The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"..You're right, Impa. I should probably stop sulking in my room." Zelda giggled a bit. A walk through Castle town would actually cheer her up, now that she thought of it. Motivate her even. If she saw the people who she wanted to protect most, then she would find her drive again. She couldn't let Ganondorf win in battle, or within herself. She wouldn't let herself fear him.

"I'll do that right now, actually."
"I would be honored to accompany you," Impa said with a polite tilt of her head. Ever the shadow...but at least she was a smiling one. That was a start, kids sort of feared Impa...but then again, it was hard to not be scared of a woman carrying a sword as wide as her.
Zelda returned the smile and then looked at Ike. "Will you stay here and continue to work on things, Ike? Or maybe you'd like to come to?" She wasn't sure if Impa and Ike's relationship improved. He had returned her back safely twice...if he wasn't to be trusted, he wouldn't have come back at all with her.
"I would be honored, your majesty...but I must tend to Karikaro Village first," he said, tilting his head. "I would like everything ready as soon as possible."
"Of course. Then, please be careful. Although I don't have to tell you that. Ragnell will watch your back." She winked at him, seeming to be her old self again. She turned on her heel and then headed out of the castle walls towards her town.
Impa glanced at Ike curiously, and he simply cleared his throat to excuse himself. Well, that was...better. If slightly embarrassing. This was admittedly not something he was an expert at, but his experience shown through enough that the Hylian soldiers knew to defer to him in certain aspects. Her officers were dependable veterans, the monsters must be a more consistent problem than he originally thought. They knew their opponent well enough, Ganondorf was the unknown factor.

Which, unfortunately...left it to Ike. He had faith, but he was worried about the new gain in power. Karikaro was a defensible enough position, and it held the main road. Ike sat on the roof of the Inn, staring off at the dark cloud. It grew bigger and bigger with each passing moment...probably by tomorrow, it'd be here.

"...It's gonna be a rough one, Ragnell...I can feel it," Ike murmured. "We don't know how strong Ganondorf has gotten, but...we're the only ones who can hold him off. Sounds really familiar." he admitted.
Ragnell changed back to her human form, taking his cape and cloaking herself with it as she sat next to him and stared into the sky with him. She sighed heavily and nuzzled his arm, pushing it in between her bare breasts. "It will be rough. But we can do it. We've done..lots of things together. Plus, when I struck his sword, I could feel...something. Something inside of me that told me I can beat him. This time, we won't let him take any hostages. We will fight until he falls. Because..I believe in you, Master. I believe in us."
"Getting awful bold these days," Ike smiled a little, hand on her leg. "Am I rubbing off on you? Or were you always like this?" he chuckled. Still, he found her company as relaxing as ever. The nerves began to ebb away. He supposed if every warrior could talk to their weapon after a battle, it would work in their favor...especially if the weapon talked back.
"I've always been like this. I'm probably the one who rubbed off on you." She chuckled a bit and then placed her hand hand on top of his. "I really do feel like together, we can do anything. I..for a little while, I...wasn't sure. I felt really lonely when you first picked me up. You were strange, but a little familiar. Each battle we fought together confidence in you grew. In us. So as you got stronger, so did I. Or at least our bond did."
"I suppose that makes sense," Ike admitted, fingers linking with hers. "It's hard not to feel like I trust you after everything we've been through, careful, alright?" he murmured. "This for us, and I don't want to get arrogant."
"You're the one who's holding me, so you be careful." She shot back, though her tone was friendly. "I'm glad you're weilding me and not the other way around. When you've been around as long as I start to feel untouchable but...When you see your owners's a lonely feeling. Now that I'm like this, though....I don't have to stand by and watch. I something." Suddenly her tone was downcast as she thought about her last master, his father. She missed him sometimes. A lot.
Ike knew who she was talking about, but he didn't know what to say. Some days were easier than others, you never forgot how you lose your parents...he wondered what kind of man he'd be if Griel was still alive. Or if he'd be proud of him, sometimes he thought so much about it, it hurt. Titania always kept him grounded about it, but even was hard not to wonder. He was still a young man, who grew up around the rush of battle and the potential thought of losing loved ones in a second. You grew to detach yourself on a professional level, to ignore what it really meant until you could let it all out. It worked better some days, worse in others.

