The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Mm..." he growled in satisfaction, slowly slipping his fat cock out and rubbing the shaft against her pussy. "This?" he purred, pulling her head back further to lick and bite hungrily on her neck. "Tell me..." he said, hand slipping down to press his fingers against her clit as he began to rub his shaft back and forth.
Medusa's face twitched in agitation. He was teasing her and she wasn't in the mood for being teased! She was getting close too. She panted hungrily and started to buck her hips in attempts to line him up with her pussy. She flinched when he licked and nibbled on her long, pale neck, and then she felt him start to play with her aching clitoris. That just made her move her hips even more. "Yes, I want your cock inside of me, Ganon..." She growled.
Satisfied with that, Ganondorf smirked as he shifted forward, and with it...his tip pressed against her tip and he easily bucked into her used cunt again. It felt incredible, her pussy was a sloppy, dirty mess that he wasted no time in leaning back and starting to slam his cock upward into her abused pussy. Nn, no matter what...this was what he owned, and soon...he would have a daughter to prove it.
"Mnn, yes!" Medusa cried out as as he finally rammed his thick cock back inside of her, creating a lewd squelching noise as the residual cum he left in her oozed out and splattered all over his thighs and sack. Just one thrust was enough to nearly send her flying, but she stayed grounded just so she could feel him start pounding into her over and over again. And finally, her back arched as she began moaning and sputtering in absolute euphoria, this time letting out a torrent of her own thick, sweet smelling substance all over him. She couldn't even feel her legs..or her entire body for that matter. Just...pleasure.
Ganondorf growled hungrily at that, hands slipping down her back and then up her swollen stomach and breasts, cupping them firmly to squeeze them as his hips slowly bucked. His own orgasm came slower, but made him purr as thick, heavy lines of cum oozed out of her messy cunt as he slowly pulled it out. There was something so...wonderfully depraved about a pregnant goddess with a pussy ruined from a rough fucking.

"Mm...I trust this will be a common way of bonding, my lady..." he purred, hand trailing up her back.
Medusa was still panting, her tongue sliding between her fangs and back into her mouth as she smiled up at him. "Yes...I think Ganessa liked it too...seems like she found a way to consume some of your power while you were inside of me. Clever girl...not even out of the womb yet." She said breathlessly. They really should do this more often...even though the very act exhausted her while she was with this child. She was in a weakened state like this, which is why she had avoided being pregnant thus far. However..she trusted Ganon could manage on his own until the child was born.
"Ganessa?" he chuckled faintly, resting beside her to adore her cheek and neck with kisses, his hand trailing along her hip. "Is that her name, then?" A suitable one, powerful and unique...something that people would burn into their very souls with fear, just like Ganondorf...or Medusa.
"Yes, do you like it?" Medusa asked with a smile as he kissed her so gently. She had never seen him do this with anyone else. A good sign of how much he respected her. She enjoyed the affection after their passionate and rough coupling.
"Mm, very suitable of her," Ganondorf purred. "I look forward to meeting her, my lady..." He felt satisfied, for a while...enough that he could find his concubine to please himself with if he needed to. It wouldn't do to keep such a loyal girl unsatisfied, would it? "Trust in what I have planned, I have no doubt the heroes will be thrashing like rabid dogs in a cage...but we will prevail." he smirked. "I must make sure I have a proper world for my girl to grow up in, now don't I?"
Medusa grinned as she felt a thick wad of cum ooze lazily out of her pussy and then pressed her lips against his for a moment. "I do trust you, Ganon. You best hurry though. She'll be out before you know it...and she'll grow stronger and bigger every day. As far as the heroes, I do believe there is the matter of Palutena's interference." The grin fell from her face as she spoke that woman's name. "We must keep an eye on that girl that came from the Mercenary's sword and destroy her as soon as we get the chance."
"Agreed," Ganondorf murmured in thought. "But for now...we will wait," he purred. "I am told the Hero of Time has started to deal with the problem in the Zora Domain? How does he fare?" Honestly? He wasn't expecting it to last much longer. But that was fine and well, hope lead to risky assembling them all at once to be crushed. He still had two pieces of the Triforce. He was in a healthy spot. But Link?

No, the only thing that would end Link would be Ganondorf himself. He was an exceptionally talented boy, much to his annoyance.
"...He is dealing with my forces, slowly but steadily. I was not aware that there were such magics on the surface that allowed a man to breathe under water like a fish...but no matter. He is lucky I don't have the time or energy to deal with his heroics. Otherwise he would have retreated a long time ago." Medusa wasn't too fond of waiting...Palutena's little experiments always got stronger with time...that Pit had been a thorn in her side for the longest and now that girl would be too. But she couldn't do much about it, not in her state. Sending her Pit to deal with the situation was probably a gamble...he was more useful when he wasn't outnumbered after all, and she was in a camp filled with Hylian soldiers a the moment.
"In time," Ganondorf purred in promise. "We shall watch that girl that came out of the sword, perhaps the Phantom should return...we must keep the heroes on their toes, hm?" he smirked. Kakariko Village was not something they could ignore. It was a stubborn defense that had to be worn down and assaulted constantly, they had the manpower...the mercenary and his forces didn't. Patience was key...

"Now then, why don't we clean ourselves up and see what we can do about making sure all of our pieces are in place?"
For now...she'd just have to trust the father of her child. How could she not, when he radiated such confidence and power. That triforce of his did increase his capabilities by a much that even she was worried about ho powerful he'd be once he retrieved Zelda's piece. He would rival the power of a God if not eclipse it. Good thing she was on his side...

"Sounds like a good plan..." She purred as she got up from her bed.


