The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Please what?" Ike said, his low voice teasing as his tongue flicked over her stomach. "Be clear, Ragnell..." he goaded gently, hands slipping along her legs to part them wider.
She shivered as she felt his tongue on her tight stomach and frowned. She wanted to protest and tease him, but he had told her to do something so she'd do it. She was already wet, and when he would part her legs further he would catch her scent in the air. It didn't take much. "Please, become one with me. I want to feel you inside, Master." Her voice was needy and filled with desire.
"Good..." Ike smiled faintly, kissing her stomach as he slid up and pulled his tunic and armor aside, exposing his muscular, scarred chest. His pants and boots came off after, his erect dick eager for his partner as he settled on his knees on the bed, pulling her closer with his cock tapping against her pussy. "You're so impatient, you know that?"
She seemed to be enamored with him as he took his clothes off. That's the way she liked seeing him best, where he wasn't hidden under all that clothing. But he couldn't walk around naked like her..he needed the armor. "What do you mean?" Ragnell asked him as she bucked her hips slightly to rub against his cock. "I just want you..badly."
"I know," he grunted faintly, hands slipping through hers with a playful grin. "...Come on, you only live once, right?" he said, helping her back up.
"What are you doing?" She asked him as he lifted her back up. "Are we not going to do it?" She was already pouting..
"Yes," Ike said easily, but headed back towards the door to nudge it open and put it into the cool night air. Normally? He wouldn't think much about it, but with a potentially impending death on his hands...what was a risk like this? Below them, there was a campfire, and plenty of soldiers trying to relax and laugh, Ike settled her against the railing, giving her a hungry kiss as his cock lined back up to her wet pussy.
As he picked her up, she wondered what he was up to. He wanted it outside? Even though there were people around? She couldn't think about much, though...soon he was kissing her rather passionately and all she could do was return the kiss, looping her arms around him. Not because she felt like she was in danger of falling...she just wanted to embrace him.
He slid her arms around her to pull her closer, tongue flicking across her bottom lip as his cock slowly slid inside with a faint breath. The night air felt much better anyway, especially with the impending feeling of dread.
Ragnell nearly started to make noise, but she realized it was probably best for her to stay quiet. She didn't want to draw attention to them..they might ruin their fun. She moved her head over to his neck and began to kiss the flesh there as her pussy eagerly accepted his length inside. Everything felt so right when they were like this.
Ike slid his hands down slowly, nuzzled against her hair. Of course...the whole point was making noise, so Ike didn't hesitate to pick his pace up. His hips slammed into her with a pleased little growl, fingers tight on her rear. The sound was carrying quite nicely, and so was his breathing against her hair. It was a different kind of rush, one that he never thought about. But if people saw, what would they think? He had taken some villager girl?
Ragnell let out a small cry against his neck as he started pound into her roughly. She felt no shame or rush from fact anything Ike did she'd feel was normal or acceptable. But still, she found lots of pleasure in their position, even when she almost leaned too far back. She was also finding it hard to keep completely quiet, her moans occasionally escaping her mouth.
Ike kissed her roughly, hands settling on the railing as he used it to keep her mashed between the two of them and buck into her, his breath coming in light pants. There was something wonderfully relaxing about a woman who just..didn't care, even if the guards chatter barely stopped below them. She was really starting to enjoy sex, it seemed...and Ike didn't quite know how he felt about that...but right now? He really liked it.
Ragnell could feel it again. The precious feeling she got. She was practically dripping right now as she started to get close. Right now all she could think about was her master. She wasn't aware of anyone else. She pushed her tongue into his as she whimpered into the kiss. He would know. He would know she was almost there because he knew everything about her.
He would know because her muscles tightened around his cock, and made it so much harder for him to move. His arms tightened around her as his moan escaped into her mouth, pressing her close. He couldn't wait, not that he wanted to. When he came, his world went white as his hips bucked firmly, spilling his excess seed on the wood flooring beneath them with a heavy pant. His hips didn't stop moving, and he wasn't sure why...
Ragnell cried out into the night air as she she felt her climax take hold of her. Shortly after, her master shared her same pleasure. She whimpered as his hips continued to move, even though he usually stopped after he spilled his seed into her. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. Did it really feel so good, he didn't want to stop?
There was a minor murmur of confusion below, swords were drawn as they glanced around. Ike nuzzled against her a moment, breath hot against her neck as his hips slowly continued. "...Tomorrow..." he murmured. "...It will be rough, I want remember something nice in the morning," he admitted.
"..That's fine with me, Master. Whatever we do will make me happy. I will always remember this night, just like every other night that we've been together.." She whispered to him as she heard the others below.
"...Good," Ike said, scooping her up with sore muscles to take her back inside. It was still early, what was another...hour or so to help him rest? At least the guards would have a funny story...assuming they made it tomorrow. He would need all the energy and good spirit that he could get, because come morning...that cloud was close, close enough to cast a dark shadow over the entire town.

And floating down with that cloud, and the thundering footsteps of ten thousand Bublin, was Ganondorf. Grinning in conquest.
Ragnell suddenly jolted up and then bit her lip. That was near. And so was Ganondorf. "I..Ike!" She cried out as she shook him a bit. "He's coming...Ganondorf is here with that army!"

It seemed like Ragnell could sense whoever she came in contact long before anyone could even know they were there. That was convenient...especially when it came to a threat like Ganon.
Ike was up when he heard his name...because he had never heard her call his name. He didn't hesitate in dressing, slamming the nearby alarm bell as people scattered into formation. From their second story building, he saw them. The massive army, and Ganondorf at the head. Their march was slow, built to intimidate and demoralize...and it might have worked. But they weren't there just yet.

