The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

All this time, Ragnell had been doing her best to keep Ike safe from Ganodorf's darkness. Slicing through his barrier was easy, but..once he started using that thing inside of his hand, it just got so much harder. If Ragnell had to put the feeling into words, she would use the word dense or pressured. If it made her this uncomfortable, she could only wonder how Ike was putting up with it, and...she just had to do everything she could for him.

However, she was surprised when she felt Ganon's hand on her. At first, it just felt like he was being desperate, trying to pull her away. Then, it was much worse. Much, much worse. Ike did hear her scream. Because for the first time, Ragnell felt pain in this form. The light emitting from her blade began to dim, and the protective warmth that had been around Ike would disappear as she continue to scream. A deafening crack could be heard, and then the light was out, however her crying did not cease.

It hurt. She felt like she was disappearing..dying. But she knew that if she were to break, Ike would be defenseless. How could he ever hope to win without a sword? She couldn't let this happen! She had to do something before it was too late!

If Ganon felt any satisfaction from her light going out, he wouldn't feel it any longer. Ike would feel that warmth come back tenfold, and it was extremely powerful. Before Ganon could let her go, Ragnell exploded in brilliant blue and white flames. It was enough to kill anything around them that was evil other than Ganon, but Ike and his surrounding allies would only feel that same warmth that she had let out at the beginning of the battle. It was vitalizing..motivating even. However, when the explosion finally flickered out, Ike would immediately notice that his sword didn't feel right anymore. And if he looked down, he would see a girl at his feet, unconscious. It was Ragnell but..he was still holding Ragnell.
Hundreds of Bublins were evaporated in an instant in a massive shockwave, pausing the entire battlefield as Ganon's eyes widened and he protected himself as he was shot back into his front lines. He lowered his arms with a surprised grunt, smoke hissing off his body. Ike glanced at Ragnell in surprise, the sword...the blade was cracked. How...? His eyes trailing down to the dulled hilt found a dark skinned woman at his feet.

...Ragnell? But...

Ugh, they didn't have time, he quickly sheathed Ragnell and slid off his cape, wrapping it around the girl to scoop her up. She was breathing...good.

"Hold the line!" Ike said. "Fit into defensive formation!" he called, as the knights settled shield to shield, swords pointing in warning. Ganondorf exhaled in frustration, nostrils flared. That last hurt. He could feel the ache even now, in his bones. Whatever that trick was a temporary setback, yet an annoying one. He had been close, but that sword of his had no special strength to it now. He'd have to regain his strength...but his Bublins would be suitable for now as he turned to leave.

Ike moved into the village, laying the woman down where one of the healers was tending to cycling battlefield injuries. He knew it was, but...she felt different. There was a heat to her face, and pressing his ear to her chest, he heard...a heartbeat?

"Who is this, Ser Ike?" The healer murmured.

"Complicated story," Ike said faintly. "She's...a friend, a dear friend...keep an eye on her." he said, rising up. "Give me a sword," He wasn't leaving those men alone...there was still a battle to be fought. He took Ragnell off his shoulder and set it near her. Ganondorf had retreated, but that was only one problem of many.
Even though Ike had wrapped his cape around her, Ragnell could feel that he was leaving her. As much as she wanted to, she could not wake up. She felt something she couldn't was an overwhelming feeling that demanded she stay asleep. However, she fought it. She fought it and opened her eyes, seeing Ike...her master...? She felt more incline to call him Ike right now for whatever reason...asking for a sword. No! She was his sword..wasn't she?

She struggled to sit up. "Ike! Wait.." She begged him, though she felt a jolt of pain rush through her body. Ugh! She was still feeling that? Even though she had just managed to open her eyes, Ragnell couldn't keep them open or even continue to sit up. "Don't leave..." She whispered before she succumbed to her fatigue once more, falling unconscious. This time, everything went black.
Ike glanced back to her a moment, before turning back to the battle. It was a conflicting, complicated series of emotions that burned through his head. didn't matter right now. He couldn't risk damaging Ragnell any more than he needed to. The battle was won, but it came with a foreboding sense of dread for Ike. Even though their numbers were half, they had managed to repel a force ten thousand strong. Whatever Ragnell did to protect him and repel Ganondorf worked in their favor...but they wouldn't have that trick again.

