The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"It is a trivial concern," The envoy said with a tilt of his head. "Princess Ruto and her father have promised to provide as much support as they can, but we will need time to recover. In the meantime, I am Elan, and this is Elui...we will be your envoys to the Zoran people, your majesty." Ike was wondering which one was which, they both looked the same to him. But more help couldn't hurt.

"We have a place to provide you water when you need it, Ambassadors." Impa said when she arrived, bowing in respect.
"I see. Yes, we will provide you plenty of hospitality while you are here. Thank you very much." Trivial concern? She lightly frowned at that, but she wouldn't dig. She nodded and then suddenly heard Sona gasp.

"By the's Link! I knew he looked familiar." She recognized him, but he would not recognized her. She probably shouldn't have said that out loud.
Link cast a glance at her faintly, brow furrowing in confusion.

"...This is Sona," Ike decided to introduce, hand on her head. It seemed to be his common way of affection around her, at least. "She has been a...eager student in Hyrulian history, isn't that right, your majesty?"
"That's right. She does enjoy hearing me tell her stories myself, and most of them are about you." Zelda laughed a bit, though Sona seemed confused. What was a student?

"Mmnn nice to finally meet you." Sona mumbled awkwardly. Ugh, it was hard to pretend that she didn't know people she knew.
Ike rubbed her head in appreciation as Link scratched his cheek with a faint smile. "Yes...well, they're not actually me...just...well, don't worry about it," Link said, waving it off. "It's nice to meet you, Sona. Your majesty, if we could talk later? I'd like to find a place to rest," he admitted. "It's been a long trip."
"Umm of course...and Impa, do you mind showing Elan and Elui to their temporary quarters as well?" Zelda asked her. She would go but..she wanted to spend a bit more time with Link before he retired. So she'd walk with him. She would ask him questions about what went on in those long weeks he was away later. Zelda just really missed him...
"Your majesty," Impa said with a polite bow, before Elan and Elui followed after Impa. Ike wanted to talk to Link, but he knew that posture from Zelda well enough. "Well, Sona and I better see to the training," he murmured. Sona was getting quite good with a sword, which wasn't too surprising.
Zelda gave Impa a bow and then nodded at Ike and Sona. "I'll join in a little bit to watch. Link, I'll walk to to your rook, okay?" She gave him a smile and then followed alongside him when he was ready to leave.

Sona just looked at the two, narrowing her eyes. Something was up with those two, but she didn't know what. "...Well I suppose we should get back to it. I know I almost got you last time."
"Sure," Link murmured. "...I'd like that," he said, heading out with her as Ike tugged on her ear with a blank expression. 'Almost got him'? Oh, now she was getting an ego.

"...So, how have things been going?" Link asked carefully. They had certainly turned Castle Town into more of a 'castle' since he left. And he had heard plenty from passing he wasn't really sure why he brought it up. But, he supposed it was a good way to start a conversation.
"...They've been going as good as they could go. We've been managing was discouraging to hear that you had been gone for so long. But now that you're here...I'm sure that will bring high spirits back. I've been doing everything I can to keep morale up, but the rumors of what happened to you were rampant." She found herself rambling on and on. Why? Why did she feel nervous around him? Maybe it was just because they spent so much time apart.
"I can imagine," Link murmured, rubbing his neck. "It wasn't intended to be so long, Zelda...but they had a lot of problems," Link admitted. "I couldn't have left without making sure they could be ready to help you at a moment's notice."
Zelda smiled and then linked her arm around his. "I know...and I'm glad that you stayed and helped them as long as you could. Now we have reinforcements, thanks to you." She rested her head upon his shoulder as they walked. "I really missed you. I was worried but I knew you'd come home."
"...I'm glad I have one," Link said, slightly in surprise. It wasn't like they hadn't been affectionate before, he was just...a little confused. "...Is...everything okay?" he asked, glancing at her. Last he knew, this sort of thing wasn't...really in their area anymore.
"It...isn't always okay. But right now they are." She admitted, biting her lip. She felt a little selfish. She had just been wanting some affection ever since her and Ike agreed to keep things..platonic and nothing else. She wasn't sure what she was feeling anymore, but his return had made her feel needy.
"...Did something happen?" Link asked faintly, even as they reached his rook. He hadn't seen her like this in a while. He wasn't quite sure what to do about it, she didn't seem upset, or anything...
"...No." She said after a little while. She knew that he knew something would be off, but it's not like she'd be able to come out to him and tell him she'd been playing around with Ike. He probably wouldn't like that very much and he just got back
"...Okay," Link mumbled. "...We'll talk later, okay? I'll be taking it easy for a little while," he smiled. "...It's good to be back home." Something was up, but right now...he was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was collapse in his bed.
"It's good to have you back home, Link." Zelda told him before giving him another hug. This time it was less rough, but she lingered a little while. Then she let him go and walked away, giving him a side glance before she rounded a corner.