"...I miss him too," Ike admitted. "...But we don't get paid if I die, right?" he said, giving her a faint smile as he slid his arm around her shoulder to pull her closer. "So I'll have to make sure I don't."
"True. But I'll save you if you need me to." Ragnell looked over and smiled at Ike. He didn't really say much, but...she felt better. Then again, it wasn't hard for her to feel better about things. She just had to forget about whatever upset her. Speaking of things that upset her...she really hoped that she could fight the brat who took Ernya away and hurt Zelda...twice. Three times because of the opening he gave that orange haired monster to strangle her! He was a thorn in her side. "I hope I see that black feathered cur again. I really want a piece of him." She muttered as she rested her head against him. Being so close to him felt nice.
He slid his arm around her waist, content to nuzzle a little against her hair. "We'll get our moment," Ike promised. "Our main concern is holding the line for these people, they fight hard and know the risks...our job is Ganondorf." he murmured. Without Link, he was the only one who had a chance...maybe he didn't have one either. The Master Sword was 'The Sword of Evil's Bane', but it wasn't like Ragnell hadn't done the job before. He didn't have to win, he just had to hold him off.
"I know but.." Ragnell cut herself off, sighing a little. "I know." She repeated and then looked at the sky, seeing the dark cloud still approaching. "Do you think he's going to come out of that? Like all those enemies did? That cloud is dark magic, right?" Ragnell asked as she suddenly pulled herself in his lap, her back pressing against his chest.
"Maybe," Ike said, hands settled on her thighs as he looked up at it. "Whatever it is, we'll deal with it together, right? There's not much sense worrying if we don't know...but I do know we'll make it out okay."
"I just was curious because, I think I can destroy it. Like how Zelda destroyed the other one? I think I have the power now." She thoughtfully spoke as she continued to gaze upon it. She wasn't sure, but something told her Palutena gave her the means. If endless platoons of enemies could spawn from it, that would definitely make sense for her to do. "I wish Palutena would actually show up here. She's worried about her own world, though."
"One problem at a time," he reminded, digging his knuckles into the top of her head with a faint smile. "Once we keep the ground safe, we can worry about what's going on in the sky...if you can shut that cloud down, we'll see how it goes." he murmured. "Anyway...I should get some rest, c'mon." he said, scooping her up easily. She always seemed so light to him, maybe because it was a strange thing to say...but she weighed about like the sword did. Perfectly balanced in his hands.
Ragnell let out a sigh of frustration as he picked her up. To her, it was just like how he picked her up when she was a sword. She was definitely used to it. "'re right. I just get so eager to want to help Zelda and her people. So I'm always constantly thinking about ways I can help. If you need rest though..." She rubbed his chest and gave him a smirk. "Maybe I can help with that right now?"
Ike blushed a little, despite himself as he swallowed, heading back into the makeshift room. He felt bad using an abandoned house...but they all were now. "...You've certainly started liking it," he mumbled. Not that he could ignore the feeling in his groin...
"I liked it this whole time." She told him as her hand went to caress his cheek. "Because you liked it. When you like things, it makes them even better for me.." She whispered to him.
"...Well, when you like it, I like it more," Ike murmured. "It's not just about me, you know," he chuckled. "I like seeing you enjoy it for your own sake, Ragnell." He felt like that was a statement that simply wouldn't stick, but it still felt worth saying. He lowered her carefully onto the bed, giving her a kiss. "...I suppose it would help take the edge off."
She returned his kiss and then looked into his eyes. She liked that he always wanted her to worry about her own feelings. "I can't help it. To me, you're my entire world, Master." She told him as she ran his fingers through her hair. "That's why making you feel so important to me."
"Well, I suppose that explains it," Ike smiled a little, leaning down to kiss her neck. What else was a sword, if not loyal to it's owner? "Shall I, then?" He didn't know why he asked, but it was fun to kiss down her body until she answered.
"Please..." Ragnell pleaded in barely above a whisper. She leaned her head back against the pillow. She could already tell he wanted it. His lips felt so good against her skin, but there was something else she wanted. She loved the kisses, and whenever he suckled upon her bosom, or if he touched her down there. She loved all that. But what felt the best was when he was stuffing his cock into her.
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