The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Medusa took his large hand and rose up with a grin on her face. They had plenty of traps to face, not to mention monsters and last but not least Ganondorf's Gerudo warriors. Yes, they had much to deal with. So there was more than enough time to prepare. "Of course," She purred. "Hopefully they won't keep us waiting too long..."
"Heroes always arrive just when they need to," Ganondorf chuckled, already moving to teleport to his place in the Goron village. He had done quite a bit of renovating, it certainly seemed to fit the more spartan ascetic, with dark banners and tapestries scattered about.

"It is not as majestic as your palace, my lady...but I enjoy it," he smirked, rolling Ernya off his shoulder to be taken by the Gerudo. They would prepare her properly.
Ernya started to open her eyes, but everything seemed so fuzzy and she wasn't sure what was going on. Her pussy and ass were still throbbing, remembering how much pleasure she had received from King Ganondorf. She made a groaning noise as she was carried away from him, almost as if she didn't want to be separated.

Medusa chuckled slightly and then looked around. "We may have different tastes, but your domain looks just as sinister as mine. Of course, the only thing threatening about my lair is the lava just underneath it, boiling and bubbling away." She smirked, and then wondered where her boy went off to. He had been in such a hurry to leave..
"Mm," Ganondorf mused. The sounds of battle were already starting, and his loyal army was already thinning out of the castle. The Demon King and the Goddess of Darkness hardly needed bodyguards. "Tell me, my lady...what do you plan to do once Skyworld is in your control?" he asked casually. "Your plans for the future?"
"First, I will make an example out of Palutena. I will strip all her powers away from her and take them for myself, then I will humilate her all in front of my people. All of them. Perhaps when I'm done, I'll send her back here, where she can live out the rest of her days as a mortal. Then...then I will weed out anyone who dares oppose me. After that, I will shape Skyworld into the Utopia it should be, not the cesspool it is now." She told him, her lips curling into a devilish smile. "What about you? What will you do when you take over this pitiful country?"
"Why be content with one country when I can take over everything?" Ganondorf grinned a little. "There is much we could do together, my lady...much indeed. So long as you understand that I would be your equal, not your servant...a partner, if you would." A bold claim, yet Ganondorf felt it was time to share it all the same. This was functioning well based on that alone, to see it break would be...unfortunate, but dealt with if needed.
Medusa was silent for a moment. At first, she felt herself superior to everything and everyone. Especially here, in a place filled with mortals. Though for some reason she felt this man was different. He was much stronger than even the mightiest warriors in Skyworld. He had crushed the original Pit like he was nothing...there was something that just made her see him as her equal. This was no longer a man she was manipulating, but rather a man she was working with to get what they deserved. Their goals perfectly aligned with one another. Not to mention..she was carrying his child.

"I understand. I will admit that at first, I didn't think that way about you. But being around you for quite some time, you've managed to convince me otherwise. Your hunger for power matches even that of in my eyes..we are equal..."
"Good," Ganondorf purred. "Because I hope to see more of you without that dress on, my lady..." Tasting the flesh of a goddess was beyond comparison, even if his mortal women were satisfying in their own way. Nothing would match with her, he rose up from his seat as the sounds started to pick up. They were getting closer.

"Please, have a seat," he said, motioning to his throne. "I would show you a more direct benefit of our partnership, Lady Medusa."
Medusa just grinned at his open expression of desire. Yes..she would love to experience him again, maybe in a different position. Mmnn, but she would have to stop thinking about that for a moment. She could also hear their enemies coming.

She sat herself down, feeling the warmth of his body still lingering on the throne, something she enjoyed. She rested her staff on the ground and waited, looking at him curiously.
They weren't sure what to expect when they hit the entrance to the Goron City, wasn't good. They hadn't seen a single Goron when they arrived, and what they did have was Lizalfos and Bublins. The further they went in...the more dangerous it got, lightly armored Gerudo women struck from every corner and all they could do was keep pushing forward ever faster. Even as they made it to the castle that Ganondorf had made in his design...a pair of dark eyes watched in the shadows.

