The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Sona blinked and then looked away. She actually..didn't know how to answer that. For a long time her purpose was to be a tool for Ike to use in order to win his battles. Now she..was completely free of that obligation. She just knew she wanted to stay with him and make that choice if she ever needed be a tool for his victory even if she had to sacrifice her life. But was that truly her purpose.

"I don't know," Sona admitted as she looked away from him. "I just know what I want to do now, and right now I want to help Ike and Hyrule however I can. I guess I also want to be "useful" that truly a purpose for a person to have? You're a person, not an object that is built for one single purpose."
"Useful?" Pit muttered. "Yeah,'s not like we can do anything else, can we? That's what we're here for, a purpose. And what if you don't like that purpose, Sona? What then? What if your little mercenary boy doesn't want his sword all crappy forever?"
What was he implying? That she was only useful when she was inside Ragnell? "..Ike would never force me to do anything I don't like. And we can do other things besides being useful to others. We can enjoy ourselves too, and be happy. And you're...not happy. Far from it." She pointed out.
"It doesn't matter," Pit reminded idly. "My use is what it is, and when that use is done...I will be gone," he shrugged. Why was he even talking to this girl anyway? Just a waste of his day. But he didn't want that, he wanted freedom. The freedom to choose what he wanted to do, not be forced to do anything!
"That sounds awful. You don't want that. Why don't you just run away? Who cares about being weak for a little while? You can get strong on your own!" Sona took a step closer to Pit, her emotions getting the better of her. She was still getting used to having them and everything. Before she wouldn't have taken pity on him..but she felt something. She felt like he hated being evil. "Why don't you fight with us so those people can never threaten you again?"
"...What?" Pit muttered, taking a step back. "I can't just do that, are you crazy!? It's not like want to do that, either! You people fighting for 'good' are more obnoxious than what I deal with! At least Lord Ganondorf has a goal, what do you have? Fight us until it's over? What does that do?"
"It makes people happy!" She told him as she closed the distance between him once more. "Which makes us happy. Peace is good, Pit..there's more to life than just fighting and conquering! You just said once everything is over you'll go away. That's stupid. If you're with us, once everything is over you can experience other things in life, you know?"
"And I can do that with Lord Ganondorf too," Pit muttered, glancing away from her face. Ugh, what was it with women and being so...close to people? Lord Ganondorf and the mercenary both had the same problem. It was disgusting! "So why would I bother when I'm on the winning side?"
"Umm, because you're losing. You're with people who are using you right now...and can get rid of you whenever they want. Do you even know what having a friend is like? Because it feels nice." Sona moved so that their eyes met again. They were roughly the same height, but she still squatted a bit to meet his gaze. "You're always looking down. You should look up more. There is more to life than being useful. There's things like food, and friendship, and fighting for fun...yeah, fun. All those words begin with an F, the four things that every life needs. Food, friendship, fighting and fun. You only do one of those things Pit. Two tops. That's why you're so miserable and cranky."
Pit blinked at her like she grew a second head. "...You're joking, right?" Pit muttered. "Ugh, whatever...I'm out of here, I can't stand your weirdness any longer." What in the world was with her? How was a sword spirit so weird!?
Before he could fly off, Sona launched herself at him and tackled him to the ground, glaring down at him. "You're either going to join us, or I'm going to stick my sword in your gut for doing what you did to Zelda and Ike!" She growled at him, resting herself against his lap as she held his hands at his side. She wanted to help him, damn it. But she couldn't let him get away either..
Pit hit the ground with a pained grunt, blinking incredulously as this woman just...just SLID on top of him he was some kind of...ugh!