She should herself. she didn't want to send off the wrong messages, really was nice to have Link around again.
Link scratched his chin a little in thought, swallowing a moment before heading to his rook to rest. He probably shouldn't put a lot of thought into that, he was just grateful to finally sink into his bed...oh, heaven. Sweet, wonderful heaven. His nap was brisk, but he wasn't expecting to spend all day and night there. He felt refreshed as he headed back out, deciding to see how Ike and Sona were doing. They seemed to be serving more in an advisory role, as well as training the other soldiers some sword techniques.

Ike was overseeing a formation of men, arms crossed with Sona nearby, gnawing on an apple. It seemed she still had yet to uncover the mysteries of eating one. His face was contemplative for a moment, before glancing at Link.

"...You got a moment?"

"...Sure?" he said, brow arched. What in the world had he missed? Was everyone acting strange, or was this the new normal?

"Alright," Ike said. "Sona, I'll be back in a moment." They needed to talk, so they found somewhere a little out of the way from people as Ike leaned against the wall in thought. Link just watched him, confusion clear on his face. Ike swallowed a moment, then finally spoke up: "...Zelda and I...have been...together, sort of-"

Link's first reaction was probably not the best one, but it was the one Ike was expecting. Link's teeth grit faintly in annoyance and he swung his fist right across Ike's cheek. He let out a faint grunt as he stumbled back, shaking his head. He didn't deserve that, Zelda....they had parted ways. What Zelda did was something of her own business, he had tried to make her happy, but it just didn't work. He couldn't help that. It hurt that Ike could just...just waltz in and that was that.

"No," Ike mumbled. "It's okay, Link...I was kind of expecting that." Hero of Time had a mean right hook...

"Why?" Link muttered. "How?"

"It's not as much of a complicated story as you think..." Ike mumbled, still rubbing his jaw as he told the story. Ike was candid, although Link wasn't...entirely happy with what he was hearing, it certainly opened up a new side of Zelda he never much thought about. And he supposed...that was the problem. She was always Princess Zelda, or Queen Zelda. It was hard to picture her as...Zelda. They had known each other long enough for it to be that way, so why wasn't it? He supposed...that's what happened when you were held to an ideal, and you didn't know what to do about it.

"...Why are you telling me this?" Link asked curiously. "I appreciate it, Ike, really...but what Zelda does is her own business."

"Other than the fact that she's practically attached herself to you? I agree," Ike murmured. "Look, me, alright?" What he was suggesting was to just...throw himself on the Queen of Hyrule, a bold, courageous woman of supreme grace and poise...and she'd just...go with it? That she wanted him, but didn't want how they....did things? It left a bitter taste in his mouth that...essentially, Ike had figured out what he should have. Still, he...missed her. More than he wanted to say...but maybe in hindsight, it was more pomp and royalty and not...a man and a woman in love with one another?

"...She's..." Ike worded carefully. "...She likes passion," that was the best way to put it without making Zelda sound...well. "A lot,"

"...I see," Link mumbled. "'re certain?"

"Positive," Ike promised. "You're the Hero of Time, right? You're telling me Zelda scares you?"

"...Women are terrifying, Ike," Link grimaced. "I don't know how to do that around her!"

"...Women are terrifying," Ike agreed, rubbing his head with a sigh. Something he was learning far too much about, far too quickly. "Just...go with it? The first thing in your mind when you see her, just do it." he said.

"I don't understand how the Queen of Hyrule wants...that," Link admitted. "Why?"

"Women are terrifying," Ike repeated dryly. "Come on, Link...what's the worst thing that could happen?"

"Impa," Link said flatly. "Impa could happen."

...A very valid point, Ike had to admit. Impa was like a silent needle, waiting to press into your vein at the worst possible moment. Ike had a feeling she knew way more than she acted like about Zelda. He sighed, hand on his shoulder regardless. "This will work, Link." he assured firmly. "I promise, otherwise we're both going to be in go see her, I'm sure she'd like to talk to you again."

"...Alright," Link sighed, hand running through his hair. He really wished he had the courage piece at this point. The first thing that came to his mind...? He supposed he could at least try that. "Thanks, Ike."

