The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Sona's expression was also downcast at the mention of that. She wasn't sure if she could understand how Samus felt, but the idea of not being able to return somewhere made her a little upset. "Maybe magic can restore her ship?" Sona said after she finished cleaning and bandaging his wound.
"Maybe..." Ike murmured, checking the wound before rolling his shoulder in satisfaction. "...Hey, Sona." he said after a moment, glancing to the wall in front of him. "...If you could go back to Ragnell, would you?"
His sudden question made her raise an eyebrow. When she first was cast out of the sword, all she wanted was to go back, but now she was getting used to her body. "...I'm not sure. Now that I'm getting used to everything, I like being...well a person. I have a lot of friends and...well I suppose it doesn't matter if I went back to the way I was before. Why do you ask?"
"...Because, I don't want you to go back," Ike admitted. "...It's...nice having you here, Sona. I feel like you're the partner I never knew I had, I'd rather Ragnell rot away to nothing if it means you'd be gone." He had gotten so used to her being around, all of her oddities, all of her random quirks. He knew that he'd find nothing like it anywhere else. He trusted her, through experience...and just through natural instinct. He supposed he never really knew how lonely he was until all of this had happened. How quiet all of his travels had been.
Sona listened to his words, and she really wasn't surprised by them. However, the part that confused her was his timing really. What had he brought that up for? "I'm glad that you feel that way, Ike. But if I had to choose between saving your life and keeping this form, I'd save your life. If going back into Ragnell is best for you, I'd do it."
"I suppose that's your choice," Ike murmured. "...But I'd rather give up Ragnell, if I had one." Everything seemed so bizarre lately, the only sense of stability he had was the spirit of a sword he had always been familiar with. What kind of stability was that?
Sona stood there for a moment before sitting in his lap and then hugging him tightly. She loved the way his body felt against his, because she could appreciate body heat a lot more. Plus, it just felt right for her to be close to him like this. "I'm not gonna ever leave you by choice unless I really have to...unless it's the only way I can save you. Because no matter what I am..sword or'll always be the most important person in my life. Without you, I don't think I'd know what to do."

Despite no longer feeling the strong sense of only being with Ike, that still held true.
He was surprised, but...he returned the hug after a moment, nuzzling into her hair. "...Sorry I make things so complicated, Sona." he joked faintly. "I know, I'm a headache."
"Yeah, you really are sometimes. But I don't mind because I'm the same way I'm sure." Sona said as she nuzzled into his chest.

Samus came back into the room quietly with a bowl of stew in her hands along with with some bread. "..Am I interrupting something?" She asked them.
"No," Ike assured, hand on Sona's head with a faint smile. "...Sorry, I don't mean to make it embarrassing, Samus." he said, as his stomach finally rumbled...loudly. he was the embarrassed one.
Samus smirked when she heard his stomach growling and then offered him the food. "Not embarrassing...just wanted to make sure I wasn't intruding." She told him as Sona moved out of her lap.

"So you can smile, I was thinking for a while. you couldn't." Sona grinned at Samus.
It looked...really alluring on her, but Ike kept that to himself as he dug into his meal eagerly. He didn't know how hungry he was until he woke up...come to think of it, when was the last time he had ate? "I don't know how we'll help you, Samus...but I swear I'll repay your aid."
"Shelter and food is enough." Samus responded as she sat down on the other bed. "You are already paying me and I thank you for that. But perhaps you should tell me a little bit more about what you're fighting."
"I wish I knew more," Ike admitted. "We're fighting someone called Ganondorf, he is...something that happens regularly within Hyrule. He, Link, and Queen Zelda are bound by the Triforce. Each one is born throughout the generations, each one is granted a piece, or earns it. From my understanding, the cycle has repeated for as long as anyone has known. I don't think Medusa is something that is usually added to the tale, however."
Samus raised an eyebrow at Ike as he explained. She tried to ignore Sona who was innocently lapping at his soup while she didn't think he was looking. Did she have about three bowls before they came back?

"...So you are fighting...Ganondorf...and someone named Medusa? Or is Medusa on your side?"
"No, Medusa is on his side...and from what I understand, she is a Goddess of some sort," he murmured, his other hand subtly going to her head to give it a playful tug on her ear in warning. She loved to eat, Ike wondered if she even ate food like they did, or it just went somewhere else. "She is the cause of all those dark clouds, and the demons."
Sona growled a bit and then moved away from his food, folding her arms, though she kept quiet since they were having such a serious conversation. "..A goddess? Who can control clouds and demons?" Certainly a strange enemy, but Samus was not afraid. Every monster had a weakness after all. "I'll help as much as I can. I won't be able to do what I did earlier power suit is on the fritz...It's not functioning properly and I don't know if I can fix it."
"I see," Ike said, giving Sona an amused little smile before offering her the remainder. "Are you certain you don't want any armor, Samus? It seems strange that you would prefer nothing over something."
"Not right now. I might change my mind later but...not now. I like fighting two my power suit or in my zero suit." She gestured to herself and what she was wearing. Sona accepted Ike's offer but she looked at Samus and then raised an eyebrow.

"You're not wearing much...that thing is really skin tight. Perhaps if we were fighting other men, you'd be able to distract them..." She smirked, and Samus just crossed her arms and gave her a challenging look.

"If anyone gets distracted by my appearance during a fight, they deserve to lose." She responded with absolute confidence. She didn't seem to be ashamed of her body in the slightest.
"...A fair point," Ike said, glancing at her figure a moment. Skin tight was the literal word, there was...absolutely nothing left to the imagination, yet the fact that it was hidden was enough. "So long as you are aware, I suppose."
"Aware of what?" Samus asked as her eyes darted to Ike. She seemed slightly defensive but she wasn't annoyed. Actually, she didn't really know what she was feeling herself. She was just enjoying the company. She didn't remember the last time she had others to talk to, but...she wished it was under better circumstances.
"...Aware of what your...state of dress will do to people." Ike worded carefully. Woo...she had a glance that could cut a diamond. "I apologize, I didn't mean to offend you."
"You...didn't offend me." Samus told him as she turned her head away from the two. "But yes, I'm aware. It's...not anything I'm too concerned about. More openings for me if people really want to look." This was getting awkward. A subject change was at hand. "What is this Ganondorf after again? Your Queen? That other hero that's involved in the cycle?"
"At present, Queen Zelda," Ike murmured, grateful for the change as well. "We...had to bargain with him. Link lost his triforce piece to keep Zelda alive. Now, he seems to be waiting for a time to strike to get the last one. If he does...well, from what I understand of the stories, it won't be good. Combine that with Medusa, and we have an even bigger problem."
"Who is presently guarding the queen now?" Samus asked as she watched Sona finish off whatever Ike had given her. She could only guess they couldn't do much of anything if they were kind of just..waiting around for him to attack their queen. Probably had to defend the country side from his waves attacks. She wasn't going to suggest anything until she knew exactly what she was dealing with.
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