"Get off me!" Pit growled. "I'm not some kind of horse for you to ride!" he said, squirming in her grip. "What kind of friendship pitch is that!? What happened to fun and...whatever else you said!?"
All of his..squirming reminded her of something. She grinned and kept his hands down as he bucked his hips trying to break away from her. "You sure do feel like a horsey right now." She told him innocently but she kept herself on top of him. "All that stuff is irrelevant if we're not on the same side." She said as she shrugged, moving herself a little bit until she could feel that bulge that she assumed every man had. When she did, she smirked and looked down at him. The material of his britches were thin and so were her panties. "Hey Pit. I bet you've never done it before. The things that friends do..."
"W...what!?" Pit said, his face exploding into a shade of crimson-oooh, that felt good. His dick throbbed rebelliously against his pants, and the friction between them. Was...was this what Medusa meant, that he'd learn eventually? "That's not what friends do! Are you crazy!? That's...that's what people do who...I don't know, when they're together for a reason!"
Wow, she felt it. He was impressive...he didn't look like he'd be packing what she felt. "Yes it is. Ike and I do it all the time, and Ike does it with Zelda sometimes...we're all friends and we do it." She moved her face towards his and smirked. "I can tell you like it. I'll do it if you promise to be my friend."
"...What is wrong with you people?" Pit grumbled, shifting...somewhat pleasantly. "I...this is blackmail!" It wasn't a no, but it wasn't a yes. "And you're supposed to be the good guys!"
"Sex isn't bad." Sona told him, her tone absolute. "Sex is nice, it shows you care about someone or something and it feels good. That's how it's supposed to be." She started to move her hips. Her goal was to tease him, but she was teasing herself too. It was warm and she hadn't done it in a while. She never really thought about it as much as she had before now that the need to constantly please Ike had..dwindled. She was more thoughtful of herself most of the time. "Mnnn come on, stop being such a baby and be my friend."
"Ugh...fine," Pit grumbled, glancing away in annoyance. "Whatever," His face said one thing, his body said another. She seriously....they were enemies! This wasn't a thing enemies did!
"Say it. Say you'll be my friend." She demanded before taking his hands and placing them on her breasts. He wasn't going to run from her now...he was trapped because he wanted her no matter how much he pretended not to. "Say it or I won't let you..I swear I'll let you fly home with that big cock of yours as stiff as a rock."
"Wh-" He was about to protest, but then his hands mashed against her breasts and his cock throbbed in reaction. She was crazy! So was he! "Okay, Okay! I'll be your friend!" she was as bad as Medusa!
"Good..." She purred before she leaned over, her soft hair brushing against his face as she pressed her lips against his. Softly..appreciatively. She then removed his hands from hers and then started to run them down his body. He had never been touched. It was his first time and she wanted it to be special just like Ike wanted to make it special for her. Plus, the best way to convince him was through this very act. She wanted him to want more after everything was done, enough where he would want to stay even.

Her skillful hand moved underneath the material of his clothes and she ran her fingers over his defined abdomen and chest. He wasn't like Ike...but he was still in really good shape. While she did this she continued to move her hips, and she kissed and nibbled at his neck after breaking her initial kiss.
Pit blinked a little when she kissed him, he...didn't know what to do about that, but he didn't know what to do about her hands either as his just laid there somewhat awkwardly, shifting and letting out a faint breath when she broke the kiss to nibble on her neck. He let out a faint groan of surprise, hips arching up to meet hers. "W...What..." What in the world? Why did something so disgusting feel so good?
"Shh." Sona gave him one last kiss on his neck and then started moving herself down so she was between his legs instead of on top of him. She had accidentally soaked through her panties and left a stain in his lap, but whatever. She gently tugged his britches down until his cock was exposed. It was just as good as it felt when she was grinding against it. Thicker and deliciously long with a slight curve. She looked up at him as she slowly started stroking it with her soft hand. She hoped this would relax him.
His wings fluttered in surprise as he let out a faint, whimpering groan against her hand. "H..Hey..." he breathed, eyes fluttering closed. "Nn..." That felt, really, really good...why was she doing this? What was the point? This didn't seem like anything Medusa and Ganondorf did.
She pressed her finger against her full lips in response. "Shhh." She repeated, but her lips curved into a seductive smile. Oh, he liked this a lot huh? She removed her finger, grazing against the head of his cock teasingly before she lowered her head and opened her mouth. She lapped her tongue right across his mushroom shaped tip, leaving a glittering trail of her saliva on it.
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