The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"It usually is," He murmured. "You really are...alive now," Ike said, almost in disbelief. "Hopefully, we have something that fits you. You'll get cold tonight."
Cold was the opposite of hot. Did that hurt too? Right now she was comfortable unless the cape was open and the touched her skin. Was this why people wore clothes? "That's a good idea. I guess clothes aren't so stupid after all.." She laughed a little and then pulled the cape closer towards her body.
"Not when you can feel the weather," Ike murmured, arm around her shoulder. "Hopefully now you won't be so quick to tear everything off," he smiled.
"I won't..." She told him as she hugged herself to his body. He felt really nice. In a different way now. Though she remember him talking about how Ganondorf had retreated, and she sighed. "So..Ganondorf retreated? How will you fight him now?"
"Don't know," Ike admitted. "And I don't know what to do about Ragnell either," he murmured. "It's...cracked, and chipped. I don't even know how I could begin to repair something like that."
"...I'm sorry. I could feel it breaking..or rather I could feel myself breaking. It's that thing in his hand...whatever he took from Link, it made him strong enough to hurt Think if we cut off his hand, he'd get weaker?"
"Well..." Ike chuckled. "If that's true, then maybe what you did saved both you and the sword...and probably not, but it's a good thing to hope for," he said. "It must have hurt him, because Ganondorf left after that. So we've given ourselves some breathing room."
"Maybe I can do something like that again? Maybe I should ask Palutena...She's the one who gave me this kind of she has to know what it's for..." She actually didn't even remember what she did or what even happened...but there was obviously something inside of her capable of fighting against Ganon's evil magic. Something that might not be inside..Ragnell any longer.
"One thing at a time," Ike said, hand on her head with a faint smile. "Alright? First, let's get you some clothes...and then we can figure out how to get in touch with Palutena."

Despite the setback, things were going well enough. Ganondorf was less than amused with his surprise loss, but...well, one must play the long game when planning to conquer the world. He remembered the many fights through the generations, he remembered the ups and downs. He would accept these loses as they were, but what soured him was the sudden burst of light that drained his energy. Still, he snuffed out whatever light that Mercenary's sword it was a worthwhile tradeoff.

He appeared soon enough in Medusa's palace, which had gotten considerably more opulent as time went by. Sure, it was still clouds and pillars...but she was certainly adding her personal touches to the place.

"Hmph, well...whatever that sword had gotten blessed with, it's gone now." Ganondorf murmured as he came to Medusa's throne room. There was something...perfect about seeing a goddess pregnant with his child.
Medusa could immediately sense Ganondorf, and the fact that he had been weakened. She had seen the display of power that had drained him, and she felt it all the way in her lair. That magic sword had been blessed by Palutena. So..she was in this game too, huh? No doubt too cowardly to come to the surface and actually fight...instead she gave some nameless mercenary a little boost of power. One that wasn't gone but rather contained in a much more..mortal shell. That girl at the mercenaries feet would have to be dealt with.

