The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Of course," he murmured. "Ser Ike, would you escort them?"

"Sure," Ike murmured. "Lady Robin, Lucina...follow me," he said, heading off the harbor. They didn't have any structures above the water, but there was a simple campsite with a tent that was used earlier by Link, they just never put it away.
Robin continued to talk more to Ike about the threat they currently faced, and Lucina was quiet. She was mainly enjoying the scenery, looking for things that were different in this country. She was listening, but she knew her mother was trying to map out the entire situation in her head, that way she knew exactly what they needed to counter the enemy. She would definitely come up with something. Her specialty was working with smaller forces anyway, finding advantages to being at a disadvantage. She took everything into consideration. Terrain was one of them, though it seemed like they had little to work with with all this plain.

"Magic, do you have soldiers who are capable of magic? What type of units primarily make up the Hylian army?" She asked as they finally reached the tent. She was going to rest soon enough, but that last bit of information would be a large puzzle piece that she was missing.
The level of detail she wanted from him was almost exhausting, and Ike wondered if it wasn't his own military background that kept him from being completely exasperated with her about it. "Men-At-Arms and Knights, mostly. They have a robust army of archers and war mages, but their function isn't the same as I am familiar with. They seem capable of channeling magic without the aid of a tome, but I haven't seen much variation aside from light." Not that it has stopped them from using it to a very offensive effect. Being a Knight here seems less like a position of noble influence and more an advancement of military rank." Of course, the warrior caste existed here...but they seemed to have less influence. They were merely extremely well trained soldiers.

Regardless, Ike moved to the fire pit to begin gathering what he needed for the fire to start. He didn't know how exhausted he felt until he sat down. How long had he and Palutena...attempted to make a child?
Before Robin could ask her next set of questions, Lucina interrupted her. "Mother, you should rest. Ike will be here to answer your questions in the morning, and we do have a one or two day journey for you to get all the information you want from him. But for now, let's just relax." Lucina gave her a smile and Robin blinked and then laughed for a moment.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Ike. I didn't mean to ask you so many questions at once." She was a little embarrassed. Back home, people knew how she could get when she wanted to develop a strategy. Usually she didn't have to ask so many questions though because she knew how things worked. In a different country? She was clueless. Light mages who didn't use tomes? She had more questions there but for now she relaxed. She was tired too.
"No, it's quite alright," Ike assured with a faint chuckle. "I'm used to those kinds of questions, but usually from people who think they know what they're talking about, you seem to have quite a bit of experience, Lady Robin. I'm impressed to see it. Perhaps you will be a far greater help than you realize." He had heard of such people, Tacticians...a minor difference from a strategist. People who could plan a battle from start to finish, and take part in it too. Exceptional warriors of body and mind.
"I sincerely hope so. I volunteered to come here first so I can help with any battle that may happen while we attempt to send reinforcements here. I have had my share of experience, I would hope that I would know what I'm talking about by now." She grinned a little bit at that. "Tipping the scales" was her specialty, after all.

"Do you need help with the fire? Ser Ike?" Lucina asked as she made her way over to the pit. "I don't really see much more firewood here, but we'll definitely need some more. Would you like me to find some?"
"No, you two have had a long trip, allow me," he said, rising up. "Make yourselves comfortable, I'll find some." The treeline was a decent walk away, but he'd make do. Ylisse, eh? He had heard of it in his travels, but he had simply never known where to go to see it.
"No, I insist." Lucina looked at Ike with a persistent gaze. She hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to him despite being interested in the stranger. Robin used her magic to light the wood that was already in the pit, hearing her daughter pretty much begging to come with him.

"You might as well say yes." She teased, her eyes going back and forth between the two.
"...As you wish," Ike said with a polite tilt of his head. He knew better than to argue with a woman that knew how to use a sword, at any rate...perhaps that's why he ended up in all of these odd situations. "Come with me, Princess Lucina." A second pair of eyes never hurt, at any rate.
"Will you be okay here, mother?" Lucina asked, her gaze slightly concerned. Robin lifted up her sword and smirked.

