The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ike rested his blade on his shoulder with a faint sigh. "Why not...we have demons, goddesses, ancient evils..." Was Hyrule always this crazy? "...At any rate, Samus...I at least owe you for taking care of our enemies, I'm not sure what we can do to help you...if we can at all..." he said, glancing at her ship and the strange armor she was in. "But you're welcome to come back with us to the garrison."
"..." She turned her back on the two, thinking it over. She had nothing to lose. She needed shelter. And her ship was damaged beyond repair..there was nothing she could do to repair it being on this planet. Well, she couldn't do anything right now. "Alright then. Just give me a minute." She went inside of the smoking ship. Her suit prevented her from breathing in any smoke, and she could see somewhat. She grabbed everything salvageable that she did want anyone getting into and then joined them.

"..I'm not getting on a horse. I'll walk." She told them with the bag over her shoulder.
"...Suit yourself," Ike murmured. "Follow us, then," he said, rolling his shoulder a moment with a faint grimace. That'll sting in the morning...

Needless to say, the rest of the soldiers were giving her a very wide berth.
"Are you okay?" Sona asked him. She was so wrapped up with the strange woman in armor that she didn't ask if the arrow had managed to get him too bad. You could never tell with Ike. He was used to getting injured and he hid the pain well.

Meanwhile, Samus followed silently, studying the people around her while she thought of some sort of way she could get off this planet. She wasn't even really sure what caused her to crash in the first place, but...she'd be spending a long time here. She might as well make these people her allies had been a while since she actually talked to other people.
"It didn't hit the bone, just the meat," Ike assured. "It should be fine in the morning, but we better make sure it closes up properly," he said, glancing at her. "You remember what I showed you about fixing wounds?" Yes, she did seem to possess some magic that she didn't fully understand, but Ike made sure Sona knew how to do it the old fashioned way...just in case.
"I do. Want me to do it for you?" She asked him, before looking over her shoulder at Samus. She couldn't tell where she was looking because of that weird head piece that was apart of her armor. How could she see like that?"
"Sure, it'll be good practice," Ike murmured. "...How do you know that's a woman?" he asked, once they reached the gates. "...How can you tell?"
"She just feels like a woman. She feels like Zelda and Impa in some way. Females have different auras than males. I can't explain it." Sona told him before smirking. "I bet you want to know what she looks like under all that armor." She whispered.

Samus could hear every word they were saying. It..wasn't the first time her gender was questioned but...something about the way they spoke made her uneasy. Not that she felt like she was in danger or anything, but still.
"Ugh..." Ike grumbled. "I don't think I can survive another question like that, Sona." He had his share of women already, and the moment Zelda and Ike seemed to have reconciled...another one just drops out of the sky in front of him? Fate was cruel to a man who barely understood how women functioned. Still, yes...he was interested, not in that way, but purely from the perspective of...well, what does a woman from the stars look like?
"I'll ask her then!" Sona told him as she stopped in her tracks and waited for Samus to get closer. But Samus stopped too, looking at her..or at least she assumed. "Hey Samus? What do you look like underneath all that metal plating?" She asked her. Samus was..a little shocked at how forward the girl was but..she would humor her.

"Like you." She answered, gesturing towards her. Sona tilted her head, taking that quite literally.
"...I don't think she means it like that, Sona," Ike reminded, following after her with a faint sigh. "I think she means...she looks like we do?" Well, that was interesting...he was expecting something, he...didn't know. But something different?
"Oh. That makes more sense. Kind of. But I more meant what you look like. Do you ever take off the armor? It looks a little..beat up." Sona told her.

"I am female, if that's what you mean. And yes, I do take off my armor." Samus responded, though she seemed to be irritated by the question.
"...Sona," Ike murmured, hand on her head. "Don't annoy the woman who shoots magic out of her arm, please? We have enough problems as it is." Somehow, Sona had struck a nerve, not that she meant to, she never meant to do anything. But still, Ike knew irritation when he heard it.
Samus watched the two interact, starting to walk forward so they wouldn't fall behind. Magic? Well...that was one way to describe her charged shot. Honestly, in their travel she realized the suit was...not operating optimally. It would be best to take it off, she was better off that way just in case it stopped working altogether. Though another thought crossed her mind. The way..Ike? Talked to Sona...she wondered if these two were...siblings or something? The woman seemed to pout, not taking too kindly to his words.

