The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"I wasn't that close to her. But fine. I won't bother her as much as I have been." She told him as she crossed her arms. She looked to him as he wrote his message down. "Don't forget, you need to teach me how to read too!" There was a lot of things she needed to learn honestly. But it was actually annoying when she had people delivering things to her to give to Ike and she couldn't even read them.
"I know," Ike chuckled. "Once things get a little less crazy, I'll teach you, promise." he said with a faint smile. "I won't forget, because I know you'll remind me."
"Is that right?" Sona mumbled under her breath. "Guess that's true. I'm going to ask every time I see you write." She mumbled. Her eyes then left his paper and she looked elsewhere. She wanted to see Samus.
"Come on," Ike said, as if he could read her mind. "I'm sure she's gotten more comfortable, try not to ask too many questions?" He was telling himself that, too...who knew there were even people from the stars, besides gods?
"I won't. I just wanted to know one thing...She told him as she crossed her arms. When they got back into the room, the first thing they would notice was the mile of armor neatly sitting in the corner. A turn of the head, and they would see a slim, athletic woman in a tight blue suit that didn't seem to leave much to the imagination as far as her backside was concerned. A symbol that glowed faintly was covered with golden blonde locks of hair tightly pulled back into a pony tail. She turned towards them slowly, narrowing her eyes a bit as her bluish green eyes regarded Sona first, the woman who was so interested in seeing her.

...Her mouth was open for whatever reason. It's not like she looked any different from them.
Ike's expression was completely different from Sona's, and for very good reason. She was easily six foot, which cast an imposing look. Her figure was...flawless, every inch was toned muscle and shapely femininity. He had seen women like that, people who could be so quick with a sword that strength didn't matter...but no, the way her skin stretched over the strange fabric she wore spoke of more strength than that.

Beautiful, powerful. There were no other words to describe it. He had been stunned by beauty before in his lifetime, but this was the first time he could recall his throat going dry, swallowing faintly.

"...It's nice to finally meet you, Samus." Ike mumbled lamely.
"We didn't meet before..?" She said awkwardly as her eyes moved over to Ike's. Didn't..people do a thing when they met? They shook hands. was a little different. She was an alien life form, one that was very defensive and only interested in survival. They long since passed the time where a handshake would be appropriate.

"Wow..." Sona exclaimed as she looked the woman up and down when she turned around all the way. "You sure are pretty. Are you a queen too?" She really did have that...gracefulness. And the look in her eyes...well she just looked very wise to Sona.

"A queen? No." Samus answered, shifting her eyes. Did she really look that different..?
"Well, it's better to meet someone face to face," Ike said, moving closer to offer his hand. "I don't know how we can help you...but any help you could offer us in the meantime would be appreciated, Samus." And just when Ike thought his life would finally get less crazy, another woman came into his life...
She looked at Ike's hand and then slowly stuck out her gloved hand, shaking it. Well she at least remembered that much. "Assistance? You with those women and monsters who were attacking you and your men along with me?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in thought. She needed shelter and food..didn't know the first thing about this place. It would only be fair to help in that regard until she was ready to move out on her do whatever. It was unlikely she could find her way out of here or anything to fix her ship...but she couldn't just do nothing forever. "Alright. In exchange for shelter and food."
" your armor no good?" Ike said, glancing to it. "We can provide equipment, likely nothing what you're used to, but..." he trailed off, glancing to the strange equipment.
"I'll be fine like this." Samus told him, looking back out the window. She could fight without her suit, she did have her paralyzer gun with her. She was also much more quick and agile like this, so she wasn't helpless. She probably wouldn't be as scary to these otherworlders though...meaning if they were attacked by an army again she wouldn't be able to scare them off the way she had before. "..Thank you for the offer, though."
" that?" Ike murmured curiously. "...Is that armor, as well?" Honestly, everything on her was a mystery to him. Aside from her...impressive figure, of course.
"...No. But I am much more agile and acrobatic like this. It will be harder for an enemy to hit me." She told him before leaning against the window. This man seemed oddly wary of her. He was...somewhat in awe but...uncomfortable. Well, that was understandable...sort of. It felt like it went beyond her just being an alien.
"...I see," Ike murmured. "Well, I'm sure Queen Zelda will be happy to have more help...we could use all we can get right now. Are you hungry? It's about dinner time." They'd head back to Hyrule tomorrow, but Ike wanted to make sure this place wouldn't have any lingering effects.
"I could use food, yes." Samus answered as she glanced back at Sona who was still gawking at her but absolutely speechless. "...Is she going to be okay?" She was cute. Almost harmless but...something told Samus she was much more than what she appeared to be.
"She's fine," Ike said, hand on her head to shake her out of her awestruck stare. "Sona, stop staring at Samus and go see about supper, alright?" He couldn't blame her for staring, she cut an awe inspiring figure. Both beauty and power, Ike didn't want to think how rough it was to fight say nothing of what other strange items she had.
Sona snapped out of it and then looked up at Ike. He wanted her to go ahead and eat something? She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "And leave you two alone, huh?" She asked as she put a hand on her hip.
Ike sighed heavily, hand running through his hair. She was picking up on his dry sarcasm far too well... "...I doubt it's that," Ike mumbled. Honestly, the woman seemed unapproachable anyway. It wasn't like he had started it with Zelda, either. What was he supposed to do about that? He had no intentions of doing anything at all like that with Samus!
"But you're trying to get rid of me, and it's always bad when you do that." Sona whined to him before crossing her arms and turning her back. Samus stood their quite awkwardly, not really sure what Sona was implying. Ike was attracted to her, she knew that..and to be honest she didn't really mind. But it would take quite a bit of trust for anyone to make her even think about letting her guard down for anything..promiscuous.

