The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Don't be ridiculous, Ike!" Zelda urged him, but she could already tell he wasn't going to be able to move far enough to get to camp. She couldn't move fast enough in this heat to retrieve the potion and come back. She quickly moved underneath his arm so she could steady him. "Ragnell, I need you to go back to camp and retrieve my pack. Quickly! Ike needs medical attention now!"

"B..but Zelda...what if that boy comes back...?" Ragnell asked as she changed into her human form and looked down at her Master with great concern. Zelda shook her head from side to side.

"There's not time. I'll fight him off if he does, just go!" With that, Ragnell took off back to their campsite. She had to trust Zelda with her Master for now.
"...First time I've seen her recognize you," Ike joked dryly, arm over her shoulder. Surprising strength for such a lithe woman, but he could feel some tone underneath her tunic. Oh, there went his hearing...what did he get hit with? Ugh, he took his bodyguard job far too literally...all he was hearing was nothing as he slackened somewhat in her grip.
Damn, he was falling out. Zelda helped him sit down, and she grimaced and hoped that he could last long enough for Ragnell to return. She kept her bow tight in her hand as she stood guard in front of him. Who was that boy? She knew he was after her, but...there was something very wrong going on here.

Ragnell was back at the campsite in a little less than five minutes. She grabbed Zelda's pack and then took off once more, extremely focused on getting back to her master as soon as possible.
"We may...have to turn back," Ike said, coughing faintly. "We can't go in there if they know,'s too risky." He couldn't hear her anyway, but maybe she'd listen. Who knew? He barely even remembered what he said as his knees started to buckle on him. Ugh...he supposed a blessing didn't mean he was gifted with incredible luck...
He..had a point. Still. Zelda needed to make sure that Ganon really was there. She also needed to know what they would be dealing with. If that boy was one of his allies, and if he had more formidable opponents they needed to face. That way she could plan accordingly...

Ragnell came running back, giving Zelda her pack and checking on her master. "Is he okay? He looks terrible!" She knelt by his side, and looked at him with great concern. Zelda rummaged in her pack and took out a bottle with a fairy inside of it.

"He will be..." She answered as she knelt down and then opened the bottle, letting the fairy free and letting it do it's magic on Ike.
Ike blinked faintly in surprise when the fairy circled around him, his breathing came back with a heavy inhale as the dark magic hissed away, and his wound closed. He blinked, padding his stomach in surprise before glancing up at Zelda. was as if he had never been hurt at all, healing magic could do the same thing...but it cleared away whatever...darkness it had, too.

"...What was that?" he mumbled. He felt...completely fine.
"A fairy. First time seeing one? They have the power to heal even the worst ailments. Though they tend to run away after they heal you." Zelda smiled in relief as Ragnell hugged her master now that she was sure he was completely fine.

"That cur! I'm going to find him and kill him for doing this to you! If Zelda didn't have that fairy thing.." Ragnell looked at Zelda and then suddenly felt bad. She hadn't been paying attention to her this whole time and yet...she had been the reason why Ike was okay. She ran over to her and hugged her tightly, which caught the Queen in surprise. "Thank you, Zelda." She simply said.

"..It was you who got the fairy in time to save him, Ragnell. Don't thank me, I just brought it along with us.."
"Zelda...we need to go," Ike said seriously. "There's no way we can do this if they already know, it's too risky. We have to head back, immediately. They may know more than we think, we can't risk you being this close to the enemy."
Zelda sighed. She really didn't like that idea but...well she had a bad feeling that something might be going on that she didn't know about. "You're right, Ike. I doubt that one attack finished that boy. There was something familiar about him. He felt like Ganondorf...when he attacked you with that dark energy it just felt very familiar." She was tired, but they couldn't rest here. "Let's get a move on."
"We should stop at the base at the bottom of the valley and inform them," Ike murmured. "Something is going on, and we might have stumbled onto it by accident. Ragnell? Keep yourself ready...he may come back."
Ragnell nodded and took both of his hands before looking up at him with those red eyes of her. "Please be careful next time, Master." She said just before turning back into her original form.

"She's right, Ike. Evil is not honorable. It will poison and corrupt anything it touches. Be more mindful." She warned him before securing her back to her body.
"I know," Ike said. "But my job is to protect you, is it not?" he said. "That's what you hired me for," he said, rolling his shoulders. "Let's get everything and move, I want to be as far away from here as I can." Like it or not, that was the role of a mercenary. You did what you were paid to do, regardless of what it was.
They went back to where they had left Ike's belongings and then started to make their way to the valley as he had suggested before. Even though the sun was setting, Zelda was still having trouble with the horrid humidity. The more she thought about that boys words, the more uneasy she got.
The fortress was a Hylian outpost, designed mostly to protect Hylia Village and the lake, but it was also one of the fastest ways Gerudo could attack Hylian interests. Needless to say, the soldiers stationed there were more than a little surprised to see Queen Zelda and her bodyguard moving into the fortress. The cool air of the Lake was doing well to dispel the humidity as night fell.