Ike and Link were formidable, but Zelda? Slightly less would be a fight no matter what way they took it. But his purpose was still the same, Pit would capture Zelda...and he knew the perfect way to do it. He knew that the handmaidens that had dragged Ernya away were too busy assisting with the defense of the castle, so he made his way to the room where Ganondorf kept his concubines.

Amazing, she was still barely awake...she looked to be sleeping. Pit grumbled in annoyance, fingers gripping her hair as he pulled her up. "Wake up," he growled. "Your King demands your assistance, immediately." The robes were...different, compared to her more modest clothing from before.
Ernya's eyes fluttered up to Pit as she barely recognized her captor. When he grabbed her blonde hair, she whimpered and lazily propped herself up with her own two legs, looking away from him. She wanted to sleep until her King found her so he could violate her again. So of course, when he mentioned him to her she was much more alert. "What can I do for my King?" She asked him, her eyes hungry to please her new master. Queen Zelda was not even on her her mind anymore.

Zelda may not have been as strong as Link or Ike, but her magic itself proved to be a good compensation for it. She handled enemy hoards quite effectively, thinning them out enough to where Link and Ike could handle them much easier and faster. Though of course, she had to hold back. If there really was a Goddess helping Ganon, she needed all the power she could get.
"Come with me," Pit said quickly, arm around her waist to disappear in a blur of black magic. They had fought their way into the center of the castle, but the throne room still awaited. Ike, Link and Zelda.

Ike took a heavy breath, bloody sword raised. The three of them were back to back, but all of the Gerudo women were waiting for their chance. They had felled hundreds of monsters to get here, to say nothing of Gerudo.

"I'd take it that Ganondorf is here," Ike mumbled.

"Be my best guess..." Link said, shield still raised, his ears flicking when Pit appeared with their...'hostage' The plan was simple, and whispered into her ear as he grabbed her by the wrists to yank her back. The hostage, the scared little damsel...a moment of weakness before they finally struck.

"If you want to keep this stupid girl alive, I suggest you surrender." Pit growled, tugging her back to make her look as if she was struggling, his blades in the other hand to hold to her throat. "I mean it!"
So much for scouting, Zelda thought. They had already torn through most of the defenses, now the Gerudo..they were tricky. The way they fought, it was hard to get a hit on them...and they were fast. Very, very fast. So her spells would do no good here.

However, just before she even thought about a strategy to get passed them...that winged boy appeared once more. Holding a familiar face..despite a different set of clothes. "Ernya!" She shouted before glaring at Pit. "Let her go!" She didn't want to surrender but she knew she had no choice. There was no way she could watch her die...not when she was in this mess because of her.

Ernya looked off to the side, attempting not to make eye contact with her former Queen.
Ganondorf had to admit, that boy was crafty. With Medusa more than capable of watching with her powers, there was a faint, familiar chuckle as Ganondorf appeared next to Pit. Ike blinked a little in surprise, and Link's face tightened. Ganondorf, imposing beyond any shadow of a doubt, and a feeling that Ike got when he looked at him brought back all kinds of unpleasant feelings during the Mad King's War.

"My my..." Ganondorf mused, fingers brushing over Ernya's chin. "All of this effort for this little would be a shame if she was broken, wouldn't you agree, your majesty?"
When Ganondorf appeared, Zelda clenched her teeth. So..he was here. That didn't surprise her in the least. What surprised her was when he reached over and brushed Ernya's chin, she moaned softly and licked her tongue along his some sort of pet. This infuriated her. He broke her? How?! Ernya was one of the most loyal soldiers to the throne, and..

