The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Lucina tilted her head at that, wondering what he meant. Though the fact that he already deemed it as complicated....she figured it was too much to explain in one evening. "Ragnell is a beautiful name for it." She told him as she gathered up the sticks and branches. She couldn't carry anymore without extreme difficulty.
"Yes..." Ike agreed, sheathing the sword to help her. "It was a gift from a friend, I can think of no better sword to travel with."
"How did it..get that crack if you don't mind me asking?" Lucina asked as she allowed him to help her, but she carried what she could. She was a big girl and could carry her weight. Firewood was at the most just annoying to hold, and the walk was a bit far.
"It's blessing was lost," Ike murmured. "It was once blessed by a goddess of my land, but the tradeoff has been worth it. The sword functions almost as well as before." he said, glancing at her. "...Would you like some help?" he asked faintly, eyes slightly settled in amusement. "Can't let a Princess dirty her hands on wood, can I?"
"No, I'm fine..." Lucina told him as she adjusted the wood a little. It wasn't..hard to carry. Just a little frustrating. "Why was it's blessing lost?" She continued on, though she really hoped she wasn't asking too many questions.
"It saved me," Ike murmured. "I fought Ganondorf head on, and the sword is the only reason that I am left standing...the blessing was lost, but I have something far greater than a sword blessed from a goddess, I found a true friend."
"Sona." Lucina stated. She had listened to that earlier. But she didn't know Ganondorf had been the one to break the blessing. He must have been strong, a worthy foe if Ike needed the blessing of a Goddess to stop him.
"Sona," Ike murmured. "...She's kind of like a kid, really...but she knows where her heart needs to be, and I would do everything to keep her."
"That's..very nice. I'm sure if she's your friend, you won't need to do much to keep her around. You sound like you really like her." Lucina smiled a bit, wondering what he meant by her kind of being a kid. Perhaps he didn't mean in a literal sense. "So she appeared when Ragnell's blessing broke. That's...strange. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm not understanding all that happened."
"Me either," Ike admitted. "...I'm still trying to figure it out, to be honest," he sighed, rubbing his head as they finally reached the campfire, and he sat some of the firewood down and tossed a few in. "Strangest place I've ever worked in..."
Robin heard them talking as they walked back. She was reading a book as she waited for them to come back. A few rations had been in her bag and she munched on those, so she was ready for bed. Though she wasn't even the slightest bit tired. "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter if you made a good friend." Lucina told him, as she set the rest of the firewood down.

"Making a good friend is always a nice thing," Robin interjected as she looked up at the two. "I heard some of the conversation. What are you trying to figure out?"
"I'm afraid I'm trying to tell Princess Lucina how...things have been," Ike sighed. "Truth be told, I've barely been able to understand them myself...just a few days ago, we had a woman in armor from beyond the stars land far east of here in Gerudo Valley."
"Is that so?" Robin asked as Lucina took a seat by her, stretching out her stiff arms. "Well, perhaps her appearance is some sort of sign..hopefully one in our favor." A woman in armor from the stars? Sounded interesting. Robin would love to meet her, but one thing at a time. She needed to see Queen Zelda.
"Yes...well, you won't be without the company of other women," Ike assured. "...Link and I are grossly outnumbered." Not that it was a...particularly bad thing. He just wondered if the poor fool got the same attention he did.
"Really? How so? I've never heard army being primarily made from female soldiers." Robin said as Lucina counted on her fingers.

"Well he mentioned Queen Zelda, his friend Sona, and the woman from the stars. With us two, that makes five. Are there any more girls you are referring to, Ike?" The blue haired female asked him with a smirk.
"Gods, I hope not," Ike sighed, rubbing his head. He wasn't complaining...but it did feel very heavy at times, for...certain reasons. "There is General Impa...a terrifying woman in her own right. So that would make six."
"That's not...that bad." Robin smirked as she looked him up and down. "Do you not like being with so many girls at once, Ser Ike? Or is it something else? Got a special girl back home or something?"

Lucina seemed to be interested in that tiny bit of information.
"W...Well no," Ike admitted, slightly on the defensive. "I didn't mean to make it sound bad...." How did you bring up that you just didn't know what to take from having so much sex with women, when he considered himself about as charming as a wet stump? "It was merely an observation!"
"Maybe they're like you, mother. Maybe they ask him embarrassing questions and make him uncomfortable." Even Lucina could notice how Ike was slightly on the defensive. "Because if that was the case, I'd feel tired too."

"Is that so?" Robin asked, her eyes flashing to Ike with a mischievous grin. "Guess I can see that. Women's intuition is often right. We like to ask questions to confirm our suspicions. Questions that might make a man uncomfortable."
"...Very accurate, Ma'am," Ike mumbled, eyes narrowed a faint millimeter. He knew what she was trying to do, the unfortunate issue was that it was working. He was a horrible man, he needed better self control. Except for the other part of him that...sort of liked all the attention, was that so wrong?
There was a bit of silence in the air as the tension slightly thickened. Robin eventually pulled her eyes away from Ike, though the smirk was still on her face. "Ah...well I think I'm going to get some sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open. Coming, Lucina?" She asked, and Lucina just sort of...nodded. What was up with those two? That was weird.

"Yes, I'm quite tired too. Ser Ike, what do you plan on doing?" She asked him as the two women rose.
"I'll stay up for a bit, keep an eye on the treeline," Ike murmured. "You two get some sleep, I've been resting enough lately." He hadn't slept that well in...gods, he didn't know. He supposed sleeping in Skyworld was quite a refreshing thing for a mortal.
Lucina and Robin nodded and then went inside of the tent. It was big for them to be comfortable, and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep. Usually they talked before they went to sleep but tonight was different.

...And someone else was having issues falling asleep too. Ike had been gone all day and night and Sona wasn't happy at all. She hadn't been apart from Ike in such a long time and it was making her uneasy. Even Samus couldn't calm her down, though the woman didn't even really try that hard truthfully.

Sona let out an exasperated sigh as she paced the outside of the castle. Where was he? She couldn't even reach Palutena either! Ugh! She wanted to scream!
"Sona?" Link said curiously. It was getting late, and Link usually walked the ramparts of the castle walls to give himself a peice of mind, but between Zelda and training...well, he really didn't have a lot of time to himself. Still, he was curious to speak with Sona.

"What's the matter, you can't sleep?" he said. This was the...sword spirit, made into a woman. Link could scarcely believe it, but he had learned to keep an open mind.
Hearing Link say her name made her whirl around. She stared at him for a moment, though her face seemed disappointed. She wished Ike had called out to her, but it was only Link. Well, maybe he'd be able to distract her? She really felt lonely, so...

"No, I can't sleep. I always sleep with Ike, and he's not here. I'm worried." She took a step closer to Link. "What are you doing up, Link?"
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