"M...My lady! This is a surprise!" The Captain said, bowing almost religiously. "We had no idea that you were out here! We should have sent out a party with you! Forgive me for my ignorance!" Ike glanced around the fortress curiously, arms crossed. Not bad...very defensible, a village behind them meant a steady stream of supplies...and the lake kept the keep air cool. More and more reasons to be impressed by the Hylian army, it seemed.
"It's alright. It's not like I told anyone where I was." Zelda gave them a smile, nice to finally be into some cooler air and around friendly people. "Could I trouble you for some food? We have been walking all day and most of the night. We haven't had time to rest, as we fear we might be being pursued by a hostile possibly aligned with Ganon and the Gerudos. We wanted to warn you, as well as stop here for a rest."
"Of course, we will have rooms set up and dinner prepared right away! And we will heighten security!" The Captain said as he already was waving his hand to send more guards to the walls.

"Watch the sky, too...the warrior had wings," Ike murmured. "Any news from anywhere else?"

"...No, Ser Ike," The Captain murmured. "Thankfully, it has been quiet so far."
Zelda was thankful for that. Things seemed alright for the moment, but now she had to figure out what to do at this point. She couldn't think straight as she was now. Hungry and exhausted. As soon as they were given food, she was extremely grateful and ate much more than she usually did. Travels always increased her appetite, though she didn't lose her table manners.
Ike had devoured more than his fair share, especially giving his recent brush with death. He knew that Ragnell was getting somewhat antsy in the sheath, since it had been a while...but she had been impressively silent as they ate. Regardless, he would be grateful for the chance to actually wash as he excused himself from the table to head to his room. So much for an easy job, but he shouldn't have expected one, especially since he got hired in the middle of a battlefield.
Zelda had been given a separate room, but it was right next to Ike's. Even though she was in a much safer place, she didn't feel comfortable alone. She could hear Ragnell talking to him through the wall, but eventually there was silence, and she just laid there for what seemed like hours. They were probably asleep right now. Still, Zelda just couldn't bring herself to do the same. She stood up and pressed herself against the wall before teleporting herself into Ike's room. She stood over him, seeing him in bed with Ragnell at his side. Well...he wouldn't mind if she was in bed with him too, would he?

Zelda wasn't concerned that neither she nor Ike was properly dressed. In fact, that's what made it even better. She crawled into his bed, attempting not to disturb him. She marveled at how warm he was. Ragnell got to sleep next to him every day? Zelda was jealous. She ran her hand along his muscular chest and shuddered. He felt..amazing.
He was dressed so sparsely, the reaction was almost immediate as his eyes flickered a little in recognition. What recognized it first was his seven inches slowly twitching to the occasion, against his thin undershorts. The noise he made was pleasurable, but slightly confused as his blue eyes settled on...Queen Zelda. He didn't say anything, mostly because...well. The guard probably wouldn't take well to the Queen in the room of her bodyguard in...this kind of situation.
Zelda grinned at him, knowing that there was nothing he could say or do. Granted this might be a little awkward later on, but...well Zelda wanted to touch him. Her fingers trailed down from his chest, to his stomach. Accidentally grazing Ragnell's head, the woman stirred in her sleep and reached over and pressed her naked body to his side, her arm laying across his chest. Zelda did not stop in her efforts however. Her hand slowly went down to the outside of his pants. Of course he was hard..he had one woman caressing him while another was naked beside him.
Ike exhaled faintly, his cock twitching against his shorts as his hand absently slid down Ragnell's back. This...was probably another dream, wasn't it? It'd be some joke about how he was still sick from his wound and he'd wake up like nothing had ever happened. He had been in many...close situations like this, but this was the first time that he could think of where it actually happened. His leg slid to the side just a fraction.

"...Zelda," he breathed quietly. Why he said it, he didn't know. Why he wasn't stopping her...well, he wasn't sure either. It had been a long time since he had felt a woman, generally...royalty wasn't the sort that he 'relaxed' with.
"Shhh." She whispered in his ear. He was quite large...and Zelda had little experience with men. The only person she had ever slept with..well she was young and stupid. Though right about now, she was glad that she got at least some experience...because it was helping her in this situation right now. Perhaps she just had a a thing for men who protected her.

Ragnell sighed softly as she felt her master caress her back, but the woman was a hard sleeper. Ike sometimes even had to carry her when they needed to move out and she wouldn't wake up. Perhaps it was a period of hibernation to keep her body functioning well?

Zelda gripped him firmly but gently through the fabric of his pants and began to run her hand up and down his shaft. really did feel amazing. If Ragnell wasn't already on top of him, she would have climbed up for a ride by now.
Ike grit his teeth with a faint breath, head tilted back a moment. Okay, Ike...think. Think. This wasn't the sort of thin-her hand felt amazing.

He was having a really hard time doing that...literally. His erection was about to tear out of his shorts. He might regret it later, but he was having a hard time finding justification to argue with himself as he carefully slid his arm away from Ragnell, slowly. His partner complicated things...somewhat, but that didn't stop him from shifting an inch or two away from her as he slid his hand along Zelda's leg, hiking up her sleeping gown.

He had done some crazy things in his life, what he was about to do was probably the craziest.
Ragnell didn't wake up at all, though she did roll over on her back and continue her sleeping. Zelda felt Ike shift and readjusted her hand so that she could still tease him. However, she was surprised at how forward he was when he started moving his hand up her leg. It felt good though, so Zelda let him continue. Though she did pull eventually pull her hand back and used it to caress his cheek before pressing her lips against his. She did like her romance, after all....
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