"I can always just..go with her if she's that worried about you being alone with me." She suggested.
"Please," Ike mumbled, motioning to Sona. Attraction hardly meant that he was planning to jump her, what man wouldn't be attracted to someone like Samus. "...For many sanity's sake, if nothing else." He suddenly wished he had taken along Soren, or some of the others in the mercenary band. So many women were driving him crazy...
Sona was happy to walk out with Samus...though she wasn't exactly sure how to take that. "Sona." Samus said after a while, seeing how people were giving her strange looks. Well..she did stick out among these people and was a good head taller than most. "Are you and Ike related in any way?"

Sona looked up at her and then shrugged. "I don't know what you mean by that. We're always around each other so I suppose that means we're related." She told her as she led her to the place with food. Sona could never remember what they called it, she just knew she could cure her aching tummy there.
Ike couldn't remember the last time that he actually had a moment to himself, without any women to talk to him. He almost didn't know what to do, well...he did. He collapsed on the bed with an almost grateful sigh, eyes closing. Quiet. Wonderful, wonderful, female free quiet. Nothing but himself, his own thoughts...and something that he didn't have an urge to sleep with. Dinner could wait, he would just...bask in the silence of it all...what a glorious, wonderful thing that silence was.
"I meant...are you related as in family? Blood?" Samus wondered how a woman as..grown up looking as Sona didn't understand certain things..but it was really none of her business. There were clever people and then there were people...who weren't as clever. But they made up for it with another talent. Sona seemed like one of those people.

"Oh. No, we aren't. Why do you ask?" She remembered how to get her food. Just go up to the person by the pot and reach out with an empty bowl.

"Your relationship. You...two seem like siblings." Samus pointed out. They didn't look alike at all, but...well it was worth asking.
He fell asleep, he knew was a blissful, peaceful little rest...until he opened his eyes. And he wasn't in his room anymore, he was resting on a cloud. Thankfully, he had his clothes on. He glanced around curiously, and immediately knew where this was. Not that he knew how. Palutena's domain...? It was different, the sky wasn't as bright, the clouds were sinking into a grey color, some in the distance were black, and rumbling with thunder. He scratched his head curiously, but headed up to the stairs to Palutena's much for an easy rest...but this would be a good time to ask questions, maybe she knew something? Maybe that's why he was called in?
Palutena was waiting in her normal spot. It had been a long time since she had talked to Ike face to face more or less. Something had been bothering her. Medusa hadn't left that black, smoggy fortress of hers above that volcano called death mountain. She could only assume the worst...Medusa was gathering power for something or more like...someone. She had seen her evil abomination that was created from Pit. Maybe she had looked into other alternatives of creating loyal servants. Something was off.

"Ike..." She gave him a smile, though her expression was filled with worry. "I'm sorry for snatching you away like that. Looks like you fell asleep fully clothed." Too bad..she liked him in his underwear last time. Though he was still just as handsome as he was the last time she'd seen him this close.
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