingers down his torso, her fingernails playfully scratching t his dark skin. She moved her abnormally long tongue into his mouth and once she felt like he had enough, she gently pushed him away. "So..are you going to share your plan with me now?" She asked him as she licked his lips.
"Mm, simple..." Ganondorf smirked, his sizable erection pressed between them. That tongue was an exotic wonder. "We are being far too loud, the princess has been fighting me far too long...her patience wears at her. So we make a scalpel." he said, his right hand brushing across her cheek as it started to pulse with dark magic. "Something to cut what we need cut...and no one will be the wiser."
Princess. Funny that he still thought of her as such, despite her now hailing the title of Queen...though he was technically right. As far as she knew there was no King of Hyrule, so how could she be a Queen? She chuckled softly, her fingers moving from his abs to the tip of his member, just to tease him. "Sounds good so far...tell me more."
"Mm..." Ganondorf rumbled in appreciation, his fingers slipping away. "We icon," he smirked. "Someone to strike fear into the hearts of people, nestled even in their nice little walls of Hyrule Castle...someone who strikes as fast as he leaves...a phantom, a ghost..."
"A phantom...a ghost." Medusa repeated before she smirked and also drew away from him, withdrawing her hand and placing it back on her staff. So that's how it was. He was going to use her power to take on another form, just to scare those little Hyrulian peons. If they thought there was another formidable threat aside from him and her, it would surely demoralize and confuse them. "So that's what you plan to do with my energy. You're a clever man, Ganon."
"Clever and hungry, my dear," Ganondorf sighed, hand tightening into a fist before his eyes flashed, smirking. "A puppet, more like...but the process would be the same." he said, striding towards the window with his glowing hand and hurling it out like a comet of energy. 'Queen' Zelda had her plan, and Ganondorf had his...soon, Hyrule would belong to him, and the Triforce would give him all the power he needed to rule everything. Beyond Hyrule.

Every plan had bumps...that mercenary was one they would rectify, immediately.
When he walked over to the window, Medusa followed. Though she made no noise. She wasn't walking, more like floating. Walking was beneath a Goddess like her. She watched as he expelled the twisted energy out the window, and then her eyes met with his. "I really do love that evil look in your eye," Medusa purred as her eyes glowed every so softly. "It would be nice to watch our hero of time struggle with what you just spawned. I think I'll do that in my chambers later on...won't you join me?" She beckoned as she reached up to her hair and pet one of the snakes that was particularly excited, her finger scratching against its chin.
"I would be honored," Ganondorf smirked idly. "Perhaps when you are more comfortable, Lady Medusa, I can give you proper Gerudo hospitality. We must treat this alliance as it is, yes?" A power of a god was at his fingertips, playing with a Goddess would be no idle alliance indeed. Still, he would be could never trust higher powers completely. Otherwise, he would fall into a trap he couldn't get out of.
Gerudo hospitality, huh? Why not? She did enjoy his appearance, and it had been so long since she had enjoyed the simpler pleasures of life. Still, she was used to being the object of desire. Ganon enjoyed these pleasure whenever he wanted..they were given to them. Medusa would play her cards right and make him desire her...

"Gerudo hospitality? How polite of you...Yes, perhaps when I'm comfortable." She returned his smirk and then tapped her staff on the floor gently. "Though I'd have to wonder if a mortal man could really satisfy a Goddess with his hospitality." A little bit of a taunt, but she did enjoy challenging men like him.
Ganondorf only laughed, so hard that he woke the women he had slept with earlier as he moved to get dressed. "At any rate...there is much to do, why don't we start advancing our plans?" he said, fitting on his clothes. The women needed no urging, they immediately went to assist their lord with his armor. "Hyrule is stable right why don't we poison the ground around them, first?" he said. "I trust you have something...suitable for the Zora Domain?"
"You know I do..." She answered as she her staff began to glow faintly while she got her ideas. Another cloud? Yes...but what vile monsters should she release into those pretty waters to turn them black with disease? She had a couple of ideas in mind. As Ganondorf had his concubines dress him, she twirled a strand of her black hair in thought. "You're getting you have plans or are you just making yourself decent for the sake of me being 'comfortable'?"
"One should never rest on their laurels, my lady," Ganondorf chuckled, rubbing his chin in thought. "The bait has been cast, we simply need to wait for them to take it. While you are bothering the Zorans...I think I might say hello to the Gorons." He smirked. "Securing the route out of Hyrule offers interesting potential, wouldn't you agree?"
"I do agree. Mm, but there is one thing I do need from you before you go. How would you like to father one of my own creations, Ganon? I've been working on it ever since we destroyed Pit and sent him crawling back to Palutena." She grinned as she summoned a dark cloud. This one was very small, and it was unstable, it's form constantly pushing and pulling against it's own energy. Medusa pulled out a handful of blood feathers. Ganondorf might find them familiar as they had once belonged to Palutena's pawn. "After all, another set of hands to do our dirty work couldn't hurt."
"Indeed," Ganondorf grinned widely, walking closer. "Your terminology makes it sound more entertaining than it will be, my lady...but I suppose it is only fair to share." He said, his large hand fitting over hers holding the feathers as his body started to radiate dark energy, his eyes glittering red. One good indulgence deserved another, did it not?
"Mmnnn." She could feel him giving her permission to use his energy and she did, absorbing it and channeling through her body. The red tinged feathers suddenly darkened in color as their combined energy gathered in the palm of her hand. She slowly dropped the feathers into the cloud of darkness, along with their corruption. The cloud then started to stretch out and mutate. Medusa grinned as it changed its shape to something more humanoid. Something very familiar. "Behold, our own creation, Ganon. He's yours to command just as much as he's mine," A generous statement, but not exactly the truth. If she told their spawn to kill his own father, he would. After all, she had made him from her own corrupted magicks. "Dark Pit. But let's just call him Pit."