"I'll be fine. I won't fall asleep, I promise." Robin answered before waving her hand. "You two watch your backs out there, and I'll watch mine." Lucina nodded and then followed Ike towards the wooded area. She was a little quiet, but she stole glances at him whenever she could. What should she say to him? It had been a little while since she had met anyone new.
"...Is something the matter?" Ike asked idly, glancing at her as they walked. He was reminded in some ways of Sona, mostly due to her staring. Did he look that unkempt to her?
"No, nothing." Lucina said as she looked ahead. Well, now she just seemed rude. "It's just that...well I don't see very many people as good with a blade as remind me of someone, I suppose. Your fighting display was intimidating and powerful. The only other person that gives me that feeling is my father."
"I've been fighting a long time," Ike admitted. "I suppose my experience has outweighed my lack of formal training at one point, but my father taught me well. The rest I learned on my own."
"My father taught me too. At first we fought similarly, but as I kept fighting there are slight difference in our style. Differences I noticed..that work better for me. I'm faster, he's stronger. So it only made sense to do what worked best for me." Lucina had a passion for sword fighting, and she enjoyed sparring too. She put her hands behind her back and looked up at the moon, it's light reflecting from her eyes. Her mark appeared to glow faintly, drawing attention to it. "I'm sorry if you wanted to be alone, but I felt like if I stayed by mother, she'd start talking about tactics again. She really needs to rest, she didn't do too well on the boat."
"No, I don't mind," Ike assured idly. "I'd be interested in seeing your style when we get the chance. I'm sure you'd be a rough opponent for me." She was lovely, as most noble girls were. Last thing he needed, more attractive women. "You move far more gracefully than I do, I doubt I could keep up."
"Nimble is not always good. I doubt I would have been able to fight off that big monster as well as you did. You gave me the opening I needed to slice it's throat. Thank you for that...and helping mom." She told him as held his gaze for a moment. "I would have been upset if something happened and I couldn't help her."
"I'm sure you would have found a way," Ike assured. "The way you carry yourself tells me that, you would have prevented it, without my intervention. I just made it easier."
"True..." Lucina smiled at that. He believed in her, and she liked that. He was definitely..charming. There was a light blush on her cheeks, but she ignored it. "I still appreciate the help though. Neither of us got hurt because of you."
"I'm glad I could help," Ike said easily, breaking off a half broken branch. "Your help here is appreciated, Lady Lucina. I'll make sure you and your mother will get to Queen Zelda safely."
Lucina began to look for twigs and wood on the ground, gathering the meatier looking ones and being mindful of any snakes or other wild life. "That would be much appreciated. I am glad we ran into you, Ser Ike." She had to make sure she wasn't too informal with him. She was definitely use to being close to the people she fought with, and titles were rarely used. "So I know mother drilled you earlier about our enemy, our forces and the whatnot. So I apologize if you are wary of talking. But I'm is Hyrule and it's people? Are they friendly? You've already told us the soldiers were a fierce bunch."
"They're very wary of outsiders, but for good reason," Ike murmured. "But they will not judge you for being different, they will simply be careful until you have proven to be trustworthy. Queen Zelda is a very close friend," he admitted. "She is young, but I have seen very few nobles who aren't these days...war takes it's toll on even the royal families these days."
"That makes sense." Lucina said, grabbing another fallen branch from a nearby bush. "My father is young, but he makes a great King. His heart is courageous and he's got a lot of spirit. It's actually quite...amazing to see him in what he would call his prime. But I think he's a much better fighter when he's older. I couldn't touch him when we trained together, before. But this younger father...I can almost beat him." She laughed a little. "Ah..I started talking about myself again. Have you made any friends in your travels?"
It was strange, before he came to Hyrule, he'd have stared at her and called her strange. Now? In his land of fighting a war against a Goddess and some being who was the strongest opponent he had ever faced on an inhuman level, he could just nod his head.

"Some," Ike admitted. "On extended campaigns, they usually find value from me. I suppose they're business friendships. Connections."
"That's...nice." Business friendships? Was that really...friendship? Well Lucina wasn't really going to question it. "Oh, that's right. Earlier when I fought with you, I noticed your sword was cracked. It doesn't look like a normal it a family heirloom like my Falchion?" She asked as her eyes flashed to the blade. If he was fighting with a cracked sword it had to be important.
"Ragnell?" he asked, drawing it. Truth be told, it didn't seem to matter much against a lot of foes. Those creatures were cut just as well as anything else, against something like Ganondorf...he needed Sona. "It's complicated," he admitted. "But my blade is as good as any other, perhaps better. It's blessing was lost...but...I gained a dear friend in the process." he admitted. "Someone that I would keep for as long as I can. She is more than I can admit to say."
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