The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

She slid down tot he ground and then drew her sword. It wasn't anything special. Smaller than a standard sword, since Sona originally had problems lifting and wielding a normal sized one. But she was extremely sloppy with a weapon like Zelda's. This was something in between, and she really liked it. "...So what happened to your face?"


"Mnn!" Zelda was caught in another kiss as he pushed them both inside and closed the door. She really didn't know what had gotten into him but...she also couldn't deny that whatever it was, it aroused her. It was something different, and when he undid her dress, it started to fall off her shoulders, revealing her breasts to him. Her nipples were already hard as soon as they were exposed to his eyesight. How long had it been since they last did this? Zelda moved her hands up his shirt and remembered how in shape Link was. It was hard to tell under his tunic but now she had remembered. She rubbed her hand across his abdomen and shuddered. Why did they ever stop fucking again?
"My just desserts," Ike said casually, tapping the tip of her shortsword with Ragnell before giving her a faintly amused smile. "Focus, Sona. You remember the moves I showed you?"

His kiss broke and he slid his mouth down to her breasts eagerly, pushing the rest of her dress down to the floor as his mouth captured one of her nipples and sucked hungrily, shifting more of the breast into his mouth. His other hand slid down her toned stomach, his ears twitching gently in pleasure at her roaming hand. Everything was honestly screaming at him to stop, to not do this to the Queen of Hyrule...but that voice was slowly being drowned out, considering how receptive Zelda was being.
"Yeah I do.." At least she think she did. She wasn't nearly as..poised as Ike when he held a sword. Sona had a whole different style to her. Something that was interesting and unpredictable, but needed more refinement. She did try her best though to listen and learn.


When the dress fell off her body, she felt no shame in being naked. At thin pair of underwear and her long white gloves was all that was left on her graceful, lithe form. She let out a soft gasp when she felt his mouth against her nipples. He had never done this before. Never did this without asking permission from his queen...and he certainly was never as eager as he was right now. She pushed both of her hands up, inching his tunic off him so she could see him shirtless. He had gotten much...more muscular since the last time she had seen him. Strange how she didn't notice until now. He wasn't as muscular as Ike, but it was to be expected since their people rarely ever got to his size because of genetics. was really turning her on.
"Then let's see you do it," Ike said casually. "If you can keep up, that is..." he said with a slow smile. "Assuming you're not slacking off."

He slid his hands away and eventually his mouth as she pulled the tunic off, his tight chest and stomach bearing a few new scars, namely a particularly nasty one that trailed from rib to stomach as he leaned back down to kiss her breasts, shifting her towards the bed as his hand slid back down to sink into her damp panties. "I missed you..." Link groaned, his erection mashed against his breeches.
Sona sighed and scratched her head. She kind had been slacking but...she started to warm up her muscles a bit, circling her arms and then dashing at him quickly, sending a quick over head slash his way.


Her eyes went straight to his bare chest the moment he took off his tunic, and trailed down to his stomach, immediately noticing the scar going from the front of his body to his rib cage. She didn't have time to think about it though, because soon he was kissing on her once more and causing her to moan softly, each kiss sending goosebumps across her pale, perfect skin. The moment his fingers grazed against her slit, she gasped and her hips jerked forward. She was so sensitive and she didn't know why. "I missed you too, Link." She said breathlessly as she moved her bare foot up his legs until she felt his impressive erection against her soft toes. She smiled down at him, spreading her legs wide so that he could have better access to her. Her thin, loose panties barely covered her puffy cunt lips, and could easily be pulled to the side.
He blocked it, shifting his wrist to move their arms to the side as he moved closer, their faces almost touching. "Not bad," he complimented. "...For a rookie." There was something fun about teasing her, especially since she was supposed to be a spirit of a sword.
Link shivered heavily at her foot, his blue eyes sharp with lust as his fingers tugged her wet panties to the side. He didn't know what really drove him to want to do it-since really, he had never much thought about it- but he went in face first. His greedy tongue pressed against her moist cunt as his eyes lidded close. This is what he wanted...he had never seen Zelda so excited before, he wanted to coax more of it. And his tongue, while a little inexperienced, was eager to run up and down the moist pussy, flicking over the engorged clit.
"Rookie..?" Sona narrowed her eyes at him, though she could help the fact that her heart was racing because they were so close. An odd feeling but one she ignored. She pulled her sword back and then sent another quick strike towards his chest. She wasn't afraid of hurting him, because she knew how good he was.


