The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

He blushed, despite himself as he scratched the back of his neck. A Goddess was a radiant woman, and Ike was having enough problems with that as it is. "It's no concern, my lady...I was meaning to talk to you anyway," he murmured, glancing around. Even in her temple, he could feel the air thick with...something. It made him anxious. "...Is something the matter, Lady Palutena?"
Palutena grimaced, keeping her green eyes on him. "It's Medusa." She began as she walked towards him, her beautiful staff in hand. "Her forces grow stronger by the day does her power. Hyrulians are starting to worship her...and I have a feeling that soon she's going to be making a move. She's been sitting in her castle for two months...hasn't left. I think I know what she's doing and if that's the case...I might need to ask something from you, Ike."
"...Anything," Ike murmured. "What do you need me to do, my Lady?" Anything to turn the tables, especially if Medusa's presence was starting to infect even Skyworld.
"I need you to give me a child." Palutena told him, her expression not changing at all despite what she was suggesting to him. She was positive this was what Medusa was up to...the fact that she had not directly gone after Ike and Sona was suspicious to her. She knew that Medusa was wary of anything that had to do with her magic, and she knew that Medusa had figured it out. She would have felt it on Ganondorf.

But if she couldn't leave her castle...then she was saving her strength for something. Or perhaps offering it to someone...a child. Palutena felt it...she felt that this was the only explanation. It certainly didn't sound like Medusa..she was selfish and would never offer so much of her power to anyone. wasn't very surprising if she found potential in Ganondorf just as she found potential in Ike.

Even if she was wrong, this was the only way Palutena could help them more.
"...I, what?" Ike mumbled in surprise, rubbing his head. "...A child? ...W-Why?" With a goddess? He felt flattered...and immensely aroused, he didn't want to feel the last one. It was...very difficult to not enjoy the thought of impregnating a goddess. "Why me?"
"Why not?" Palutena asked with a smirk. Not many men would question why a Goddess would want to sleep with them but...this was Ike. He was different. "I've been watching you since you defeated Ashera. You are more than worthy of giving me a child, Ike." She moved closer to him, her hand caressing his cheek. "In more ways than one..." She added, her eyes glinting with mischief. She had seen how he...connected with Sona and Zelda.

..But this was just her duty, knowing that she needed to counter Medusa's offspring with her own. It's not like she was doing this for her own pleasure or anything.

That didn't mean she couldn't enjoy it though.
He felt himself go more than a little red as he was touched by her, his eyes closing just a little. "...I wouldn't imagine a goddess would be so..." Lewd? perverted? A peeping tom? "...interested in something like that, from a mortal, my lady."
"Usually they wouldn't be, but.." Palutena trailed off, her hands falling to his chest. "I believe that Medusa may have gotten Ganondorf to impregnate her. If that's true, her child may be the beginning of the end for both of our worlds. Demi-Gods...are powerful. If what I fear is true, you will need all the help you can to stop that's why I need you to give me a child so I can give you the means..."
"...I see," Ike mumbled. "...If you think it will help, I would be honored." he said seriously, clasping his hand in hers. "...but respectfully, my lady...were you..." did he put this without insulted her? "...Seeing...everything?"
"Maybe not everything, but whatever Sona can see, I can too. You made love to her plenty of times...but right before your first time with her, you made love to the Queen. She seemed to be quite fond of you." Palutena could only watch so many things, she had her on world to look after and she was also keeping an eye on Medusa as best she could...Because of her power within Sona, she could easily tap into her memories or watch things through her eyes when she had the time.
"...I see," Ike sighed faintly. "...Yes, that seems to be a curse that has taken my attention in Hyrule," Ike mumbled. "At any you know what's happened with Sona? How did she...come to be? Ragnell is...her, but she isn't Ragnell anymore."
"Not exactly," Palutena began as she let her free hand drop to the side. "I know what she did...and "Sona" always was. I didn't create her, I just gave her another form. I'm unsure where she got the ability to detach herself like that. It either came from me or the Goddess that created her in the first place. Perhaps it was some last defense against evil if the sword was ever broken."
"I see...and what of Ragnell?" Ike murmured. "...Will it ever be the same, without Sona?" Truth be told, he was...actually very fond of Sona. He liked having her around, he felt comfortable around her. He didn't need to feel like he had to put up any kind of wall. Granted, it was somewhat uncomfortable to have an attraction towards a sword spirit...but he felt like they had really bonded as of late.
"There...might be a way, but I'm very unsure of it. The only thing that would be certain is that it would be very painful for Sona. The only way Ragnell will be the same, is if her spirit is inside of it. She can't..merge back into the sword as she is now. The only way she can is if she were to die. Then her spirit would be freed from that body and she'd be free to go back into Ragnell...maybe." She knew that option wasn't one that would be willingly explored.
"...Then I will make do," Ike said without hesitation. "Can I repair the blade, then? Is it broken at all?" A warrior without a weapon was no warrior indeed. "I fear for it's durability, my does not look like it can take the kind of...abuse that I deal with."
"It's..hard to say. Even if you repair the crack, it will never be as strong as it once was on it's own. But it should be safe to reforge. It doesn't have a spirit so I can't repair it myself. I'm sorry, Ike. All I can tell you is that Sona is still in tune with it, and as long as you two are together, it will be just as strong if not stronger than what it was when she separated from it."
"I understand," Ike murmured faintly. "I will do what I can, then...but...when should we..." Make a...child? How did you word that to a Goddess? How did you even rationalize what Palutena had suggested? That he was worthy to impregnate her?
"Very soon." Palutena knew what Ike was talking about..she could see it in his face. "Whenever you get done with what you need to do with the woman who fell from the stars...that's the time where I will guide you to my world, Ike. Please don't be nervous." She gave him a smile, though she was sure she asked the impossible.
Ike nodded faintly, scratching his head. "...With all due respect, Lady Palutena...that is a tall order, but I will try to get my affairs done as soon as possible." If she was offering something like that...things had to be serious.
"Please do. Medusa's spawn will mature rapidly as each day passes...every moment counts. I will see you soon, Ike." She told him before her staff began to glow. She gave him one last smile and then she sent him back to his body. When the time came, she'd reach out to him through Sona.
He jerked out of bed with a faint gasp, and promptly hit the floor with a pitiful groan as the door opened back up. Ugh...he had forgotten that he had fell asleep in bed...and sure enough, he was looking right at the puzzled faces of Sona and Samus as he slowly sat up, rubbing his head with a heavy sigh. "...How was dinner?" he decided to ask.
"It was...the usual." Sona had gotten spoiled when she ate at the castle. The chefs knew here well and loved to let her sample things. "Are you okay? Is your shoulder still bothering you?"

Samus gave Ike and another look before sitting on the bed across from the one he was, crossing her legs as she stared at the two. "Probably. You should patch him up, Sona. If you want, Ike...I could get you some food while she does that."
"I uh...yeah, maybe that would be best," Ike mumbled, shifting back up to sit on the bed with a weary sigh, tugging off his shoulder armor. "...Thanks, Samus." He was thinking too much, lately...he needed to take one problem at a time. A child of Medusa? A demi-god? It wasn't hard to guess who the father was, as Palutena had said...
Samus gave him a nod before disappearing. Sona found where they had kept their normal first aid their traveling bags. She took some water out of her traveling flask and poured it onto a cloth so she could start cleaning the wound. "She's much nicer than she leads on to be. I think she's just scared because she's in a strange world." Sona told him as she started working on the wound.
"I can imagine," Ike admitted, grimacing a little as she started to clean it. "It's probably a hard thing to admit that she might not ever be able to return home...however we can help her, we should."
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