The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Zelda landed on her rear and winced in pain, looking towards Sona in a confused daze. The dark skinned girl came to Ike's side, and she glared at Zelda. Her eyes were different...they were more focused...but then her gaze softened and the light from Ike's blade faded. "'s just Zelda. I thought you were in trouble, Ike." Sona told him, going over to help the Queen up. "What were you two doing? Sparring?"
"...Yes," Ike said, walking over to the two of them. "Ragnell still seems to function just fine as a sword, but something is missing...I guess you're that something," Ike smiled. "I guess you're as reliable of a partner as ever." Practicality over modesty was also appreciated, believe it or not. Men and women both had to deal with that kind of thing on the field.
"Yes..." Zelda patted her dress off and laughed a bit. "Ragnell seems to be fine as long as Sona is around. So you two should stay together and fight alongside each other. No doubt she'd keep Ragnell from breaking or getting any worse. At least that's what my best guess would be." Zelda said before looking at a naked Sona. "...Let's get you some nice clothes to wear. You're wearing those now, right?"

"Uhuh," Sona answered with a bemused expression.
"She's adjusting," Ike smiled, resting Ragnell on his shoulder. "She learned on the way here that pants are not the enemy, I thought she was going to freeze to death," he said dryly. "And I'm pretty sure this is summer weather, isn't it?"
"Yes, but sometimes the nights can be cool. Maybe she just likes heat over cold." Zelda hooked an arm with Sona and then started moving her back towards the castle. "Let's get your old clothes on so you're not walking around Castletown naked. Oh, before we go..Ike did you have anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"Yes," Ike murmured. "But we can talk and walk, your majesty." he said. "...I'm concerned about what we uncovered at the Goron Village, namely...that winged boy and no gorons." he mumbled. "Are you familiar with him? He seemed very interested in you."
Sona growled when Ike spoke of that black winged boy, causing Zelda to nearly jump. She just glared at the floor as Zelda led her back towards the bath where she probably forgot her clothes. " I only assumed he had an interest in me because he's working with Ganondorf. I haven't seen him or heard any reports of him being around...he's really the only person I've ever seen with wings like that..."
"That's what worries me," Ike frowned. "I remember Palutena mentioning something from it, but I was hoping that it was something...local," he mumbled. "Something you may know how to deal with, he's going to be trouble."
"When he did manage to get hit by my light arrow, he got injured so badly that he had to retreat. I doubt he's got much resistance against me or Sona. The problem is that he's good long range and close up. I can barely keep up with his attack speed. Maybe.." Zelda looked at Sona and wondered how could she was in a fight. "Maybe we should give her a weapon and see how she fares. She's been around for a while." Sona gave her a curious look. She seemed to be fond of the idea.

"I think I can wield a sword...I've been swung around for a long time so I should know."
"It's worth exploring," Ike agreed. "For now...I think Ragnell will suit me fine, we'll find something for you," he said, hand on Sona's head. "But you need to get to sleep,'s getting late, and we've been traveling for a while. You shouldn't overexert yourself just yet."
"What about you, Ike?" Her voice was a little bit whiny. "Don't you need some sleep too?" She asked him as they stopped outside of the room she had ran out of earlier. Zelda looked in and sure enough, her clothes were there.
"...I suppose I do," Ike smiled. "I'll be in there in a moment, alright?" He had a really hard time saying no to her, and he didn't quite know why...but he sort of did. It wasn't like he wasn't comfortable around her. He didn't know what that said about him when the most...compatible woman he's ever had was literally his sword, not to think about it, he supposed. "Get the bed ready."
"Alright. Goodnight Zelda." Sona gave her a smile before walking to their bedroom. She remembered. The door right next to the bath.