The cloud was now a boy, one who he would find familiar. He was almost an exact replica of Palutena's whelp, though the color of his hair and wings were black. As well as his clothes. And his eyes were a rusted color. He looked up at both of them, his gaze filled with hatred. It may or may not be at them. Medusa wasn't really concerned in the slightest. He would never disobey her.
"Fascinating..." Ganondorf mused. "Well then, why don't we see how our treasured pets play in Hyrule, mm? I expect to see great things...boy." he sneered. "Go, Hyrule Castle. Make sure the 'Queen' is quivering by the time you're done." His phantom, meanwhile...would satisfy himself on the villages. A wide offense was doing no good, precise strikes would do much better.
Dark Pit just nodded at his "father" and then went over to the window and jumped out. At first he was falling but then his black winds expanded and he took flight, heading over to Hyrule Castle. He would know exactly where to go, because he knew everything he needed to know. Medusa gave him that much. "Well, I'll be off. Have fun." Medusa told Ganon with a wink.
Ganondorf snorted, watching her leave. What a strange goddess, but the alliance would be...worthwhile, to say the least. She had proven that she was at least capable of holding her side of the bargain, for now...that was good enough. In the meantime, they had a mountain to conquer.

"Gather the army," Ganondorf said to his two women. This was not a task suited for his idiot minions, this was a task for his elite forces. The Gerudo.

The Gerudo Valley jungles were insufferably humid and hot, and they had been traveling up them for a few days now. There had been no sign of anything hostile, save for the occasional wildlife. They did, however...see markings that Zelda had identified as Gerudo. Banners and tattered heraldry, at one point...they had certainly taken this path. That was enough for Ike to be wary, but they had seen nothing so far. Ragnell was completely ignorant to the sweltering humidity, which was both a gift and a curse. She was able to do much that the heat would make insufferable for him and Zelda -which, Ike noted...she did with incredible enthusiasm for something as simple as a pat on the head- and had long disrobed since there was no reason for her to wear it.

Ike had to was hypnotizing watching that body dart into the jungle like a panther. Zelda, however...was not handling the heat as well. Ike respected her commitment to the cause, but this was something she had clearly never done before. So he'd have to be twice as careful around her. She had least had the good mind to wear practical clothing, nothing that would make her stand out as Queen. So far...that was about the only thing that hadn't given him a headache about this plan, as they moved to settle into a camp spot for the night. Nothing new for Ike, sleeping somewhere that was probably more dangerous than it looked.

"We've made good progress today, Zelda...this clearing should be good enough for camp." Ike said, slipping his pack off.
"Yeah," Zelda immediately sat down and leaned her head back against a tree. She had a long day, and normally she wouldn't be this tired. Though the hot, humid forest had really took a lot out of her. She was so jealous of Ragnell. She never got hungry really, and she didn't understand how hot they were. In fact she didn't understand temperature at all, it seemed. Though she did enjoy sleeping, and it was rather..awkward how her and Ike always seemed to be sleeping together. Especially because the woman had elected to take off her clothes less than an hour after she had put them on the first day they were given to her..and never touched them since. It wasn't hurting anyone though. Especially not Ike since she often caught him staring at her.

"Hey Master...are you hungry? I can go out and hunt something for you." Ragnell asked him eagerly. She was always so concerned for him, but not Zelda. She really was a loyal sword, but at this point it was grating on her nerves just a tiny bit. It's not like she had ever mistreated Ragnell, other than offering her something to wear.
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