The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Ah, just getting some fresh air," Link smiled. "Would you like to join me? You seem a little upset, maybe some company would help? I'm sure Ike is fine, I'm afraid to think of something that would make him not fine, to tell the truth."
"Yes, I would love some company. Thank the Gods, you're my savior, Link." She liked Samus but she wasn't really...that exciting to talk to. She was asleep right now anyway. She joined Link on his walk and stared at him. He seemed happier somehow since the last time she had seen him. Which was weird because she was sure she heard something about him getting injured badly on his trip. Whatever she was sensing though, she liked it. "I know Ike is probably fine," She started after quite a bit of staring. "But I don't like being apart from him."
"Zelda told me as much," Link smiled. "I'm sure he misses you too, Sona. You sound very close." She...was an odd one, he could tell that already. But not in a bad way, she seemed friendly...if mildly offputting, why was she staring so much?
"Yeah, we're close to each other. Even though I don't think of him as my owner anymore. I still really miss him..." Her red eyes stared at him, as if she were contemplating something. "Hey Link...Do you mind if I come to bed with you?"
"...What?" Link blinked suddenly, glancing at her. "W...what do you mean? Come to bed with me? I think...I think Zelda might take offense to that...since, usually...I, well..." he said, clearing his throat. "...Usually, I'm in bed with her? So...I don't want to make her uncomfortable, or anything..." How did someone just...ask something like that?
"I've slept with Zelda before. She shouldn't mind." Sona said as he stepped closer to him. Why was he acting like she had just grown another head or something. Sleeping was a thing that everyone did, right? "Please? I don't want to sleep alone, and I don't think Samus would want me sleeping with her. I've known you two long enough anyway..."
"...I...I guess so," Link said, blinking at her. Her and Zelda have...slept together? "...I suppose if Zelda is okay with it, Sona..." What had he just gotten into, exactly? Maybe Zelda could clarify for him...since he doubted Sona would leave him alone if he said no.
"Thank you." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. She didn't even seem the least bit questioning on why he and Zelda was sleeping together. "If you want we can still walk around together. I'm not that tired yet."
"...A...Alright," Link said, glancing down at her a moment in confusion. "Well...we may as well head towards my room anyway..." Zelda was not going to be happy about this, he was quite certain...but how was he supposed to explain this?
"Your room, or Zelda's?" She tilted her head. She was quite certain they had separate bedrooms. "Hmmm...why are you too suddenly sleeping in the same bedroom, huh?" It just hit her. She smirked, her red eyes narrowing mischeviously. "Oh, I see. Well don't worry, I won't get involved. You guys can still do that while I sleep."
"W...What?" Link mumbled. "What are you talking about? We're not going to do that!" he insisted. ...Right? Zelda wouldn't want that, right? She was very...energetic anymore when it came to that kind of thing, so Link was never sure anymore.
Sona looked away with a sheepish smile. "You're acting like you don't do it. That's why you're sleeping with her isn't it? You guys never slept together before. Why was that? You always seemed like really good friends." She still wasn't sure where they were supposed to go, so for now she would just follow him.
"...W...Well, we did before," Link mumbled, ears flicking faintly in embarrassment. Why was she asking? More importantly, why did he answer? Something about Sona just seemed so open and inviting, friendly? But bizarre, extremely bizarre. In a...strange way, he wasn't sure how to really word it.
"Oh? So why did you stop?" Sona looped her arm around Link's, looking up at him with a curious...almost devious grin. "Did you two have a fight or something? I know sometimes when I'm mad I don't get those feelings. But most of the time, even if I'm really angry I still want to do it." She looked at him curiously, seemingly oblivious to how uncomfortable he was. Or maybe she knew. Maybe she just didn't care.
"...It's complicated," Link mumbled, leading her along towards his rook. He had a tower to himself, for the most part...Zelda used that excuse often. Chances are, she was up there right now too. did he explain this to her? "But we figured it you...really sleep with Ike this much?" No wonder the poor guy seemed tired.
"All the time. This is the first night that I haven't slept with him. So I'll never be able to go to sleep." Sona pressed her breasts against his arm and pouted. "I really miss him. I hope he comes back soon." Though her eyes moved up to Link and she smiled a bit. "Wouldn't mind sleeping with you tonight though. Oh, and Zelda."
"I...don't think we're thinking about the same thing..." Link said as they moved up the stairs, sure enough...there was Zelda, in a nightgown that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Link's face tightened a moment, swallowing nervously. He was nervous, but his cock was pressed against his leg like a desperate animal to be released.

"I...uh..." Link mumbled, Sona's breasts felt like a great cradle to his toned arm, but...this didn't feel like a great place to be. "She just kind of..."
Zelda blinked a little and looked at Sona. She was a little surprised to see her clinging on to Link, but it made sense. Ike wasn't around so she probably couldn't sleep. Still, she'd ask anyway. "What are you doing up, Sona? Can you not sleep?"

"I can't. So Link said he'd let me sleep with him if you said it was okay." She nuzzled her cheeks against his arm and then closed her eyes. Zelda smirked and her eyes met with Links.

"Is that so?" She asked, playfully folding her arms.
"...I really think we were talking about two different things," Link defended quietly. "I didn't know she...she meant that!" Why did she not seem upset?
"Whatever she means, it's okay with me. I haven't slept with Sona in quite some time, but she's usually a quiet sleeper." Zelda said as she moved over to the side of the bed instead of towards the middle. "Come join us."

Sona happily took the invitation and then kicked her shoes off and started taking off her clothes. Zelda had seen her naked plenty of times and more often than not the only thing she liked to sleep in was Ike's cape.
Link blinked faintly, glancing at Zelda in genuine surprise. "I...really? You're...okay with it?" How long had he really been gone? What had he missed?
"Yes, I'm okay with it. And since you invited her to sleep with you, you should be okay with it too." Zelda said as Sona crawled onto the bed with only Ike's cape concealing her form. She went over and pet her softly, and Sona really seemed to enjoy it. She really was attention starved...Ike seemed to spoil her a little.
Link swallowed faintly, but sighed a little and began to disrobe. "...I didn't know she meant this, exactly..." Link admitted, but moved to join them. This...was all kinds of...uncomfortable, but a good sort of uncomfortable. His bed wasn't large enough to accommodate everyone, so he chose to settle next to Zelda and not in the middle. Maybe that'd be safest.
Sona looked over to Link and then pouted. "Why are you all over there? You look like you're about to drop off on the bed. Do you not like me or something?" She gave him a pout, her eyes doing that..thing that they did when she was trying to make Ike feel bad. She wondered if it would work on him.

"Here, there's more space by you, Sona..." Zelda moved so that Sona was in the middle, and she smirked at Link. "Since Link said he'd sleep with you, I think you should be next to you. Especially if you two want to do something more than just sleep. I'm totally fine if that will help you sleep a little Sona."
"...Wait, what?" Link mumbled in surprise, glancing at Zelda. Ugh, those eyes were murder, how did Ike deal with her? "Zelda...that's..."Well, she did know what Sona actually meant, right? There was no way Zelda was that kind of-...well.

...Well, that was probably wrong. Especially lately, she had been extremely...passionate, to say the least.
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