"...Sure," Ike murmured. And hopefully, his guilty conscience wouldn't be putting a knife to his throat any longer. Just talking to him about it made him feel so much better. So, Link took a deep breath and headed back towards the castle. He still had a really, really bad feeling about this...
Sona wasn't all too happy about being left out of the chat, but while she waited for Ike to return she finished working on that stupid "apple" and this time she didn't hurt any of her teeth on those stupid, bitter seeds. Though even after she finally figured out how to eat it, Ike was still gone. Sona then took it upon herself to climb a nearby tree, and someone spotted her. "My Lady Sona, be careful!" He called out, drawing attention to her. Sona got more attention than she thought, but she didn't really know what to do with it. Mainly because she didn't understand how attractive she was, especially in the clothes she chose to dress in. A short black skirt, a black tunic with gold trimming that was tailored specifically to her taste, which was basically fitted to only go over half her torso and leave her belly exposed. She even asked for only one of the sleeves to be long...for whatever purpose. Sona was strange.

Her skimpy manner of dressing did wonders for morale though. Lots of men wanted to impress her even though there were plenty of rumors that she was Ike's woman. "I'll be careful." Sona called out dismissively as she leaned her head back against the tree, lounging on the branch as if she had nothing better to do. She could have practiced some sword play while he was gone, but..Sona hated practicing with anyone but Ike.


Zelda had just gotten out of a meeting with one of her most trusted advisers. He told her everything about what people needed and was also in charge of the treasury and budget. Things were a little bit tight, but it was to be expected in times like this. Food, armor, and weapons were what the majority of their budget was spent on. Keeping an army well fitted and fed was important after all.

It was really stressful sometimes, but she was glad that she had so many good people to help her. For now though, she'd retire to her quarters and relax a bit. She was still in good spirits ever since Link had gotten back.
Ike was unsurprised to see Sona like that when he returned, draped across a tree like nothing in the world was wrong. More than a few recruits were getting chided for 'staring', but Sona was obviously ignorant to the effect. "...Having fun?" Ike said dryly, glancing up at her. His jaw had a faint red mark from Link's punch, but he could handle a minor bruise. He felt...better, way better. He hoped he looked better, too.

Link swallowed faintly as he headed into the castle, being informed by one of the maids that Zelda had retired to her room. That was...better than what he was expecting, at least it'd be private. Still, he was slightly nervous. If Ike was even remotely wrong about this...well, it'd possibly end very badly. The first thing he wanted to do when he saw her? Sounded easy enough, he supposed.

"...Zelda?" Not Queen Zelda, not 'your majesty'...Zelda. He knocked politely on the door. He could do this, how hard could it be?
"Yeah. A lot funner than just standing around and waiting on you." Sona said in a teasing manner before swinging down on the branch like some sort of animal and letting herself hang there. "Want to catch me?" She asked as she removed one of her hands, dangling from the branch with only one hand. Sona could already feel that Ike seemed to feel a little better than before. Which relieved her, but she noticed a little bit of redness on his face. What happened to him?


Zelda heard Link's voice just outside her door, however it was strange for him to just call her "Zelda" in a situation like this. He usually always addressed her with some sort of honorific. Which she had come to ignore really. She opened the door and looked at him, her full lips curling into a smile. "Hello, Link. Is there something you need? Did you rest well?"
Ike grumbled in minor annoyance as he moved closer. She knew he'd catch her regardless, he hated it when she did stuff like this...
The first thing he wanted to do? Well, now that he was actually here...he was kind of stuck. He paused a moment, before he slid his hands along her neck and pushed her closer for a hungry, almost desperate kiss. First thing he wanted to do...was kiss her again. Her lips were...perfect, she was beautiful. He missed her, and he wanted her again.
Sona released the branch and giggled until she landed in his arms. "What's the matter you grump?" She asked him as she threw her arms around him and nuzzled his face. Yeah..this was the type of stuff that made people think they were together.


Link looked...strange. Like he didn't know what to do or say. She parted her lips for a moment to say his name, however she suddenly felt his hands on her neck as their lips mashed together. She was...surprised. Confused. This was not the Link she knew, and yet her body was already reacting on it's own. Her eyelids fell as she returned the kiss for a moment, and then she stopped herself. What were they doing? "..Link. What was that for?" She asked breathlessly after pulling away, looking into his eyes. She already felt the slightest bit of excitement stirring under her dress.
"Nothing," Ike sighed, arms around her waist. "Just smarting after doing the right thing, is all...come on, let's get back to practice, alright?"

Link felt like if he said something, he'd stop. He didn't want to stop, he saw the flicker of lust in her eyes...and all he could do was kiss her again, shutting the door to her bedroom behind her as his hands pulled her closer, already working on undoing the back of her dress.
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