The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...Don't you just have sex with me because it feels good? Is there another reason why people have sex?" She didn't really get it, but she reached out and held his hand. "I don't think you're dirty. Well you didn't take a bath today're not dirty."
"...It's complicated," Ike sighed. "Yes, of course it feels good...but there is another reason, deeper feelings." he murmured. "...Love, usually."
"Deeper feelings? Love? That sounds...odd. I can't say I know what that is but...if there wasn't any feelings involved, and it was just pleasure with Zelda..then why are you regretting it so much?"
"Because you don't that," Ike mumbled. "I mean...some people can, maybe I can't." he admitted, sitting up a little. "...Aren't you upset about it?" he asked. He couldn't even begin to say he knew Sona's feelings, but...he kind of figured she'd be upset in some capacity.
Sona paused for a moment and rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, I am. But I don't know why I do. I mean, before I didn't care...I just wanted to be the person to make you feel good. Now I get a small pain in my chest and it makes me angry. But I don't know why." She confessed as she leaned against the bed frame.
"...Probably because you have feelings for me, Sona," Ike murmured. " least, I assume so, it wouldn't be too far to think that...we've traveled together for years now, you've seen me at my worst and my best."
"Feelings or deep feelings? Because I know I care about you and I always want to be around you. Because I want to know you're okay and...the world doesn't seem as scary when you're around." She said as her gaze shifted towards the wall. "Because honestly, I am scared. I have never feared for my life before, only other peoples lives. My wielders life. Now, I feel like...anything can take mine away and I won't be able to fight with you anymore..."
Ike hesitated a moment, but slid his arm around her shoulders to pull her in to a friendly one armed hug. "That's how everyone feels," Ike murmured. "...You don't get less afraid, Sona. You just get better at hiding your fear. Everyone gets scared, that's when your hands shake, your breathing picks up...nobody wants to die like that. You learn to harness it to keep you alive."
She did feel a little bit better hearing that. "So fear makes you stronger in a way?" She asked as she nuzzled into his chest. If that was the case, then she could appreciate it would take her a while to get used to it. "That's good but..still. Even knowing that I still want to be with you."
"In a way, it does...and good," Ike murmured. "...I've gotten used to you being around, I think it'd feel strange without you," he admitted. "But it is getting late, Sona...we should get some sleep, alright?" he said, hand running through her hair affectionately. "And...sorry, for...getting you into this nonsense."
She smiled when she felt his hands go through her soft, blonde locks. "I'm with you forever, even during the nonsense." She told him before laying down on the bed and closing her eyes. She would have asked Ike if he wanted to do it, but he seemed confused and she didn't want to make it worse. She felt tired anyway.
Ike settled next to her, arm around her protectively. What an annoying day...but he supposed there was some benefit to it all, at least Sona would be with him in whatever...capacity that meant.
Hyrule settled into a steady, if uneasy sense of peace. Kakariko slowly saw a minor influx of villagers returning, but under the promise that they couldn't say what would happen one way or another. Ike was more used to the kind of long scale campaign that this was turning into, and he secretly savored the pace to finally relax and help Sona adjust to her new life. Things with Zelda seemed...better, surprisingly. He felt like he had taken a weight of his shoulders, and Impa wasn't glaring at him as much. No doubt she knew, or they talked...either way, he was glad to have that resolved in some manner or another. Kakariko was turning into a minor outpost, because the occasional assault of Bublins kept them on their toes.

People began to get weary, and tired...Ike didn't blame them, but there was nothing else they could do. People were proclaiming that Link was dead, that everything was lost...and that the Goddess in the dark would save them all, and the Demon King would protect them. Desperate, dangerous fools...but it simply added to the day to day tasks. But still, it could be felt...a Goddess such as Medusa, it would feel like pinpricks of pleasure, of arrogance. People believed in her out of raw fear.

Ganondorf arrived with an amused little smirk to her castle above Death Mountain. Nobody was allowed in or out, but all was well...since they had decided to change gears. Hyrule was contained, so...why not send Pit somewhere else for the time being? He and his Phantom would do an excellent job with Medusa's demons in establishing a stranglehold elsewhere. But that wasn't what he was smirking about. Oh no, the Goddess of Darkness was naked on her throne, her belly fat and swollen, her breasts heavy with milk. He had wondered who was playing who...yet, the alliance was as genuine as it could be, now.

"We have crossed the sea to other lands, my dear," he said, moving up the steps to admire her maternal figure. After all, the Hero of Time would currently be indisposed, despite his recent victory at the Water Temple. It took more time than they had, and because of allowed Ganondorf to maintain a stranglehold on Hyrule and branch outward.
"Such excellent news..." Medusa purred as she watched Ganon approach. She would have rose, but she didn't feel the need or desire to waste the energy. Ganessa was going to be born soon...and as such she was like a parasite, constantly leeching off her power, no longer needing her assistance with absorbing energy. It was exhausting, but she knew the end product would be worth it. "I trust that my men have been useful to you? I only gave you the best of the best." She was glad he came back, because she had a pressing matter to attend to. It was that girl, Sona. She had been watching her closely and had seen something disturbing.