Still, he wouldn't dampen their spirits...

"Send word to Hyrule Castle," Ike said as they came back in, tired, weary...bloody, but victorious. Zelda would be happy to hear that they had least, today was won. But today came with new questions and confusing answers as he headed to the Inn, which was serving as the infirmary. That was Ragnell...he knew it was, but...why was she not in the sword?
Ragnell had been in a deep sleep the entire time he was away. Though she heard one thing in her mind. Palutena. Even though she couldn't see her, she could hear her.

"Ragnell, wake up. Ike has won the battle today, but you must understand what happened to you. In your desperate fight to protect Ike, you released your spirit from the blade that was once you and released a massive shockwave of energy. Had you not had a body, your spirit would have disappeared. However, that wasn't the case..and now you are alive, Ragnell."

The voice faded after that, but Ragnell didn't really didn't know what to say anyway. She was...alive. So that meant she wasn't a sword anymore? This was too confusing.

The moment she could feel Ike near her though, she opened her eyes and stared up at him. Throwing her arms around him, she squeezed him tightly and could feel something wet and warm streaming down her face. She didn't know what it was, but she just felt so much emotion at once and it was overwhelming. At least he was safe, at least he was safe even though for the first time they had been separated on the battlefield. It was an awful feeling for her knowing she wasn't there.
Ike blinked a little in surprise, hearing her sniffle against his chest as he settled her hand on his head. "Hey, hey...I'm okay," Ike said gently. Crying...? Concern? Concern, yes...that...that was something she had. But this felt...genuine, much more genuine. "Are you okay?" he said, pulling her away a little to look at her face. She...she really was crying, her eyes seemed different. ...Real? Real was the only word he could think of.
Ragnell looked into his eyes and hesitated. So many things felt different but still the same. She couldn't stop whatever was coming out of her eyes, she just nodded before she attempted to speak. "I-I..was so w-worried. A-about you. I am sorry..I couldn't fight with you..I don't know what I did but now I'm u-useless..." The more she talked the more it hurt! She was in so much pain and she didn't even understand it...
"No, you're not useless," Ike said gently, hand running through her hair. "You saved me, and everyone're a hero," he assured. "Come now...stop crying, okay?" he said, hand brushing tears away. "I'm fine, you're fine...everything is fine." he said, arms around her again. What was going on...? Whatever it was, his heart went out to her. She seemed so...frightened, and scared. He had never seen her like this before.
Ragnell felt..comfort in everything Ike had done. Once again, completely different yet familiar. Though the strangest thing was, when he told her to stop crying, she didn't. At least not right away. She sniffled, and then attempted to calm herself as best she could. "I really saved you..and everyone else?" She asked quietly as she stared into his eyes.
"Well, whatever you did...Ganondorf retreated afterwards, we were able to win." Ike smiled, hand on her head. "So you did...I wouldn't be standing here without you, and I bet this village wouldn't be either. We were outnumbered, and we did it." The only problem was...what happened to Ragnell? The...sword? If this wasn't Ragnell, who was it? But he knew it was-...ugh, he was just going to give himself a headache...
Ganondorf..retreated? Even though he came close to beating..killing Ike. He retreated? Because of what she did? "Oh. I remember now. I really wanted to protect you and...somehow I detached myself from the sword. Palutena said so...she said if I didn't have another physical form I would have disappeared for that. I think..." She looked down at the sword next to her. It was almost like..she was staring in a mirror but...she wasn't. She placed her hand on it, and it felt cold to the touch. She just had a strange feeling about it.