When he hooked his finger underneath her panties, he'd be able to feel her warm, viscous fluids coating his finger. Her pussy was still as beautiful as he'd remember, however this would probably be the first time he'd ever experience from close up. The details of her pink, gorgeous, glistening entrance were much more apparent when he was inches away from it. Zelda never had a man do this to her, and so she was confused when he saw him move his face in between her soft, creamy thighs. The moment she felt his tongue against her, her legs jerked thanks to the influx of new pleasure his tongue brought. She couldn't help but cry out in surprise, her hand moving to the back of his head. It was like she was petting him as his tongue lapped at her over and over, and when he focused on her clitoris she seemed to have a hard time keeping her legs still.
Ike grinned a little in amusement, parrying the blow away, but this one required more of his body movement to shift it safety away. "Good," he complimented easily. "Again."

"Ser Ike! Ser Ike!" A messenger came running in, wheezing in exhaustion as he slumped over. "I...I bring a message from the Hylia Garrison! Something has landed in the Gerudo Valley! Ganondorf's forces are heading towards it! The Captain of the Guard is mobilizing!" Ike lowered his weapon at that, glancing to the messenger with a furrow of his brow. What?
"Mm..." Link rumbled in appreciation, the vibrations moving through her soaked cunt as his tongue slid up and down the slit as he slowly pressed his tongue against it, his nose brushing against her clit. His hands were already pulling away his breeches, and his boots were going somewhere in the room.
Sona looked toward the messenger and cocked her head to the side. Something landed? What did that even mean? Like, a structure or a person? She turned back towards Ike, her eyes filled with questions but her mouth keeping silent. He seemed to be confused himself.


She both heard and felt that groan of appreciation coming from Link, and it made her hold on tightly to his hair with the back of her fingers, slightly pressing him further into her twitching, messy cunt. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, feeling his tongue slightly penetrate her. She was aching to feel him inside of her as much as he loved his tongue. "Mmnn Link...fuck me." She begged him, noticing that he was taking off the rest of his clothes.
"Training's over," Ike murmured. "Assemble some horses...and some men, we'll see what the problem is."

"Yes sir, shall we alert the Queen?" Ike glanced towards the castle a moment, then shook his head. "We can handle it," he decided. Mostly because...well, he hoped Link was doing what he should be.
That was a word he had never heard come from Zelda's mouth before, and he almost stared at her for a split second before his erection appeared. A heavy six inches that he was more than eager to sink into the Queen as he grabbed her hips and just...rammed it in with a pleased grunt, exhaling in bliss. This...was so much better than he thought it'd be!
Hmm, that was interesting. This may very well be her first real fight against real enemies. Though Sona seemed...excited for that. So much that Ragnell was faintly glowingin reaction to her anticipation. "How could something have just landed? That sounds strange."


His forceful thrust set the mood for Zelda perfectly. For a moment, she didn't know who the man who penetrated her was. Link had never, ever been so rough with her. Because he always treated her like a fragile piece of glass. But the way he rammed into her..oh it made her squeal with delight. "Mnn yes!" She cried out in approval. So good..she started rocking her hips already, she wanted him to move!
"Agreed," Ike murmured, moving toward the horses getting assembled. "Come on, we better make this quick...if Ganondorf wants it, we should get it first."

His hands settled on her hips only served to ram her eager pussy onto his dick harder as he groaned, settling on his knees as he used every ounce of force he could to buck into her hungrily, the bed creaking loudly from his heavy pace. It was exhausting, arousing...and he couldn't stop doing it as he sunk on top of her and kissed her possessively, his tongue forcing it's way into her mouth as his hips squirmed at his brutal pace, testicles smacking wetly against her well used hole.
Sona followed Ike and when the time came she mounted herself on a horse. She had learned how to ride from Zelda, though she was still slightly uncomfortable with it. The fur tickled the back of her legs, but at least she had on underwear today.


Zelda could barely think with him slamming into her body this way. She had never felt so much passion or emotion before from Link, and it was so much that she could barely handle it. But that's what made it so good for her. She felt his desire for her in every thrust, and her pussy recioprocated by producing more wetness that allowed him to so easily slide within her wanton body. "So good!" She cried out. Much better than their times before..she didn't know what go into him but she was certainly not complaining.
It was a steady, hard ride to the Hylia Fortress, but by the time the arrived, the guard was already moving out into the valley. It wasn't hard to see...whatever it was that had crash landed. Thick plumes of smoke were rising up, and Ike could see the plate of the guard in the distance.

"Better hurry," Ike mumbled, clicking his teeth to send his horse into a gallop. What in the world was that thing?
Sona narrowed her eyes. She felt that there was someone...there. Other than that though, she had never seen anything like it. The closer they got, the stranger it looked. It was..glowing somewhat. Yet she sensed no magic. And when they were close enough, she could see something moving around..and it was unnerving to stay the least. A tall figure covered head to do with metal...and just like the mass of metal behind it, it too had light coming off of it on certain parts of it's armor.

