The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Pit grinned in amusement, moving to meet her blow for blow. She was quick, for every one of her swings, he had to swing with his opposite blade to keep on the defensive. She couldn't do anything risky, because Ernya was right behind him. And he didn't want to think what Ganondorf would do if he let her get taken...or worse.

"You're not bad for a Queen," he smirked.
"You're not bad for a boy." Zelda responded. He was doing whatever he could to keep her away from Ernya...maybe as a defense..maybe because he needed to protect her. But Zelda..just needed to knock him off his feet. Once again, she closed in on him, but instead of a sword strike, that diamond force field of energy appeared around her and forced him back...and it disappeared as quickly as it came.
Pit growled in pain as he was jerked back, sent off his feet with a curse as he connected his blades to summon his bow. It was a weak shot, but the range he was'd be hard to miss the Queen before he slammed into the wall, the stone cracking from the impact.
Yes! She finally got him away from Eryna, now she could take her and run. The second that she took her hand though, she saw his arrow as the last minute and threw her arm. She cried out in pain as it sunk keep within her forearm, but it was enough to stop it from going anywhere more serious. The arrow disappeared and left a nasty wound similar to the one that Ike had taken to the gut. It hurt like hell, but so had her shoulder before she drank a healing elixer. This was the second time he injured her!
Ganondorf caught the noise, so did the others. It was a second of hesitation...and that was enough he needed. He grinned widely, turning and jolting towards Zelda in a burst of dark magic, his hand reaching out to grab her by the throat, and keep moving.
She was so focused on Pit, that she didn't notice Ganondorf coming for her until it was too late. She screamed as he grabbed her and dropped her sword, pulling and scratching at his hand. No! She knew Ike and Link...well at least Link for sure...wouldn't attack while she was at his mercy. She had to think of a way out, but...her arm hurt so bad and she could feel the dark energy festering. "Let go!" She choked as she attempted to kick at him.
"What a wonderful surprise," Ganondorf laughed, fist tightening around her throat as dark magic surged through her body. Link moved forward with a frown, Ike behind her as Pit stood in front of Ganondorf, eyes narrowed.

"Hylian women are so durable..." he purred. "But even the Queen has her limits, boy...either she dies, and I get her piece of Wisdom...or you give me yours, and she goes free."
Zelda screamed in agony as his fist clenched around her throat even more and his magic tore at her body. She wanted to tell Link not to give it up...this might have been a trick, and even if it wasn't...him having a piece of the triforce was more important than her saving her piece. Link was stronger than her...he could defeat Ganon with his piece even if he had hers.

"...Don't!" She choked out, but it was quiet and she was starting to lose her breath.
"Link?" Ike said quickly, fingers tightening around his sword. If he didn't make a choice, Ike would make it soon.

"Time is wasting, Hero..." Ganondorf purred. "She's a durable girl...but not this durable..." he smirked. Ike had underestimated Link, deeply...his eyes spoke of what he wanted to do, but his sense of duty couldn't do it.

"...And we leave? Just like that?" Link finally mumbled. Ganondorf's fingers relaxed, enough for her to breathe...but not enough for her to do anything else.

"Just like that," Ganondorf smirked. "I am a warrior, after all...what am I without my word? You will be dealt with in due time, boy...we must not rush these things, hm?"

Link's brow furrowed, and Ike wished he knew more of what was going on...but he didn't. All he could do was trust his gut feeling, and his gut really didn't want Zelda dying. But right now, they were outnumbered...and Ganondorf was too strong. He would be stronger, but this...this wasn't how they'd defeat him. He rose his hand up, his hand glowing faintly. Ganondorf smirked, raising his own as they both started to shine...and Link grunted. His hand was now dull, and Ganondorf's now had the two bottom Triforce pieces.

He laughed, hurling Zelda at the two of them. Ike and Link moved forward, catching her before she fell.

"Leave," he ordered. "You are of no use to me now."
Zelda could feel a single tear stream down her cheek as she watched Link surrender his piece of the triforce. Then suddenly she was in the air, but was caught by both Link and Ike. She looked at Ernya, who was groveling at Ganondorf's feet as if wanting to kiss his boots.. "Give her back.." She demanded, even though they were in no condition to be making demands. "Give her back right now!" She didn't deserve this..she didn't deserve to be his puppet!
"You don't understand, my dear..." Ganondorf smirked, fingers lacing into Ernya's hair, yanking it back. "She prefers it with me...don't you, little treasure?" he purred, hand slipping along her neck as Ike settled her on her feet and started to pull her towards the door. They didn't have time! He wasn't going to let the charity be wasted!
"Ernya!?" Zelda was trying to pull herself away from Ike, though his grip was strong and wouldn't budge. Just as they left, she haerd Ernya's response.

"Yes I do, my King.." She answered, not paying Zelda any attention at all. Zelda just...couldn't even respond. She looked away, and then finally stopped resisting Ike. She...she had lost Ernya...
Ganondorf's laughter filled their retreat, as bitter of a one it was. Link never faltered, and Ike...Ike didn't know what to say to that. It took a man far greater than him to accept this so soon. The ride back was somber and empty. They couldn't rest, they rode all into the night and well into the morning to get to Hyrule: Ganondorf had returned...and now? He had two pieces of the Triforce. Ike had so many questions, wasn't the time for them.

Not yet...
Zelda had no idea what to feel. It was only a matter of time before Ganondorf would seek out her piece of the triforce as well. When that day came..she wasn't sure what to do. He would march onto her castle with every last bit of power he had. Many would die...and she could do nothing about it. This was why she wanted to stop him first before he got to her castle...but she had failed and now..he was even stronger than before. Not to mention...a Goddess that was at his side. Who knows's what she would do...what she could do...