No, that wasn't important. They had to get her back, and they'd figure out how to fix whatever he had broken later. She raised her rapier and glared at him. "What did you do to her?!"
"Nothing she didn't want," Ganondorf smirked. "But..." he purred. "I will offer you a trade, your majesty." he said, stroking Ernya's cheek like she was his favorite little kitten. "You...for her. I have grown quite fond of her, and I would hate to see her hurt...however, you..." he smirked. "You, have something I, Ernya restored...for you."

"Zelda..." Link said, almost to remind her just how bad of an idea this would be.
Zelda bit her lip. As much as she wanted to save Ernya..even she knew that there were just some things she could not do. If he had her, then she'd be putting all of Hyrule at risk. Ernya would never be able to live with herself knowing that she had been the reason for her being held by Ganondorf. Eryna..the real one, wouldn't want that...

"No." Zelda could only hope that she could strike in time before they hurt Ernya further. "I'll just defeat you and take her back by force!" And just like that, her bow appeared, and she shot two arrows at the same time. One aiming for Ganon, the other at Pit.
"Oh really!?" Ganondorf laughed, ducking under the arrow as Pit flipped back. He pushed Eryna back, a normally cruel gesture no doubt seen as safety as he summoned a pair of swords as big and long as his legs. "Why don't we find out?" He smirked, slamming his swords into the ground and ripping them up for a wave of darkness. His loyal soldiers were already well out of the way.

"Shit," Ike muttered, scrambling to get out of the way with Link.
A blue sheild of magic appeared around Zelda as she spun around and reflected a part of his attack back at him. She then followed up with another arrow of light, trying her best not to endanger Eryna in anyway. She had to get her back to fact if she could only get to her fast enough they'd be able to take her and run. They had come all the way here for her and they couldn't just leave in vain...
Ganondorf dispelled with a flick of his sword, the dark energy skirting up his arm as he moved closer. This time, he had help. Pit's arrow slammed into hers, nullifying it in a confusing array of dark and light. No time like the present, Link moved up ahead and Ike followed right behind. With a shout, Link pivoted in a shining spin of his blade. Ganondorf blocked, stopping it midway as Ike launched up behind him. His own sword glittering with light energy as it crashed down on the other greatsword.

"Yes!" Ganondorf grinned widely, eyes glittering with power as he pushed them both away and advanced. His swings were half as long as they were, and they were in a confined space. Ugh, this was beyond insane...he had strength for miles, and Pit had him covered at a distance.
Zelda would take advantage of Ganondorf's distraction. She could only hope that Ike and Link could figure out a way to win against him. She'd have to take care of the winged boy and grab Ernya. She suddenly disappeared from the spot she was standing in and reappeared, her sword now back in her hand instead of her bow. Similarly to Link, she shouted just before she thrusted her sword, aiming for the boys chest.
Pit only saw a flash before he brought his blades up in a weak parry, the light magic skirting across his arm in a hiss of energy as he slammed his shoulder against her, spinning his blades apart with a growl.

"I have been so waiting for this," he said, eyes narrowed. He supposed he had to watch Ganondorf's favored little concubine now, didn't he? She seemed too enraptured watching him fight to think of danger.
"Oh really? So far all you've done is run away." Zelda hissed as she jumped back, not wanting to leave herself open after he parried her attack. She started to inch closer to Ernya, who was still sitting on the floor and watching Ganondorf fight. What the hell had he done to her? It was like she couldn't see anything but him or something...
Pit took a half step in front of Ernya and stabbed with one and swung with the other of his blades to keep her away. His fight was with her! He wouldn't let her be distracted by that zoned out girl!
Zelda managed to parry both his attacks, but they were quick and she couldn't counter with anything..not yet. Once against she stepped back. Two would be hard to find an opening...she'd have to rely on her magic as well as her blade. But he was so close to her spells wouldn't work! She once again charged forward, this time playing the offensive. She couldn't win standing around and trying to formulate a plan...if she got close enough, maybe she could force him away from Ernya.
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