"It may be gone from the sword, but not gone from this world. It just manifested into a different form. One that could either be much easier, or much harder to deal with. This is Palutena's work..." The pregnant Goddess spoke with bitterness in her voice. She could even sense the remnants of Palutena's magic on made her feel sick. She rose from her throne, feeling herself a bit off balance because of her pregnant belly. It grew every day, but she was nursing it all her power. Had she not been, she would have gone and destroyed that girl herself, then and there.
"Patience, my dear," Ganondorf smirked, moving up to settle her hand over her stomach with a faint purr. "Things are progressing exactly as I had should assume these hero types would always set back a pace or two, but worry not...this is a temporary one at best."
"Well yes. We didn't lose much. Just time...but we have a lot of time..." Medusa spoke as if 10,000 Bublins were nothing to her..and that was the case. For every monster lost, another took it's place. That's why they made good, replaceable soldiers. She smiled and placed her hand on Ganondorf's. It was large..the size of hers only half as big. But it felt nice. "So long as you're okay, I can write this off as temporary. Still, that power should be exterminated sooner rather than later. Perhaps I should send Pit out to assassinate her."
"As long as I'm okay?" Ganondorf smirked in amusement. "Well, that's a surprise to hear from you, Lady Medusa...have you grown fond of me?" he said, leaning closer to kiss her roughly. Who knew that Goddesses were more mortal than he thought?
Medusa returned his kiss with fever and then pulled away with an amused, half grin."Well, if you were gone, I'd be quite lonely. Perhaps I have grown a little fond of you. Still, it would be a major setback if you were're the key I need in overthrowing Palutena once and for all. That's why I'm helping you with your goal, so you can help me with mine. Besides, I'm sure your child would be upset knowing that she never would never get to meet her father..." She had figured out the gender earlier today. Even though she wasn't male, she'd still be quite powerful.
"Oh?" Ganon smirked a little. "A daughter, hm? Well...I suppose I'd better be careful, otherwise I'll have a goddess and a child to hear from, hm? Are you progressing well?" he said, hand slipping down her stomach.
"Yes. She's very receptive to the energy I'm feeding her. She has a strong resilient body, and she's barely developed. Her vitality must come from her father." Medusa was truly fascinated by this experience. She had actually never carried a child like this. She had her spawns that were from her own wicked magic. Spawns like Pit. But this was different. More intimate. She was bonding with this unborn child. She never had never felt love for anything but...perhaps that was what she was feeling now.
"No doubt," Ganondorf smirked, leaning forward to let his hands slip through her robes. " would look much better out of these..." There was a deeper, primal lust in his voice. Something about a pregnant woman had always made him feel powerful, more so than usual.
"If you want me to walk around naked and pregnant all the time, you will be in for a disappointment, my dear. However, around you and no one else, I will make an exception." Medusa purred as her robes began to dissipate into cloudy darkness. She was now standing fully nude in front of him, her belly protruding as if she were a third along the way of her pregnancy.
"I'm honored," Ganondorf growled hungrily, hand slipping along her stomach as he leaned down to kiss her sagging breast. "Mm, I do need to regain my strength...will you help me, my lady?" Beautiful...every inch of her was beautiful, and his.
"Of course. That's what I am here for, help you. I'm sure our child wouldn't mind if I stopped nursing her so I can tend to you..." She said as her hand raked through his wild mane of hair. Her breasts would get bigger and swollen with milk later on, when the time was right.
"Good," Ganondorf smirked, scooping his pregnant goddess up. He didn't hesitate either, the darkness covered them both...and soon they were in her bedroom. And he was naked, his scarred muscles glinting in the eldritch light as he laid her down, his thick, long tongue trailing across her scaled cheek. "A goddess needs proper respect..." he purred. "Allow me to do so, my lady..."
Normally Medusa didn't enjoy being carried off her feet. However, she would let it pass for Ganondorf. She let a lot of things pass or slide, mainly because of the...charming way he did things. He was an absolute ruthless, cunning beast of a man. And yet around her he was more proper, at least until the act of sex took him into his more primal state of mind. Her tongue met with his after he licked his cheek before it retracted into her mouth. "Please do..." She told him as she admired the seven foot tall, muscular and naked man. She licked her blue tinged lips and watched him.
He smirked at that, shifting to lay next to her as his mouth captured one of her breasts, sucking eagerly on the firm nipple as his hand slid down her stomach, settling down between her legs to fondle her wet lips with his thick fingers. His erection pressing against her hip. They truly hadn't the time to savor things, but since he wasn't going anywhere...why not?
She could always appreciate that amazing feeling of suckling. If this was him giving respect, than he should definitely show it some more, she thought. A soft sigh a pleasure left her lips as she felt his rough, calloused hand trail down her pale skin, riding up just along her baby bump and falling back down until it stopped at her already hot and wet pussy. One finger was enough to cover her entire slit. Medusa may have been strong but compared to Ganon she was tiny, and she loved it. She felt his cock pressing against her hip, throbbing and sending chills down her spine. She remembered that feeling well, but..she knew where he was going with this. The build up could make sex even more pleasurable with him this time. So...if he would tease her, so would she. She moved her hand over that thick, throbbing nine inch shaft of his and started petting it delicately with her clawed fingers, teasing the very sensitive tip especially.
"Nn..." he growled around her nipple as his big finger slowly sunk into her pussy. The pussy that he owned, that he made fat with was enough to make his cock throb against her petting hand as his mouth broke off and licked across her chest, and neck. His hips gently shifted against her hand, satisfied at the touch, so much so that a faint sheen of pre-cum glistened against her fingers.
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