Samus was really, really lucky that she had her suit on when she crashed. It protect her from most of the damage, although she could tell it It had been that way since the strong electrical interference that made her ship fall to this planet. She suddenly heard the sound of horses, and she did a quick check of her suit...if she had to fight hostiles, than it needed to work. Otherwise the only function it would serve...was just being a suit of armor and...well that was useless to her.
Ike stopped with the guard as they circled around the...whatever it was, and the tall armored...person? Ike was about to say something, but then an arrow slammed into his shoulder and sent him off his horse with a grunt. Thankfully, it hit the plate, but that didn't mean it didn't go through a little, at least.

"Cover!" The Captain said quickly...and the only thing there was the smoking vessel, that seemingly had arrows bounce off it harmlessly. The Gerudo forces had arrived, with a horde of Bublin.
....They were all headed right towards her. Though she had heard the arrows, and when she looked in the direction of where they came from, she saw an Of women, and demonic looking creatures. She wasn't sure what they wanted but...she wondered what the best course of action was. She didn't want to leave her ship here. She might have been able to salvage things from it..or at least call for help. Or something. Plus...these men who had come first seemed to be under fire themselves. Tch. She hoped her suit was in good enough condition.

She started to charge her arm cannon. She knew she'd need a little bit of juice to thin out the hoard. Light gathered at the tip of her weapon, attracting the attention of Sona as they headed over to the strange, metal...rock? House? What was it? Anyways...whatever that person was wasn't magic, but it certainly looked like it..
"Well," Ike grunted, yanking the arrow out with a small hiss of pain as he watched the strange being summon magic into her metal...arm? "This is different..."

"Ser Ike, what do we do?" the Captain murmured warily, watching the warrior as arrows harmlessly pinged off her armor, but the demons...they might be the risk.

"Wait until they're...done doing whatever they're doing, and see where we're at there," he sighed. "Right now, we're pinned anyway."
Well..arrows may not hurt her too much but...since they were attacking her that was reason enough to blast them. She blasted her charged shot at them, and while the women seemed to be agile enough to get out of the way...the creatures that accompanied them were less fortunate. She quickly sent a few missiles towards the ground since they seemed to love evading so much. Slow missiles, fast missiles..anything she had in her arsenal she'd use to keep them away and maybe even make them retreat. Their weapons seemed..primitive.
Ike had never heard any sounds like that in his life before, high pitched squealing and explosions, thunderous roars that rattled his ears and the smell of smoke. All of it was a headache of noises that he wasn't entirely familiar with...but a peek out from the smoking wreckage said that they had sent Ganondorf's forces into a quick retreat. What in the world...?

"What a powerful mage!" The Captain breathed in awe. "The Goddess herself must have sent her to aid us!"

"...I don't think so," Ike mumbled, glancing at Sona. At least...Palutena would say something, wouldn't she?
Sona just gave Ike a shrug. Palutena didn't say anything about this person. "I'm not sure if she's using magic." She said bluntly before she realized something...that was a woman inside all that armor. She could just tell. "I want to ask her who she is...we need someone like that on our side." She said as she got off her horse, not really waiting for the order.
"Wait...she? Sona!" Ike mumbled, following after. "Don't just go up to that thing!" he said, moving to follow after. Ugh...why did he get himself in these situations!?
Sona ignored Ike for the most part, and once she was close enough she saw the metal clad figure turn towards them with that weapon raised and pointed at them. "We're not going to hurt you!" Sona called out.

Samus didn't really care what they said. If she felt like she was in danger she'd shoot. But they did certainly look less menacing that the forces she had just scared off. "Who are you?" She demanded when Ike and Sona got close enough.
"Ike, and this is Sona," Ike murmured, moving up to be a half step ahead of Sona. "...For all the good it means to you, anyway. Who...what are you?"
The names meant nothing. She just was more concerned if she was being approached by some unheard of authority and wanted to know what they wanted. But...she couldn't blame the blue haired one for being cautious since they probably had never seen the type of technology she used. He was actually kind of...handsome. In that intimidated, cautious hero type of way but...she still stayed on guard just as much as he.

"I'm Samus Aran. I'm a bounty hunter." She stated rather blandly as she looked at her still smoking ship. She'd be going in there shortly to get whatever she could save and...she had no idea where she was going to bring it. "...I'm not from this planet." She added casually, but she was sure this bunch knew nothing about space and other worlds. They were still using bows and swords, and traveling by horse.
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