The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Still pretending you're in it for the riches, huh?" Zelda laughed a bit and then watched Sona eat. She was doing it so fast she doubted that girl could even taste the food. "I'm glad though. Without you and Sona...we might not have made it this far."

Sona stopped eating for a moment before looking at Zelda. She felt different somehow. Her smile was hallow and her eyes were dull. She hated seeing her this way. "We're going to defeat Ganondorf. We've faced worse before, Zelda. You're army is strong, you are strong. Just because that monster stole Link's courage thing doesn't mean he's going to get the best of us okay? You've got Ike here, and Ike won't let you down."
"I agree," Ike murmured, hand on Zelda's shoulder. "...Don't lose hope, Zelda. You're the Queen, if you don't believe it's possible, then nobody else can believe it. I've toppled down an empire with a handful of people, it's possible to beat this. But you have to stay focused, not just for us, but for yourself. Link's capable enough on his own, we're just helping him even the odds this time...who knows, maybe it was divine intervention that brought me here?" he murmured. "Whatever the case...I'm here 'till the end."
Zelda found inspiration in Sona's words, and Ike only further solidified that. "I'm sorry..I suppose if you and Sona could see through me..others can too. I've just been worried sick about you, that's all. It's frustrating just sitting here and waiting. But I know it's my duty, especially now. It's too dangerous for me to be out there, because if Ganondorf gets a hold of me again like he did's all over."
"Just because you're not out on the front lines doesn't mean you can't still help," Ike murmured. "The people need you to be there for them, Zelda. There's still men and women that need food, armor, equipment...and you are morale, you must be brave, so that everyone else can be, too. I have faith in you, and I know everyone else does, too."
"I..suppose you're right." While Zelda had been making sure everyone had food and everything they needed...she probably wasn't doing too much for morale. She bit her lip and then suddenly heard Sona yawn.

"Guess she's been too busy out there fighting and trying to prove herself. She forgot how to be an actual Queen. She should take some lessons from Elincia and all the other Queen's we know. They knew how to fight, but they also knew their place as rulers." A very harsh and bold statement, but Sona could see that in Zelda. She was too unfocused, trying to be a warrior instead of what she really was. And for what? Just because it gave her some sense of gratification and usefulness?
"There is a fine line," Ike agreed. "...But it is possible," he continued, sitting down with a cross of his arms. " need to grow up," Harsher words, but at this point, there wasn't time to hold her hand. "You are a Queen, your duty to Hyrule is first and foremost. A good ruler knows what that actually means. That means you draw your sword when it is needed, and nothing more. You are not a warrior, you are an icon. You are the face that people look to for strength and calm."
They were harsh words. Words that no one had said to her before. Zelda knew they were both right, and she knew that...she had been a Princess for so long that she wanted to prove herself something far more than that. When she became Queen, she could finally do something other than wait at her castle but...that wasn't what Hyrule needed right now. "You two are...very right." Zelda told them, feeling her eyes watering at her own foolishness. Her pride was hurt, but they...were one hundred percent right. "When I was younger...before I became a Queen...I had to wait here all the time and I've grown to hate it. But, when it was the only option I could do, I gave my people morale and hope instead of pouting like this. I'm sorry." She bit her lip and smiled. "It's funny, a man and his sword telling a Queen how to act."

"I'm not a sword anymore. But Zelda, just think of yourself as the last line of defense. That's pretty important if you ask me." Sona gave her a smile and then went back to eating. She had never tasted anything so good.
"And quite frankly, when your last line is a woman who can make a sword out of light, I think I'd prefer her watching my back anyway," Ike admitted. "...You serve a purpose, Zelda. It may not be the one you think you want but it is the one you're suited for." he said, scratching his head. "...I apologize, but...we have dealt with plenty of nobility."
"Don't apologize. I suppose I've been long overdue for a lecture sooner or later. No one has ever been so...blunt with me, and I appreciate it." She looked into Ike's eyes with a slight blush. She did enjoy that attitude of his...he was mindful that she was royalty, but still spoke to her like an equal. That was what attracted her to him in the first place.
Ike shifted a little, clearing his throat. "...You're welcome," and...there were those feelings again, those nagging feelings that made him immensely uncomfortable. Zelda beautiful, exotic looking to him., he didn't need to continue that. He just needed to tell the half erection he was working with the same thing and he'd be fine. She didn't need someone like him making things complicated for her.
It was so cute when he squirmed like that. But Zelda had to wonder, now that Ragnell...or Sona was real and alive and did he feel about that? How did he feel about her? Despite her own confusion towards how she felt about him, Zelda couldn't help but be curious if he still did that with her. Did it feel better? Was it worse?

