The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Yes," Ike murmured. "Make sure you wash everywhere, Sona. Your hair," he said, waving his hand. "I'm going to see Zelda, our room is the door right next to this one, alright?" He needed to get out of this crazy mess he got himself in...
"..Okay." Sona said as she just stared blankly at him. He was leaving now? That was fine..she'd figure this out. She could go without him for a few minutes...maybe an entire hour tops. If not..well she'd be able to find him. She may have been mortal but she could still feel other people's auras from afar."I'll do that."
"...Okay," Ike murmured, glancing at her a moment before moving to see Zelda. She'd be fine, right?

...Ugh, maybe the talk with Zelda would be brisk. He kind of worried about her...
Zelda had been waiting in the garden for Ike for quite a bit. However, he did show up and she quickly closed the distance between them. " Sona okay?" It was hard for her to think of Ragnell as someone different than who she was but...she knew there was a reason why they decided to give her a different name. Perhaps it was in respects to the sword Ragnell itself.
"She's...adjusting," Ike admitted. "I don't think she fully understands everything yet, it's like a fully grown adult who never had to use a body before....or feel anything." he sighed, rubbing his head. "But it's...her, I know it is."
"What about Ragnell then? Are you going to try to fix it?" Strange to say "it" but..that's what it was now. Just a sword. "If..we could find the Gorons, I know that they are good blacksmiths. I've seen their work and it's excellent. We have blacksmiths here, but they never did come close to what the Gorons could do.."
"I don't know," Ike admitted. "...This weapon's really not even supposed to be mine, it was given to me, it's a royal heirloom, I don't even know if it could be fixed, For all I know now, Sona was what made it special, and I have no idea what it's capable of without her." Or if it could even be repaired, either...that would be the harder part.
"Why wouldn't it be able to get fixed? If it is just a normal sword now..then it should be like every other sword right? But I can understand if you don't trust it in the hands of just anyone. It must be very precious to you." She could definitely see why he had renamed the spirit that once was inside his sword. Even though it wasn't what it once was still part of his history.
"I don't know," he repeated, not to insult her...but he truly didn't have a clue as he slowly drew it. "I don't even know what kind of metal was made from this thing, Zelda." he murmured, eyes scanning over the cracks. "It might be risky to reforge it..."
"..Then maybe Sona knows? Have you ever asked her? It's...her old body so wouldn't she have a clue?" She wished she could be of more help, but she had never really seen a gold sword before. It really wouldn't hurt to go around asking though...maybe not in Hyrule...such material may not exist in her country but...he couldn't just walk around with a chipped and cracked sword. It was risky.
"Maybe so," Ike sighed. "...It feels...different," he admitted, shifting it around with his wrist. "Before, I felt like I could do anything with this blade. The weight is still balanced, and it's easy to hold...but I don't know. I don't know if anything can fix it, but I suppose it's worth trying."
Zelda stared at the sword for another moment before walking closer to him. There was barely any distances between the two as she inspected the sword more, her blue eyes scanning the crack. "Would you like to spar with me? Maybe get a better feel for it?"
"I'm...more concerned about breaking it," he admitted. "It doesn't feel like it's broken...but I didn't think it had a...spirit inside of it either." She smelled nice, nothing he needed to really remember at this point in time, honestly. But it was worth noting.
"I won't go hard," She promised as she placed her hand on the dull side of it, running her fingers along the crack. "I promise. I just want to see if it's broken or not. Spirit or no, it looks like a resilient sword. Maybe if you fight a little with it, you can tell if something is off."
"...Suppose it's worth a shot," Ike admitted after a moment, glancing at her. "And this has nothing to do with feeling all pent up, like you're stuck in a cage?" he joked dryly.
"I have my own people to spar with, Ike." Zelda smiled at him and then backed up, summoning her sword in her hand. "I'll parry. It should be okay that way." She told him as she took an offensive stance and gave him a smile.
"...Right," Ike said with a faint sigh, shifting into his two handed stance. "Whenever you're ready, Zelda."
Zelda looked at him for a moment before giving him a wink and then dashing towards him with her sword pointed towards his chest. She didn't hold back because she knew that he would be able to parry her. Well..maybe she did hold back some. At least her rapier wasn't glowing.
A half step forward and a faint twist of his wrist sent the blade sliding next to him, his other hand reached out to his shoulder to stop her. "Hm...try again," Ike said, their faces a few inches apart. "This time, act like you mean it, your majesty."
She looked up at him, her cheeks slightly blushing as their gaze held for a few seconds. Then she smirked and then stepped back. "I'm trying to go easy on the blade, not you. But if you insist." She said as her sword began to shine brilliantly. She then once again made a dash, her precision spot on. Her face was focused, losing it's smile and the hardness of battle played upon her expression. This time her intent was much more serious, and there was no hesitation her action.
Ike settled in his stance properly and moved forward, the impact was solid, even though it was a rapier. Magic light glimmered in a spark as he parried, and it vibrated against Ragnell. It didn't take it as well as it used to...but it still could keep up with the best of them.
Zelda grunted softly as she hit Ragnell with the tip of her blade and Ike redirected her thrust into the air. She laughed a bit and then backed up again. "Let me try again. It seems pretty good...did it feel fragile to you?"

Meanwhile, Sona suddenly sat up. She felt it...she felt something. Or maybe she heard it? Whatever it was, Ragnell had been struck. Was Ike under attack? She jumped out of the shower and grabbed her cape, wrapping it around her wet body as she sprinted out of the bathroom.
"Sort of," Ike explained, glancing at the sword. "'s hard to explain if you never used it. Before? It felt like I could strike this thing against a wall a thousand times, and it'd never It feels like a very well made blade. It takes some getting used to..." It was a normal sword, exceptionally well made...but not the Ragnell he knew.
"Then I suppose...we'll play around a bit more to see if it has any weaker spots..." Once again she took her offensive stance, both hands on the hilt of her blade. She then once again repeated her thrust attack, though she heard Sona's voice crying out Ike's name. She was momentarily distracted, but the second their swords clashed again, his blade burned a brilliant blue and a shockwave of energy shoved her back with enough force to make her feet leave the ground.
Ike blinked in surprise, his hair whipping as he slid back on his heels. Ragnell was smoking as he lowered the sword, glancing at Zelda...then a damp, practically naked Sona scrambling to join them.

"...Sona?" he blinked. He didn't know what that meant when he was...rather used to seeing her nude, not that he complained. "Wh...What's going on?"
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