"Alright," Ike murmured, fitting on his armor again. Captains were scrambling, archer teams were lining up. This is where it started...or ended. "You sure you can do something about that cloud?"
"I'm sure. Palutena told me I could." Sometimes Ragnell would talk to her while she was asleep or even when she was a sword. "She's watching. If there is any interference from that Dark Goddess, she will aid us as best she can." But the fight against Ganon was there fight. Palutena would only risk leaving her world if she knew exactly where the threat was.
"...Alright then," Ike said, offering his hand. "Let's go then...our job is to make sure these people live to fight another day, partner. Can't get paid if there isn't a kingdom left."
"Sometimes I really wonder if that's what we're fighting for still." She smiled a bit at him, her red eyes glimmering with hope. They could do this...they had to. She took his hand and then her body glowed much more brilliantly than usual. It was a much more radiant glow, her spirit determined and hopeful to in. Once it faded, she was his weapon once more.
Heh. Good question, wasn't it? Someone who was doing this for the money would have probably left ages ago, and he was still here. But as it stood, Ragnell was the only thing that gave them a shot as the headed out, blade against his shoulder. The archers had let loose the first volley, and the sky darkened with arrows. Bublins fell by the handful, but Ganondorf's magic barrier simply had the arrows snap off around him as he continued his walk.

"Leave Ganondorf to me," Ike said to the rows of soldiers in formation. This felt more familiar...more right. Something he knew more than ever. "Keep them away from the walls, maintain your formation. If we fail here, Hyrule is next. And if we fail, we take down as many of them as we can before we go." Ike said as soldiers drew their weapons, faces shining with determination. Even if the face of their greatest enemy...they did not falter. No matter what happened, Ike would respect every man and woman who fought today.

"For Queen Zelda, for Hyrule!" He shouted, weapon raised as the soldiers let out a roar in agreement. Another volley was let loose, and Ike and five thousand men and women charged out into the battlefield. Ragnell's blade burning bright lead the way as the Bublin's took a casual step back in surprise. Ganondorf grinned a little at that. He could not ask for such a dramatic way for them to die, could he?

He summoned his greatswords with a smirk, and rushed forward with his army behind him. He showed no fear, there was not a moment of hesitation in Ike's eyes. It was commendable, but he was stronger now. Even so, Ike let out a roar as Ragnell came up on a diagonal swing and he blocked. The impact crashed like thunder, wind kicking around them as the soldiers simply parted around them to crash with the Bublins.

"I'm impressed, boy," Ganondorf growled, blades holding his locked in. Ragnell was shining, the very air around it was shifting and turning. It almost hurt to look at.

"This ends today," Ike said in determination, shifting Ragnell out of the lock as Ganondorf snorted and advanced. Ike shifted his grip on Ragnell swung down. He sidestepped it as the blade slammed into the dirt, cratering on impact before he spun it around to swing at the demon king's waist. That surprised him, and Ganondorf barely could parry it away as Ike brought his sword back into his control and thrust. He carried that sword as if it wasn't two was impressive, and annoying. His barrier did nothing to help him. Still, Ganondorf parried and advanced. His other sword coming in for a thrust that Ike sidestepped and pivoted in a horizontal swing, moving his full body with the motion to regain his posture. It was blocked with Ganondorf's sword, and they held it in a lock. The only problem was that Ragnell's aura was hissing away at his dark blades, he frowned deeper at that.

"I tire of this game...and that sword," Ganondorf smirked as Ike's brow furrowed in concern. "I think it's time for it be gone," he said, his hand shining with it's two pieces of the Triforce. He had only seen that look once in his life, a look of burning power and ambition that reminded him of King Ashnard. His eyes started to glow, and dark energy radiated off him in waves. It was sickening to be near, only Ragnell's aura kept his vision from going blurry, he was quite sure. He pulled away as Ganondorf smirked slowly, his swords evaporating. Ike let out a faint breath, sword still raised in defense. His arms felt numb, just feeling those impacts from his guard was insane. It felt like he was fighting a brick wall.

"Swordsmanship is all well and good..." he purred, flexing his hands. "But to crush an opponent with your bare hands? That is the true joy of combat. You have impressed me, Mercenary. That is a rare feat indeed. So allow me to give you a more honest fight, Sadly, I cannot offer you everything...but you won't live long enough to see that anyway," he said. Standard evil saber rattling, threats without action. But this felt...different, just watching Ganondorf made a trickle of fear trail down his spine that was ignored by the tight grip on Ragnell. He was afraid. Even more so when Ganondorf took a single step forward and he was a blur of red and black. Ike's eyes widened, and he didn't know if it was his experience or Ragnell that got him to block. The impact against his blade made his ears ring as he slid back a good five feet, his heels sinking into the ground. Ragnell's light didn't dim as he tightened his form and took a breath, but he was already moving. Fast, really fast.

He summoned up the energy of his sword and hurled it forward in an arc that trailed along the ground. Ganondorf's heavy, rumbling footsteps hardly moved as his feet shifted and he jumped, turning in mid air before he shot toward Ike like an arrow. Ike had nothing left to do but raise his sword up to block. The impact was not on his sword...but on a barrier of light around him. Ike grit his teeth as he kept firm, the ground beneath him sinking as energy crackled and roared between the two of them.

"I see!" Ganondorf laughed, his fist tightening as the Triforce on his hand started to glow. The dark energy started to sink into the barrier, tainting it with corruption. Soon, only the area directly around Ike's blade wasn't dark. "You've been finding help as I have, boy! It's time for that to end!" he growled, his hand moving forward. Ike couldn't believe it, even as his skin started to tear and bleed...his fingers gripped the blade directly.

He didn't know what he heard in his head...but it was a noise that made his blood run cold.

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