Sona honestly hadn't had those urges since turning human. She was too busy focusing on the other things she needed to take care of now that she was human. "I'm stuffed. That was so much better than the things I've been putting in my body up until now. Mnn." Sona was happy. Didn't really take much, as long as she wasn't uncomfortable.
"Taste will differ on the food, Sona," Ike said with a faint chuckle. "I'll have to show you what cooking is sometime, why don't you go take a bath? And...please remember that you need to keep your head up so you don't drown?" She was not very good at traveling just yet, so he figured some pampering would brighten her spirits...when she realized that mood had a big idea on how to make things feel good.
"That sounds like a good idea. I'm sure Sona would love a nice hot bath. I can have one of my maidens lead her there." Zelda found Sona's ignorance adorable for some reason, but she would hate it if she got lost trying to find the bath.

Sona just sat there gazing at Ike for a moment. "You're not going to come with me?" She asked, her piercing red eyes focused on his. She hadn't left his side since that one day she tried to find food for him and Zelda and ran into that brat. She was honestly scared of being on her own, especially now that she had this new body filled with weaknesses.
"...I suppose it would be a good idea to at least take you to the room,"Ike conceded. Ugh, those eyes. Before, when they weren't so emotion filled, they were easy to ignore. But now? They were so...scared and nervous, and it just tugged at Ike's guts to be the reason of it. "We can talk in a little bit, Zelda...I'm sure there's a lot we need to catch up on before I head back," he sighed. "Come on, Sona...let's get your bath drawn, okay?"
"I'll be in the garden then when you're done." Was he going to take a bath with her or just draw it for her? She would have suggested to go with them, but Ike had been in the castle long enough to know where everything was, so..she didn't have an excuse. Sona seemed happy enough, getting up when he did and clinging to his arm. It wasn't that she so much felt like she had to be by his side...she just wanted to, and she felt comfortable that way.
"Alright," Ike said faintly, leading Sona out of the dining hall. "...You will have to get used to walking around without me, Sona," Ike reminded gently. "I can't always be here for you."
Sona frowned at his reminder. She knew that, but...she was still trying to get used to everything. "Don't worry, Ike. When I learn how to take care of this body..I won't always be here to keep you company. I'll have the confidence to go off and do my own thing." She winked at him, trying to play it off like she didn't need him. Even though she really felt like she did.
"Is that right?" Ike chuckled. "Well, I guess I'll have to try my hardest to make sure you remembered all the little people on the way up to independence, huh?" he said, nudging their door open with his shoulder when he opened it. "Here we are, do you know how to draw the bath?"
Sona gave him a smirk as the walked into the room. "I umm...I don't think I know how to do that." With anyone else, she wouldn't have admitted to that. She didn't like feeling stupid, but this was all stuff that was new to her. Besides, she had never been in a bath anyway before. "Why am I taking a bath again? It's not like before...I didn't pee myself or anything..."
"You start to smell if you don't clean yourself," Ike explained. Hyrule had so many strange things, he questioned constantly how in the world they got water without bringing it in inside. Zelda had tried to tell him it was some kind of magic, but he didn't quite understand it as he turned the knobs to let the water begin to pour. "And...well, that brings things like infections's just better to clean yourself at least once a day, sometimes more...depending."
"Having a body is so complicated. Too much maintenance." She said as she scratched her hair. Maybe that's why she was feeling itchy? It was very uncomfortable and a bath might relieve that problem. Hopefully. She watched as the tub began to fill and then took off his cape and her tunic. Last but not least her boots came off, and she was completely naked. It used to feel so natural when she was like this, but now she felt like she had just taken armor off or something.
"Well, I suppose it is when you don't have to do it from birth," Ike mused, glancing at her. She looked...different, radiant? That was a word, he supposed. She just looked...better, he didn't know how.

"Careful when you get in," he advised. "It's going to be hot, let your body adjust."
"Hot?!" Sona grimaced when she looked down at the water. She hated hot even more than she hated being cold. She trusted Ike though, so she started to move closer and slowly dipped her toe in. It was definitely hot, but it didn't hurt. It was just uncomfortable. "..Do I have to get in while it's like this?" She asked as she slowly submerged one of her bronze colored legs.
"Just sink in, slowly...your body will adjust." All curve and tone, not a drop of...ugh. He rubbed his eye a moment, he felt a headache coming on from all of this. "It's good for you, I promise."
Sona sighed and then moved her other leg in, then slowly started to sink in. It was hot, but..she could deal with this hot. It actually felt nice when she was finally all the way in. She closed her eyes momentarily as she took a deep breath. "Okay...that's better. And this is suppose to keep me clean?" Kind of like how he cleaned the blood off her after every battle...
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