"...I will take off my suit when we get to shelter, and you will be able to see what I look like." She told her in attempts to...maybe cheer her up. Sure enough, the look Sona gave her was a happy one.
"We have a room for you," Ike murmured. "I don't know what you're used to, but it's in the world did you come from the sky?" he decided to ask. "...Not that I would probably understand your answer," he admitted. "But we've got enough troubles as it is, I'd rather not think the sky is falling down on us too."
Samus looked at Ike and was quiet for a moment. It really was hard to tell what she was thinking because of her suit. "I'm not sure why I crashed in the first place. I was flying over your planet and something strange happened with my ship. I hit something Like an electrical made everything stop working..including my suit for a little while." She told him in the most simple explanation she could muster.

"A ship, that thing is a ship? But it's made out of metal and it doesn't look like it can sail in water..." Sona pointed out.
"I don't think there's water up in the sky, Sona," Ike murmured. "I guess a ship is a ship, no matter what it moves through." A suit, powered by...electricity? What in the world was that? He saw sparks of lightning, like magic from her ship, was that the same thing?
"Very true." Samus said as she looked up and saw the town they were headed to coming closer and closer. "...Guess something so advanced really doesn't exist anywhere on this planet." She could tell by the town...they weren't even close. They were hundreds of years behind in technology.

"Guess not. How are you going to get home?" Sona asked her, her red eyes looking her up and down once more in the suit.

"...I don't know." Samus responded, though a hint of worry was in her voice, as mechanical as it may be coming from the suit right now.
"One step at a time, Samus," Ike murmured. "Our world may not compare to anything like yours, but perhaps the gods can help." he said, moving up the steps to the many rooms scattered around the garrison. "Hope you don't mind sharing a room, we're a little short on space." Ike and Sona were stuck in one of the former officers quarters, that was the only room they had.
The Gods? She wouldn't really expect any help from anyone she couldn't see. But she definitely wouldn't mind if they did lend a hand. Her eyes moved over to Ike when he told her they'd be sharing a room. "That's...fine. I don't really have much of a choice." She told him. She didn't know anything about this place. She could survive in the wild, but shelter just sounded much better.

Once they got to the room they'd be staying in, Samus put down her stuff and noticed Sona was staring right at her. Waiting for something. "...Is there something you need?" She asked in a curious tone.

"I just want to see you take off your armor!" Sona declared proudly before she put both hands on her hips. Samus blinked and then sighed a bit. This girl really was something else.
"Alright, alright..." Ike grumbled, hand on Sona's shoulder. "Sona, give her some don't just ask people stuff like that. Come on, we need to relay a message back to Hyrule, anyway." She hadn't really changed much, even if Sona was maturing...some things just wouldn't change.
Sona sighed in disappointment, looking back to Samus who just stood there...not taking off her armor. "Okay, fine. But I'll see you without your armor when we get back, right?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes, you will. I'll be here resting." Samus responded. She really did feel sore from the crash, and that walk in half functioning armor did not help.
Ike was curious too, he wouldn't lie about that. But Sona's insistence was slightly...well, he knew she was just being curious.

"You should be careful, Sona," Ike reminded. "Just because she helped us, doesn't mean she's willing allies." That was the best way to word it, but how could he know any more than she did? Samus was hard to read when there was nothing to actually see.
"I have a feeling she'll help us." Sona told Ike as she placed one of her hands on the hilt of her sword. "Ohh, those were Ganondorf's forces right? We should probably convince her to stay with us. If she's a threat, then he might try to snuff her out or maybe even try to turn her against us. We have to be friends with her, Ike. She does magic that isn't magic, and it's strong..."
"I noticed," Ike murmured, arms crossed. "Right now, there's not much we can do." he said, as the messenger was quickly jotting down the information on a scroll. "It's up to her at this point, give her some breathing room, okay?"
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