The woman was good with a sword, but that wasn't the threat. The threat was how much magic was inside of that body of hers. Powerful, poisonous light magic. She wasn't too good with controlling it, but when she fought along side that came out and it was toxic. She had been left alone too long and now she would be harder to get rid of, but she trusted that Ganondorf could handle her.
"Of course," Ganondorf purred, leaning down to kiss her. It was a hungry, possessive kiss as his hand trailed down her heavy breast, giving it a faint squeeze. "Hyrule is stable, even if Link has been successful at the Water Temple, we have made it increasingly difficult for him to charge forward like a hero often does." Yes, fortifications, armies of Bublin, Lizalfos, stolen women were aiding that number...and aiding to his concubines, Ernya was serving well in that capacity.
She whimpered into the kiss as felt milk beading on her hard nipples. She was completely filled to the brim with milk just ready for her child. Her long tongue danced with his for just a moment before she pulled back and listened to what he had to say. "His victory is a hallow one. So many Hyrulians are turning to me, because they believe their hero is gone. It's quite nice, actually..but..." Her eyes darkened as she looked into his eyes. "About that Mercenary and his new companion...they have gotten stronger since your absence. His sword still grows bright with the girl's power. At least when they are close enough together..."
"Yes, I have noticed...worry not," Ganondorf assured, smirking as he licked the milk off his finger. She was very, very close... "We will simply have to be patient, but at the moment, anything we do will overextend ourselves...but your power grows, my lady...even with the return of Link, they have succumbed to misery...and so we must cause more. All will be well, you have my word." he said easily.
"Of all the traits I admire about you, your patience is easily one of the most admirable..only second to your strength." She told him with a smile before she placed her hand on her belly . "I'm sure this one will bring plenty of misery wherever she goes. After some proper training when she comes of age..."
"I look forward to it," Ganondorf grinned, hand over hers. "I admit...I am excited to have this daughter, but I am excited about many daughters." he laughed. "Mm, and you look beautiful like this..." he growled hungrily, rubbing her pregnant stomach. "Well worth the time..."
Medusa smirked and looked down at his large hand, which eventually started to move all over her belly. She could feel Ganessa move around, as if she were aware that her father was there. She winced and then sighed softly. "You're excitement seems infectious, dear. Now she won't stop moving." It was odd, the way they spoke with each was almost like some sort of romance...but not quite. Medusa was too selfish enough to feel love for anyone. The only thing she loved about him was his power, power that could help her get what she wanted.
"A child after our own hearts then," Ganondorf smirked. "I shall look into the mercenary and that girl, in the meantime. I expect the Hyrulians will be in better spirits now that their precious Hero is returning."
"Sona. That's what they like to call her." She told him before she laid back in her throne. "And no matter. I have enough of them on my side, and I have even visited some through their dreams. They are loyal to me now." Medusa knew how to be a temptress. No man could ever turn their heart away from her once she had captured it.
"They will serve us well in slowing them down until we can find a proper moment to take the last piece..." he murmured, examining his hand as he glanced up at the sky. "And then everything that we see will be ours, Medusa. You have my word." And what a wonderful omen, a bright, burning comet...tearing through the night sky. He couldn't help but laugh. Oh, a comet grew more and more interesting as the days went by...
Zelda watched the same comet fall from her balcony. She had been out watching the stars for a while. It didn't look like anything natural but...she couldn't worry about every little thing. However, something on the ground caught her eye. Was it..? Her lips parted just a bit as she confirmed. Yes it was Link. She smiled in relief, hurrying back into her room and then out the door. It took her about five minutes to finally leave the palace doors and she ran to Link, throwing her arms around him. She knew he wasn't dead, even though there were horrible rumors that he was. She knew he'd come back alive.

"Link, you're okay! Thank God!" She cried out.
Link was flanked by two Zoran envoys, which when Ike and Sona went to see...was certainly something. They were blue skinned, and, in the most literal sense. Very sleek and elegant looking, but still very bizarre as Link winced a little at her hug. "Easy..." he chuckled faintly as one of the Zoran's moved up with a respectful tilt of his head.

"The young Hero sustained many injuries in his fight against the kraken, I am happy to say that he has recovered nicely, your majesty."

"But not all the way," he smiled. "I'm okay, Zelda."
Sona was just gawking at the Zorans that stood by Link. She had never seen anything like it and yet...well she couldn't help but wonder how fish people could live outside of water. Should she say anything? Zelda seemed busy talking with them.

"You must have been gone for so long because you were recovering...I can only shudder to think what sort of injuries you suffered." She looked at the envoys and gave them a smile. "Thank you for getting him back safely to me...I can only hope your people did not suffer too many casualties."
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