Zelda looked at Ike and raised an eyebrow. "Sharing the same bed with her, still? I could understand when she was your weapon but I suppose you've just gotten used to it." She gave him smirk and winked at him. Zelda knew they were still making love all the time. Guess if you always had someone willing to do it with you, there was no sense in not doing it. "...Wish I could have a dashing man like you share a bed with me every night." She muttered quietly.
"Really?" Ike said, arms resting on the railing to regard her...and try to ignore the fact that he was blushing. "You and Link aren' know..." He felt bad, honestly. No, he felt guilty. Both between Sona and Zelda, it...wasn't anything he wanted. He didn't want to break Sona's heart any more than he did Zelda. "It's just...complicated."
"No...Link and I once were, but not anymore." Zelda said softly, her eyes shifting away from Ike in embarassment. It was only a matter of time before he would have asked her that, and honestly she didn't like talking about it to anyone. "He was the only other one other than you...I know things are complicated between you and Sona but..." She trailed off, not really sure to go with that. But she already threw it out there. "I really liked the night we made love."
"...So did I," Ike admitted. "...Really, it's...not that I didn't like it, or that I don't want to..." he said, rubbing his head. "It's...I'm just not the sort of person who gets caught up in...these kind of things." This was a first for him, really. He knew women that shown interest, but...they were usually his employers or his colleagues, he didn't like making things complicated.
"Caught up in things? You mean by two women who want your affection at the same time? Or is it something different?" She moved closer to him and looked into his eyes. She was honestly curious. She bit her lower lip in a sultry way as she waited his answer. How could he not be used to things like this? He was one of the most attractive men she had ever laid eyes on..
"That first one," Ike said, trying not to focus on the rather...ugh, this entire thing wasn't really his cup of tea. "I'm a mercenary, not...really someone worth...being interested in, I'm gone when the job is done, that's it."
"But maybe you just haven't had a reason worth staying in one place, Ike. But if it's Sona...then maybe you don't have to settle down. Maybe you can do this forever...and you'd be okay with it because she's by your side. Or maybe..." Zelda moved in to kiss him. Risky move when she was in her own castle walls, standing in the hallway. "Or maybe you really don't think your worthy enough of the women you meet..."
Ike blinked a little in surprise, both to her question and what she did. He glanced off to the side a little, watching the courtyard. Truth be told, he hadn't really thought much of it. The kind of women he met were nobles, warriors...people who were self-assured for the most part, confident. "...Maybe," he admitted. "I've been fighting for a long time, I guess I never wondered what would happen if I grew tired of it."
"If you do leave...and then eventually get tired of should come back to Hyrule. Hopefully it's going to be in a better state than it is now." Zelda chuckled a little and then sighed softly. "Sometimes it's good to have a little bit of peace once in a while instead of constantly throwing yourself into danger. When you do that, you end up in places like this.."
"I don't know," Ike said after a moment. "The danger doesn't bother me, not really. I find a purpose in it. I kind of wonder what my father would say if he saw me, heh." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I didn't know your father but...I feel like he would have been proud of the man you've become today." Zelda told him as she reached out and held his hand. He was really avoiding her gaze and she didn't like that. She wanted him to notice her.
Ike glanced at her, hand over hers with a faint sigh. "...Zelda," he murmured. "...Look, I..." he mumbled. "...It's not that I didn't enjoy it, or you," he said quickly. "But I don't know if this is...what you think it is," he said carefully. "And I don't want you to think this is something...more than that, but...I don't mind if you don't." he assured. "Everyone needs...something, your majesty. I don't know if I'm the something you need, but...I can be that something for now. But I can't promise you anything more than that."

...He hoped that sounded a lot better than his original gut feeling told him it did.
Zelda looked into his eyes as he spoke. He seemed to have trouble articulating what he wanted, or rather what he could give her. It was strange. She really liked how confident he was sexually, but...he didn't have that same confidence outside of the bedroom. More confident with his clothes off than on...and Link was the opposite. He was passionate and knew what he wanted outside of the bedroom...but inside he was...gentle and safe. It was frustrating to say the least. "...I get what you're saying. You enjoyed being with me, but you don't want to be with me. And that's...fine. I can understand that, Ike. I don't're what I need. At least...after tonight but..right now I do need you." She squeezed his hands softly. "Just one more time."
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