Ragnell and Ike had traveled about a day and a half, along with his secondary partner, who had been named Sona by the man himself. They finally reached Castle town in order to deliver the news and brief quickly with Queen Zelda. Before they left, Ragnell was given a black tunic and tan pants to wear, along with Ike's red cape. At some point or another, Sona had "lost" her pants but kept everything else on. The tunic was long enough to cover her entire body though anyway, so she didn't see much of a point to the pants. Though she did regret it later when the night air kissed her legs.

"Oh thank the Gods that we're finally here...I don't like walking..." Sona cried out when Castle town came into view.
"You'll be getting used to it, Sona." Sona. He didn't know where the name came from, but he quite liked it. "We do a lot of walking, remember?" he murmured. He didn't know if he could ever explain back home that his sword had a spirit in it, so...hopefully? He could shape her into a natural born mercenary with time. Their return was as if the goddesses themselves had came in, and a messenger boy was sent bolting into the castle like a shot.

It...felt good to be back with good news, villagers were desperate, almost crying with nerves. It was hard to keep a straight face. "Come on," Ike said, hand on her shoulder to lead her along. It wasn't their place to say anything.
Sona wasn't sure how to react either. She had never interacted with anyone except Ike and Zelda and...well these people just made her sad. This was how normal people lived, in fear of what may happen to them. Ganondorf was a real threat that everyone knew, and she wished she could figure out a way to hurt him again. Though Palutena wasn't much help. Even she didn't know what type of power she had possessed in this form.

Once they were let into the castle walls, Zelda ran over to Ike and hugged him tightly, as if she hadn't even seen her. "Oh my goodness, Ike...are you okay?" Her eyes darted over to Sona, and she started to recognize that messy blonde hair and those red eyes and dark skin. However..she saw Ragnell on Ike's back. "Umm...what?"
"...Long story," Ike sighed, but returned the hug as Impa went to join them. She was as equally surprised, but for other reasons, of course. Ike settled his hand affectionately on Sona's head. "This is Sona, your majesty...she has been an invaluable friend to me for as long as I have known her. She is the reason Kakariko still stands." They had much to talk about, and his expression said as much.

"...Where did you come from?" Impa asked curiously.
Sona looked at Impa and for a moment, she was silent. "I come from where Ike comes from." She said as she stepped closer to Ike. What was this feeling now? She felt like butterflies were in her stomach. Like she was nervous talking to this one? She was kind of scary but that wasn't it...Sona knew that this one was Zelda's shadow, and she was definitely...a certain type of person that made her feel like this. Sona couldn't explain it but...her expression made Zelda laugh a little.

"Well, perhaps we can talk somewhere more private so you can give me details. I'm curious to know how Sona saved Kakariko."
"Of course," Ike said, tilting his head. "Impa, we would benefit greatly from your presence at Kakariko while I am gone. The men could use supplies and reinforcements."

"It will be done," Impa said, bowing respectfully at Queen Zelda. A logical course of action, one that Impa agreed with readily as she excused herself to gather what they needed. The more they shored up Kakariko, the harder it would be for them to take Castle Town. They had to play a delicate balance...she considered pulling people away from the Hylia garrison, but she wasn't going to leave that undefended.
"Thank you, Impa." Zelda told her before she left. She then looked at Ike and..Sona? That's what she was called now? "You two can come with me." She walked them to the dining hall..mainly because both of them looked like they could use a good meal. Which was odd, because the last time she remembered, Sona couldn't eat. She had the cooks whip them up something fresh, but as she waited she immediately started talking business. "Ike, what happened? Did you see Ganondorf? What about that cloud? Did you destroy it or did it just move away? What about Sona and Ragnell?"
"Zelda," Ike said with a minor sigh. "Slow down, alright? One question at a time." he said, arms crossed. "Yes, it went away, and..." he murmured, drawing Ragnell off his back. It was not the brilliant, perfectly polished sword that it used to be. The blade looked worn and cracked, and the luster was gone completely. "...We don't know," he admitted. "Ganondorf was...trying something, but it didn't work. Whatever...Sona did, it seems to have made her whole. Or maybe what Ganondorf tried made her whole. There was an explosion of light, and it weakened him to the point of retreat."
Zelda looked at Sona, who was sitting in her chair and looking antsy as she held her stomach. "Made her whole? But she looks to be half of herself if Ragnell is right here in front of us. Or do you mean she's actually alive now?" If she was eating, then that would definitely be possible. " must have been fun teaching her all the stuff people do when they are actually living and breathing." She giggled a bit and Sona lifted her eyes up and blushed.

"No. It wasn't fun. The things that go into my body don't come out anything like what they were before I ate them. I don't know if I can get used to all this." She told her with a grimace. "Not to mention being too cold hurts, hot things hurt...I don't understand how anyone can deal with these things..."
"...We had to explain to her just where you...did stuff like that," Ike mumbled somewhat awkwardly. There was something to be said about seeing a grown woman get some odd look on her face before she promptly unirnated down her leg like it was the most bizarre thing in the world to her. Thankfully, most of the guard were drunk by then and just found it hilarious. And to say...well, they won't talk about that one.

"In any case," he continued with a light sigh. "...She is a living, breathing person."
"Well...I suppose we can't really do anything about it at the moment. Except for, of course...outfit her properly so she can defend herself. Link is still gone, dealing with the problem in Zorra's domain. I am still waiting for him to come back...hopefully he's okay." Zelda's smile fell a little bit, but she kept in on her face. "At least you came back to me.."

The chef finally came out to serve Sona and Ike their food. Sona immediately helped herself. She might not like being hungry or using the bathroom..but she did love eating.
"It wasn't easy," Ike admitted. "...But I don't get paid if I die out there, right?" He was...awful at assuring employers, or...whatever they were now. He wasn't quite sure, truth be told...he still didn't know what to think about what they had done. "I'm here until the end, Zelda. Whatever that means."
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