"I don't understand...I can't go back inside...I really am detached...I don't like this." She could feel tears coming to her eyes again. No..she really did not like this.
"I don't know either," Ike said. "...But, look on the bright side," he said, mostly so she didn't start crying. " more hiding," he said with a faint smile. "You're with me for good out here, that's something, isn't it?" It was the best thing he could think of, right now.
She looked back at him, feeling some relief from his words. It was enough to make her smile a little and she once again went over to hug him. His cape by now had fallen off her body and to the floor was a little strange seeing a girl be so comfortable without clothes to those around them. But no one said anything. "So you still want me around even though I'm not Ragnell anymore?"
"Whatever you're someone I know," Ike murmured, hands somewhat awkwardly on her back. "Someone I can trust to watch my back, we just need to...figure out what happened, and what we can do." he said. "Alright? No more'll probably have to start wearing something from now on," he chuckled. "No excuses now, right?"
She sighed softly and then laughed a bit too. He was really making all of this better. She was still confused and kind of scared, but...she just felt safe now with Ike here. "Okay. But umm..." She placed her hand on her stomach and grimaced. "I feel pain here.." She had never felt the sensation before. Was she injured?
Ike tilted his head a moment, glancing to the healer who furrowed her brow in confusion. Curious, he settled his hand over it and it let out a faint rumble. Ike blinked, and the healer laughed...after a while, so did he. It was good to laugh, eventually...most of the barracks was laughing, even some of the wounded. They had all be watching and wondering what the hell this little browned skin girl was about...but the simplicity of her ignorance was charming.

They needed that.

"You're hungry," Ike smiled genuinely. "Come deserve something good to eat after all you've done today....maybe we should think of a name for you, too."
Ragnell looked around at everyone who was laughing. What did she say? Was pain funny or something? Though when Ike explained her feeling, she sighed in relief. She knew what hunger was, because Ike always had to eat..well everyone did really. So now she had to as well? She took his cape and wrapped it around herself. Mainly because knew that she couldn't be naked in front of all these people. That wasn't proper. "Food...sure. I don't know if I could ever get used to anything that isn't Ragnell though...but..." She glanced at the sword next to her once again. "It doesn't deserve to be a nameless blade..."
"Agreed," Ike said, shouldering it. "We'll think of something for you, something that you like." he promised, hand on her shoulder. "And something that you don't want to tear off wearing." he joked. "...You can keep the cape, by the way. I think it suits you."
The girl pulled his cape around her and smiled. "I like it because it came from you. If I can't be with you, I'll just wrap myself in this..." She told him and then started thinking of a name for herself. She wasn't good at things like this at all. Especially when her stomach growled even louder as it demanded to be fed.
"Come on," he said, leading her to the nearby pot. Professional soldiers all around, but it was hard not to admire her. He didn't blame them, but a gaze or two usually stopped them from staring too long. Either way, he pulled a clay bowl out for her and dipped it into the pot. Stew...ugh, the soldiers daily rationing. It was that and hard bread, easiest to carry with...maybe they could get some better food now that they weren't under direct threat.

"Slowly," he reminded, putting some bread into the stew. "It's going to be hot, too."
She didn't seem to mind the stares, if she even noticed them at all. Ike's cloak was big enough to cover her, until she reached out for the bowl. She sniffed at it, and it wasn't really all that appetizing. Not bad just...bland. The took the bread out of the soup and put it in her mouth. For a moment, she had a very confused look on her face as she tasted her first dish. Then she continued to eat slowly, seemingly enamored with the food. Though when she went to eat the soup, she nearly dropped the bowl. So that was "hot". It was painful, especially on her tongue.
"You okay?" Ike asked, taking a careful sip himself. "Blow on this," Ike said, cooling the steam off the top with his lips. Well, this was going to experience.
Ragnell watched him and then repeated his movement. Though she suddenly found herself having to take a deep breath again. She didn't have to breathe so much before...she was just noticing how easy it was to lose breath. But she didn't mention anything. This time it was a little bit better, and it actually was pretty good. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at Ike. "The pain is gone..."
"That's because you're not starving anymore," he chuckled. "Eat until you feel full, then stop...otherwise you'll get sick." Well, she was catching on a lot better than he was hoping.
"Full?" She was going to question him, but she decided to just finish what she had in her bowl. Once she was done, she felt satisfied. She didn't want anymore anyway. But it was good. " nice." She told him.
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