But what was even a worse blow was when she heard the news of the waters of Zorra's Domain being completely polluted with poisonous ink from a large kracken. Their people, much like the Gorons had simply disappeared, and one could only fear the worst. Now monsters continued to lurk and pollute their waters.

What...was she going to do?
People were a mess, to say the least. Nobody knew what to do, and they had scared villagers seeking solace inside Castle Town's walls. There had been a steady trickle of people since the news had been discovered. Adora Village had been moving in since they had left there days ago. At the moment, things were simply at a standstill. Ike headed out to the ramparts with Link, where Zelda was watching with Impa.

They didn't say anything, really, simply resting against the stone of the castle. The dark cloud was getting bigger, it's intent clear as day. People could feel it, taste it in the air. It was in these times that Ike had really gotten to know Link, a young man as courageous as the heroes you always heard about in the stories. He told him about the Triforce, what it meant...the Hero of Time, and what that meant too. It was all starting to sink in what it was coming to, and none of it was good. But...they had a plan, or a suicidal notion.

It was the only real shot they had at maintaining some kind of stability.

"Zelda," Ike murmured. "Link and I have been talking....and we have an idea."
When Ike had come up to Zelda, she had barely noticed him until he spoke her name. Her blue eyes looked into his. He would be able to see that the Queen had not gotten much sleep since they had returned...since they had lost Ernya. Many people were shaken up by the lives that were taken in the Lost Woods too. She felt so...angry. Upset. She wanted to avenge them..but...

"What is it?" She asked Ike, her downcast expression somewhat lightening at the mere notion of hope. She couldn't think of anything...but it seemed like they might have...
"The Sages," Link murmured. "Zelda, I have to do something about the Zora and the Gorons...if something happens, they're the only chance left. I need to go to the Zora Domain and see what's going on. And fix it. Ike's agreed to stay here to keep an eye on things in my stead...I would trust no one else but him and Impa to do this." he murmured. "Without the sages...we have no backup plan."
"What are you going to do about the Gorons, Link? We didn't see any in death mountain. Even if you do take care of the problem in Zora's Domain, there's still that. If Ganon has them..." Zelda trailed off and sighed, then threw her arms around Link. She wanted to help, but she felt like she was making everything worse. "Please Link...don't get yourself killed. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.."
Link blinked a little in surprise, but returned the hug after a moment. "...I'll be okay, I promise." Link smiled, leaning back a little. "Hero of Time, remember?" Well, that didn't make Ike feel horribly awkward. They were...together? Or...used to be? "I'll be back as soon as I can, but someone has to go...and I have the Master Sword, if I can do anything, I need to try."
Zelda drew back and looked her former lover in the eyes. Even though it hadn't worked out between them, more because Zelda just didn't think there was anything "there", she still held a great deal of care over him. She couldn't say she was in love with him in the first place really. Maybe she just felt an obligation to be with him after he rescued her time and time again until she learned how defend herself. However, she knew that she really didn't want to see him hurt. It made her heart flutter just in the tiniest to know that he still held so much courage even missing his piece of the triforce. Link was still Link, regardless.

"Right...okay. Good luck, Link." Zelda gave him a smile after she released him.
Link smiled easily, glancing to Ike.

"...Take care of this place while I'm gone, Ike." Ike didn't like the tone, but he didn't say anything. He simply nodded.

"It'll be standing when you get back," he smiled. "Impa and I can handle things, so long as Zelda doesn't start bossing us around. I don't get paid for that." Humor, something he wasn't very good at, admittedly...but seeing the Queen of Hyrule in such poor spirits would be bad for morale. At least, that's what he told himself for joking.
Zelda gave Ike a glance and smiled. It was a small one, but at least it was some reaction to his joke. She watched Link go off, sighing heavily. If Link could still be so courageous even still, she had to work harder. She turned to Ike, looking at Ragnell on his back. It had been quite some time since she had seen or heard from her. Then again, she was never around Ike in private anymore, even though she sometimes wanted to be. She imagined him holding her and telling her everything was going to be okay. But...he wasn't that type of man.
"...So what is the plan?" Impa asked. "They have to be coming for us, we can't just sit around and wait, we need to set up defenses." she insisted.

"We will," Ike murmured. "But the roadway is the fastest way to the castle, we set up a garrison in Karikaro Village...those Bublins still have feet, after all. That'll be the first line."

"Then we will set up fallback points until the castle," Impa said, finger tapping on the stone in front of her. "Allow them a chance to retreat."

"A risky move...but good for morale," Ike decided. "I'd like to take the garrison, if you don't mind, your majesty."
"No, I don't mind." Zelda told him as she tapped her cheek. This was the least they could do. It was inevitable that they would face the enemy any day now. Even if it seemed hopeless, she could at least try her best. Everyone else was...she needed to be the Queen everyone knew. Zelda trusted Impa and Ike, and they had a bit more experience with this sort of thing. So for now she would just listen and put out any suggestions she had if she felt they could be a contribution.
It was good to see her back in a focused mindset, so Ike nodded faintly. He had preparations to make, they didn't know what to expect...but Ike bet that they'd be expecting something.

"It would be good for the people to see their Queen, my lady," Impa smiled. "It would brighten their spirits," She was always so good with the people, her natural charisma was infectious...and the loss of Ernya had shattered her resolve, she needed to regain it.
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